Constructing and solving linear equations

Lesson Plan
Teaching Group Year 9 Autumn Term
Constructing and solving linear equations Lesson 1
VTB worksheets, excel resources
Aspects of National Curriculum Frame Work to be covered.
Constructing and solving linear equations with integer coefficients. Pg
122 - 125
Lesson context/focus:
Focus is on understanding the function of the coefficient, and solving
simple linear equations using inverse operations.
Key words : coefficient, inverse operations,
Pupils must make sure that when doing inverse operations it applies to
everything on the other side of the equation. Especially when concerning
Learning Objectives:
To be able to solve linear equations with coefficients before the
unknowns and with unknowns on both sides.
Structure of lesson
Starter : On the whiteboard have the Bodmas/Bidmas (XP) running. An
introduction to the order of functions can be used as a whole class
starter. It is important that pupils know the order of events. Do at least
one set of questions from each category and make sure that pupils
understand the order of Bodmas. (20mins)
Main : Using inverse operations use worksheet Ma36B003. Here the
questions have hints on how to begin the inverse operations. Also there
are examples with unknowns on both sides. (20 mins)
The pupils should then attempt Ma36B008 where the operations are not
guided and so the pupils must apply their own knowledge to performing
the operation. (10 mins)
Plenary : A quick introduction to constructing and solving linear equations.
Using inverse operations can we work out the following?
I think of a number, add 3, multiply by 4, add 7, divide by 9 then multiply
by 15. The answer is 105. What number did I think of?
Give the pupils time in pairs to attempt a solution. Suggest that they may
want to think about what things they had done in the lesson and whether
they could apply this to the problem. (10mins)
Extension. In worksheet MA36B008 there are some quadratic examples
that could be attempted by the more able pupil. For those who are unable
to perform the inverse operations without the hints a further worksheet
can be used: Ma36B004.