CLINICAL AND EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISION OF DOCTORS IN TRAINING Version 4 Name of responsible (ratifying) committee Educational Governance Committee Date ratified 21st August 2013 Document Manager (job title) Paul Sadler (Director of Education Date issued 04th November 2013 Review date September 2016 Electronic location Clinical Policies Related Procedural Documents Trust Policy For The Handling Of Concerns And Disciplinary Procedures Relating To The Conduct And Performance Of Doctors And Dentists The Wessex Deanery Strategy for dealing with Doctors in Difficulty Key Words (to aid with searching) Doctors in training; Clinical supervision; Educational supervision; Leadership; Supervisors; Professional education; Training; Medical staff; Patient care; Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection; Supervision; Teaching methods; Clinical teachers; Supervisors; Health and safety; Occupational health and safety; Multidisciplinary training; Clinical guidelines Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 Version Tracking Version Date Ratified Brief Summary of Changes Author 1 14.03.2008 PG 2 03.09.2008 Review date extended from January 2008 by Chair of Professional Advisory Committee New author, new recommendations for training courses for educational supervisors and new references added in the appendix. The wording of the document has also been altered to give the full titles of relevant professional bodies. 2 09.07.2009 PG 3 30/09/2012 3 08/08/2013 : Policy reviewed by Author- no changes other than review date extended from October 2009, revised issue date and issue number Review date extended due to change in DME and new GMC guidance to be issued which will dramatically effect the document New author, re-write of requirements related to new national guidance issued by GMC with clear statement of training and appraisal standards to be met. Roles and responsibilities updated. Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 PG PS PS CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction / background Status Purpose Scope/audience Definitions Process Duties and responsibilities Training Associated documentation / references (including related policies and procedures) Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This policy is required for safe patient care, support of doctors in training and to demonstrate compliance with Local Education Training Board and General Medical Council Standards. 1.2 All trainee doctors require high quality supervision in the workplace to help them to, make the most of all training opportunities, progress in the direction they require to meet the requirements of their curriculum, and develop a record of their training to evidence this at review. 2. PURPOSE 2.1 Outline procedures for supervision. 3. SCOPE 3.1 All medical staff 3.2 Every doctor in training must have a named clinical and educational supervisor at all times. 3.3 ‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’ 4. DEFINITIONS 4.1 A Clinical Supervisor is the named clinician responsible for overseeing the clinical performance of an individual trainee within a clinical placement. 4.2 The overall aim of clinical supervision is to ensure that the trainee is safe to carry out the clinical work he/she is expected to do within the department, and that he/she progresses within this particular training post/module. This will include direct input to workplace-based assessment. 4.3 The clinical supervisor is responsible for giving informal feedback to trainees and may discuss objectives and record progress on a more formal basis. The named clinical supervisor within a trainees placement should be responsible for flagging any areas of concern to the trainee’s educational supervisor. 4.4 An Educational Supervisor is a trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a training placement or series of placements. Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 4.5 The main aim of educational supervision is to ensure the overall clinical and educational progress of the trainee through training covering a number of placements and includes responsibility for regular appraisals, the collation of workplace-based assessment outcomes, and the provision of career advice and support as required. The educational supervisor is specifically responsible for the learning agreement. 4.6 Clinical supervision and educational supervision are often provided by the same person. The Wessex Local Education and Training Board (LETB) is however actively promoting a separation of the two roles, which means they need to be properly managed, and relevant information about progress and performance needs to be exchanged on a regular basis. 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Requirement under Health and Safety at Work act to provide information on appropriate supervision in the workplace. All clinical supervisors to note. All trainees to be aware. All educational supervisors to note. Director of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education. 5.2 The trainee also has responsibilities and these are outlined in the educational agreement. In essence the trainee agrees to take an active part in the appraisal process, setting objectives and developing a personal development plan. They are expected to identify their learning needs and also to recognise their own level of competence. This is formally recorded on their initial learning agreement and development plan and should form the basis of discussion with their educational supervisor. All trainees should include this information in their portfolio. These responsibilities are emphasised at junior doctor induction. 6. PROCESS 6.1 Every doctor in training must have a named clinical and educational supervisor at all times. 6.2 All Clinical Supervisors: a. Should meet with the trainee as early as possible in the job (ideally within the first fortnight) and ensure they have received an appropriate local induction for the department or area they are to work in. b. Must offer a level of supervision of clinical activity appropriate to the competence and experience of the individual trainee. c. No trainee should be required to perform or assume responsibility for a clinical, operative or other technique in which they have insufficient experience and expertise. d. Trainees should only perform tasks without direct supervision when the supervisor is satisfied regarding their competence to do so. e. Both trainee and supervisor should at all times be aware of their direct responsibilities for the safety of patients in their care. f. Must inform the educational supervisor of any concern related to trainee performance. Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 g. May provide supervision at four levels: h. Direct supervision in the operating theatre, the ward or the consulting room. i. Close but not direct supervision e.g. in the theatre suite, in the next door room, reviewing cases and process during and/or after a session. j. Availability on site within minutes, and regular review of cases. k. Off site, but accessible promptly by telephone, and reasonably rapidly in person along with regular review of cases. l. May delegate, thoughtfully and responsibly, periods of supervision to a sessional or workplace supervisor. This role can be fulfilled by, a fellow consultants/general practitioner, a senior trainee or specialist, or an appropriately trained and experienced practitioner, but only in appropriate circumstances. The clinical supervisor remains responsible and accountable overall for the actions of doctors in training. For every patient it needs to be clear where responsibility for supervision lies. 6.3 Safe and effective clinical care at night requires that hospitals (and integrated healthcare systems) establish multidisciplinary and multiprofessional teams that include doctors in training. With appropriate induction (cross-specialty when cross-cover is required), managed hand-over and a clear team understanding of individual competencies, safe clinical care will be maintained. Strong leadership is a requirement, with overall responsibility residing with a named consultant working in partnership with a senior nurse. The move to full shift working, especially in systems (hospitals) with small numbers of doctors in the rota, could profoundly restrict a doctor’s access to clinical supervision. Dedicated senior supervision of emergency work is mandatory for all healthcare systems and in future professional demarcation will be replaced by defined competence to offer safe supervision. The clinical supervisor should ensure this is occurring. 6.4 All Educational Supervisors: Must be approachable and enthusiastic, offering a level of supervision and review appropriate to the grade and specialty of the individual trainee; no trainee should be expected to occupy a training position without a regular review by their educational supervisor. a. Are responsible for ensuring that relevant information about progress and performance is made available from clinical supervisors on a regular and routine basis to inform assessment procedures (e.g. RITA, ARCP). b. Be responsible for ensuring systems that provide fair and nondiscriminatory feedback from clinical supervisors and the collation of such evidence. d. Are responsible for maintaining an appropriate record of performance for each trainee and for contacting Deanery representatives should the performance of any individual trainee give rise for concern. e. Should ensure that evidence is gathered from the multi-professional team in situations where they may be more able to reflect the performance of a trainee than the assigned medical clinical supervisor. The supervisor should report on this as required for any specific training programme. f. Are responsible for providing feedback on performance at least twice in every 6 month post to each trainee. Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 g. Must ensure any Serious Untoward Incidents and complaints involving the trainee are, discussed, and a reflective note written in the portfolio. This should be mentioned in the Educational Supervisors Report for ARCP and revalidation. h. Must ensure that the time requirement is discussed and identified in their job plan as per the Trust’s job planning process. i. Compliance with the policy will be monitored via Departmental and Trust Postgraduate Medical Education systems. Feedback will be given to the deanery. j. Compliance will also be demonstrated in reports annually to Heath Education Wessex and by Deanery / General Medical Council (GMC) visits. k. Compliance is triangulated using the annual trainees and trainers GMC questionnaire results. 7. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS All named clinical supervisors must be fully trained in this role in the area of clinical care and understand their responsibilities for patient safety. They should be actively involved in teaching and training in the workplace. If an individual is named as a clinical supervisor in a trainees portfolio, the requirements for appointment, training, and appraisal are now all laid down in “Recognition and Approving Trainers: the implementation plan” GMC August 2012. Completion of this will be monitored at a Trust level and reported on to the GMC via HE Wessex. All educational supervisors must have prepared themselves adequately for the role and have an understanding of educational theory and practical educational techniques. They should have: 1. Attended a designated training course meeting the requirements of the Academy of Medical Educators (2010) and the GMC August 2012 2. Have then been appointed to the role 3. Taken part in annual appraisal covering their educational role. 8. REFERENCES AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION 1. A Guide to Management and Quality Assurance of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and COPMeD UK ( August 2000). 2. Hospital at Night Implementation Resource Pack. NHS Modernisation Agency (2004). 3. Hospital at Night at PHT: A guide for staff. Portsmouth Hospitals Intranet (November 2011) Version 4. 4. Foundation E-Portfolio Trainee Guide 5. Foundation Reference Guide 2012 Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016 6. Educational Supervisor Time and SPA. Wessex Deanery Policy Statement March 2010 7. Recognising and approving trainers: the implementation plan. General Medical Council August 2012 8. A Framework for the Professional Development of Postgraduate Medical Supervisors. Academy of Medical Educators (2010) 9. Trust Policy For The Handling Of Concerns And Disciplinary Procedures Relating To The Conduct And Performance Of Doctors And Dentists 10. The Wessex Deanery Strategy for dealing with Doctors in Difficulty 9. EQUALITY IMPACT STATEMENT Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any grounds. This policy has been assessed accordingly All policies must include this standard equality impact statement. However, when sending for ratification and publication, this must be accompanied by the full equality screening assessment tool. The assessment tool can be found on the Trust Intranet -> Policies -> Policy Documentation Clinical and Educational Supervision of Doctors in Training Issue 4 04/11/2013 Review date 01/09/2016