List of Data Tables and Examples

List of Data Sets and Examples
Gujarati and Porter, Basic Econometrics, 5e
Table I.1
Data on Personal Consumption Expenditure and Gross Domestic Product
Chapter 1
Table 1.1
Table 1.2
Table 1.3
Table 1.4
Table 1.5
Table 1.6
Father and Son Heights (hypothetical)
U.S. Egg Production
(Grunfeld) Investment, Value, and Capital Stock for Four Companies
CPI in Seven Industrial Countries
Exchange Rates for Nine Countries
M1 Money Supply
Advertising Expenditure
Chapter 2
Table 2.4
Table 2.5
Example 2.1
Table 2.6
Example 2.2
Table 2.7
Table 2.8
Table 2.9
Table 2.10
Random Sample from Table 2.1
Another Random Sample from Table 2.1
Mean Hourly Wage by Education
Mean Hourly Wage by Education
Mathematics SAT Scores by Family Income
Labor Force Participation
Indian Food and Total Expenditures (Rupees)
Total Group Mean SAT Reasoning Test Scores
SAT Reasoning Scores by Family Income
Chapter 3
Numerical Example
Table 3.2
Example 3.1
Example 3.2
Example 3.3
Table 3.3
Table 3.5
Table 3.6
Table 3.7
Table 3.8
Mean Hourly Wage and Years of Schooling
Raw Data from Table 2.6
Consumption and Income Relationship in the U.S.
Food Expenditure in India
Demand for Cell Phones and PCs in relation to Income
Number of Cell Phones and PCs in relation to Income
Ranks of Students in Midterms and Final Exams
U.S. Productivity and Compensation
Gold Prices, NYSE Index, and CPI
Nominal and Real GDP
Chapter 5
Concluding Example
Table 5.5
Table 5.6
Table 5.9
Table 5.10
Table 5.11
Food Expenditure in India
Average Salary and per Pupil Spending
GNP and Four Measures of Money Stock
Hamburger Prices in Foreign Countries
U.S. CPI and PPI
Smoking and Lung Cancer
Chapter 6
Example 6.1
Table 6.1
Table 6.2
Example 6.2
Excess Returns on Consumer Goods and Overall Stock Market
Excess Returns on Consumer Goods and Overall Stock Market
U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment and GDP
Relationship Between GDPI and GDP in the U.S.
Example 6.3
Table 6.3
Example 6.4
Example 6.5
Example 6.6
Table 6.4
Example 6.7
Table 6.5
Table 6.7
Table 6.8
Table 6.9
Table 6.10
Expenditure on Durable Goods in relation to Consumption Expenditure
Total Personal Expenditure and Categories
Rate of Growth Expenditure on Services
Food Expenditure in India
Relationship Between Child Mortality and GNP
Fertility and Other Data for 64 Countries
U.S. Inflation Rate and Unemployment
U.S. Inflation Rate and Unemployment
Investment Rate and Savings Rate
Various Expenditures, Income, Age, and Number of Children
UK Total Consumer Expenditure and Advertising Expenditure
Chapter 7
Example 7.1
Example 7.2
Table 7.1
Table 7.2
Example 7.3
Table 7.3
Example 7.4
Table 7.4
Example 7.5
Table 7.5
Table 7.6
Table 7.7
Table 7.8
Table 7.9
Table 7.10
Table 7.11
Table 7.12
Table 7.13
Child Mortality in relation to Per Capita GNP and Female Literacy Rate
Coffee Consumption in the U.S.
U.S. Coffee Consumption vs. Average Retail Price
Raw Data for Two R² Values
Value Added, Labor Hours, and Capital Input
Value Added, Labor Hours, and Capital Input
Estimating the Total Cost Function
Total Cost (Y) and Output (X)
GDP Growth Rate and Relative per Capita GDP in 190 Countries
Quarterly Demand for Roses
Wildcat Well Drilling and Production
U.S. Defense Budget Outlays
U.S. Demand for Chicken
Demand for Money in the U.S.
Greek Industrial Sector
Consumption Expenditure, Income, Wealth, and Interest Rate for the U.S.
Qualcomm Stock Prices
Chapter 8
Example 8.1
Example 8.2
Example 8.3
Table 8.8
Example 8.4
Table 8.9
Example 8.5
Table 8.10
Table 8.11
Child Mortality
Cubic Cost Function
Cobb-Douglas Production Function for the Mexican Economy
Real GDP, Employment, and Real Fixed Capital
Demand for Chicken in the U.S.
Savings and Personal Disposable Income
Demand for Roses
Demand for Cable
Savings and Personal Income
Chapter 9
Example 9.1
Table 9.1
Example 9.2
Example 9.3
Table 9.2
Example 9.4
Example 9.5
Table 9.3
Public School Teachers’ Salaries by Geographical Region
Average Salary of Public School Teachers by State
Hourly Wages in relation to Marital Status and Region of Residence
Teacher Salaries in relation to Region and Spending per Pupil
Savings and Income Data
Structural Differences in U.S. Savings-Income Regression
Average Hourly Earnings in relation to Education, Gender, and Race
Quarterly Appliance Sales and Expenditures on Durable Goods
Example 9.6
Table 9.4
Example 9.7
Table 9.6
Example 9.8
Concluding Example
Table 9.7
Table 9.8
Table 9.9
Seasonality in Refrigerator Sales
U.S. Refrigerator Sales
Total Cost in Relation to Output
Hypothetical Data on Output and Total Cost
Logarithm of Hourly Wages in Relation to Gender
Wages in Southern India
Indian Wage Earners
Data Matrix for Exercise 9.3
U.S. Presidential Elections
Chapter 10
Example 10.1
Table 10.3
Table 10.4
Table 10.5
Example 10.2
Table 10.7
Example 10.3
Table 10.8
Table 10.11
Table 10.12
Table 10.13
Table 10.14
Table 10.15
Table 10.16
Table 10.17
Table 10.18
Consumption Expenditure in relation to Income and Wealth
Hypothetical Data on Y, X2, X3
Hypothetical Data on Y, X2, X3
Hypothetical Data on Consumption Expenditure
Consumption Function
U.S. Consumption Expenditure
Longley Data
Longley Data
Hypothetical Data
Goldberger Data
U.S. Imports, GDP, and CPI
Passenger Cars vs. CPI, PDI, Interest Rate, and Labor Force
Hours of Work
U.S. Crime Data
Updated Longley Data
Chemicals in Cheeses
Chapter 11
Table 11.1
Example 11.1
Example 11.2
Table 11.2
Example 11.4
Table 11.3
Example 11.5
Example 11.6
Example 11.7
Table 11.4
Example 11.8
Example 11.9
Example 11.10
Table 11.15
Example 11.11
Table 11.6
Table 11.7
Table 11.8
Table 11.9
Table 11.10
Chapter 12
Table 12.4
Table 12.7
Compensation per Employee in Nondurable Manufacturing Industries
Relationship Between Compensation and Productivity
Relationship Between Compensation and Productivity: The Glejser Test
Rank Correlation Test of Heteroscadasticity
The Goldfeld-Quandt Test
Hypothetical Data on Consumption Expenditure and Income
The Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey (BPG) Test
White’s Heteroscadasticity Test
Illustration of the Method of Weighted Least Squares
Illustration of the Weighted Least Squares Regression
Illustration of White’s Procedure
Child Mortality Revisited
R&D Expenditure, Sales, and Profits
Sales and Employment for Industrial R&D
Asset Size
Passenger Car Mileage Data
Median Salaries of Full Professors in Statistics
Stock and Consumer Prices
Salaries of Fortune 500 Executives
Indexes of Real Compensation and Productivity
Determinants of U.S. Domestic Price of Copper
Table 12.8
Table 12.9
Table 12.10
Personal Consumption Expenditure
Inventories and Sales in U.S. Manufacturing
Rate of Return, Output Growth, and Inflation
Chapter 13
Example 13.1
Example 13.2
Table 13.2
Example 13.3
Example 13.4
Table 13.3
Concluding Example
Concluding Example
Child Mortality Revisited
Consumption vs. Income
Hypothetical Data on Consumption
The St. Louis Model
Personal Consumption Expenditure and Disposable Personal Income
Per Capita Personal Consumption Expenditure and Disposable Income
A Model of Hourly Wage Determination
Real Consumption Function for the U.S.
Chapter 14
Table 14.1
Example 14.1
Example 14.2
Example 14.3
Example 14.4
Table 14.2
Table 14.3
Table 14.4
Advisory Fees Charged and Asset Size
Mutual Fund Advisory Fees
The Cobb-Douglas Production Function
Growth of U.S. Population
Box-Cox Transformation
U.S. Population
Production Function Data for the Mexican Economy
Mutual Fund Fee Structures
Chapter 15
Example 15.1
Table 15.1
Table 15.2
Example 15.2
Example 15.3
Example 15.4
Table 15.4
Table 15.7
Example 15.5
Table 15.10
Example 15.6
Example 15.7
Example 15.8
Table 15.22
Table 15.23
Table 15.24
Table 15.25
Table 15.26
Table 15.29
LPM: A Numerical Example
Hypothetical Data on Home Ownership
Data for Home Ownership Example
Cohen-Rea-Lerman Study
Predicting a Bond Rating
Who Holds a Debit Card?
Hypothetical Data
Data on the Effect of PSI on Course Grades
Who Owns a Debit Card? Logit Analysis
Estimating the Index Ii from the Standard Normal CDF
Illustration of Gprobit Using Housing
To Smoke or Not to Smoke
Geriatric Study of Frequency of Falls
Toxicity Study and Rotenone on Chrysanthemum Aphis
GRE Scores
Price of Soda with Discount Coupon
Probit Regressions
Hypothetical Data Set
Chapter 16
Illustrative Example
Table 16.1
Example 16.1
Example 16.2
Example 16.3
Table 16.16
Table 16.17
Panel Data
Airline Costs
Productivity and Public Investment
Demand for Electricity in the U.S.
Beer Consumption, Income, and Beer Tax
Unemployment Rate and Hourly Compensation (no data file)
Gasoline Demand for 18 Countries
Table 16.18
Responsiveness of Aid for 135 Countries
Chapter 17
Example 17.1
Example 17.2
Example 17.3
Example 17.4
Example 17.5
Example 17.6
Example 17.7
Table 17.2
Example 17.8
Numerical Example
Table 17.5
Example 17.9
Example 17.10
Table 17.7
Example 17.11
Table 17.8
Example 17.12
Example 17.13
Example 17.14
Table 17.10
Table 17.11
Table 17.12
Table 17.13
The Consumption Function
Creation of Bank Money
Link Between Money and Prices
Lag Between R&D and Expenditure
The J Curve of International Economics
The Accelerator Model of Investment
Per Capita Personal Consumption Expenditure and Disposable Income
Example 17.7 Revisited
Demand for Money in Canada
Money, Interest Rate, Price Index, and GDP
The Fed and the Real Rate of Interest
The Short- and Long-Run Aggregate Consumption for Sri Lanka
Private Consumption Expenditure and GDP
Illustration of the Almon Distributed-Lag Model
Inventories and Sales, U.S. Manufacturing
Causality between Money and Income
Causality between Money and Interest Rates in Canada
Causality between GDP Growth and Savings
Investment in Fixed Plant and Equipment
Investment, Sales, and Inventories
Compensation, Productivity, and Unemployment
Macroeconomic Data for the Greek Economy
Chapter 18
Example 18.1
Example 18.2
Example 18.3
Example 18.4
Example 18.5
Example 18.6
Table 18.2
Table 18.3
Table 18.4
Demand and Supply Model
Keynesian Model of Income Determination
Wage-Price Models
The IS Model of Macroeconomics
The LM Model
Econometric Models
Personal Consumption Expenditure, Gross Private Domestic Investment, and GDP
Demand and Supply for Gas
Macroeconomic Data for the U.S. Economy
Chapter 19
Example 19.1
Example 19.2
Example 19.3
Example 19.4
Example 19.5
Table 19.4
Pindyck-Rubinfeld Model of Public Spending
Money, GDP, Interest Rate, and Consumer Price Index
Chapter 20
Table 20.1
Table 20.2
Example 20.1
Example 20.2
Table 20.5
Example 20.3
Crop Production, Crop Prices, and Per Capita Personal Consumption
Advertising, Concentration, and Price Margins
Klein’s Model I
Underlying Data for Klein’s Model
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Example 20.4
Table 20.10
Revised Form of St. Louis Model
Current Population Survey for 1985
Chapter 21
Example 21.1
Example 21.2
Example 21.3
Example 21.4
Table 21.1
M1 Monthly Money Supply in the U.S.
The U.S./U.K Exchange Rate
U.S. Consumer Price Index
Are 3-Month and 6-Month Treasury Bill Rates Cointegrated?
Disposable Personal Income
Chapter 22
Example 22.1
Example 22.2
Example 22.3
Table 22.5
Example 22.4
Table 22.6
Example 22.5
Table 22.7
U.S./U.K. Exchange Rate
New York Stock Exchange Price Changes
The Relationship Between HWI and UN
HWI and UN
ARIMA Modeling of the Yen/Dollar Exchange Rate
Yen Exchange Rate
ARCH Model of the U.S. Inflation Rate
Three-Month and Six-Month Treasury Bill Rates
Appendix E
Table E.1
Civilian Labor Force Participation