2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON PLEASE SUBMIT THE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW VIA THE ONLINE FORM: Full name of program Sponsoring campus office or organization Please state the program’s vision and/or mission statement Minimum number of participants for successful program Maximum number of participants program can accommodate Number of counselors (No more than a 1:8 ratio) o (If you believe you need more counselors than the above ratio, you may explain in the counselor section) We can accommodate transfer students We can accommodate exchange students We can accommodate international students Cost of the program (per person) Student program leader contact Information Professional staff/faculty advisor contact information PLEASE SUBMIT THE INFORMATION BELOW IN A SINGLE PDF FILE TO KATHARINE PEI VIA kpei@wustl.edu Program goals and/or learning outcomes (examples attached) First Year Center goal justifications (examples attached) 2015 tentative program schedule Budget (template provided) Pre-Orientation leader and counselor information (see attached questions) o Secondary counselor application (if applicable) o Tentative spring training/meeting agenda o Tentative August training schedule 2014 program evaluation summary from Campus Labs Address any changes your program will make based on feedback from your evaluation Staff/faculty advisor expectations signature page Student program leader expectations signature page If you do not have the software to PDF and merge files on your own computer, you may use this free internet service. 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Program Learning Outcomes List learning outcomes/goals specific to your program: i.e. what are you hoping students will “take away” from your program. These must be measurable through your evaluation. For assistance developing learning outcomes, please reference this online guide. Example: As a result of participating in LTS students will: Be able to identify five community service opportunities in the St Louis community. Know about the resources and programs of the Community Service Office and other community service opportunities on campus Understand how to use CarShare and the Metro to get around the city. Feel comfortable navigating campus and the neighborhoods around WU. Have a better understanding of the social geography of St Louis, and how its history and economic conditions affect the city we see today. Have an appreciation for the ethic of service, and how they can “do no harm.” Be able to articulate the difference between volunteerism and social justice. Understand expectations that support respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Form social connections with peers in their small group and other groups. Identify at least one upperclass counselor they would consider a resource/mentor throughout the academic year. Program Learning Outcomes: 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Pre-Orientation Program Goals: Please address how your program will meet the following goals that have been set for all Pre-Orientation programs by the First Year Center. Be specific and list as many as you can for each goal. By attending a Pre-Orientation program, students will: Interact with other new students who share a common interest in order to develop a base of peers prior to Bear Beginnings; Example: Students will do teambuilding activities such as…… Create connections with upper-class students; Example: Students will be broken down into small cohorts that are lead by a counselor to discuss xxxxx. Familiarize themselves with Washington University’s campus; Example: We will do an interactive campus tour by using a mobile based scavenger hunt. Be exposed to the community expectations of being a Washington University student; Example: We will conduct a student panel to answer questions about life as a Wash U Student participating in xxx activity Explore a personal interest and discover opportunities for involvement and personal growth in that area; Example: Students will learn about xxxx office on campus and be exposed to the following community resources…… Each evening students will debrief the days’ activities with their counselors. At the end of the program students will set goals for how they will get involved over the course of the semester. Discuss with other new students about what it means to be a part of a diverse and inclusive community: Example: Students will visit community gardens and discuss their effort to combat food deserts in the St. Louis community. Students will participate in an activity that helps them to reflect on their background and experience and how that influences personal biases. Explore the St Louis community: (Please note, one off-campus activity may be social in nature; all other off-campus activities must connect back to the Pre-Orientation program’s mission and goals.) Example: Students will visit the Loop to learn about…… Students will go to the City Museum to connect with one another on a social level 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Pre-Orientation Program Goals: 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Pre-Orientation Leader and Counselor Information: 1. Please describe how the Pre-Orientation Program Leaders are selected and who is involved in that final decision. 2. Please describe how your counselors will be selected and who is involved in the final decision. 3. If you feel your program needs more counselors than a 1:8 ratio – please list your rationale here. 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Pre-Orientation Advisor Expectations MEETINGS Attend the following meetings: o An individual meeting with a professional staff member from First Year Center Programs o One April Pre-Orientation student program leader and advisor meeting regarding logistics o Any other meetings or trainings as necessary to be familiar with policies and procedures o One program leader meeting in August Set up regular meetings with student leaders. Participate in or facilitate a transition meeting between outgoing and incoming program leaders. Participate in or facilitate a debrief/evaluation meeting with the student program leaders after Pre-Orientation concludes. PROGRAM REVIEW Review the Pre-Orientation’s vision, mission, stated learning outcomes, and history with the student program leaders. Review the Pre-Orientation application with the student program leaders prior to submission. Review the Pre-Orientation schedule and content, including room needs, meals and off-campus experiences. Review the timeline for documentation that needs to be submitted to the First Year Center and assist student program leaders with meeting deadlines. Ensure that programming is inclusive, ethical, and safe in nature, taking into account reasonable precautions with certain activities that may be higher risk. SETTING EXPECTATIONS Set expectations with the Pre-Orientation student program leaders about accountability, communication, community and counselor recruitment, selection and training. Schedule a time to meet with all counselors during their training to review expectations. ACCOUNTABILITY Be prepared to intervene or take action to ensure a successful program. Serve as a point of contact for the First Year Center, incoming students, and family members as needed if student program leaders are unavailable. Ask to be included in group communications such as emails, Google documents, etc. Understand relevant University policies and know where to refer students for further resources. Serve as the institutional memory of the group through documentation and record keeping (participant lists, schedules, application, evaluation, etc.). Serve as a point of contact during the August program for emergency management and other student concerns. 1. 2. 3. I have reviewed and discussed these expectations with the program leaders. I have read the above expectations and agree to be the faculty/staff advisor for a Pre-Orientation Program. I am a full-time faculty or staff member at Washington University in St. Louis or an approved affiliate. Pre-Orientation Program: __________________________________________________ Faculty/Staff Name: __________________________________________________ Faculty/Staff Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Pre-Orientation Program Leader Expectations MEETINGS Attend the following meetings: o An individual meeting with a professional staff member from First Year Center Programs o One April Pre-Orientation leader and advisor meeting regarding logistics o Any other meetings or trainings as necessary to be familiar with policies and procedures o One program leader meeting in August Set up regular meetings with your advisor. Participate in a transition meeting between outgoing and incoming leaders, including your advisor. Facilitate a debrief/evaluation meeting after Pre-Orientation concludes, including your advisor. PROGRAM REVIEW Review the Pre-Orientation’s vision, mission, stated learning outcomes, and history with your advisor. Review the Pre-Orientation application with your advisor prior to submission. Review the Pre-Orientation schedule and content, including room needs, meals and off-campus experiences with your advisor. Review the timeline for documentation that needs to be submitted to the First Year Center with your advisor. Ensure that programming is inclusive, ethical, and safe in nature, taking into account reasonable precautions with certain activities that may be higher risk. SETTING EXPECTATIONS Set expectations with the Pre-Orientation counselors about accountability, communication and community. Communicate important information with your advisor and all counselors. Reinforce all First Year Center expectations, including but not limited to counselor behavior and assisting with Move-In Day. ACCOUNTABILITY Be available as a point of contact for the First Year Center, incoming students and family members. Submit all required documentation on time. Include your advisor in group communications such as emails, Google documents, etc. Understand relevant university policies and resources, asking for assistance when needed. Assist with the collection of documentation and record keeping (participant lists, schedules, application, evaluation, etc.). Serve as a point of contact during the August program for emergency management and other student concerns. SIGNATURES REQUIRED ON THE BACK 2015 Pre-Orientation Program Application: Returning Program APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT NOON Pre-Orientation Program Leader Expectations 1. 2. I have reviewed and discussed these expectations with the program advisor. I have read the above expectations and agree to them. Pre-Orientation Program: __________________________________________________ Program Leader Name: __________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Program Leader Name: __________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Program Leader Name: __________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Program Leader Name: __________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________