Academic Program Assessment Form

Academic Program Assessment Form
Assessment Cycle: 2010-2011
Program: Collection Development
Department Chair/Program Director: Jeanne Pavy
College: Earl K. Long Library
Dean: Sharon Mader
Goal 1. Provide relevant core and in-depth collections that
support the learning, teaching, and research needs of
undergraduate and graduate students and faculty,
especially for designated academic programs of
excellence, graduate programs, and for new degree
Measurable Objective
Objective 1.1 Implement at least two new practices to
ensure that the collection reflects the current research and
teaching needs of the university.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population and
what was your population
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random sample,
convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Improve usage statistics collection and
Find ways to make better use of Interlibrary
Loan borrowing data (books and journals)
to identify information needs not met by
current collection.
Examine course descriptions, syllabi, and
curriculum changes
Reports/lists of improvements in collection evaluation.
The objective was achieved. We implemented two new
practices that have increased our ability to provide
collections that match research and teaching needs:
 Current procedures for collecting in-house use of
print materials were reviewed and the following
changes were made in order to ensure more
reliable, consistent, and specific usage data: (1)
specific newspapers used are noted; (2) distinguish
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
between current and non-current issues of journals
and record statistics more consistently; (3) began
taking in-house use statistics on books
Began regularly sharing Interlibrary Loan data on
frequently requested titles, alerting subject
librarians to possible gaps in the collection,
ultimately resulting in a patron-driven acquisitions
project based on faculty ILL requests.
Expand patron-driven collecting practices
Goal 1. Provide relevant core and in-depth collections that
support the learning, teaching, and research needs of
undergraduate and graduate students and faculty,
especially for designated academic programs of
excellence, graduate programs, and for new degree
Measurable Objective
Objective 1.2 Adapt and develop collections to reflect the
University’s evolving curricular emphases, research
priorities, and financial realities.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Review serials subscriptions based on
current priorities and budgetary constraints.
Explore possible patron-driven collection
models, especially for book purchases.
Continue to develop high-impact digital
collections of in-house and institutional
List of changes to collection (serials cancellations and
additions, reallocation of materials budget) or
collecting practices
Statistics on digital collections (created, added, usage)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
The objective was achieved. The collection was adapted
according to current research and curricular emphases:
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
After reviewing cost and usage data for journal
subscriptions and discussing them with teaching
faculty, subject librarians worked together to
identify approximately $176,000 in serials
subscriptions that could be cancelled in order to
preserve the most important titles in all disciplines.
We initiated a patron-driven acquisitions project to
purchase books requested by faculty through
Interlibrary Loan. From Dec 2010 through April
2011 we acquired 29 books for 13 faculty members
representing 10 different academic departments.
Books and other content were acquired or deselected
according to current curricular and research
More Special Collections content was made
available online through the Louisiana Digital
Library, including the Marcus Christian Collection
(complete edited manuscript of The Negro in
Louisiana), 9 Senior Honors Theses, 4 Arts
Administration Reports, and 188 theses and
We launched ScholarWorks, our institutional
repository, and began collecting UNO-produced
content there (678 items added from March through
June 2011).
as part of the annual serials review, conduct a
thorough review of major journal package
subscription deals
adjust book allocation percentages based on
discipline-specific needs for monographs and
recent spending patterns
Include content from every college in
Goal 1
Provide relevant core and in-depth collections that support
the learning, teaching, and research needs of undergraduate
and graduate students and faculty, especially for
designated academic programs of excellence, graduate
programs, and for new degree programs.
Measurable Objective
Objective 1.3 Recognize, evaluate, and, as appropriate,
adopt and promote new developments in scholarly
communication that benefit our students and faculty.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Continue campus outreach program to raise
awareness of new scholarly
communications trends and models, such as
open access publishing and author rights
Participate in Open Access Week
Plan for and implement an institutional
Record of scholarly communication outreach efforts
The objective was achieved. We took several steps to
promote scholarly communications issues on campus:
 Launched ScholarWorks@UNO, our institutional
repository (generated 3091 downloads between
March-June 2011)
 Librarians participated in the ARL-ACRL Institute
for Scholarly Communication 8-part webinar series
titled “Reshaping Scholarly Communication”
 Dean and Scholarly Communications Librarian
gave presentation on ScholarWorks to various
groups and individuals, including VC for Research,
deans and department chairs; subject librarians
visited two academic departments
 Participated in Open Access Week by featuring
information on OA (library guide, video) on library
 Expand participation in Open Access Week
Objective in 2011-2012
Increase content in repository to at least 3000 items
Include content from every college in the
Expand repository to include undergraduate work
Develop a plan to support data management on
Involve Senate Committee on Library in Scholarly
Communications issues
Academic Program Assessment Form
Assessment Cycle: 2010-2011
Program: Instruction
Department Chair/Program Director:
College: Earl K. Long Library
Dean: Sharon Mader
Goal 2
Improve and increase information literacy instruction
within the undergraduate and graduate curriculum to insure
that graduates can successfully locate, use, and evaluate
information in their professional and personal lives.
Measurable Objective
Objective 2.1 Provide appropriate library orientation and
information literacy instruction for first-year students
2.1.1 Review library module for UNIV and revise
as needed for Fall 2011.
2.1.2 Provide alternatives to in-person instruction,
such as web-based modules.
2.1.3 Contribute a library section to the Orientation
booklet (New Student & Parent Guide).
2.1.4 Contribute library content to the new
electronic freshman English textbook.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
First year students
The objective was achieved in part.
 The library module for UNIV 1001 was revised for
Fall 2011.
 There will be a library section for the New Student &
Parent Guide for 2012 (the library was omitted from
 Alternatives to in-person instruction were not
developed, largely due to staff shortages.
 The proposed format for the new electronic freshman
English textbook did not work well with providing upto-date screen shots of library resources, so this was
not pursued.
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Goal 2
Improve and increase information literacy instruction
within the undergraduate and graduate curriculum to insure
that graduates can successfully locate, use, and evaluate
information in their professional and personal lives.
Measurable Objective
Objective 2.2 Provide appropriate subject-specific
instruction for undergraduate and graduate students.
The Instruction Librarian position was approved to fill
and the search process will begin in Fall 2011, with the
intent of filling the position by the beginning of 2012.
2.2.1 Contact faculty to continue to offer
appropriate based instruction.
2.2.2 Use LibGuides to facilitate subject specific
instruction and assistance.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Statistics on library instruction sessions presented 2010-11.
Statistics on number of LibGuides created.
Potential population is all undergraduate and graduate
The objective was achieved.
 Faculty in all disciplines were emailed with
information about the library and offers to teach
library instruction for their classes.
 52 LibGuides were created covering all subject
areas taught at UNO. Two were developed for
specific classes.
Identify research-focused courses in each college for
which library instruction has not previously been
provided or not provided regularly
Continue to create appropriate LibGuides and evaluate
their use.
Measurable Objective
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Goal 2
Improve and increase information literacy instruction
within the undergraduate and graduate curriculum to insure
that graduates can successfully locate, use, and evaluate
information in their professional and personal lives.
Objective 2.3 Provide one-on-one instruction for students,
as well as service to special groups (e.g. Honors).
2.3.1 Promote a variety of means for providing
one-on-one instruction (e.g. email, chat
services, Twitter, Facebook, reference
consultation appointments).
2.3.2 Provide specialized sessions for groups such
as Honors students and others who may need
such group research/instruction sessions.
2.3.3 Collaborate with UCC to provide multi-level
user assistance in the Learning Commons
2.3.4 Provide adequate trained personnel at all
Public Service points.
Library instruction statistics
Reference consultation statistics
Joint Library-UCC meetings on the Learning Commons
Training sessions for staff and student workers
Assessment of UNIV 1001 library instruction outcomes
Statistics on outreach activities
LibGuides usage data
The objective was achieved. One-on-one instruction
for students is provided through various means.
 47 Library instruction sessions were conducted
reaching 892 students.
 1,470 reference questions were answered. 182
were extended consultations. Of the extended
consultations, 20 were virtual consultations,
conducted online via email or through Meebo
 Library and UCC staff met and discussed
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
statistics that each group counted in the
Learning Commons to explain each others’ role
in this space.
 Subject Specific LibGuide pages were viewed
5,698 times.
Training for staff and students at the three main service
points has been primarily one-on-one. Basic concepts
have been outlined which the trainer then uses to
instruct new staff and student workers. At the Learning
Commons service point students are staff are trained to
provide directions, informational, and reference
assistance. Research consultations are referred to
subject specialist librarians. The circulation desk staff
is trained to provide directional and basic information
assistance. The LA & Special Collections reference
desk students and staff are trained to give specialized
assistance relating to Louisiana and the department’s
manuscript and special collections.
Improve one-on-one assistance provided in the
Learning Commons and through research consultations
through qualitative analysis of these interactions.
Continue to work with Honors Program to improve
research skills of Honors students.
Identify other special groups that would benefit from
library instruction.
Academic Program Assessment Form
Assessment Cycle: 2010-2011
Department Chair/Program Director:
College: Library
Dean: Sharon Mader
Measurable Objective
Create a welcoming, attractive, functional, and safe
environment in the Library for learning, research and
Objective 3.1 Provide and maintain up-to-date and
appropriate technology to support the library’s mission.
3.1.1 Make sure computers and equipment are
working and up-to-date.
3.1.2 Implement new programs to improve student
access to technology.
3.1.3 Use technology to improve communications
with students.
3.1.4 Train library faculty and staff in
applications to stay current with new
technology, perform their work and assist
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
List of equipment/software purchased/repaired/relocated
Record of staff training
All library users
The objective was achieved.
 Partnered with UCC to place 60 brand new PCs in the
Learning Commons
 Replaced older PCs in instruction room 318 with those
purchased previous year for instruction room 217
 Upgraded PCs on 2nd and 3rd floors
 Worked with UCC to virtualize the library server
so that library server storage and printing is now on
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Measurable Objective
UCC servers for more efficient library data backup and
more reliable printing
Replaced 5 PCs for staff use
Replaced LibGuides top banner with library’s homepage banner to allow access to all of the library’s pages
from LibGuides using drop-down tabs
Installed information display on 4th floor with
Louisiana Supreme Court images and library
Used Twitter and Facebook to interact with students
Began circulating laptops outside of the library
Purchased 13 new headphones and 1 headphone with
microphone to circulate to patrons
Purchased 10 iPad 2s for staff to use for roaming
Purchased portable pocket projector for remote
classroom instruction
Purchased 3 new scanners for staff digital projects
Installed, implemented, and trained staff in Archon to
organize manuscript collections
Purchased upgrade to Camtasia software for staff to
create video tutorials
Purchased upgrades to Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe
Professional, and InDesign for staff use
Upgrade hardware and software as necessary to
provide up-to-date technology for students, faculty, and
Explore additional means of technology to
communicate with students
Ensure that library faculty and staff stay current with
new technology
Create a welcoming, attractive, functional, and safe
environment in the Library for learning, research and
Objective 3.2: Promote a culture of cleanliness within the
3.2.1 Meet with Facilities Services Housekeeping
Supervisor to review list of duties that need
to be done daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
3.2.2 Ensure that campus pest control services are
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Measurable Objective
kept up.
Have student workers clean computer
keyboards in public and staff areas.
Facility Services work requests
Record of campus pest control visits
Research and Technology Support student worker task log
The objective was achieved.
 Building Coordinator continually met with Facility
Services Housekeeping supervisor and staff to ensure
needed work was being done
 Work requests resulted in action taken
 Housekeeping dusted, mopped, and removed locks on
all 2nd-floor faculty carrels to prepare them for student
 Campus pest control services routinely sprayed the
 Library purchased a new hand vac and invested in
more cleaning supplies than in previous years
 Research and Technology Support student workers
weekly cleaned computer keyboards in public areas
and routinely cleaned library staff computer keyboards
Remove Objective 3.2 as a separate objective and
make it a strategy under Objective 3.4
Create a welcoming, attractive, functional, and safe
environment in the Library for learning, research and
Objective 3.3: Ensure that policies and procedures are in
place for security and emergencies in the building.
Reconstitute the Safety Committee.
Update policies and procedures.
Send Hurricane information updates via
3.3.4 Provide training for staff for emergencies.
3.3.5 Prepare/update library and departmental
business continuity plans.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Measurable Objective
Emergency Telephone List
Record of actions taken (i.e., elevator, restroom closures,
water pressure, etc.)
Hurricane information updates via email
Record of staff training and awareness
Business Continuity Plans
All library faculty and staff
The objective was achieved except for strategy 3.3.1. No
formal reconstitution of the Safety Committee was
accomplished, but all library faculty and staff cooperated
in helping to make the library a safe environment
 All library faculty and staff received emails from
Library Administration regarding safety and
emergency issues as necessary
 Successful building evacuation drill was held
 Dean held June 2011 emergency preparedness meeting
at which hurricane preparedness activities and business
continuity plans were discussed
 Reconstitute the Safety Committee to update policies
and procedures regarding building security and
 Update library and departmental business continuity
Create a welcoming, attractive, functional, and safe
environment in the Library for learning, research and
Objective 3.4: Make the library easier to use and more
3.4.1 Provide timely retrieval service for
materials relocated during the abatement
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
3.4.2 Update printed and online location charts as
materials are relocated.
3.4.3 Provide updated signage.
3.4.4 Redefine temporary entrance to be more
attractive, appealing and welcoming.
3.4.5 Participate in Welcome Week activities.
3.4.6 Reconfigure the collection to make it easier
for users to find materials on their own.
Suggestion Box and electronic comments
Patron request slips for retrieval of materials
UCC Work requests
All library users
The objective was achieved except for 3.4.6 since it cannot
be fully realized until anticipated completion of the
abatement project in 2012. Many volumes were shifted by
professional book movers and library staff to prepare for
abatement in certain areas and for the eventual
reconfiguration of the collection post abatement
 Implemented retrieval service for materials relocated
during the abatement project and provided materials in
a timely manner
 Updated printed and online location charts as soon as
materials were relocated
 Updated signage when materials were relocated
 Instituted formal Signage Committee
 Partnered with UCC to create temporary Learning
Commons area while phase I of 1st-floor abatement
was underway
 Moved 1st floor reading lounge furniture to 4th floor
 Relocated furnishings to the temporary back entrance
and had the temporary entrance and hallway painted to
make them more attractive, appealing and welcoming
 Opened up 2nd-floor faculty carrels for student use
 Had soft-drink vending machine installed in 2nd-floor
lobby and also allowed students to eat there
 Library faculty, staff and students greeted students and
other library users with candy and information during
fall 2010 Welcome Week activities and performed the
same activity during the first week of spring semester
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Partnered with Friends of the Library during Fresh Fest
2010 and gave out pens, tumblers, and library
Updated Policy on Children in the Library
Allowed film students to use the library for class
project film shoots
Provided responses for all Suggestion Box comment
cards and electronic comments
Promote a culture of cleanliness within the building
Provide additional improvements to the physical
appearance within the library while abatement and
renovation are taking place
Continue to shift materials and plan other area
renovations in preparation for anticipated
reconfiguration of the collection post-abatement 2012
Participate in Welcome Week and other activities to
promote the library – possibly make this a separate
Academic Program Assessment Form
Assessment Cycle: 2010-2011
Department Chair/Program Director:
College: Library
Dean: Sharon Mader
Goal 4
Recruit and retain quality library faculty and staff who will
establish and maintain a reputation for library excellence.
Measurable Objective
Objective 4.1: Review and redefine roles of current library
faculty to best utilize their talents and skills in the new
learning environment of the library, and to position the
library effectively to hire additional faculty when able to
4.1.1 Review all responsibilities of current library
faculty and the needs of the library in light of
current budget situation.
4.1.2 Review and revise job descriptions of current
library faculty to ensure that the library’s needs
are met and responsibilities are re-distributed
4.1.3 When authorized to fill any vacant faculty
positions, request to fill by redefining and
reprioritizing them.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Record of job searches and results; vacant position
spreadsheet updates; record of administrative decisions to
change the organizational structure and job descriptions
11 faculty
11 faculty
Yes, the objective was partially achieved because not all
positions were reviewed:
 One faculty member was designated the Scholarly
Communications Officer, a new library initiative,
reporting directly to the Dean, in addition to
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
leading the Collection Development Team and
serving as a subject specialist.
The Technology Department was reconstituted to
include the Learning Commons and reference
which had been under the Services Department.
One faculty member associated with those
functions was moved to the Technology
Department under the Technology Department
The focus of the Services Department is on the
essential functions of Circulation, Reserves,
Interlibrary Loan, and Multimedia along with the
coordination of instruction scheduling and statistics
under the Services Department Chair.
No vacant faculty positions were allowed to be
Continue to review job descriptions of faculty that
have not been reviewed yet
Redefine vacant faculty positions knowing that not
all vacant faculty lines can be filled.
Goal 4
Recruit and retain quality library faculty and staff who will
establish and maintain a reputation for library excellence.
Measurable Objective
Objective 4.2: Review and redefine roles of current library
staff to best utilize their talents and skills in the new
learning environment of the library, and to position the
library effectively to hire staff when able to do so.
4.2.1 Review all responsibilities of current library
staff and the needs of the library in light of
the current budget situation.
4.2.2 Review revise job descriptions of current
library staff to ensure that the library’s
needs are met and responsibilities are
re-distributed equitably.
4.2.3 When authorized to fill any vacant staff
positions, request to fill by redefining and
reprioritizing them.
Assessment Tool(s)
Record of job searches and results; vacant position
spreadsheet updates; record of administrative decisions to
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
change the organizational structure and job descriptions
20 staff
20 staff
Yes, the objective was partially achieved because not all
positions were reviewed:
 One staff member was moved from reporting to the
Technology Department to the Resources
Department but continues to play a key role in the
library’s integrated system.
 Two staff members were reassigned to the
Technology Department when it was reconstituted.
 The job description of one of the two staff
members was changed to included networking and
computer maintenance duties.
 No vacant staff positions were allowed to be filled.
Continue to review job descriptions of staff that
have not been reviewed yet.
Redefine vacant staff positions knowing that not all
vacant faculty lines can be filled.
Goal 4
Recruit and retain quality library faculty and staff who will
establish and maintain a reputation for library excellence.
Measurable Objective
Objective 4.3: Retain quality library faculty and staff.
4.3.1 Provide at least a minimum level of
professional development funds that can be
used to attend workshops and conferences.
4.3.2 Offer in-house development opportunities.
4.3.3 Encourage faculty and staff to attend free
training and professional development
sessions on campus, in the region, or online.
4.3.4 Provide informal opportunities for social
engagement and enjoyment.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
4.3.5 Find ways to improve the physical work
space especially with the two on-going
library construction projects displacing
library faculty and staff for long periods of
Annual travel fund allocations
Workshops & training sessions attended
Record of informal events
31 faculty and staff
31 faculty and staff
Yes, the objective for the most part was achieved even
though we lost two more staff members that we couldn’t
replace. However, we did provide training opportunities
for the remaining faculty and staff:
 Faculty were each allotted $500 for
professional development/travel.
 Library paid registration fees of $25 for the
LOUIS Users Conference (LUC) for those that
wanted to attend.
 Conferences, workshops, webinars
attended/participated in:
1. American Library Association Virtual
Conference, July 7-8, 2010 – 7 attended
2. Emerging Technologies Summit, Oxford,
MS, September 17-19, 2010 – 2 attended
3. Digital Commons, Bepress, at Tulane,
October 13, 3020 – 3 attended
4. LOUIS Users Conference (LUC), Baton
Rouge, October 21-22, 2010 – 2 attended
5. American Library Association Midwinter
Conference, San Diego, CA, January 8-11,
2011 – 1 attended
6. Louisiana Library Association Annual
Conference, Lafayette, LA, March 16-18 –
1 attended
7. Grant Writing, Xavier University, March
25, 2011 – 2 attended
8. American Library Association Annual
Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 23-28,
2011 – 15 attended
Vendor training:
1. GOBI Workshop, July 22, 2010 – 6
2. E-Library Customization, July 23, 2010 – 1
3. GOBI Workshop, August 4, 2010 – 6
4. GOBI training, September 28, 2010 – 10
5. ContentDM training, November 15, 2010 –
2 attended
6. Scholar Works series training, March 9,
2011 – 1 attended
7. Digital Commons, March 10, May 12 and
June 30 – 1 participated
8. Selected Works training, March 23, 2011 –
1 attended
9. OCLC Webinar on billing, April 6, 2011 –
1 participated
10. ACRL Metrics webinar, April 20, 2011 – 1
11. ProQuest webinar, Civil War in American
State Papers and U.S. Congressional Serial
Set, April 21, 2011 – 1 participated
Webinars/online sessions participated in:
1. Reshaping Scholarly Communication, July
27, 2010 – 4 participated
2. SPARC, September 7, 2010 – 1 participated
3. GOBI, September 8, 2010 – 1 participated
4. OCLC: Controlling Headings in WorldCat,
September 8, 2010 – 3 participated
5. ALCTS eForum Preparing Your Library for
RDA, September 14-15, 2010 – 1
6. ACRL Scholarly Communication,
September 21, 2010 – 5 participated
7. ALCTS RDA, September 22, 2010 – 9
8. Bepress, October 12, 2010 – 5 participated
9. ALCTS, RDA for Administrators:
Managing the Transition in Your Library,
October 13, 2010 – 6 participated
10. ALCTS eForum: Developing a Library
Metadata Policy, October 13-14, 2010 – 1
11. ACRL Scholarly Communication, 4B:
Broader Library Involvement in Building
Programs, Librarian Training and
Development, October 19, 2010 – 5
12. OCLC: Cataloging Defensively, November
1, 2010 – 4 participated
13. RDA Toolkit, What’s New Since August,
November 10, 2010 – 3 participated
14. ACRL Scholarly Communication,
Reshaping Scholarly Communication,
Program 5, The Future is Now, November
15, 2010 – 5 participated
15. ALCTS eForum: If you Love Them, Let
Them Float, November 16-17, 2010 – 1
16. ALCTS RDA, Don’t Tilt at Windmills, and
Active Learning Approach to Teaching
FRBR, December 1, 2010 – 6 participated
17. ALCTS eForum: Writing and Publishing in
Librarianship, December 7-8, 2010 – 1
18. Another Bepress webinar on scholarly
communication, December 9, 2010 – 3
19. Interlibrary Loan webinar, December 10,
2010 – 1 participated
20. ALCTS RDA webinar: FRBR as a
Foundation for RDA, December 15, 2010 –
9 participated
21. OCLC Midwinter Symposium, January 7,
2011 – 1 participated
22. Maximizing the Visibility of Your
Repository Content, January 13, 2011 – 1
23. ALCTS eForum: Digital Preservation,
January 19, 2011 – 1 particpated
24. ALCTS webinar, Copyright and Contracts:
Moving Beyond Text in IRs, January 26,
2011 – 2 participated
25. ALCTS eForum: Pass It On-Preservation
Week @ Your Library, February 1-2, 20111 participated
26. ALCTS webinar, Changes from AACR2,
Part 1, Description, February 2, 2011 – 11
27. ALCTS webinar, Changes from AACR2 to
RDA, Part 2, Access Points, February 9,
2011 – 10 participated
28. Designing and Delivering Technology
Workshop, February 9, 2011 – 1
29. Staffing the Repository: How to Build Your
Team and Use It Effectively, February 10,
2011 – 3 participated
30. ALCTS eForum: Open Access Initiatives in
Scholarly Communications, February 1617, 2011 – 1 participated
31. ALCTS webinar, RDA Ask-the-Expert,
February 17, 2011 – 10 participated
32. ALCTS webinar, RDA and Serials
Catalogers: Will Our Work Really Change,
March 3, 2011 – 8 participated
33. ALCTS eForum: Beyond 2010 the Year of
Cataloging Research, March 9-10, 2011 – 1
34. Managing ETDs with Digital Commons: a
Case Study at UMass Amherst, March 10,
2011 – 2 participated
35. Digital Commons Features for Liaison
Librarians, March 15, 2011 – 3 participated
36. ALCTS webinar, Linked Library Data:
Tuning Library Metadata for the Semantic
Web, March 16, 2011 – 11 participated
37. Faculty Voice in Online Education:
Enhancing Relationships Between Faculty
and Students for Learning Success, March
31, 2011 – 1 participated
38. ALCTS webinar, Preparing Copy
Catalogers for RDA, April 6, 2011 – 10
39. A Collaboration Between Digital and
Reference Solutions for Copyright
Clearance and Outreach, April 7, 2011 – 3
40. Transformational Learning Through
Undergraduate Research and Creative
Performance, April 12, 2011 – 1
41. ALCTS eForum: Patron-Driving
Acquisitions: Where Do I Start and How
Do I Know When I’ve Arrived? April 1213, 2011 – 1 participated
42. OCLC Connexion Enhancements, April 20,
20, 2011 – 5 participated
43. EBSCO/Library Journal webcast: OPAC on
EBSCOhost: Library Resources Exposed,
April 21, 2011 – 9 participated
44. Serving Two Masters: Physical and Virtual
Services in the Academic Library, April 27,
2011 – 2 participated
45. OCLC “Genre Headings” webinar, May 3,
2011 – 10 participated
46. Next Generation Discover Forum, May 4,
2011 – 1 participated
47. ALCTS eForum: Job Hunting: A
Conversation About How to Do It Well,
May 4-5, 2011 – 1 participated
48. NISO webinar, The Future of Integrated
Library Systems, Part 1: RDA &
Cataloging, May 11, 2011 – 10 participated
49. Archon webinar, May 12, 2011 – 7
50. NISO webinar, The Future of Integrated
Library Systems, Part 2, User Interaction,
May 18, 2011 – 13 participated
51. ACRL New Leaders Orientation, May 25,
2011 – 1 participated
52. OCLC webinar: Cataloging Efficiencies
That Make a Difference, June 14, 2011 – 9
53. ALCTS eForum: Serials, Staffing, and
Workflow, June 15-16, 2011 – 1
Library and university in-house training
sessions attended:
1. Staff Reference Training Session, July 15,
2010 – 3 attended
2. Gift Books Searching Training, July 20,
2010 – 5 attended
3. Staff Reference Training Session, August
19, 2010 – 2 attended
4. Zotero Workshop, August 25, 2010 – 2
5. Staff Reference Training Session, August
26, 2010 – 2 attended
6. Photoshop training, November 5 and 11,
2010 – 2 attended
7. PeopleSoft Mandatory Timekeeper
Training, December 9 and 13, 2010 – 3
8. PeopleSoft Online Requisition Training,
April 14, 2011 – 2 attended
9. Moodle Training, May 11, 26, and 27, 2011
– 3 attended
10. Second Life training – 1 attended
11. DNN Training, June 28, 2011 – 1 attended
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Informal social events for all faculty and staff:
1. A shower for a staff member getting
married, September 17, 2010
2. Special Collections Dept. presentation on
the funeral home collection with
refreshments, October 27, 2010
3. Holiday tree trimming party, December 1,
4. Special Collections Dept. presentation on
the WDSU collection with refreshments,
February 21, 2011
5. Picnic organized by the Technology
Department, June 1, 2011
Continue with the same strategies because they
were effective.
Academic Program Assessment Form
Assessment Cycle: 2010-2011
Program: University Success
Department Chair/Program Director: Susan Danielson/Brian McDonald
College: Library
Dean: Sharon Mader
Goal 5
Continue redesign of University Success program to
improve effectiveness and enhance the impact of first-year
students’ integration into the university community in and
beyond the first semester.
Measurable Objective
Objective 5.1: Integrate community service as an optional
curriculum component which will further develop the
university’s mission of community engagement.
5.1.1 Coordinate, find and share services learning
opportunities for both students and faculty
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
331 First Time Full Time Freshmen
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Promote service learning opportunities coordinated on
100% (331)
Participant/application counts from participating sections
Objective was partially achieved.
 3% (12 students) participated in the Great Strides
Walk for Cystic Fibrosis
Goal 5
Continue redesign of University Success program to
improve effectiveness and enhance the impact of first-year
students’ integration into the university community in and
beyond the first semester.
Measurable Objective
Objective 5.2: Promote continued faculty and university
engagement beyond the first semester.
5.2.1 Begin planning a faculty cohort to work with
incoming freshman beyond the first semester
and well into the 2nd semester, identifying at
risk students.
5.2.2 Eliminate UNIV 300 and re-implement a
new, revised Peer Mentor Program
5.2.3 Create a module based course curriculum
with seamless integration of critical course
materials and topics.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population and
what was your population
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random sample,
convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
 16 faculty/staff
 9 peer mentors
 17 sections of UNIV
 5.2.1 – 5 (faculty) 11 (staff/administrator)
 9 Peer Mentors
 17 sections UNIV
 5.2.1 – faculty/staff appointments
 peer mentor applications/appointments
 syllabi
Objective was achieved.
 5 faculty members (w/ 1 teaching 2 sections) and
11 staff members teaching
 9 Peer Mentors assigned 2 sections UNIV
 4 Modules (Managing – 1. Personal Resources 2.
Academic Environment 3.Campus Resources 4.
Beyond UNIV)
Promote continued faculty and peer mentor engagement
into the 14th day of the proceeding semester.
Goal 5
Continue redesign of University Success program to
improve effectiveness and enhance the impact of first-year
students’ integration into the university community in and
beyond the first semester.
Measurable Objective
Objective 5.3: Increase understanding of the needs of firstyear students and factors affecting their continuing
academic success.
5.3.1 Gather and analyze quantitative and
qualitative data on student progress and
learning outcomes in the University Success
5.3.2 Gather and analyze data on the relationship
between University Success and external
student success factors such as retention.
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
FTFT data from Office of Institution Research
Cohort data from 2007-2010 (retention UNIV vs. NonUNIV)
4 Fall Cohorts (2007 – 2010)
Total FTFT = 4563
100% FTFT Fall 2007 – 2010
Retention data from Office of Institution Research
Objective was achieved.
 F07 – 1028 FTFT (30% UNIV) = 309 students
 F08 – 1210 FTFT (26% UNIV) = 320 students
 09 – 1220 FTFT (29% UNIV) = 351 students
 F10 – 1105 FTFT (25% UNIV) = 279 students
 12.5 % (average) higher retention rate for students
enrolled in UNIV vs. Non-UNIV over 2007-2010
As a result UNIV was made mandatory effective April
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Communicate the value of UNIV to the UNO community
and continue to partner with other units on campus,
improving academic success.
Measurable Objective
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
Goal 5
Continue redesign of University Success program to
improve effectiveness and enhance the impact of first-year
students’ integration into the university community in and
beyond the first semester.
Objective 5.4: Recruit and retain quality UNIV
5.4.1 Expand recruitment efforts for UNIV
5.4.2 Provide a faculty orientation session prior to
the beginning of fall semester.
5.4.3 Maintain a Blackboard site for UNIV faculty
as an instructional resource and means of
5.4.4 Schedule at least two UNIV faculty meetings
for fall semester to facilitate professional
development and course improvement.
5.4.5 Recommend that University Administration
reconsider the fall 2009 decision to require
UNIV instructors who are full-time staff to
take annual leave for teaching classes.
Retention Data for UNIV vs. Non-UNIV
UNO community (staff and faculty)
Deans Council and Faculty Council
UNO community (staff and faculty)
Deans Council and Faculty Council
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Objective was achieved.
 56 faculty/staff members (50/50 distribution)
 Full Moodle integration from Blackboard
 3 general meetings w/ several individual meetings
 Monthly semester faculty meetings
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Continue redesign of University Success program to
improve effectiveness and enhance the impact of first-year
students’ integration into the university community in and
beyond the first semester.
Goal 5
Continue redesign of University Success program to
improve effectiveness and enhance the impact of first-year
students’ integration into the university community in and
beyond the first semester.
Objective 5.5: Create a Common Reading experience for
UNIV students for Fall 2011 to link them together in
one learning community on campus
5.5.1 Involve UNIV faculty and students in
selection process.
5.5.2 Schedule & promote required common
reading gatherings
5.5.3 Author speaking engagement to the UNO
community to discuss his/her book
5.5.4 Require end of semester common reading
essay review
Measurable Objective
Assessment Tool(s)
What was your population
and what was your
population size?
What was your sample size?
What was your sampling
method? (e.g. random
sample, convenience sample)
Actual Results Obtained
(Observed findings: was the
objective achieved?)
Strategies to Meet This
Objective in 2011-2012
Student course evaluations
Retention statistics
Services Learning participation and outcomes
College Success Factors Index (CSFI) data
Common reading essay review
Create learning communities within disciplines allowing
for integration of course specific materials into UNIV.