CLINICAL RECORD KEEPING POLICY Version Date Version Number Status Next Revision Due EqIA Number Developed By Policy Sponsor Approved by Date approved August 2008 3 Approved NUR/07/E18 Reassessed August 2008 Bev Harris & Lyn Barwick Head of Professional Development Adult Services Provider Services Clinical Governance Committee Sept 2008 Revision History Version Revision Date 1 August 08 Summary of Changers Changes made to roles and responsibilities and monitoring the implementation of the policy. Changes made to EIRA Assessment 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aim 3 2. Background 3 3. Clinical Speciality 3 4. Organisational Accountability / Responsibilities 3 5. Intended Users 4 6. Definitions 4 7. Indications for Use 4 8. Contraindications 4 9. Equality and Impact Statement 4 10. References 5 11. Context of Policy 5 12. Content and Style 5 13. Patient and Client Involvement 6 14. Legal Aspects of Clinical Records 7 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 Community Hospital Community Nursing Health Visiting & School Nursing Allied Health Professionals Dentistry Podiatry Contraception & Sexual Health Learning Disabilities Clinical Teams Documentation of Controlled Drugs 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15. Patient/Client Held Records 9 16. Electronic Clinical Records 9 17. Clinical Audit 9 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Minimum Content of Audit Reports Frequency of Audits Action Plans Monitoring and Performance Management of Policy 9 10 10 10 18. Access to Clinical Records 10 18.1 Retention of Records 11 18.2 Transportation of Clinical Records 11 19. Support and Additional Contacts 11 Appendix 1 EIRA Assessment 2 1. AIM It is the aim of this policy to set out the context by which all clinical records should be completed, and are in line with each of the professional bodies Clinical Records Standards. The policy supports and should be read in conjunction with the Trusts “Records Management Policy”. 2. BACKGROUND Record keeping is an integral part of a clinician’s clinical practice and duty of care, it is a tool which should aid the care process and should not be seen as separate from this process and is not an optional extra. Whilst records are generally hand written, the clinical record could also include computer records, audio tapes, emails, faxes, video tapes, photographs, compact disc’s and other electronic media. All clinical records regardless of format or type should protect the welfare of the patient/client by Promoting: High standards of care, Continuity, Better communication between the inter-professional team involved in the provision of care, An accurate account of assessment treatment, care planning and delivery The ability to identify risks, and detect problems Confidentiality 3 CLINICAL SPECIALITY All adult and children’s services where care is provided by a clinician 4. ORGANISATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY/ RESPONSIBILITY The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for the management of clinical records within the Trust. The Director of Quality & Nursing has been delegated the responsibility of clinical records management by the Chief Executive. Head of Service have the responsibility of ensuring that all their staff have received training in the relevant aspects of clinical record keeping and that they are compliant with the Clinical Record Keeping Policy. All health care professionals have a legal duty of care and are responsible for any records that they create or use in relation to patient/client care, this responsibility is established and defined by law. Where a health care professional is aware (or could reasonably be expected to be aware) that there is an increased possibility / risk of error (caused by temporary or permanent individual circumstances) in recording, filing or retrieving patient records, this must be raised with the individual’s manager. 3 This will then enable a risk assessment (or other appropriate action) to be carried out, with the aim of identifying required actions to remove or minimise the risks. The policy sponsor for this document is the Head of Professional Development Community services (Adults) and as Chair of the Derbyshire Community Health Services Clinical Committee is also responsible for ensuring that the audit of clinical records is undertaken annually 5. INTENDED USERS All clinical staff providing care 6. DEFINITIONS There is no actual definition of a Clinical Record, therefore this has been broken down into “Clinical” & “Record”. Clinical: Relating to observation and the treatment of patients Record: Register set down for remembrance or reference, which is in permanent form, and provides evidence of information. 7. INDICATIONS FOR USE All patients/clients admitted into the Trust for clinical care/treatment 8. CONTRAINDICATIONS None 9. EQUALITY IMPACT STATEMENT We welcome feedback on this policy /procedure / strategy and the way it operates. We are interested to know of any possible or actual adverse impact that this policy / procedure may have on any groups in respect of gender or martial status, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, deprivation or other characteristics’. The person responsible for equality impact assessment for this policy / procedure / strategy is Bev Harris, Head of Professional Development. This policy has been screened to determine equality relevance for the following equality dimensions: Age Disability Gender Race Religion/Belief Sexual Orientation Transgender/Transexual 4 The policy is considered to be particularly equality relevant for the dimensions of: disability, race and, in some circumstances, age. The equality relevance is considered to be high. A full impact assessment will be conducted by June 2009. The initial impact assessment screening is included at Appendix 1 of this policy. 10. REFERENCES CSP 2005 Core Standards of Physiotherapy Practice Data Protection Act 1998 DCPCT Access to Health Records Policy DCPCT Approved List of Abbreviations DCPCT Audit Timetable DCPCT Confidentiality Code of Conduct DCPCT Information Governance Policy DCPCT Records Management Policy DCPCT Preservation, Retention & Destruction Policy DCPCT Transportation of Records Policy DH 1997 Caldicott Report DH 2006 Records Management: Code of Practice Parts 1& 2 DH 2004 Standards for Better Health Care Freedom of Information Act 2000 GMC 2006 Good Medical Practice HPC 2008 Standards of Conduct, Performance and ethics Mental Health Care Commission Standards 2004 NMC 2008 The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and ethics for Nurses and Midwives NMC 2007 Record keeping: A-Z advice Sheet PCT Information Governance Policy PCT Confidentiality Policy PCT Mental Capacity Act Policy 11. CONTEXT OF POLICY The best clinical record is the product of consultation and discussion between all members of the inter-professional health care team and the patient/client, and carers/relatives/advocates. The record must be evaluated and amended in response to the needs of the patient/client. The record should enable any member of the health care team to care for the patient/client regardless of where they are within the care process or care environment. In line with the Single Assessment process (SAP) the record is required to promote communication between those individuals involved in the provision of care and with the patient/client, their carers/relatives/advocates and reduce unnecessary duplication of assessments 12. CONTENT & STYLE There are several factors that contribute to effective record keeping, all records should be commenced at the time of the initial contact and be: Factual, consistent, accurate and recorded in a way that is clear and meaningful. 5 Recorded as soon as possible after the event, providing current information on the intervention, and the condition of the patient/client. Legible, concise, and in such a manner that the text cannot be erased or deleted without a record of change. The record should be sequential and be recorded in such a manner that any justifiable alterations or additions are dated, timed and signed clearly, all entries should be attributed to a named individual, in an identifiable role in such a way that the original entry can still be read. Any necessary deletion due to an error should be made with a single line striking through the relevant error in such a way that the error remains legible. Correction fluid should not be used Each entry must be dated timed and signed including errors or amendments. Entries made by students should be countersigned by their supervisor/mentor Only abbreviations from the PCT approved list should be used, the record should use where possible terminology that is understandable for both carers patients and professionals. The record should not contain meaningless phrases, irrelevant speculation, offensive or subjective statements. References to third parties unless significant to the patient/clients care should not be used. The record should be readable when photocopied or scanned. All records must include two patient identifiers: the patient’s name, and NHS Number. These should be recorded on each separate page/sheet within the record. All records where patients are being cared for in a clinic/hospital/ward environment must also include the name of the hospital and ward/department In addition the record should: Be recorded where possible with patient/client, carer/relative/advocate involvement. Be recorded in terms that the patient/client, carer/relative/advocate can understand Identify risks and or problems, variances from the care plan, that have arisen and the interventions made to rectify this Provide clear evidence of the care planned as a result of the assessment, the decisions made, care delivered, the information shared and with whom. 13. PATIENT& CLIENT INVOLVEMENT Patients and clients should be equal partners in the assessment and decision making process of their care and the compilation of the clinical record. Where patients do not have the mental capacity to be involved in this process then staff should refer to the Trust Mental Capacity Policy. Staff should also take into consideration the Data Protection Act 1998: the Access Modification (Health) Order 1987 and the Access to Health Care Records Act 1990. 6 Procedures for access must be in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2002. In some cases registered clinical staff can withhold information if they feel that in their professional judgement the provision of information may cause serious harm to the patient/clients physical or mental health or would breech the confidentiality of another patient/client. Registered clinical staff who make such decisions must be able to justify the reasons for withholding information and ensure a record for this has been made. Some patients and/or their carers / relatives / advocates may have more difficulty than others in communicating and understanding matters relating to their medical records. Consequently, staff involved in the policy’s implementation will need to proactively consider the additional actions that might be required to ensure that the requirements of all patient groups can be met as far as is practicably possible when: involving and communicating with patients and other relevant parties. 14. LEGAL ASPECTS of CLINICAL RECORDS Registered clinical staff have both a professional and legal duty of care in line with clinical governance and patient safety, and must ensure that their records give a full account of their: Assessment Care planned and provided Relevant information about the condition of the patient/client at any given time That all reasonable steps have been taken to care for the patient, That any actions or omissions on the part of the registered professional have not compromised the safety of the patient/client in any way. Where patients meet the Continuing Care Criteria evidence of the decision making process must be recorded with in the clinical record. Registered clinical staff who are working with patients/clients, who are subject to mental health legislation, must ensure that they have a thorough working knowledge of the statutory powers as they apply to their particular area of practice. When making entries into clinical records for these patients/clients they must comply with guidance given by the Mental Health Act Commission for England 2004. Registered clinical staff who are professionally accountable for ensuring that any duties they delegate to members of the multi-professional team who are not registered with a professional body are undertaken to a reasonable standard. For instance if a registrant delegates work which requires a student or Health Care Assistant to make a record in the patients clinical record they must ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to undertake this aspect of care. Where the student or Health Care Assistant has not been assessed as being competent to undertake record keeping then the registrant must countersign the entry in the clinical record. Registrants remain 7 professionally accountable for the appropriateness of the delegation and the actions or omissions of the student or health care assistant. Registered clinical staff are required to use their professional judgement in deciding what is relevant to record within the patient/clients record; this applies particularly to situations where the patient/clients condition is unchanging. In these circumstances the Trust requires any registrants to ensure an entry is made in the record at a minimum of: 14.1 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL: Entries made in the multidisciplinary patient record must reflect all care delivered by any member of the multidisciplinary team within a 24 hour period. Treatment plans must be evaluated and reviewed and recorded as changes occur but at least once a week as a minimum. 14.2 COMMUNITY NURSING: Monthly for each care problem, but this will be dependent on the acuity of the problem and may be weekly, daily, or more frequent as the patients condition dictates. For patients whose care is being evaluated and reviewed for continence problems or B12 therapy then a record should be made six monthly minimum. 14.3 HEALTH VISITING & SCHOOL NURSING Every face to face contact and significant telephone contact. Significant information in relation to other services that contribute to the care of the client should also be required. 14.4 Allied Health Professionals At each Contact. 14.5 Dentistry At each Contact. 14.6 Podiatry & Optometrist At each Contact. 14.7 Contraception & Sexual Health At each Contact. 14.8 LEARNING DISABILITY CLINICAL TEAMS Community staff record every face to face contact and telephone contact. In-patient area staff record daily during admission. Hand held Health Action Plans in accessible information format are developed for each individual who wishes to hold one. Supplementary to the Health Action Plans are Health Surveillance Records which are filed in nursing notes. Registered clinical staff must remember that in a court of law the approach taken is that “if it is not written down it has probably not been done”, and this 8 will be the approach taken within the Trust: when records are used for the purposes of clinical audit, and investigations into complaints and incidents. 14.9 DOCUMENTATION OF CONTROLLED DRUGS Please refer to the Trusts Medicine Code. 15 PATIENT/CLIENT HELD RECORD With the introduction of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and the Patient/Parent Held record (PHR), many patients hold their own records and this should be encouraged where possible. Patients/clients should be informed of the purpose and importance of the record and their responsibility for keeping it safe, a record of the discussion and the advice given should also be made in the clinical record. Registered clinical staff may need to keep supplementary records to which access by the patient/ client is limited or withheld, in such cases this should not extend to keeping a full duplicate of records and should be the exception rather than the norm. In such circumstances registrants should be able to justify the keeping of a supplementary record and its existence must be made clear to all the health care team involved in the care/treatment of the patient/client. Within Child & Family services the Trust Child Health Records is the only clinical record that is maintained by health professionals. No other supplementary record should be raised. 16. ELECTRONIC CLINICAL RECORDS Where electronic records are kept there is no requirement to keep duplicate paper based clinical records. All record keeping using whatever medium should take account of the need to maintain communication between the multi-professional health care team providing care/treatment for the patient/client. Staff should refer to the Trust Information Governance Policy. The principle of confidentiality is equally important when electronic clinical records are being used including those sent by fax/email and should comply with the Trust’s Information Governance policy. Registered clinical staff are professionally responsible for making sure that whatever system they use is fully secured and managed in such a way that confidentiality is maintained. Registered clinical staff are accountable for any entry made with in the electronic record and must ensure that any entry made is easily identifiable. Shared passwords are unacceptable and should never be used, please refer to the IM & T Security Policy 17. CLINICAL AUDIT Clinical audit is one component of risk management and the improvement of clinical standards and applies equally to the process of clinical record keeping. By auditing the record registrants are able to assess the standard of record keeping and identify areas of improvement and staff development. The 9 criteria against which clinical records must be audited are those identified in the Content and Style section of this policy. 17.1 MINIMUM CONTENT OF AUDIT REPORTS The minimum content of clinical records will be audited using the PCTs standardised Clinical Records Audit Tool. Results of audit will be reported on using the Standardised Clinical Audit Reporting Template. The audit tool and reporting template can be found on the Trusts Intranet. 17.2 FREQUENCY OF AUDITS All registrants are required to participate in undertaking audit of clinical records according to their Dept/Ward/Teams respective annual clinical audit plans. Staff should refer to the Trust’s Clinical Audit Committee for advice/support where appropriate. The percentage of clinical records audited and frequency should be identified clearly in the respective service/s annual clinical audit plan, as a minimum clinical records audit should be taken annually. 17.3 ACTION PLANS Action plans will be developed as a result of the Clinical audits and will be presented to the relevant Governance Committees within the trust. Actions from this will be cascaded to the appropriate areas for implementation with progress reported back the Governance Committees on a regular basis. 17.4 MONITORING THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OF THE POLICY The use of this policy will be monitored and performance managed by the Quality & Nursing Directorate Team. All clinical records audit reports and resulting action will be reported to and monitored by the Children Young People and Disabilities, and Adults and Older People Clinical Governance Committees, it will also be monitored via the PCTs Clinical Audit Committee, and any exception reports reported to the Provider Services Clinical Governance Committee. The clinical records audit tool should be reviewed annually to ensure the necessary data is available to provide a comprehensive report to monitor the effectiveness and adherence to the clinical records policy. 18. ACCESS TO CLINICAL RECORDS The Trust supports the principle of shared records in which all of the health care team involved in the care and treatment of patients/clients makes entries in a single multi-professional record and in accordance with the shared record 10 policy. Each member of the health care team’s contribution to the clinical record should be seen as of equal importance. Patients /clients records may be used for, teaching or clinical supervision, the principles of access and confidentiality remain the same and the patients/clients right to refuse should be respected. Research governance requires that consent to access and use records for research purposes is sought from each patient invited to participate or whose records may be used. Provision for this in the research proposal will be required as part of the pre-research ethical approval process. A patients/clients right of access to their health records is governed by the provision of the Data Protection ACT 1998, Access to Health records Act 1990, the Caldicott principles and must be in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Trust Policy for access to Health Records. 18.1 RETENTION OF RECORDS The period for which patients/clients clinical record is kept is subject to legislation and The Records Management: NHS Code of Practice, which is available on the Trusts Intranet. see Appendix 1 The Trust Recommends that clinical information pertaining to a patient/client should not be kept in diaries. Where information is recorded in a diary it will be considered as being part of that patients/clients clinical record, clinical information can be transferred from the diary into the clinical record, the diary would then need to be retained for two years and will be required to be retained in line with the patient/clients clinical record. For telemedicine or use of recorded patient information/records refer to section in Retention of Records under telemedicine. 18.2 TRANSPORTATION OF CLINICAL RECORDS For the transportation of clinical records please refer to the Trusts Transportation of Records Policy. 19. SUPPORT AND ADDITIONAL CONTACTS The name/s of the people responsible for developing the document and from whom additional support and advice can be obtained in order to implement the document are: Bev Harris Head of Professional Development Adult Community Services Lyn Barwick Head of Professional Development Community Hospitals Jenny Mellor Head of Professional Development Children’s and Speciality Services Based at Toll Bar House 0115 931 6100. 11