Template 1B. FN Program Goals and Outcome Measures 4/5/10 Graduate Program Foods and Nutrition Program Prepared by Dr. B. Burns-Whitmore, RD Spring 2010 Program Assessment Broad Range Program Goals for College of Agriculture: MS in Ag-Nutrition and Food Science Option Date: Revised April 15, 2010 Program Goal #1: The program prepares Master students for nutrition or food science careers, dietitians, teaching positions or admittance to nutrition or food science related postgraduate training program Program Goal #2 The program will develop research skills and foster an evidence-based approach to practice. Program Goal #3 The program will produce graduates with the knowledge and skill base to be successful professionals in the food and nutrition/food science field(s). Template 1B. FN Program Goals and Outcome Measures 4/5/10 Graduate Program Foods and Nutrition Program Goal #1 and Outcome Measures Program Goal #1: The program prepares Master students for nutrition or food science careers, dietitians, teaching positions or admittance to nutrition or food science related postgraduate training program. Target Measure: Data Data What Groups Assessment Methods Who will Timeline Outcome Measures Needed Available? Will Be Conduct Assessed Assessment 1. Five years after graduation, 60% Graduate Yes Presently using e-mail Graduate of Master’s graduates that apply to information Graduates notifications from Coordinator Annually, Graduate/Professional programs No* students. Spring will be accepted We will design a Survey* 2. Five years after graduation 20% Presently using e-mail Graduate of Master’s graduates will be Graduate Yes Alumni notifications from Coordinator, Annually, employed in a job related to their information students. Department Chair Spring major (other than teaching) No* We will design a Survey* 3. Five years after graduation, of Presently using e-mail Graduate those Master graduate students Graduate Yes Alumni notifications from Coordinator, Annually, that choose to become teachers, Information students. Department Chair Spring 60% will be employed in a job No* We will design a Survey* related to their major 4. Five years after graduation, 80% Presently using e-mail Didactic Program or more of graduate students who Graduate Yes Alumni notifications from Director, Graduate Annually, apply to dietetic internship (DI) Information students. Coordinator, Spring programs, become Registered No* We will design a Survey* Department Chair Dietitians (RDs), are accepted. 5 Five years after graduation, 60% Presently using e-mail Graduate of postbac students enrolled in the Graduate Yes Alumni notifications from Coordinator, Annually, Master Program that apply to Information students. Department Chair Spring Graduate/Professional programs No* We will design a Survey* will be accepted 6. Five years after graduation, 60% Presently using e-mail Didactic Program of postbac students enrolled in the Graduate Yes Alumni notifications from Director, Graduate Annually, Master Program that apply to Information students. Coordinator, Spring dietetic internship (DI) programs, No* We will design a Survey* Department Chair become Registered Dietitians (RDs), are accepted. Template 1B. FN Program Goals and Outcome Measures 4/5/10 Graduate Program Foods and Nutrition Program Goal #2 and Outcome Measures Program Goal #2 The program will develop research skills and foster an evidence-based approach to practice. Target Measure: Data Needed Data Available? What Groups Will Be Assessed Assessment Methods Graduate information No* Graduates Survey* Graduate Coordinator, Department Chair Review of thesis by faculty and documentation of thesis completion Review of critical review by faculty Yes Graduates Completion of thesis defense and publication of thesis Graduate Coordinator, Department Chair Annually, Spring Yes Graduates Completion of critical review Graduate Coordinator, Department Chair Annually, Spring Meetings with thesis committee members/ faculty Yes Graduates Documentation of research project Graduate Coordinator, Department Chair Annually, Spring Thesis/critical review by faculty and documentation of thesis completion Yes Graduates Pass rate/documentation of graduation Graduate Program Director, Department Chair, Annually, Spring Outcome Measures 1. 80% of program graduates employed in nutrition/food science and complete the graduate survey will agree that research skills (reading and critiquing peerreviewed research articles) and the understanding of evidence-based practice they developed as students impacted the approach they use in their work setting. 2. 100% of thesis-based graduates in the program will have developed research skills by using evidenced based research for their thesis. 3. 100% of non-thesis-based graduates in the program will have developed research skills by using evidenced based research for their critical review. 4. 80% of the thesis-based graduates in the program will have performed and designed a study & have done research for their thesis. 5. 100% of Master’s graduates will pass their thesis defense or critical review. Who will Conduct Assessment Timeline Annually, Spring Template 1B. FN Program Goals and Outcome Measures 4/5/10 Graduate Program Foods and Nutrition Program Goal #3 and Outcome Measures Program Goal #3 The program will produce graduates with the knowledge and skill base to be successful professionals in the food and nutrition/food science field(s). Target Measure: Data Data What Groups Assessment Methods Who will Timeline Outcome Measures Needed Available? Will Be Conduct Assessed Assessment 1. 60% of graduates who are Graduate Program working in a job related to their Graduate No* Graduates Survey* Director, Annually, undergraduate major will rate the information Department Chair Spring program ≤ 2 on a scale of 1-5 (1 as the highest). 2. Graduates of the program will indicate they are satisfied with the MS program in 80% of the items listed on the alumni survey 3. Employers of graduates of the program will indicate they are satisfied with the MS program in 80% of the items listed on the employer evaluation survey Graduates No* Graduates Survey* Graduate Program Director, Department Chair Annually, Spring Employers No* Graduates Survey* Graduate Program Director, Department Chair, Annually, Spring *Data will be compiled when a survey is designed, tested and utilized. Need to design/obtain a survey for graduates Need to design a survey/obtain for employer satisfaction Begin to compile material of similar questionnaires used at other universities-Fall 2010 Data collection will begin Fall 2011