Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Wider Objective:
Indicators of progress:
How indicators will be measured:
What is the overall broader objective, to which the
project will contribute?
What are the key indicators related to the wider objective?
What are the sources of information on these
 To enhance innovativeness of companies
and advance employment and selfemployment potential of graduates from
Western Balkan countries by fostering
students’ entrepreneurship, creation of
business start-ups at university settings and
open innovation in collaboration between
universities and enterprises.
 Innovativeness and competitiveness level of
industry in WB region
 Increased level of students’ entrepreneurial
 Increased students’ employability
 Career progress of graduates on year after
completing study program
 Number of start-ups at university
 Increased level of interaction and cooperation
between universities and industry
 Level of satisfaction of key stakeholders with
new model of cooperation
 Innovation Union report and national
statistical reports on innovativeness and
 Annual reports of partner universities on
number of new start-ups at university
 Annual reports of partner universities on
students’ employability and career progress
 Students’ feedback
 Annual reports of partner universities on
university – industry collaboration
 Questionnaires and interweaves with key
actors of knowledge triangle
How indicators will be measured:
Assumptions & risks:
Specific Project Objective/s:
Indicators of progress:
What are the specific objectives, which the project shall
What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing What are the sources of information that exist and can What are the factors and conditions not under
whether and to what extent the project’s specific objectives
be collected? What are the methods required to get this the direct control of the project, which are
are achieved?
necessary to achieve these objectives? What
risks have to be considered?
 Network of 6 iDEA labs in the WBC region  Project web site
 To set up, equip and network co-creative
centres (iDEA labs) which support students
and researchers to generate, develop, market
and commercialize their own innovative
ideas through entrepreneurship and/or open
innovation in three WBC countries
 To foster students’ entrepreneurship and
creation of start-ups at university settings
 To introduce and implement open
innovation as a new form of partnership
among key stakeholders in knowledge
triangle in the region.
 To revise and adapt curricula to include
entrepreneurial skills and problem-based
(1 in ME, 2 in BA and 3 in RS) operational
by May 2015
At least 50 members of PC staff trained on
entrepreneurial skills and specialized in
dealing with open innovations, by April
Quality and number (at least 6) of
entrepreneurial skills trainings developed by
May 2015
At least 500 students and other iDEA lab
users trained on entrepreneurial skills by
September 2016
At least 1000 students participated in
different iDEA lab activities by November
Regional marketplace for ideas established
 Report on purchased equipment and
 Annual report on iDEA lab operation
 Project report
 Staff and trainers reports on training
program (entrepreneurial skills)
 Peer reviews, register of developed
trainings and published materials
 Open innovation Manual
 Annual reports of partner universities on
university – industry collaboration
 Report on curricula revision, Curricula of
revised subjects
 Staff reports on and students’ evaluations
of entrepreneurial skills training program
 Evidence of students participating in
 Growing students interest in
 Continuation of proactive
innovation and entrepreneurship
policy in WBC at all levels
 Continuation of support to young
entrepreneurs in WBC
 Availability of not expensive startup finances in WBC
 Emergence of business angels and
venture capital funds in WBC
 Improvement of e-business
environment (to allow on-line
payments and money transfers)
 Enterprises and SMEs from WBC
mainly endorse open innovation
by February 2016
 At least 25 open innovation projects
developed in the region by September 2016
 At least 10 students’ ideas ready to be
become independent companies (students’
start-ups), by September 2016
 Curricula of at least 20 subjects revised to
include entrepreneurial and work-based
learning by August 2016
Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes
Indicators of progress:
different iDEA lab activities (project
 Annual reports of partner universities on
students’ employability and career progress
 Students’ feedback
How indicators will be measured:
What are the indicators to measure whether and to what
What are the sources of information on these
 Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? indicators?
outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading
 Project web site
to the specific objective/s.:
WP1 Modelling iDEA lab
1.1 Report on best practice of EU in
developing open innovation, living labs
and idea incubators
1.2 Report on local needs for trainings and
1.3 Developed iDEA lab model
WP2 Establishing iDEA lab
2.1 Equipment set-up
2.2 Developed virtual segment of iDEA lab
2.3 Trained PC staff on entrepreneurial skills
2.4 Developed set of trainings for iDEA lab
WP3 iDEA lab operation
3.1 Trained iDEA lab users (students and
3.2 Supported students’ start-up
3.3 Developed open innovations with
 Number of best practice case studies from EU
(at least 20 for living labs and 20 for idea
incubators) included in the report, finished by
April 2014
 At least 400 interviews with industry,
entrepreneurs, SMEs, policy-makers and
students from WBC by April 2014
 Draft version of white paper developed by
June 2014 and finalized by July 2014
 Equipment specified and call for tender
published by June 2014; equipment delivered
by September 2014 and installed by October
 Functionality of virtual segment specified by
July 2014, first version developed by October
2014, and fully tested by January 2015
 At least 30 members of PC staff selected and
trained on entrepreneurial skills and at least 20
specialized in dealing with open innovation by
April 2015
 At least 8 entrepreneurial trainings developed
for students based on needs assessment by May
 iDEA lab annual report,
 Project progress report,
 iDEA lab White paper (web site)
 Official call for tender published in
media (also available at project web site)
 Equipment specification, invoices,
 Act on iDEA Lab foundation
 Equipment register
 iDEA lab staff CVs
 Staff reports on visits completed
 Workshop summaries (web site)
 Trainers (EU) and Staff (PC) reports on
and evaluation of specialization and
 List of developed entrepreneurial
trainings, peer reviews, register of
developed programs and published
 Trainers and iDEA lab users (students)
reports on and evaluation of trainings
 Regional marketplace for ideas available
 Availability of necessary
equipment at the market
 Further progress of EU integrations
 Further moderate recovery and
growth of WBC industry in 20142016
 Political and economic instability
in the region
 Lack of local institutional support
 Personal motivation of each and
every participant in program
Assumptions & risks:
What external factors and conditions must be
realised to obtain the expected outcomes and
results on schedule?
 Full institutional support and top
management (dean, head of
department) commitment during
project realisation
 Appropriately skilled and
motivated staff of iDEA lab is
available and continues to work on
the project after training
 Open innovation model of
cooperation is accepted and endorsed
in a timely manner
 Availability of not expensive startup finances in WBC
 Growing students interest in
 Growing SMEs internationalisation
and rise of need to innovate
 Delay in the delivery of the
 Limited selection of students and
graduates with high-quality potential
intereseted in iDEA lab programs
3.4 Established and maintained Marketplace
for Ideas
WP4 Dissemination
4.1 Web site developed and maintained (in
English and BHS)
4.2 Promo material development and
4.3 Dissemination and networking events
4.4 Established WBC students’ start up
4.5 Started regional practitioners’
WP5 Exploitation
5.1 Developed sustainability strategy
5.2 iDEA lab included into teaching process
5.3 Realized partnerships with
5.4 Submitted application for membership in
WP6 Quality control and monitoring
6.1 Established quality control system
6.2 Controlled and monitored processes and
6.3 Evaluated iDEA lab programs and
6.4 Exchanged best practice with other
Tempus projects
WP7 Project Management
7.1 Project management meetings organised
and realised
7.2 Project management proccedures
7.3 Project activities managed and reported
 Quality of developed courses and published
teaching materials
 At least 1000 students participated in
different iDEA lab activities and at least 200
students and other iDEA lab users trained on
entrepreneurial skills between May 2015 and
Sept 2016
 Quality of and satisfaction with delivered
 Regional marketplace for ideas established by
December 2015
 At least 20 mentors available and at least 50
students’ business ideas mentored for at least
three months between May 2015 and Sept 2016
 At least 10 different events linked would-beentrepreneurs with sources of financing by
September 2016
 At least 10 students’ ideas ready to be spinout by October 2016
 At least 25 open innovation projects for /with
industry developed in the region by September
 At least 20 ideas and 50 students took part in
regional start up competition
 At least 15 revised and adapted subjects to
include entrepreneurial and work-based
learning by July 2016
 Inclusion of iDEA lab in teaching from
March 2016
 Number (at least 10) and quality of developed
and published teaching materials by August
 At least 10 involved industrial partners outof-consortia by August 2016
 At least 5.000 visits to project web site per
year and at least 500 downloads from web site
per year; at least 1000 unique users per year;
through web site
 Monthly statistics about activities on
regional marketplace for ideas (web site,
Google statistics, annual report)
 Names and CVs of mentors
 Mentors’ reports on idea development
 Students’ applications for mentorship
 Reports from events linking would-beentrepreneurs with sources of financing
 Report on open innovation projects with
 List of subjects, report on curricula
revision, curricula of revised subjects
 Peer reviews, register of published
teaching materials
 Google analytics
 Dissemination and networking report
 Press clipping
 Conference proceedings
 Survey of students and iDEA lab users;
Survey of companies; Survey of trainers
 Meeting minutes
 Case study reports
 Stakeholder interwievs
 Travel reports
 Training manuals
 Training evaluation reports
 Project impact report
 Seminar reports
 Workshop reports
 Quality monitoring files
 Financial management records
 Media support and follow up
 Number and variety of promo materials
 Published book: From idea to business
(successful case-studies from each WBC) by
August 2016
 At least 20 dissemination and networking
events organised and 10 participated in during
the project and number of new contacts
established during each event
 At least 10 media appearances
 At least 50 publications at conference
 Sustainability strategy developed by
 Number of partnering companies
 Number of partnering regional/local
 Submission of application for the Euro
Network of Living Labs by June 2016
 Number of indicators selected for monitoring
by January 2014
 Quality control manual developed by June
 Number of peer reviews; Number of items
reviewed; Results of peer reviews
 Satisfaction of iDEA lab users’ (students,
companies) and trainers with programs and
 Number of contacts (at least 5) with other
TEMPUS projects for Inter Tempus Coaching
 Timely completion of project milestones
 Project management guidance; Reporting
 Budget execution and goals achievement
What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped in
Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to
produce the expected results?
What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g.
staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.?
WP1 Modelling iDEA lab
1.1 Reviewing best practice from EU (living
labs, pre-incubators, business
1.2 Assessing local needs for trainings and
services (entrepreneurial and industrial)
1.3 Developing iDEA lab model for WBC
(structure and focus, virtual and
WP2 Establishing iDEA lab
2.1 Setting up equipment
2.2 Developing the virtual segment of iDEA
2.3 Training PC staff on entrepreneurial
skills (training of trainers)
2.4 Developing a set of trainings
 296 staff days (248 research/teaching and 48
administrative days)
 15 mobility flows from PC to EU; 5 mobility
flows from EU to EU
 Work material required for drafting the report
on best practice regarding living labs, preincubators, and business accelerators from EU;
Printing and publishing 200 pcs of the report;
Work material for drafting the report on local
need assessment; Printing and publishing 400
pcs of the report; Printing and publishing 600
pcs the White paper on iDEA lab
 238 staff days (186 research/teaching, 36
technicians and 16 administrative days)
 27 mobility flows from PC to EU; 12
mobility flows from EU to PC; 5 mobility
flows from EU to EU; 75 mobility flows from
PC to PC
 Equipment goes to HEIs from PC where
iDEA labs will be installed: Cameras, Video
editing software, 3D printers, 3D Printer
Double Head Filament Starter Pack, Smart
boards with projector, PCs, laptops and tablet
computers, Color multifunction printers and
cartriges, WiFi - CISCO AIRONET 3501I RADIO ACCESS POINT, Server, Scanners,
HDD Recorders, Idea management and mind
mapping software, purchase of the relevant
literature - text books and other
materials,Innovation Management and
 Material required for printing and copying
iDEA Lab user guide for students, Material
required for printing and copying handouts for
Assumptions, risks and preconditions:
What pre-conditions are required before the
project starts? What conditions outside the
project’s direct control have to be present for
the implementation of the planned activities?
 Full institutional support and top
management (dean, head of
department) commitment during
project realisation
 Space secured at WBC universities
for planned iDEA labs
 Timely availability of human and
technical resources
 Realization of financial
transactions from EC, within
deadline specified in the contract
 Growing students interest in
entrepreneurship and government
support to young entrepreneurs in
 Positive attitude of enterprises and
SMEs from WBC toward open
 Competence of administrative staff
for efficient project implementation
 Readiness, availability and the
interest of target groups to participate
in the project activities
 Efficient procedure of acquisition,
VAT exemption and import of
equipment and software
trainings, Material required for printing and
copying teaching materials for trainings
WP3 iDEA lab operation
3.1 Training iDEA lab users (students and
3.2 Mentoring students’ ideas and start-up
3.3 Developing open innovations
3.4 Establishing marketplace for ideas
 858 staff days (592 research/teaching, 42
technicians and 224 administrative days)
 24 mobility flows from EU to PC; 28
mobility flows from PC to PC
 Material required for printing and copying
material for training iDEA lab users; Material
required for printing and copying material for
mentoring iDEA lab users; Material required
for printing and copying material for
developing open innovation projects
WP4 Dissemination
4.1 Developing and maintaining the project
web site
4.2 Developing and publishing promo
4.3 Organizing dissemination and
networking events
4.4 Running WBC students’ start up
4.5 Starting up annual regional conference
 269 staff days (123 research/teaching, 38
technicians and 108 administrative days)
 9 student mobility flows from EU to PC; 45
student mobility flows from PC to PC
 Printing and copying material for regional
start up competition; Printing and copying
material for regional practitioners' conference
WP5 Exploitation
5.1 Developing sustainability strategy
5.2 Including iDEA lab in teaching process
5.3 Partnering with companies and
5.4 Applying for membership in the
European Network of Living Labs
 219 staff days (189 research/teaching and 30
administrative days)
 Material required for design, printing and
publishing of new teaching material for
updated and revised curricula
WP6 Quality control and monitoring
6.1 Establishing quality control system
6.2 Internal and external quality control and
 158 staff days (81 research/teaching and 77
administrative days)
 Material required for printing and copying
6.3 Evaluating iDEA lab programs and
6.4 Exchanging best practice with other
Tempus projects
questionnaires for students' and trainees' survey
WP7 Project Management
7.1 Organizing project management
7.2 Developing project management
7.3 Managing and reporting project
 908 staff days (480 managment, 20
research/teaching, 15 technicians and 393
administrative days)
 16 mobility flows from PC to EU, 36 mobility
flows from EU to PC, 6 mobility flows from
EU to EU, 54 mobility flows from PC to PC
 Material required for printing and copying
project management reports