New & Transfer Student Dance Scholarship Application Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 ATTENTION NEW AND TRANSFER STUDENTS: For General Academic Scholarships, make sure you apply for admission to the university online by January 16, 2015, and submit your official grade transcript and ACT score, to the Admissions office, at Utah Valley University, 800 W University Parkway, MS 106, Orem UT, 84058, by February 1, 2015. For any scholarships other than dance, please submit your online scholarship application by February 1, 2015. If you have any questions regarding non-dance scholarships, please contact the Scholarship office at 801-863-8443. If you are only interested in auditioning for a Dance Scholarship, you will still need to apply for admission to the university by January 16, 2015. Steps for submitting Dance Scholarship Information: 1. Read all information carefully. 2. Check boxes for scholarships for which you qualify. 3. Submit application and Tuition waiver application Letter of intent* Letter of recommendation from someone who knows your dance background High school or previous college transcript NO LATER THAN February 1, 2015 4. Award notifications will be sent by March 16, 2015 for Dance Performance scholarships. Dean’s Merit scholarship notifications will be by June 15, 2015. 5. For more information, contact the UVU Scholarship Office at (801) 863-8443 or Elaine Miner in the Department of Dance office at (801) 863-8610. *For One-Page Letter of Intent: Explain personal interests, professional goals, and reason for choosing this area of emphasis. Please note: Your letter will be reviewed by several selection committees, so please make sure that it is error free (Limit 2500 characters). Applicants Name: Last: ________________________________ First: ________________________________ MI: ______ Social Security Number: _____________________________________ UVU Dance Scholarship Application—NEW & TRANSFER Students 1 Home Address: Street: _________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: ____________________ Phone Numbers: Home: ______________________ Work: _______________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________ High School Attended: _______________________________________ Graduated: □ No □ Yes □ GED (if you selected “Yes” or “GED” you MUST complete Graduation/GED month and year below) Graduation/GED date: Month: __________________ Year: ____________ ACT Score: _____________ Have you applied for Federal Aid? □ Yes □ No If yes, please indicate: □ PELL Grant □ JTPA/WORKFORCE □ REHAB □ Student Loan □ Other Semester Applying for Scholarship: □ Fall 2015 □ Spring 2016 □ Both Fall and Spring UVU Major: _______________________________ □ A.S. Degree □ B.F.A. Degree □ B.S. Degree Please circle one: Ballet Dance Education Modern Ballroom E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________ Special Considerations: □ Single Parent □ Single Parent Home Family Size: _______________ Number in College: ________________ Predominant Ethnic Background: (needed for Institutional reporting) □ African American □ Hispanic □ Caucasian □ Pacific Islander/Polynesian □ Alaskan Native or Native American □ Other ________________________________________ Are you a dependent of a full-time UVU employee? □ No □ Yes (if you selected “yes” you MUST complete “who?” and “where?”) Who? ________________________ Where? ___________________________ Complete all four of the required sections below. If not applicable, place NONE in that section. School, Extracurricular, or Service Activities: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ UVU Dance Scholarship Application—NEW & TRANSFER Students 2 Awards and Contests: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student Government/Leadership Positions: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Performing Arts Talents: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ □ EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE SCHOLARSHIPS 7 resident full tuition waivers available for each company, 2 non-resident tuition waivers for each company REQUIRED: Minimum GPA 2.5 and a score of 18 on the ACT (if applicable) Please circle genre(s) of interest: ballet ballroom dance modern dance □ DEAN’S MERIT (MAJOR RELATED) SCHOLARSHIPS 2.5 half-tuition waivers available – residents only REQUIRED: Minimum GPA 3.0 and a score of 20 on the ACT (if applicable) and Utah Residency Major: _________________________ REQUIREMENTS FOR DANCE SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Scholarship Application submitted by – February 2, 2015 2. Applicant must be a Utah Resident to be assessed resident tuition and fees for the Dean’s Merit scholarship. 3. Recipient must be registered full-time, 12-18 credits, per semester 4. Recipient must complete department requirements in declared major or meet criteria as specified by the award and acceptance contract Incomplete applications will not be considered and student will be notified via provided e-mail address. Students may return a completed application. However, if the application is submitted after the application deadline, the student will receive second priority consideration. UVU Dance Scholarship Application—NEW & TRANSFER Students 3 AWARDS Awards range from partial tuition to full tuition, no fees, unless otherwise indicated. If a student is offered more than one award, it may be necessary to indicate a preference. Combined award amounts may be less than or equal to full tuition. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT STUDENTS If you have or are currently taking concurrent enrollment classes at UVU and have not graduated from high school, you will be considered a NEW student and not a continuing student for scholarship purposes. TRANSFER STUDENTS A transfer student is one who is transferring to UVU from another college or university. Transfer students will be considered a NEW student until 12 UVU credit hours have been completed. CONTINUING STUDENTS A continuing student is a UVU student that has completed at least 12 total post-high school UVU credit hours since enrolling at the College after high school graduation. IF MAILING, SEND APPLICATION TO: Utah Valley University Dept. of Dance, MS 233 800 West University Parkway Orem, Utah 84058-5999 Phone: (801) 863-8610; Fax: (801) 863-7130 I understand that I must submit this application before it will be considered. By submitting this application, I authorize disclosure of my transcripts to scholarship donors and committees, or any other authorized person for the purpose of determining my eligibility to receive a scholarship. ____________________ Date ____________________________________ Signature UVU Dance Scholarship Application—NEW & TRANSFER Students 4