THE APPLICATION PACKAGE MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING FIELD PLACEMENT INFORMATION 1. APPLICATION FORM: ONE COPY ONLY Personal ID (your address and phone number during the field placement interval). Your email address. Identify Childhood or Adolescent plus the Area of Adolescent Certification specifies, e.g. Grand Erie DSB (Haldimand area). 1st Choice School Board should be the board supporting the high school you attended. (Many school boards will only accept students who live in the district & attended a high school in the board). Adolescent school students – if area of adolescent certification in Social Studies, please be more specific, e.g. Social Studies (Geography). TODAY – COMPLETE & SUBMIT THIS FORM BEFORE LEAVING THE MEETING. 2. STUDENT PROFILE: FIVE COPIES Personal ID Identify Adolescent School Attended Area of Certification: Childhood or Adolescent and Area of Adolescent Certification. Professional Course Work: Adolescent Certification Program: List two columns – one column Undergraduate Courses and one column D’Youville College courses. (A sample sheet is enclosed) 1. List all undergraduate courses supporting your teachable by course name only. 2. List all D’Youville Courses by name Childhood Certification Program 1. List all D’Youville Courses by name Education Field Experience List any teaching related experiences / volunteer positions / work This sheet should be a good, clear copy (computer printed form). A copy is sent to your faculty consultant, school board, and each classroom consultant accepting you as a student teacher. Please complete the student profile on one sheet only. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION APPLICATION FOR EDUCATION FIELD PLACEMENT UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR PARTICIPANT/STUDENT TEACHER POST BACCALAUREATE/GRADUATE ELEMENTARY/SECONDARY Please Print NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: STREET: _____________________________ CITY: _____________________________ POSTAL CODE: _______________________ PHONE: (AREA CODE) EMAIL: TYPE OF PLACEMENT REQUESTED: CHILDHOOD:______ AREA OF CERTIFICATION_____ ADOLESENCE:_____ REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION IN PLACEMENT (You may request a geographic area or school board, not a specific teacher or school on this form. Canadian students will be placed in one (1) board only. School Board 1st. Choice: 2nd. Choice: *No student will be considered for placement until this form is completed. You will be notified by mail as to your placement. DO NOT call the college asking for placement location. All efforts will be made to meet your needs with regard to location but no guarantees will be made to anyone. If deadlines are not adhered to, a late fee can be applied and your placement options will be jeopardized. It is the student teacher’s responsibility to provide transportation to any field experience placement. D’YOUVILLE COLLEGE STUDENT PROFILE NAME: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: Canadian students must indicate secondary school attended:____________________________ (specialty/interest) AREA OF CERTIFICATION: PROFESSIONAL COURSEWORK: EDUCATIONAL FIELD EXPERIENCE: Field Placement Request If you would like a specific placement, please provide the following information. Note: This is a request and does not, in any way, guarantee you this placement. There are many variables that must be considered. Your Name ________________________ Major ________________ Home Phone ______________ Date ________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Check one: Junior participant (j. p.) Undergraduate student teacher Graduate student teacher Request 1 School Address ______________________________ Phone __________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Teacher _______________________________ Principal _______________________________ Grade __________ Request 2 School _______________________________ Address _______________________________ Phone __________ _______________________________ Teacher _______________________________ Principal _______________________________ Grade __________ _____ _____ _____