BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME POSTGRADUATE DEGREE COURSE IN “ECONOMIA E GESTIONE AZIENDALE” (Economics and Business Administration) SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS MANAGEMENT AND STATISTICS UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA CURRICULUM VITAE AUTOCERTIFICATO SELF-CERTIFIED CURRICULUM VITAE (The Italian language version of the act is prevailing with regard to the exact interpretation of the rules contained within, also in case of potential disputes.) CERTIFICAZIONE CERTIFICATE (articoli 46 e 47 D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445) (articles 46 and 47 D.P.R. 28 December 2000, n. 445) Il sottoscritto/ I _______________________________________________________________________________ (cognome) (surname) (nome) (name) nato a / born in _____________________________ il/on ________________________________ (luogo) (place) (giorno, mese, anno)(day, month,year) e residente a / living in ________________ in__________________________________________ (città) (city) (indirizzo) (address) ai sensi e per gli effetti delle disposizioni contenute negli articoli 46 e 47 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445 e consapevole delle conseguenze derivanti da dichiarazioni mendaci ai sensi dell’articolo 76 del predetto D.P.R. n. 445/2000, sotto la propria responsabilità according to articles 46 and 47, Decree of the Presidency of the Italian Republic no. 445 of December 28th 2000 and aware of the consequences that may descend from false declarations according to article 76 of the above mention Decree, under my own responsibility DICHIARA / DECLARE che le informazioni contenute nel presente curriculum corrispondono a verità. that the information stated in this curriculum corresponds to the truth. → Please REMIND to sign the certificate at the end on the curriculum vitae (last page) 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Data Name: ____________________________________________________ Surname: __________________________________________________ Telephone n.: ______________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Citizenship: ________________________________________________ Languages Mother tongue: ________________________________________________ English: □ A1 □ A2 □ B1 □ B2 □ C1 □ C2 Please indicate if you have a certificate/document to prove the English language proficiency: Type of certificate: ______________________________________________ Date of the certificate: __________________________________________ Other languages (if any): ____________: □ A1 Academic career □ A2 □ B1 □ B2 □ C1 □ C2 High School Diploma: - Type of High School:_________________________________________ - Year of Graduation and Final Grade: :_____________________________ For non-Italian students, please also indicate the scale of evaluation of your final mark (i.e. minimum and maximum possible marks) Minimum grade:___________; Maximum grade______________ University Undergraduate Bachelor Degree*: - Degree in __________________________________________________ - University: __________________________________________________ - Date of enrollment: ____________________________________________ If you are a graduate please indicate: - Date of your graduation ______________________________________ - Final mark: ________________________________________________ 2 For non-Italian students, please also indicate the scale of evaluation of your final mark (i.e. minimum and maximum possible marks) Minimum grade:___________; Maximum grade______________ If you are graduating please indicate: - average weighted mark: ______________________________________ For non-Italian students, please also indicate the scale of evaluation of your marks (i.e. minimum and maximum possible marks) Minimum grade:___________; Maximum grade______________ - expected graduation date: ______________________________________ - number of exams to complete: _________________________________ University Postgraduate Degree (if any)*: - Degree in _________________________________________________ - University: __________________________________________________ Date of your graduation ______________________________________ - Final mark: ________________________________________________ - For non-Italian students, please also indicate the scale of evaluation of your final mark (i.e. minimum and maximum possible marks) Minimum grade:___________; Maximum grade______________ * Please remind that it is necessary to upload the degree certificate (if you are a graduate) and the list of the exams already taken (please indicate your situation): □ I am a graduate/ student of the university of Bologna therefore: ○ I ask that the data about my academic career are acquired directly by the offices ○ I upload the self-certification (downloadable at □ I am a graduate/ student of the another Italian or European university therefore I upload the module for self-certification (attached to the call for application) □ I am a graduate/ student of a non-EU university therefore I upload a copy of the degree/the transcript of records of the exams already taken 3 Working experience/ Hosting company: ____________________________________________ Internships Length: starting date______________ - end date ___________________ Tasks: _____________________________________________________ Place: _____________________________________________________ Type of experience: □ Internship / □ job (If you have more than one experience, please fill in the data for each experience) Relevant experiences Hosting university/institution: _____________________________________ abroad Length: starting date______________ - end date ___________________ Type of experience (for ex. Erasmus, Overseas, double degree programmes, internship …): ______________________________________________ (If you have more than one experience, please fill in the data for each experience) Other activities or Please specify if you have any other relevant skill or competences or if you competences carried out any other relevant experience: Information for the oral interview: - Please indicate if you have any preference for the day/timing of the interview: - Please indicate if you require to use off-site interview methods (skype or video conference): □ yes/□ no Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 I approve treatment of the personal data contained in my curriculum vitae according to article 13 of the legislative decree no. 196/2003 Place and date ___________________________ Signature ____________________________ 4