Copyright@ Feng Zhao March 10, 2006 ~ 1 Appendix for the PES2007 Paper - Bid Cost Minimization vs. Payment Cost Minimization: A Game Theoretic Study of Electricity Markets Feng Zhao, Peter B. Luh, Fellow, IEEE, Ying Zhao, Joseph H. Yan, Senior Member, IEEE, Gary A. Stern, and Shi-Chung Chang, Member, IEEE I. DERIVATIONS FOR TWO-SUPPLIER GAMES (DEC. 9) Consider an energy market with T hours indexed by t (1 t T) with demand given for each hour and with I suppliers indexed by i (1 i I). Supplier i submits one single-block bid to the market containing the min/max bid levels pi min/pi max, the bid price ci $/MWh, and the startup cost Si $/Start for all hours. The supplier’s incremental production cost is ci,0 $/MWh and the actual startup cost is Si,0 $/Start. Auctions are solved to select bids and their levels based on bid cost minimization or payment cost minimization auction models. The selected bids are then paid at uniform market clearing prices, and the startup costs incurred during the auction hours are fully compensated. Denote the market clearing price at Hour t is MCP(t). The selection status of Supplier i's bid at is denoted by a zero-one variable xi(t) with “1” representing “On” or “Selected” and “0” representing “Off” or “Not selected,” and the selected power level is denoted by pi(t). Now consider the game with two suppliers under the payment cost minimization. The initial status of each supplier is assumed to be “Off.” The Nash equilibria are obtained as below. Depending on each supplier’s ability to meet the total demand, three cases are considered to represent different market situations: both suppliers can supply the system demand; only one can do so; and neither can. For each case, corresponding aspects under payment cost minimization and bid cost minimization are compared. For concise presentation, the time index t is omitted for the rest of this section since only one hour is considered. Case 1: PD[p1 min, p1 max] and PD [p2 min, p2 max] In this case, both suppliers can meet the system demand. Therefore, no one is guaranteed to be selected. To have a compact solution form, denote by Ai the actual cost and Bi the bid cost of Supplier i for supplying PD, i.e., Ai ci ,0 p D S i ,0 , i 1, 2 , (1) Bi ci p D S i , i 1, 2 . (2) Payment Cost Minimization Supplier 1’s reaction is: Feng Zhao is currently with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-1157 USA Feng Zhao, Proprietary Confidential, B2 , if B2 A1 2, r1 : B1 A1 , if B2 A1 , A , if B A . 2 1 1 (3) By symmetry, Supplier 2’s reaction is: B1 , if B1 A 2 2, (4) r2 : B2 A2 , if B1 A 2 , A , if B A . 1 2 2 Without loss of generality, let A1<A2. The reaction curves r1 and r2 are depicted in Figure II-1. B2 (A2, A2+) r1 r2 A2+ A1+ A 1+ A2+ B1 Fig. 1. Reaction curves of the two suppliers with A1<A2 in Case 1. The intersection point, which is the Nash equilibrium is obtained as: ( A2 , A2 ε ), if A1 A 2 , * * (5) ( B1 , B2 ) ( A1 ε, A2 ε ), if A1 A 2 , ( A ε, A ), if A A . 1 1 2 1 The expected production costs for the two suppliers at equilibrium are: ( A2 A1 ,0), if A1 A 2 , (6) ( E1 , E 2 ) (ε / 2, ε / 2), if A1 A 2 , (0, A A ), if A A . 2 1 1 2 Bid Cost Minimization It can be verified that the two auctions will yield the same solution under the current Case 1. As a result, the equilibrium solutions are the same as (II-5) and (II-6). Case 2: PD > p1 max and PD[p2 min, p2 max] In this case, Supplier 2 has to be selected since Supplier 1 alone cannot provide PD. Copyright@ Feng Zhao March 10, 2006 ~ Payment Cost Minimization To obtain Supplier 1’s reaction with Supplier 2’s strategy given, Supplier 1 is considered to be selected or not selected. For Supplier 1 to be selected, it has to bid zero startup cost and a lower price than Supplier 2. Then Supplier 1 will be selected at p1 max, and MCP is Supplier 2’s bid price. Supplier 1’s profit maximization problem is Max (c1 s1) (c2 - c1,0)p1 max + S1-S1,0, (7) s.t. c1 < c2, (8) S1 = 0, (9) c1 > c1,0+S1,0/p1 max. (10) Equations (8)-(9) guarantee the selection of Supplier 1. Equation (10) ensures the positive profit. Note that the objective (7) is not affected by c1. Thus, any feasible solution of the above maximization problem is an optimal solution. If the problem has no solution, Supplier 1 will choose to stay off by bidding high, e.g., c1 > c2. Supplier 1’s reaction can be represented by S S (c1,0 1,0 , S1,0 ), if c2 c1,0 1,0 , p1max p1max (c1 , S1 ) : (11) S1,0 (c1 , 0), for c1 [c1,0 , c2 ], otherwise. p1max Given Supplier 1’s strategy, Supplier 2 should bid its startup cost as high as possible since the cost is always fully compensated and does not affect the amount of power selected. Since Supplier 1 will not be selected if S1 is positive. To select c2, S1 is assumed to be zero. One option is to choose a value as high as possible to set MCP. Another option is to bid a lower price than Supplier 1 so that more power, i.e., PD MW, is selected. Denote the price and startup cost caps by ccap and Scap, respectively. Therefore, Supplier 2’s profit under the first option is 2 = (ccap – c2,0)( PD - p1 max) + Scap -S2,0. (12) Supplier 2’s profit under the second option is 2 = (c1- – c2,0)PD + Scap -S2,0. (13) Then Supplier 2’s reaction can be represented by c1 c2,0 cap cap P D p1max , (c , S ), if cap ( c2 , S 2 ) : (14 ) c c2 , 0 PD (c , S cap ), otherwise. 1 (8) Let c1,0+S1,0/p1 max < ccap(1–p1 max/PD)+. The two reaction curves are then depicted in Figure II-2. c2 2 The intersection point, which is the Nash equilibrium, is obtained as: (c , c cap ), for c1 [ K 1 , K 2 ] , if K 1 K 2 , (15) (c1* , c 2* ) 1 None, if K 1 K 2 , where K1 c1,0 S1,0 p1 max , K 2 (c cap c 2,0 )(1 p1 max PD ) c 2, 0 . The expected production costs for the two suppliers at equilibrium are: c p S , c ( P D p1max ) S 2,0 , if K1 K 2 , ( E1 , E2 ) 1,0 1max 1,0 2,0 N / A, elsewise, (16) Bid Cost Minimization To obtain Supplier 1’s reaction curve, the supplier’s profit maximization problem with given Supplier 2’s strategy as is presented as follows: Max( c1 , S1 ) MCP p1 S1 c1,0 p1 S1,0 x1 . (17) Given Supplier 2’s strategy, Supplier 1 is selected to obtain positive profit by bidding a lower price than Supplier 2. Then Supplier 1 will be selected at p1 max, and MCP equals Supplier 2’s bid price. Therefore, the Supplier 1’s profit maximization problem is represented as max c1 , S1 c2 c1, 0 p1,max S1 S1,0 . (18) When both Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 are selected, the bid cost is smaller than the bid cost when only Supplier 2 is selected. The following (19) guarantees that Supplier 1 is selected c2 d p1,max S 2 c1 p1,max S1 c2 d S 2 . (19) From (19), we get S1 c2 c1 p1,max . (20) In order to simplify the resolution, we assume=p1,max. Therefore, (20) is represented as: S1 c2 c1 p1,max . (21) Equation (22) ensures the positive profit. p1,maxc1, 0 S1, 0 p1,max c2 S1 . (22) Note that the objective (18) is only affected by S1. S1 A (0,(c2-)p1max ) L1 p1max(c1,0-c2-)+S1,0 Equilibria L2 ccap c1p1max r2 Fig. 3. K1 r1 K2 ccap c1 Fig. 2. Reaction curves in Payment Cost Minimization Case 2. Feng Zhao, Proprietary Confidential, In Fig.3, the Lines L1 and L2 present the condition that Supplier 1 selected (21) and Supplier 2’s positive profit (22), respectively. At point A, the maximum value of S1 is obtained. Therefore, the maximum profit is obtained when S1 = (c2-) p1,max and c1 = 0. Adding (21) and (22), when c1 = 0 we get Copyright@ Feng Zhao 1 S1,0 c1,0 c2 . 2 p1,max March 10, 2006 ~ (23) When (23) is satisfied, the problem has solution. Otherwise, Supplier 1 will choose to stay off by bidding high, e.g., c1> c2. Therefore, Suppler 1’s reaction can be represented by 1 S1,0 c1, 0 c 2 , 0, c 2 p1,max , if r1 : 2 p1,max c , 0 , otherwise . 2 (24) At a first glance, the solution seems unreasonable. Why the bid price of Supplier 1 is zero? In case 2, Supplier 2 must be selected and supplier 2’s will bid higher than supplier 1. Therefore, Supplier 1’s bid price will not influent MCP. In the bid cost minimization, Supplier 1 is paid as MCP. So Supplier 1 will maximize his profit by bidding high start up cost. Supplier 2’s reaction with regard to Supplier 1’s strategy is derived as follows. Given Supplier 1’s strategy, Supplier 2’s profit maximization problem can be represented as: max c2 ,S2 p2 MCP c2,0 S 2 S 2,0 . (25) Supplier 2 has two options. Under the first option, Supplier 2 bids as high as possible to set MCP when Supplier 1 is selected. Under the second option, Supplier 2 can bid a lower price than Supplier 1 so that all power is selected. Under both options, Supplier 2 should bid its startup cost as high as possible since the cost is always fully compensated and does not affect the amount of power selected. Denote the price and startup cost caps by ccap and Scap, respectively. We assume that Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 have the same price and startup cost caps. Under the first option, Supplier 2’s profit maximization problem is represented as Maxc2 ,S2 c2 c2,0 d p1,max S 2 S 2,0 . (26) Supplier 2 must be selected to supply part of energy. Therefore, Supplier 2 could bid as high as possible. When c2 = ccap, Supplier 2 maximizes his profit. Therefore, Supplier 2’s profit under the first option is represented as c cap c2,0 d p1,max S cap S 2,0 . (27) Under the second option, Supplier 2’s profit maximization problem is 2 Maxc2 , S2 c2 c2,0 d S 2 S 2,0 , (28) s.t. c2 c1 . (29) Supplier 2’s profit under the second option is 2 c1 c2,0 d S cap S 2,0 . (30) The following (31) guarantees that both Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 are selected. c cap d p1,max S cap c1 p1,max S1 c1 d S cap (31) The following (32) ensures the profit under the first option is larger than the second one. c cap c2,0 d p1,max S cap S 2,0 c1 c2,0 d S cap S 2,0 (32) From (31) and (32), we get Feng Zhao, Proprietary Confidential, S1 p1,m ax 3 c 2, 0 c1 . (33) Otherwise, the second option is selected. Then Supplier 2’s reaction can be represented by S1 cap cap c2.,0 c1 , c , S , if p r2 : (34) 1,max c , S cap , otherwise. 1 In (20), there are three variables c2, c1, S1 and in (34) two variables c1, S1 exits. The Nash solution is the intersection of Suppliers’ reactions. We draw the figure separately when c1 = 0 and S1 = 0. c2 ccap r2 Nash Solution r1 ccap S1/p1 max c1 Scap/p1 max Fig. 4. Reaction curves with c2,0<(S1,0/p1max+c1,0+)/2 for Bid Cost Minimization Case 2 If c2,0>(S1,0/p1max+c1,0+)/2, then there is no intersection. Otherwise, there are multiple intersections and the dominant one is {((S1,0/p1max+c1,0+)/2,0), ((S1,0/p1max+c1,0)/2, Scap)}. At the equilibrium, Supplier 2 bids at (S1,0/p1max+c1,0)/2 so that Supplier 1 has no chance to be selected without losing money. It can be easily verified that the solution is unique. Case 3: PD > p1 max, p2 max and PD< p1 max+ p2 max In this case, both Suppliers have to be selected since one supplier alone cannot provide PD. Payment Cost Minimization Given P1’s strategy, Supplier 2 has two choices: (a) Bid low (c2<c1) so that p2 max MWs will be selected with profit (c1c2,0)p2 max+S2 - S2,0; (b) Bid at price cap so that MCP= ccap and (PD -p1 max) MWs will be selected with profit (ccap - c2,0)(PD -p1 max)+ S2 - S2,0. Supplier 2’s reaction is obtained based on profit maximization by comparing the above two options. Therefore, Supplier 2’s reaction is obtained as: c1 c2,0 P D p1 max cap , ( c , S ), if cap r2 : 1 (35) p2 max c c2 , 0 ( c cap , S cap ), otherwise. By symmetry, Supplier 1’s reaction is obtained as: c2 c1,0 P D p2 max cap , ( c2 , S ), if cap r1 : (36) p1 max c c1,0 ( c cap , S cap ), otherwise. The two reaction curves are depicted in Figure 5. It can be seen that no Nash equilibrium exists in this case. Copyright@ Feng Zhao March 10, 2006 ~ c2 c2 r1 ccap ccap 4 r2 r2 c1,0-(Scap-S1,0)/p1max+ ccap r1 c2,0-(Scap-S2,0)/p2max+ ccap c1 c1 Fig. 6. Reaction curves for bid cost minimization Case 3. Fig. 5. Reaction curves in for Payment Cost Minimization Case 3. There is no Nash solution in case 3. The two suppliers could not get the maximum profit at the same time. Bid Cost Minimization The bid cost minimization problem is presented as min c1 ,S1 ,S2 ,c2 c1 p1 S1 c2 p2 S 2 . (37) The profits of Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 are 1 MCP c1,0 p1 S1 S1,0 . (38) 2 MCP c2, 0 p2 S 2 S 2,0 (39) Given Supplier 1’s strategy (c1, S1), Supplier 2 has two options: (a) Bid low (c1 > c2) so that p2,max MWs will be selected; (b) Bid at price cap so that MCP = ccap and (PD p1,max) MWs will be selected. Supplier 2’s profit maximization problem under the first option is represented as: max c2 ,S2 c1 c2,0 p2,max S 2 S 2,0 . (40) To maximize the profit of DM2, the start up cost of DM2 equals Scap. The bid cost under the first option is smaller than the cost under the second option. Supplier 2 will be selected to supply p2,max MWs. c1 P D p 2,max S1 c2 p 2,max S cap c1 p1,max S1 c 2 P D p1,max S cap (41) The following Eq. (42) guarantees that the profit of Supplier 2 is positive under the first option. c1 p2,max S cap c2,0 p2,max S 2,0 . (42) From (41) and (42), we get the constraints under the first option. P D p1,max p2,max . (43) c1 c2 . (44) S cap S 2,0 c2,0 c1 p2, max . (45) Therefore, the reaction of Supplier 2 is represented as S cap S 2,0 , cap c1 , S , if c1 c2,0 r2 : cap cap c ,S p 2,max (46) otherwise. By symmetry, Supplier 1’s reaction is: S cap S1,0 , cap c2 , S , if c2 c1,0 p1,max r1 : cap cap c , S , otherwise. The reaction curves r1 and r2 are shown in Figure 6. Feng Zhao, Proprietary Confidential, (47)