APC01-12-06M - University of Windsor

Minutes of Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2001
Time: 9:05 a.m. to 10:35 a.m.
Committee Members: Dr. Jeff Berryman, Dr. Randy Bowers, Mr. Dan Cerri, Dr. Kaye Fawdry, Mr. Tom
Fuerth, Dr. Ed King, Dr. Norm King, Dr. Martha Lee, Dr. Frank Lemire, Mr. David Little, Ms. Cathy Maskell, Dr.
Linda McKay, Dr. Michael Salter (Chair)
Absent: Dr. Mike Dufresne (regrets), Mr. Eric Harbottle, Mr. Jerry McCorkell (regrets), Ms. Katie Muzzin
(regrets), Dr. Jim Weese (regrets), Dr. Siri Withane (regrets)
Invited Guest: Dr. Bill Baylis, Mr. Roger Lauzon, Ms. Brooke White
In Attendance: Ms. Renée Wintermute (Secretary)
Formal Business
Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda - Dr. Ed King
Seconded - Dr. Martha Lee
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of November 19, 2001.
Motion to adopt the minutes - Dr. Frank Lemire
Seconded - Ms. Cathy Maskell
Business arising from the minutes
It was NOTED that:
$ as agreed at the November 19, 2001 APC meeting, additional suggestions from members regarding
possible key budget issues for the next budget process were compiled and forwarded to Mr. Eric
Harbottle and Ms. Anna Kirby. (see APC01-12-06(3.1))
$ it was suggested that further review of Bylaw 23 and UCAPT=s role in it, should await the review of the
proposed new bylaws.
$ the Chair will enquire into 1) the status of Bylaw 51, and 2) the Registrar=s progress regarding outlining
a plan for the provision of adequate testing space for large classes, at the December 6, 2001 Senate
Outstanding business
Nothing to report.
Items for Information
Reports/New Business
5.1 IT Strategic Plan Update
It was NOTED that:
$ the IT Steering Committee and its subcommittees are comprised of faculty, staff, students and campus
APC Minutes - December 6, 2001
IT providers (such as, members from Leddy Library, CFL, WEDnet).
$ the Teaching and Learning subcommittee determines the infrastructure/hardware needs for online
teaching and develops strategies for classroom upgrades by assessing possible service levels based on
classroom size, etc. The pedagogical issues surrounding online teaching, etc., rests within the purview
of the Centre for Flexible Learning.
$ mobile equipment has been purchased to enable IT servicing in smaller classrooms. Fixed multi-media
equipment is being built-in to larger classrooms.
$ thanks to IT network infrastructure improvements, classrooms throughout the university have been
successfully outfitted to accommodate the new roll-around teleconferencing unit.
$ the CAN Plan which will connect all areas to the campus= local area network, should be in place by the
end of this academic year.
$ the university=s PC preferred vendor agreement is with CCD. This agreement enables the university to
purchase high quality hardware at a discounted price. Onsite servicing is also part of the agreement.
$ a website outlining the equipment available in, and the layout of the classrooms, has been constructed.
(to visit, click: http://didnt.medialab.uwindsor.ca/classrooms/default.htm )
$ CFL is continuing to work to develop more user-friendly ways for instructors wishing to use multi-media
tools for classroom instruction.
$ students who have not yet converted to the new student web-based e-mail system are generally in their
3rd and 4th year. Within a year, it is estimated that most students will have converted.
$ IT is looking into adding a function to the SIS which would enable students to personally change their
email address information.
$ the possibility of >wireless= connections is being explored, although it was noted that to move forward
with this, the university would have to upgrade its modem speed.
$ security is a major concern. Sufficient funds should be provided to ensure that campus servers remain
protected from outside users. As well, a security policy for the campus should be devised.
$ the system (including web, SIS, and Administrative system use) is currently saturated. Network and
server upgrades are needed. A new academic research machine is also needed, given that due to its
age, the vendor will no longer support the current machine come 2003.
$ in order to upgrade all PCs on campus every 4 years, an increase in the PC upgrade fund from
$200,000 to $800,00/year is needed.
$ plans to enhance external connectivity from home will be pursued.
$ less than 5% of the PCs on campus are Macintosh PCs. As well, there are no IT support staff for Macs
on campus. Given this, IT Services will support Mac users (faculty and staff) on the network and with
MS Office but can only promise to make best efforts to support them with other hardware concerns.
$ the telephone fund is separate from the IT fund.
$ funds for PC upgrades are allocated to Deans/Directors based on the number of PC upgrades needed
in each area. Deans/Directors then apportion the funds within their areas. Requests for PC upgrades
should therefore be made directly to Deans/Directors.
$ the Leddy Library is looking into launching a >wireless= pilot initiative.
It was AGREED that:
$ the IT Strategic Plan Update would be forwarded to Senate for information.
5.2 Report on Student Development and Support 2001/2002
It was NOTED that:
$ currently the area is primarily working to determine the possible impact of the double cohort on all
aspects of student life and academic achievement.
$ the Aboriginal Artist in Residence program was a great success. The program was developed and run
by the Aboriginal Education Centre with the assistance of Communication Studies and Visual Arts.
$ provided that aboriginal community members participate in the program, the Centre can continue to
apply for start up and development funds.
$ a significant number of students have been using the resources at Turtle Island and as a result have
developed a stronger link to the university.
$ the Academic Writing Centre continues to be heavily used, particularly by local and international
APC Minutes - December 6, 2001
second-language students who require longer individual help sessions. More ESL staff is required to
adequately meet the growing need for ESL instruction and assistance.
$ the report from Dr. Rowe will help Coop Education and Career Services focus on the needs of the
campus. Ms. Dana Tonus will carefully review and assess the external report and present a more
detailed report/update to APC on April 25, 2002.
$ the mentoring program for Reach for the Top Scholarship winners was devised to help students retain
their scholarship from year to year.
$ the AFriends of International Students Program@ will help international students make connections with
members of the Windsor community, thereby enabling them to experience not only life in a Canadian
University, but life in a Canadian city.
$ in order to help international students with their conversational English, the AEnglish Language Buddies
Program@, which will pair international students with local volunteers (perhaps university retirees), is
being developed.
$ a list of, and invitations for, upcoming local holiday activities are being compiled for international
students wishing to take part in Windsor=s holiday festivities.
$ the Student Counseling Centre and Peer Support Centre continue to be heavily used.
$ to better service students, SIRC might consider implementing a live >chat room= function. This initiative
has been very successful at Leddy Library. Moreover, implementing live >chat rooms= in all support
areas on campus would likely mitigate the instances of physically referring students to another area,
given that a live connection would enable staff and students to acquire the desired information instantly.
$ Student Development and Support is considering developing work-study, coop and/or internship
positions to assist in the delivery of its student services. Applying for graduate grants would also be
helpful. Placing students in these positions could be of significant assistance to the unit, given its need
for extra staff and its other budget priorities.
It was AGREED that:
$ the Report on Student Development and Support would be forwarded to Senate for information.
Additional Business
Question period/Other business
Nothing to report.
Motion to adjourn - Dr. Frank Lemire
Seconded - Ms. Cathy Maskell