March 2, 2009 - Pitt County Schools

March 2, 2009
7:30 P.M.
Pitt County Office Building
Mary Grace Bright, Chair
Jill Camnitz
Michael Dixon
Benjie Forrest
Jennifer Little
Ralph Love, Sr.
Barbara Owens
Billy Peaden
Roy Peaden
Marcy Romary
Dick Tolmie
Mary Williams
Chair Mary Grace Bright called the Board of Education out of Recess into Regular
Session at 5:00 P.M after motion by Mr. Dick Tolmie, second by Mr. Michael Dixon.
Dr. Ralph Love led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Mary Grace Bright offered the Agenda for consideration. Mr. Roy Peaden asked
that we move item D under New Business up to be included with item A as they are
both Facility Committee Reports. Upon motion by Mr. Michael Dixon, second by Dr.
Ralph Love, the Agenda was approved unanimously by the Board.
Under Public Expression, Mr. Rodney White stated he had three children who
attended Sadie Saulter and was very pleased with the Spanish and Violin Programs
offered at the school. He and his wife volunteer in the school and the small school/
classroom size setting have been a great learning experience for their children. His
children speak English and Spanish, and play the violin before groups of people
building their self-confidence. He asked what will happen to these programs if the
Pre-K Program is moved to Sadie Saulter?
Ms. Jamie Bartholomew and Ms. Liz Hamilton came representing Chicod School with
Ms. Hamilton reading a poem regarding Chicod School in honor of Dr. Zeus’ birthday.
Ms. Bartholomew stated to the Board she represented The Chicod “Make a Better
Plan” Committee and shared ideas the 15-20 member group have proposed regarding
leaving Chicod a K-8 school and construction suggestions the group has formulated.
She also asked for a re-evaluation of the 2005 redistricting plan as the group felt this
would alleviate some over-crowding in some schools and help bring others up to
For the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning, Ms. Cheryl Olmsted shared with the
Board how she has incorporated her teachers’ help in conducting classroom walkthroughs to get a snapshot of what is occurring regarding instruction in her school.
Using a four to seven minute window for observation, various areas of instruction and
participation are observed and notes made for feedback to be used by Ms. Olmsted at
a later time. The teachers involved in this semester’s walk-through team stated this
process had helped them feel more relaxed during their own observations, learn what
is taught at other grade levels, see different teaching techniques, helped them find
weak and strong areas, etc.
Under Consent Items, Ms. Jennifer Little motioned, second by Mr. Michael Dixon, that
the February 16, 2009 Minutes and the Personnel Report for March 2009 be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
Under New Business, Chair Roy Peaden stated there were two separate items
discussed by the Facilities Committee that would be explained by Associate
Superintendent of Operation Aaron Beaulieu. Mr. Beaulieu stated project
recommendations consist of:
a) Implementing sewer project at Chicod School ($1,300,000).
b) Adding gym, expanding cafeteria, renovating auditorium, new traffic and
parking patterns at D. H. Conley High School ($6,800,000).
c) Adding 11 classrooms and a multipurpose room, adding cafeteria, expanding
the media center and administrative areas, new traffic patterns at Eastern
Elementary ($8,100,000).
d) Adding 10 classrooms, expanding cafeteria and new parking area at Farmville
Central High School ($4,200,000).
e) Acquiring property and building a new elementary school off Allen Road with
742 capacity – model like Ridgewood Elementary ($16,100,000).
f) Sewer projects at Stokes and Pactolus ($350,000)
g) Closing and selling of Third Street School, reconfigure Sadie Saulter School to a
Pre-K Center and district office space ($200,000).
h) Reassign students from A. G. Cox to C. M. Eppes and E. B. Aycock (no
construction cost).
Total cost is $37,050,000.
School projects not recommended to move forward at this time are: Ayden Middle
School, Belvoir Elementary, Chicod K-8, Creekside Elementary, and G. R. Whitfield K8.
Motion was made by Ms. Jill Camnitz, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie, to accept the
recommendations as presented. Discussion was held among the Board members.
Ms. Marcy Romary asked what would happen to the Spanish and Violin Programs at
Sadie Saulter School. Dr. Reep responded that these Programs would be continued in
the school where these students would be placed.
Mr. Dick Tolmie and Ms. Marcy Romary asked regarding new classrooms at D. H.
Conley. Mr. Beaulieu stated two new CTE classrooms would be added. Mr. Tolmie
also noted that the changes at Sadie Saulter and Third Street would not happen until
approximately two years from now as prior steps needed to be completed first.
Mr. Benjie Forrest made a motion to Amend the previous Motion by Ms. Jill Camnitz
to take each line item separately in the recommendations for approval by the Board.
Second was made by Mr. Billy Peaden. Mr. Billy Peaden, Mr. Roy Peaden Mr. Benjie
Forrest, and Mr. Dick Tolmie voted in favor of this motion. Motion did not carry. Mr.
Forrest felt this action could be taken according to page 265 of Robert’s Rules of
Order. In-House Attorney Rob Sonnenberg stated the Pitt County Board of Education
Procedure 1.200 Rules of Procedure for Board of Education Meetings, 9.5 Procedural
Motions would supersede Robert’s Rules of Order.
Ms. Mary Williams asked about the bids Mr. Beaulieu had mentioned. Mr. Beaulieu
stated bids for the sewer work had been received last week. They have been working
with Greenville Utilities as they would help cover the cost for these projects.
Ms. Williams asked about Mr. Jimmy Hite being the architect for construction of the
new school. Mr. Beaulieu stated that he had recommended Mr. Hite as he had built
Ridgewood Elementary and no additional plans would have to be drawn and paid for.
Mr. Benjie Forrest stated he was concerned regarding the new addition planned for D.
H. Conley as no classrooms were mentioned with 12 modules already on campus. He
wanted to know if the staff at Conley had been approached about classroom space?
Mr. Beaulieu stated the staff had been informed of the construction plans but not
about classroom space. Mr. Forrest mentioned that years ago plans were made for the
addition of 24 classrooms and only 12 were finished. Mr. Beaulieu stated budget
issues came into play at that time and 12 classrooms were dropped from the plan.
Mr. Forrest asked had a metal building been considered to save on costs? Mr.
Beaulieu stated this could be looked into, but he was not sure of the life span of using
a metal building. Mr. Forrest stated he felt a metal building would last the life span of
Conley as it had been built in 1970. At this point, Superintendent Reep stated the
long-range plan was not to grow Conley when looking at high school growth in future
years. She stated people had concerns with Conley’s core facilities sustaining 1,400
students. Mr. Beaulieu also stated they were trying to bring Conley up to the State’s
Standard Profile for high schools. Mr. Forrest stated if Conley is maxed out now, he
was looking for economical ways to add additional classrooms and not use the
modules. Mr. Roy Peaden stated it looked like we were looking at classrooms verses a
new gym. He felt teachers should not have to share classrooms if the classrooms were
not used the entire day as materials used by teachers were different and shouldn’t be
shifted about. Mr. Forrest felt with lottery money being sent to the State that was
meant for us and capital funds being changed, it would be good to see what could be
done to add classrooms.
Ms. Mary Williams then asked why was all this being discussed now when all this
began two months ago at the Community Schools Building and each Board member
was given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the projects in the interim? She
also stated with the two workshops and six listening sessions, this had never been
discussed. She asked Mr. Forrest what had happened to bring this up now? Mr.
Forrest stated he had voiced concerns earlier. He felt this project should be postponed
until Mr. Beaulieu could do some research.
Mr. Dick Tolmie called time on the question at this point.
Mr. Michael Dixon asked had alternative construction material been considered? Mr.
Beaulieu stated the new elementary school is a repeat project with Ridgewood School
used as a model and the knowledge gained building three schools before Ridgewood.
An alternative construction material has not been discussed.
Ms. Marcy Romary then motioned, second by Ms. Barbara Owens, that the Board give
approval for purchasing the land for the new elementary school. Motion carried
Mr. Dick Tolmie then moved, second by Ms. Jennifer Little, that the Board approve Mr.
Jimmy Hite as Architect for building the new elementary school. Mr. Roy Peaden
made a motion to Amend Mr. Tolmie’s motion, second by Mr. Billy Peaden, that Mr.
Hite be asked as Architect to check on a more cost effective construction material for
the new school. Ms. Barbara Owens and Ms. Jill Camnitz voted “no” to the amended
motion. Amended motion by Mr. Roy Peaden carried.
Mr. Dick Tolmie stated that Mr. Hite would give a discount on the Ridgewood design.
Mr. Billy Peaden stated Beaufort County had two metal school buildings built by Mr.
Mr. Tolmie stated if we delay the building, we would use more money by keeping Sadie
Saulter and Third Street as they are an additional year. Several members asked to
have Mr. Hite come to the next Facilities Meeting to get answers regarding different
materials for new school construction and suggested moving this meeting up on the
calendar before the next Board meeting on March 16, 2009.
Ms. Jill Camnitz asked was an amendment necessary to take this action?
Mr. Beaulieu stated he hoped to get bids in April to be able to move on with the
project. He will get in contact with Mr. Jimmy Hite to set a meeting date.
The second item discussed at the Facilities Committee Meeting was working with The
Boys and Girls Club to locate a facility at Ayden Elementary School in the back left
corner of the campus similar to the structure built North of the River. In-House
Attorney Rob Sonnenberg is drawing up a Lease Option/Agreement between the Boys
and Girls Club and the Pitt County Board of Education which will be ready for a Board
vote by the next Board meeting March 16, 2009.
Chair Barbara Owens asked all Committee members to attend the Educational
Programs and Services Committee Meetings. Associate Superintendent of Educational
Programs and Services Worth Forbes gave a brief overview of the meeting beginning
with the Climate Survey. He stated it was now time to send out the second semester
follow up of the fall survey using the same questions and an Excel spread sheet to
compare answers. There would also be two additional questions regarding uniforms:
1. Was uniform policy enforcement consistent?
2. Did the uniform policy have a positive effect on students?
A report of results will be presented to the Board following the spring survey.
Mr. Forbes also stated the Second Life Program used by Pitt County Schools in
conjunction with East Carolina University offered participating students five high
school credits and six college credits.
Also discussed was the partnership between the Greenville Learning Center and Pitt
County Schools. Sixteen students with learning disabilities or attention deficit
disorder spend one-half day at Greenville Learning Center and the other half at the
school they are attending (could also be a private school). At the Center, there is a
ratio of one teacher to four students who study math, reading and writing. The
program is used by the Hill Center in Durham and costs approximately $8,500 per
student which is paid by the parent/s. There are grants and scholarships available
for the program.
Chair Michael Dixon stated the Finance Committee and Human Resources Committee
held a joint meeting trying to work through these harsh economic times. Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources Delilah Harris discussed Policy 7.108 Reduction
in Force. Ms. Harris stated a letter was sent to all PCS staff regarding budget
reductions and possible loss of positions. A Letter of Intent was also sent as the
reduction in force will be handled first through attrition for certified and classified
positions. There is a June 15 deadline for employment status set by DPI. With a
“season of uncertainty”, Assistant Superintendent of Finance Michael Cowin updated
the Board on non-distribution of the quarterly revenues from the State Lottery. He
stated there would be no reductions in State level operating funds, but there would be
a loss of Capital funds ranging from $200,000-$250,000. Mr. Cowin stated the
Legislature has told LEAs to plan for a 7% reduction and hope it ended up with a
better percentage rate. State Low Wealth dollars have a high level of uncertainty, and
what the Federal Stimulus Package might mean for educational funding is not clear.
He did state that the Title I and Exceptional Children’s Programs would be funded.
Mr. Cowin will monitor the information closely as it is released and update the Board
Ms. Mary Williams asked did we know yet the percentage PCS would receive with Mr.
Cowin stating no; Raleigh was looking at what levels need more money. He stated the
State had to balance the budget then filter down money to the LEAs. A large variation
of funding is possible he stated.
Mr. Roy Peaden asked were programs being checked to look for reductions? Mr.
Cowin stated efficiency and effectiveness of programs will be looked at closely.
Mr. Dick Tolmie asked when will we know regarding funding? Mr. Cowin stated he
had no idea, but he would be looking at other school systems to see what’s being done
at other school sites. He stated that usually allotments would be in place by the end
of January or into February, but what he has right now is worthless.
Mr. Roy Peaden asked had the Legislature said anything about flexibility in spending?
Mr. Cowin stated it was pretty much said by the Legislature that it was better to leave
things alone or we may lose what we presently have.
Superintendent Beverly Reep recommended five open enrollment schools for the 20092010 school year to the Board: Ayden-Grifton High School
Farmville Central High School
North Pitt High School
Bethel Elementary
Sadie Saulter Elementary.
Upon motion to approve this recommendation by Mr. Billy Peaden, second by Mr. Dick
Tolmie, it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Chair Jill Camnitz recommended the Second Reading of Policy 7.009 Professional
Ethics (Revised). After second by Ms. Marcy Romary, the Board approved this
recommendation unanimously. First Reading of Policy 10.208 Optional Student
Athlete Drug Testing Program (Revised) was presented by Ms. Camnitz. After
discussion, Ms. Camnitz asked that Board members contact her or In-House Counsel
Rob Sonnenberg with any questions regarding this revised policy.
Superintendent Reep stated she would take the financial data presented by Mr. Cowin
to a meeting in Raleigh tomorrow where she was meeting with the five Pitt County
Legislative Representatives. She asked Board members for suggestions or concerns to
present at that time. Mr. Benjie Forrest wanted to know if flexibility in spending from
different funding sources could be allowed? Ms. Jill Camnitz and Mr. Dick Tolmie
asked if the State Budget could be given out sooner so the county would know exactly
what has to be done?
Dr. Reep’s comments began with a statement to the Board that we all have to prepare
for a reduction of positions. She also shared that the Diversity Task Force had met
and would meet monthly with Dr. Virginia Hardy from ECU as Co-Chair. This week is
School Social Worker Week, and Dr. Reep invited everyone to contact school social
workers and thank them for the hard job they continually do in helping PCS students.
Lastly, as Superintendent Reep wore a Dr. Zeus hat on a dare from the Read Across
America Program, she asked for continued support of this project as it was a great
event for all those who attended.
Chair Bright stated we had started this year with a bang. After attending the
Listening Sessions regarding the Long-Range Facilities Plan-2009, she felt we needed
to work together and move forward.
Mr. Michael Dixon stated he attended a meeting in Winterville where parents met with
representatives from the police department and the sheriff’s department. Many issues
were discussed including truancy.
Ms. Jill Camnitz commented on the passion and deep feelings of parents demonstrated
during the Listening Sessions regarding their children.
Mr. Benjie Forrest was pleased with the community input and opinions voiced
regarding the LRFP at the Listening Sessions.
Ms. Marcy Romary reminded everyone of the “Teacher of the Year Reception” March 5,
2009 at South Central High School. She also thanked parents, Board members, and
community for input during the Listening Sessions.
Mr. Dick Tolmie particularly thanked Dr. Beverly Reep, Mr. Aaron Beaulieu and Ms.
Heather Mayo for all their hard work and extra time presenting the LRFP.
Ms. Jennifer Little echoed comments regarding the Listening Sessions.
Mr. Roy Peaden encouraged PTAs to stay informed regarding school issues. He also
stated he had attended the Religion in Schools Course offered by the NCSBA, and that
is another story!
Mr. Benjie Forrest motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m., second by Mr. Dick
Tolmie. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectively Submitted,
Ms. Mary Grace Bright, Chair
Dr. Beverly B. Reep, Superintendent