《英语专业毕业论文写作》 第四讲:论文提纲讲评与避免剽窃 2011年3月16日 1 课前提示 按照要求修改各自的提纲 明天(3月17日) 午夜12:00之前通过电 子邮箱发送修改后的电子稿: lchen@shisu.edu.cn 下周三交: - 论文开题报告(事先填好相关信息) - 论文提纲 (打印稿) - 提纲初稿 (今天下发) 2 论文选题提纲讲评 提交29篇,其中: - 文学:19 - 语言/文化:9 (电影: 2; 歌剧: 1) - 教学法:1 存在问题: - 格式与内容 3 存在问题:格式 大小写格式 - 论文题目主要词首字母全大写 - 主题句及标题的第一个单词及专有名词首字母大 写 标点符号:题目及标题的词语结尾无句号 副/子标题项目符号或编号数至少2个, 缩进对齐 作品名称需用斜体,与书名同名的人物用正体: Forest Gump vs. Forest Gump 格式模板 4 存在问题:内容 标题: - 不全、不妥或格式不规范 主题句: - 无、或不切题,非一句话总结提纲内 容 语句、语病: - 搭配、语法、时态 5 语句、语病 The situation about main religious unions in the United State. Characters of American religions Style & color & size of cloth Relax, not so much stress Engage what so called Real Business Some possible reasons cause the different Marguerite’s changes for love; change the attitude for wealth; …persevering for love Take risk to pregnant second time and death for difficult labor 6 语句、语病 (二) Strong purpose on marriage (Three marriage failure) - Because of vanity married with Charles - Because of paying back 300 dollars tax married with Frank - Because of money married with Rhett Arbitrary splurge Rhett’s property to satisfy with her own vanity Though married with Rhett but still cannot forget Ashley 7 如何避免剽窃 How to Avoid Plagiarism 8 如何避免剽窃 何谓“剽窃”? 哪种行为算是剽窃? 剽窃行为的后果? 如何避免剽窃? 正确引用他人的文献示例 网络软件查剽窃 (Turnitin.com) 9 何谓“剽窃”? 借用他人的观念或论点 但不注明引用资料出处 Plagiarism: - taking or using other’s ideas, comments, findings, theories, etc. in your writing without acknowledging the source or the author 10 哪种行为算是剽窃? 复制他人作品 (copy and paste) 抄袭他人字句不标明资料出处 (copy without acknowledging) 改写他人文句而不标明出处 (paraphrase without acknowledging) 购买他人作品 (purchase) 提交以前的课程论文(submit earlier course paper) 11 剽窃行为的后果? What is the consequence? - “一票否决”(one-vote-out) - 不及格:取消学位资格、延缓毕业 - 1/5 直接引用 (1000 words) - 1/3 累计引用 (1600~1700 words) 12 如何避免剽窃? 避免“copy and paste” 学会“paraphrase and acknowledge” 做好笔记 (author, year, page, etc.) 分清自己和他人的观点 先中文后英译 签署 Academic Integrity Pledge (交论文 初稿时一并提交给导师) 13 正确引用他人的文献示例 直接引用 (direct quote) 间接引用 (indirect quote or paraphrasing) 引用格式 (第5或第6周详细介绍) - 论文内引用 - 参考书目 - 标点及符号 论文内引用示例 14 原文:教材第270页第一段 Foreign language learning is a process of acquiring conscious control of the patterns of a second language largely through the study and analysis of these patterns as a body of knowledge. – Carroll 剽窃行为: Learning a foreign language refers to a process through which a learner acquires a conscious knowledge of the grammar and syntax of the target language by studying and analyzing their formation and usage. 15 非剽窃行为 间接引用:According to Carroll (1963), foreign language learning refers to a process of developing an awareness of and a control over the patterns of the target language by means of studying and analyzing these patterns as a body of knowledge. 直接引用:Just as Carroll points out, foreign language learning is actually “a process of acquiring conscious control of the patterns of a second language” (Carroll, p.25) or the target language. 16 网络软件查剽窃 Now turn to page 268, and look at: “Two Cognitive Approaches to Language Learning” By whom is it written? But how come they are identical! (p.268, p.269, p.271) http://referedu.com/tag/cognitive-approach p.269 http://referedu.com/the-basic-principles-of-the-two-theories-oflearning-the-second-language p.271 17 知道剽窃行为的后果吗? “一票否决”(one-vote-out) 不及格:取消学位资格、至少延缓毕 业一年 1/5 直接引用 (1000 words) 1/3 累计引用 (1600~1700 words) 所以千万不要实施剽窃行为 18 预习“第五讲”阅读材料 APA格式指南 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/fd8f653610661ed9ad51f3a 7.html 明天午夜前提交论文提纲电子稿 下周三提交论文提纲定稿及开题报告 并交还论文提纲草稿 (今天下发) 19 End of Presentation 4 20 标题大小写格式 ON THE GREAT INFLUENCE OF RELIGIOUS RELIEF ON CONTEMPORY AMERICAN POLITICS Nothing escapes the master’s eyes: A Brief Analysis of The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas Forrest Gump -- Analysis of the life of Forrest and its reflection on us The significance of Transcendentalism in Walden 21 标题大小写格式修改 ON THE GREAT INFLUENCE OF RELIGIOUS RELIEF ON CONTEMPORY AMERICAN POLITICS - Influence of Religious Reliefs on Contemporary American Politics Nothing escapes the master’s eyes: A Brief Analysis of The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas - Nothing Escapes the Master’s Eyes: A Brief Analysis of The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas Forrest Gump -- Analysis of the life of Forrest and its reflection on us - An Analysis of (the life of) Forrest Gump and Some Enlightenment The Significance of Transcendentalism in Walden 22 副/子标题项目符号及编号数目 II. Marguerite’s love is pure love (Individual VS Individual) A. Marguerite’s changes for love 1. Change luxurious living into saving 2. Change the attitude for wealth B. Marguerite’s persevering for love 1. For living, she bore the tough life; for love, she went back to bear C. Armand’s love was overshadowed by suspicion and jealousy 23