February 2, 2009 - Pitt County Schools

February 2, 2009
5:15 P.M.
South Central High School Auditorium
Mary Grace Bright, Chair
Jill Camnitz
Michael Dixon
Benjie Forrest
Jennifer Little
Ralph Love, Sr.
Barbara Owens
Billy Peaden
Roy Peaden
Marcy Romary
Dick Tolmie
Mary Williams
Chair Mary Grace Bright called the Board of Education to order in Regular Session at
5:15 P.M.
Ms. Marcy Romary led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under Public Expression, Mr. Tom Lowe, President of the Student Advisory
Committee, spoke concerning the Pilot Drug Testing Program held at D. H. Conley
High School. He stated the Committee members felt the drug testing program needed
to be continued and had positive effects for keeping students in class. Mr. Lowe also
stated members of the Committee were in favor of the Long-Range Facility Plan and
felt it benefited students across the district.
For the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning, Director of Technology Jeff Smith shared
with the Board the N. C. State Virtual Computer Lab – VCL Pilot. Mr. Smith stated
20-30 students were enrolled in this Pilot Program through a CIS110 class studying
Auto CAD – a program for architectural design. To buy this program would be very
expensive and could only be used by students on computers where it was installed.
With the Virtual Computer Lab, the program is accessed from the website which can
be opened in school, at home, or wherever needed. There is a license fee for using the
program, but no more than any other program used by Pitt County Schools. Mr.
Smith stated the flexibility in using this program was a great asset for the school
system and the students.
Superintendent Beverly Reep introduced Dr. Shirley Caraway and her associates who
spoke to the Board regarding Second Life which is a virtual early college pilot. She
stated Second Life has 18 students (three from each of the high schools) enrolled
through partnership with East Carolina University and Pitt Community College. With
the Early College High School Program delayed due to space issues for housing
students, virtual distance learning entered the discussions. As this virtual plan was
developed, it was demonstrated at the Department of Public Instruction and approved
with much excitement. DPI asked that Second Life be set up and offered in January
2009. As demonstrated to the Board, Second Life uses a 3D virtual world in the two
courses offered – anthropology and design. Students are provided a lap top, get to
visit campuses, meet their actual instructors and fellow classmates, received ECU
passes, and are dual enrolled receiving college credit for the courses as well as high
school credit. This program has academic outreach for courses in marketing,
computer programs, design, etc. Questions were asked regarding selection of students
and if the program had an agreement with the NC Board of Government? As it is still
a pilot program, no agreement has been signed at this time. Dr. Caraway stated these
18 students were selected by principals, guidance counselors, and administrative
personnel. Due to the time factor involved, parents were not involved in this selection.
Superintendent Reep informed the Board that Pitt County Schools is the only high
school in North Carolina piloting this program.
Under Consent Items, Mr. Dick Tolmie motioned, second by Ms. Marcy Romary, that
the January 12, 2009 minutes and the Personnel Report for February 2009 be
approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Under New Business, Chair Michael Dixon discussed the Finance Committee Meeting
and introduced CPA Michael Jordan from Pittard, Perry and Crone who reviewed Pitt
County Schools 20007-08 Financial Audit. Mr. Jordan stated Mr. Cowin and his
department did exemplary work with their financial records and had received the
State’s top three awards for their endeavors. In going through the Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report, Mr. Jordan stated the work was unqualified – correct in all
material aspects. Three comments included in his report for improvement were:
1. Money collection at local schools.
2. Internal auditor needed to check schools.
3. Computer technology to reinforce backup policy.
Assistant Superintendent of Finance Michael Cowin then presented 2008-09 Budget
Amendment Number One to the Board, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.
Upon motion for approval of this Amendment by Mr. Michael Dixon, second by Mr.
Dick Tolmie, the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Mr. Cowin then updated the Board on the status of the State Budget – both the
current 2008-09 Budget and in planning for the 2009-10 Budget. With the shortfall
in State Budgets due to decreased State Revenue which is currently in place, travel
has been reduced to the absolute necessity for all departments, purchase orders for
materials are at the minimum, and a hiring freeze has been implemented. Because of
these factors, no additional reversion is asked for at this time. With a possible 3-7%
reduction in funds for the 2009-2010 school year, the possibility of rewriting formulas
for distribution of State funds becomes a reality. The State Health Plan also faces a
possible 25% increase in costs currently and uncertainty for funding in the years to
come. Mr. Cowin stated he was constantly watching the State Low Wealth Funds as
this money was used to support funding for extra programs in our schools. The main
objective is to minimize the impact in the classrooms and teach our students with
quality teachers for academic achievement.
Mr. Roy Peaden asked could we check into using sales tax money and the lottery
funds for instruction and operation? Mr. Cowin stated he didn’t know what might be
done in the future, but at some point we could not operate below the base minimum.
Educational Programs and Services Committee Chair Barbara Owens introduced
Associate Superintendent of the Educational Programs and Services Worth Forbes to
present an update to the Board following the January 26 Committee meeting. Mr.
Forbes briefly mentioned the Student Services Program Report 2007-08.
He told the Board about a new Pitt County Schools Staff Development Management
Program System “My Learning Plan” which is web based. Staff development and
registration are held on-line providing a means of tracking each employee’s staff
development even if a school change occurs. Mr. Forbes also stated that next year
hopefully this system will be in place to call substitutes.
Mr. Forbes then shared with the Board that the EPS Monitoring Team, consisting of
Exceptional Children’s Director Cathy Keeter, Title I Coordinator Sylvia Mizzell, Grades
9-12 Coordinator Chena Cayton, Grades K-8 Director Marsha McLawhorn and
himself, were visiting all schools, monitoring classrooms, searching to see what new
staff development needs to be offered, meeting with principals, etc. Mr. Forbes stated
it is imperative to be in the schools visiting classrooms to know what’s happening with
the staff and students; it can’t be done sitting in an office.
Mr. Benjie Forrest asked what would happen if the staff development course is out-ofdistrict. Mr. Forbes stated the employee would speak with their principal/supervisor
before taking the course and if approved, then the information could be entered into
the computer. Questions regarding funding were also discussed.
Superintendent Reep thanked Mr. Michael Cowin, Mr. Jeff Smith and Mr. Tim
DeCresie for jobs well done. She also shared with the Board that C. M. Eppes
Principal Charlie Langley had collected over $100,000 for Pitt County Schools leasing
the gravel parking lots at C. M. Eppes and Elmhurst Schools for ECU Pirate Club
Parking. The extra time, work and organization that went into this project are above
and beyond the daily routine in an already busy schedule and is very much
Dr. Reep also mentioned the Exceptional Children’s Pre-K Director Landry Gray who
passed away following an almost two-year battle with brain cancer. His commitment
and love for students in Pitt County Schools, especially children with special needs,
was an example for all to follow.
Chair Bright thanked Superintendent Reep, Mr. Aaron Beaulieu and Ms. Heather
Mayo for the tours of the proposed project sites in the Long-Range Facilities Plan. She
also asked everyone who needed information regarding the Long-Range Facilities Plan
to please call Dr. Reep and not the schools or central office staff . Dr. Reep will
provide the needed information and share details with the entire Board.
Ms. Mary Williams discussed the 101 New Board Member Seminar held in Raleigh,
N.C. and stated how much she appreciated the opportunity to go and valuable
information received.
Mr. Benjie Forrest stated he was very excited about the Second Life Program and
hoped it would continue to grow throughout the schools of North Carolina.
Mr. Dick Tolmie motioned to enter into Recess for the purpose of a Public
Hearing/Listening Session to be held in the South Central Attendance Area, second
was made by Ms. Barbara Owens. The motion carried unanimously and Regular
Session ended at 6:42 p.m.
At 8:15 p.m., Mr. Dick Tolmie motioned that the Board enter Regular Session, second
by Ms. Jill Camnitz. Motion carried.
Mr. Dick Tolmie then moved that the Board enter Closed Session, second by Ms.
Marcy Romary, to : consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of
appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or
hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against a public officer or
employee. [N.C.G.S. §143-318.11(a)(6)] Motion carried unanimously.
Upon returning to Regular Session, Mr. Michael Dixon moved, second by Mr. Dick
Tolmie, that the Board adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectively Submitted,
Ms. Mary Grace Bright, Chair
Dr. Beverly B. Reep, Superintendent