KWON, HYE KYONG - Janelia Research Campus

Sung Soo Kim
Research Specialist
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / Janelia Research Campus
Academic Training
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA, USA
Postdoctoral Scholar “Neural mechanisms of attention-like behavior in the brain of
Drosophila Melanogaster”
Advisor: Vivek Jayaraman
2011 – Present
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Ph.D. Neuroscience “Interaction between proprioceptive and cutaneous information in
the somatosensory cortex”
Advisor: Steven S. Hsiao (Dept. of Neuroscience, School of Medicine)
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
M.S. Electrical Engineering "Intelligent Modeling and Control of Nuclear Power Plant
Steam Generator Using Artificial Neural Network"
Advisor: Jin Young Choi (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering)
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
B.S. Electrical Engineering
Research and Project Participation
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / Janelia Research Campus
Neural mechanisms of attention-like behavior in the brain of Drosophila Melanogaster
(Postdoctoral research)
2011 – Present
Somatosensory Lab, Dept. of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University
The interaction between proprioceptive and cutaneous information in primary and
second somatosensory cortex (Ph.D. thesis research)
2004 – 2011
APL/DARPA, Johns Hopkins University
Computational modeling of peripheral somatosensory mechanoreceptors for tactile
feedback in the upper-arm neuroprosthesis (research during Ph.D.)
2007 – 2009
Nano Bioelectronics & Systems Research Center, Seoul National University
Functional substitution of damaged motor cortex with somatosensory cortex
Nano Bioelectronics & Systems Research Center, Seoul National University
Brain-computer interface development
Korea International Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, South Korea
Messenger system development (Korea Overseas Volunteer project)
2001 – 2002
Sung Soo Kim
Brain Tech, Perception and Intelligence Lab, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
Seoul National University
Computational control using brain’s autonomous adaptivity (a research during M.S.)
Perception and Intelligence Lab, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National
Neural modeling and intelligent control of the nuclear power plant steam generator
using neural networks (M.S. thesis research): Korea Electric Power Corporation
(KEPCO), 97-034
1998 – 1999
Honors, Awards, Scholarships
The Samsung Scholarship Foundation
2003 – 2007
The Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
2003 – 2004
Best Korea Overseas Volunteer Award
Scholarship in School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
1994 – 1997
Professional Societies
2004 – Present
Society for Neuroscience
Published Papers
S.S. Kim*, M. Gomez-Ramirez*, P.H. Thakur, S.S. Hsiao, “Interaction between proprioception and
cutaneous information in the primary somatosensory cortex”, Neuron, 2015 (*corresponding authors)
N.C. Klapoetke, Y. Murata, S.S. Kim, S.R. Pulver, A. Birdsey-Benson, Y.Ku. Cho, T.K. Morimoto, A.S.
Chuong, E.J. Carpenter, Z. Tian, J. Wang, Y. Xie, Z. Yan, Y. Zhang, B.Y. Chow, B. Surek, M.
Melkonian, V. Jayaraman, M. Constantine-Paton, G.K. Wong, E.S. Boyden, “Independent optical
excitation of distinct neural populations”, Nature methods, 2014
Y. Dong, S. Mihalas, S.S. Kim, T. Yoshioka, S. Bensmaia, E. Niebur, “A simple model of
mechanotransduction in primate glabrous skin”, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2013
S.S. Kim, S. Mihalas, A. Russell, Y. Dong, S.J. Bensmaia, “Does afferent heterogeneity matter in
conveying tactile feedback through peripheral nerve stimulation?”, IEEE transactions on Neural
Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011
S.S. Kim, A.P. Sripati, S.J. Bensmaia, “Predicting the timing of spikes evoked by tactile stimulation of
the hand”, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2010
S.S. Kim, A.P. Sripati, R.J. Vogelstein, R.S. Armiger, A.F. Russel, S.J. Bensmaia, “Conveying tactile
feedback in sensorized upper-limb neuroprostheses using a biofidelic model of mechanotransduction”,
IEEE transactions on Biomedical circuits and system, 2009 (invited paper)
S.S. Kim, J.-G. Lee, J.Y. Choi, "Intelligent Control of Nuclear Power Plant Steam Generator Using
Neural Network", Journal of Control, Automation and System Engineering, Vol. 6, pp127-137,
Sung Soo Kim
Published Conference Papers
S.J. Bensmaia, S.S. Kim, A.P. Sripati, J. Vogelstein, "Conveying tactile feedback using a model of
mechanotransduction” IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference "Intelligent
Biomedical Systems" Nov/2008 (invited paper)
S.S. Kim, J.Y. Choi, "Hybrid state feedback control for T-S fuzzy systems with nonminimum phase",
IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy-Neural Control, Valencia, Spain, October 15-16, 2001
Book Chapters
S.S. Kim, R. Franconville, D. Turner-Evans, V. Jayaraman, “Optogenetics in Drosophila Melanogaster”,
in “New techniques in systems neuroscience”, 2015, Springer, editor: A. Douglass, (in press)
S.S. Kim, “Mechanotransduction; Models” in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: Springer
Reference, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014
Teaching Experience
Dept. of Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Teaching Assistant (Neuroscience and Cognition)
Dept. of Computer Science, ChiangRai University, Thailand
Full-time lecturer (Computer Architecture, Assembly Language, Object Oriented
Programming, C/C++, Digital System, Data Communication)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
Teaching Assistant (Linear Systems)
2000 – 2002
Manuscripts in Preparation or Submitted Papers
R. Franconville, E. Privman, B. Barbarits, P. Ahammad, M. Barbic, V. Jayaraman, T. Harris, J. Venton,
S.S. KIM*, “Miniaturized Fast-Scan-Cyclic-Voltammetry in Drosophila melanogaster for biogenic
amine measurement” (in preparation, *corresponding author)
S.S. Kim*, S.S. Hsiao, “Cutaneous and Proprioceptive information processing in the primary and the
second somatosensory areas” (In preparation, *corresponding authors)
S.S. Kim*, S.S. Hsiao, "Inhibitory coincidence detection in somatosensory area 1" (In preparation,
*corresponding authors)
US Patent
S. Bensmaia, J.R. Vogelstein, R. Etienne-cummings, A.F. Russell, S.S. Kim, A.P. Sripati, “System and
Method for Simulating Biofidelic Signals”, Patent number: 20130038353, 2013
Sung Soo Kim
Abstracts/Posters Presented at International Meetings:
S.S. Kim, S.R. Pulver, D.B. Turner-Evans, H. Haberkern, R. Franconville, A.S. Chuong, N.C. Klapoetke,
E.S. Boyden, V. Jayaraman, “Red-shifted optogenetic neural manipulation in Drosophila
melanogaster”, Society for Neuroscience, 2014
R. Franconville, E. Privman, B. Barbarits, P. Ahammad, M. Barbic, V. Jayaraman, T. Harris, J. Venton,
S.S. KIM*, “Fast scan cyclic voltammetry in Drosophila melanogaster for dopamine measurement”,
Society for Neuroscience, 2014 (*: corresponding author)
D. Turner-Evans, M. Barbic, W. Sun, Y. Sun, S.S. Kim, H. Haberkern, T. Harris, V. Jayaraman, “Multielectrode Extracellular Electrophysiology from Optogenetically Identified Neurons in the Drosophila
Central Complex”, Flies, worms and robots: combining perspectives on minibrains and behaviour,
S.S. Kim, D. Turner-Evans, R. Franconville, S.R. Pulver, V. Jayaraman, “Optogenetic activation of
behavior in Drosophila with red-shifted channelrhodopsins”, Genetic manipulation of neuronal
activity III, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia, 2014
S.S. Kim, D. Turner-Evans, R. Franconville, S.R. Pulver, V. Jayaraman, “A new red-shifted
channelrhodopsin in Drosophila and its applications”, Neural Circuits, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory, New York, 2014
S.S. Kim, P.H. Thakur, M. Gomez-Ramirez, S.S. Hsiao, "Interaction between proprioceptive and
cutaneous receptive fields in somatosensory cortex”, Society for Neuroscience, 2011
S.S. Kim, A.P. Sripati, R.J. Vogelstein, R.S. Armiger, A.F. Russel, S.J. Bensmaia, “Conveying tactile
feedback in sensorized upper-limb neuroprostheses”, Society for Neuroscience, 2009
S.S. Kim, P.H. Thakur, S.S. Hsiao, "Effects of proprioception on the responses of neurons in areas 3a, 3b,
1 and 2 of SI cortex of the Macaque", Society for Neuroscience, 2008
S.S. Kim, A.P. Sripati, S.J. Bensmaia, "Predicting the timing of spikes evoked in mechanoreceptive
afferents by dynamic stimuli" Computational and Systems Neuroscience, 2008
P.H. Thakur, P.J. Fitzgerald, S.S. Kim, S.S. Hsiao, "Structure of Multi-digit receptive fields in the
primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory areas", Society for Neuroscience, 2006.
S.S. Kim, P.J. Fitzgerald, P.H. Thakur, L.J. Berryman, J. Yau, S.S. Hsiao, "Integration of spatial form
across fingers in the second somatosensory cortex (SII) of the awake monkey." Society for
Neuroscience, 2005.
S.E. Kim, S.C. Khang, Y.H. Jung, S.H. Song, H.C. Shin, S.S. Kim, "Somatosensory Brain-computer
Interfacing for Motor Vehicle", The 3rd FAONS Congress, The Federation of Asian-Oceanian
Neuroscience Societies, Sep. 2002
Oral Presentation at International Meetings:
S.S. Kim, D. Turner-Evans, R. Franconville, S.R. Pulver, V. Jayaraman, “Optogenetic activation of
behavior in Drosophila with red-shifted channelrhodopsins”, Genetic manipulation of neuronal
activity III, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia, 2014
Sung Soo Kim
Abstracts/Posters Presented at Domestic Meetings:
Y.H. Jung, S.S. Kim, S.E. Kim, O.B. Kwon, J.K. Park, H.C. Shin, "Single Cell Classification of
Hippocampal CA1 Neurons", 54th Annual Meeting of The Korean Physiological Society, Oct. 2002
Invited Seminars:
“Studying behaving flies with optogenetics and physiology”, Jul/2014, School of Biological Sciences,
Seoul National University
“Studying behaving flies with optogenetics and physiology”, Aug/2014, Seoul National University
College of Medicine
“Studying behaving flies with optogenetics and physiology”, Jul/2014, Dept. of Biological Sciences,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
“Studying behaving flies with optogenetics and physiology”, Aug/2014, Korea Institute of Science and
“Studying behaving flies with optogenetics and physiology”, Jul/2014, Korea Brain Research Institute
Professional Service:
Journal Reviewer: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Conference Abstract Reviewer: Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) 2014
Citation Information
(or )
Current Research Interests:
Neural mechanism of innate decision making, memory-guided decision making, and selective attention in
Drosophila Melanogaster
The effect of aminergic neuromodulatory systems on the behavior in Drosophila Melanogaster
Developing biogenic amine sensors (collaboration with Jill Venton and Tim Harris)
Combining multi-photon microscopy with optogenetics and electrochemistry