2015-2016 ENGAGE Academy Application, Eligibility and Acceptance Process ATTENTION: Enrollment is finalized once ENGAGE determines there is space available AND the scholar meets the ENGAGE Academy’s eligibility requirements which determine offsite or onsite status. Offsite requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scholar must be proficient in both Lang Arts and Math as of last school years state testing date. Scholar must have a 3.0 GPA or higher as of last semester grades. Scholar must be at grade level. Scholar must have a computer or daily access to a computer. (ENGAGE may provide laptop upon availability) Parent/Scholar must show proof of high speed internet availability (copy of current bill or statement from internet provider). Section 1: Please review the Process for Enrollment Step 1: Parent/Guardian submits a completed Engage Application Packet on behalf of the student. Step 2: Scholar/Parent completes required district enrollment documentation. Step 3: WCSD6 determines whether the scholar is accepted for enrollment and notifies scholar and Parent. Step 4 Scholar will meet with Engage Guidance Counselor to determine schedule of courses. Initial Section 2: Please read each statement and initial 1. Submission of a completed Engage Application Packet does not guarantee acceptance for enrollment. WCD6 must first determine that there is space available and that the scholar meets ENGAGE Academy’s eligibility requirements. 2. Until a scholar’s enrollment is finalized in ENGAGE Academy, the scholar must remain in his or her current placement (i.e.: WCSD6 school, private school, home-based education program, etc.). 3. SPECIAL EDUCATION: YES NO YES NO Is your scholar currently on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? Scholars will be considered for enrollment in ENGAGE Academy once the identified IEP team determines that: The home school will set up an IEP meeting with the ENGAGE IEP Team to determine if ENGAGE is the appropriate placement. An IEP is developed for change of placement referral to the ENGAGE Academy. 5. LIMITED ENGLISH Proficiency: Is your scholar currently identified as an E.L.A. student? YES NO 5. LIMITED ENGLISH Proficiency: Is your scholar currently identified as an E.L.A. student? YES NO 6. Section 504 Plan: Is your scholar currently on a 504 plan? YES NO 7. Gifted and Talented: Is your scholar currently identified as G/T? YES NO *(If you have checked yes to any of these areas above, please provide a copy of all plans.) By signing below, I understand and acknowledge that the foregoing terms and conditions govern my child’s application, eligibility and acceptance to ENGAGE Academy. Signature of Parent/Guardian:_____________________________________ Date:_____________ The ENGAGE Academy application, eligibility and acceptance process is subject to District Policy (Choice/Open Enrollment) and to the terms and conditions set forth above.