Please take a moment to review the following information regarding your role and responsibilities as site supervisor. What is required of the Site Supervisor? The responsibilities of the Site Supervisor include: Assist student in gaining knowledge about curriculum. Help the student develop an understanding of developmentally appropriate practice. Help the student develop an understanding of classroom management techniques. Assist the student in gaining knowledge related to guiding children’s behavior. Provide orientation to the classroom, review all classroom routines, policies and procedures. Provide a handbook of school or center policies if available. Actively engage the student in a wide variety of classroom activities right from the start. Provide student with opportunities to implement CCRI course requirements in the field placement classroom. Review activity plans for level of developmental appropriateness before the plan is implemented. Provide feedback, suggestions and guidance to the student regarding overall classroom performance and activity plan implementation. Assist student in gaining experience in the area of professional development by sharing copies of classroom or resource materials. Complete a Mid-Semester and a Final Semester form to evaluate the student’s performance and progress, review the form with the student and return it to the College Supervisor. Sign a weekly time sheet to verify student’s hours in the classroom. The College Supervisor will determine the student’s final grade for the course. Please do not hesitate to notify the College Supervisor at any time with any concern(s). What is required of the CCRI College Supervisor? The CCRI College Supervisor is a full time faculty member of the CCRI Human Services Department. The College Supervisor will visit the field placement classroom twice over the course of the semester. The Site Supervisor will be notified of this visit in advance. The purpose of the visit is to: Meet the Site Supervisor. Observe the CCRI student’s performance while working with the children. Complete an observation evaluation form for the student. Discuss student progress. Address any questions or concerns. What are the academic requirements for an Associate of Arts degree? CCRI students working towards their A.A. degree are required to complete sixty hours of course work. Thirty credits are in Liberal Arts and thirty credits are in Child Development, nine of which are field placement internships in a licensed child-care center or public school classroom. The internship courses are: Field Placement and Seminar One, Field Placement and Seminar Two and Field Placement and Seminar Three. How many Field Placement hours are necessary for successful completion? CCRI Field Placement students are expected to assist their Site Supervisor for 6 hours in the classroom each week for a minimum of 78 hours over the course of the semester. The minimum of 78 hours must be completed by the student by the last week of the semester. Students may certainly exceed this minimum. Students are available for either one full day or two mornings. Morning placements must be for a minimum of 3 hours. What about student lateness, absenteeism and school closings? Promptness and reliable attendance are professional behaviors which our program demands. Students have a responsibility to be on time, lateness and leaving early will not be tolerated. Students are required to notify the Site Supervisor as well as their College Supervisor in the event of an absence. If a student is absent more than 6 hours from the Field Placement, the College Supervisor will ask that the student drop the course and re-enroll at a time when the benefits of the course can be fully realized and evaluated accordingly. Students are required to arrange a time with the Site Supervisor when they can make up the hours that they have missed, up to six hours. Absences beyond six hours may not be made up. Students are not required to make up hours when the child-care center or school is closed. What is required of Field Placement students? Students are expected to accomplish a variety of requirements for Field Placement One, Two and Three. If these are not applicable to your classroom, we can plan alternative activities to meet these requirements. Field Placement One Student Requirements Students will assume as many classroom responsibilities as possible such as; taking attendance, escorting children to the bathroom, library etc., collecting lunch money, assisting children with table activities, helping out at snack time, setting up centers, working with children both individually and in groups, supervising play activities etc. Students will read a story to a small and large group of children. The choice of book should be approved by the Site Supervisor. Additional assignments may be assigned as the semester progresses. Field Placement Two Student Requirements Students will be expected to continue with all Field One skills in addition to demonstrating an understanding of developmentally appropriate interactions and guidance skills. Students will develop, implement and facilitate two activity plans in two different curricula areas in which all children can participate. This may be done in either a small or large group setting. The activity plan must be reviewed by the Site Supervisor for input and guidance as to the appropriateness of the plan prior to the presentation of the activity. Students will use the activity plan format as provided by their College Supervisor. (Copy attached). Additional assignments may be assigned as the semester progresses. Field Placement Three Student Requirements Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the skills acquired in Field Two as they apply theory and knowledge of child development to curriculum. Students will develop, implement and facilitate one original “hands on” activity plan in which all children can participate. The activity plan will include reference to the RI Early Learning Standards and if applicable, the RI Beginning Teacher Standards. The activity plan should be meaningful to the children and fit within the Site Supervisor’s curriculum plans as well as explore a variety of multiple learning styles. A large group/circle activity will also be prepared by the student and presented to the children. The activity plan must be reviewed by the Site Supervisor for input and guidance to ensure the activity is developmentally appropriate. Students will use the activity plan format as provided by their College Supervisor. (Copy attached). Additional assignments may be assigned as the semester progresses.