9450 10-Mar-10 1 of 6 MARITIME ENGINEERING Operate marine




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Operate marine auxiliary and service level: credit: planned review date: sub-field: purpose: plant outside normal parameters



January 1998


This unit standard is for people in the maritime engineering industry and covers the necessary operation of marine auxiliary and service plant outside of normal operating parameters and methods when required by the needs of overall ship safety or safe operation during malfunction.

People credited with this unit standard are able to: initiate start up and shut down operations to marine auxiliaries and service plant during abnormal operation; optimise output of auxiliaries and service plant during abnormal operation; and respond to changes in demand during abnormal operation of auxiliaries and service plant. entry information: accreditation option: moderation option:


Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry.

A centrally established and directed moderation system has been established by Maritime Qualifications New Zealand


New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020



2 of 6 special notes:


Operate marine auxiliary and service plant outside normal parameters

1 Safety rules, regulations, legislation, and their subsequent amendments include:



Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS);

Marine Pollution (MARPOL);





Resource Management Act (RMA) 1994;

Maritime Transport Act 1994;

Company or Organisational rules and regulations;

Manufacturer’s guidelines.

2 Plant includes electrical systems and auxiliary services.

3 Parameters include:

- Pressures;

















Insulation values;


4 Correct personnel are those parties who are either stakeholders in, or who hold control of, or who possess accountability for, the related context of the performance.

New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020



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Operate marine auxiliary and service plant outside normal parameters

Elements and Performance Criteria element 1

Initiate start up and shut down operations to marine auxiliaries and service plant during abnormal operation. performance criteria

1.1 The need for alterations to routine operations are identified, justifiable, and communicated to the correct personnel.

1.2 Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with company safety rules and regulations.

1.3 The timing and degree of preparation of plant meet the needs of the condition of plant and the nature of the malfunction.

1.4 Planned alterations to parameters and methods are confirmed with the correct personnel.

1.5 Revised parameters and methods minimise the risk of plant damage and disruption to operations.

1.6 Revised parameters and methods are communicated to operational personnel and subordinates.

1.7 The sequence and timings of start up or shut down of equipment and systems are consistent with the condition of the plant and the nature of the malfunction.

Range: start up and shut down of plant - on request for assistance, necessary operation of malfunctioning plant, e.g. for safety of navigation, necessary operation outside of normal parameters and methods.

New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020



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Operate marine auxiliary and service plant outside normal parameters

Abnormal operation of plant maintains the safety of the vessel and personnel. 1.8 element 2

Optimise output of auxiliaries and service plant during abnormal operation.

Range: plant output - on request for assistance, necessary operation of malfunctioning plants, e.g. for safety of navigation, necessary operation outside of normal parameters and methods. performance criteria

2.1 The need for alterations to routine operations is identified, justifiable, and communicated to the correct personnel.

2.2 Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with company safety rules and regulations.

2.3 Revised operating parameters and methods minimise the risk of plant damage and disruption to operations.

2.4 Output is maintained as close to actual demand as the nature of any fault or condition permits.

2.5 Necessary alterations to output are made and agreed with personnel affected by the alteration.

2.6 Revised parameters and methods are communicated to operational personnel and subordinates.

2.7 Abnormal operation of plant maintains the safety of the vessel and personnel.

New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020



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Operate marine auxiliary and service plant outside normal parameters element 3

Respond to changes in demand during abnormal operation of auxiliaries and service plant.

Range: alterations in output - on request for assistance, necessary operation of malfunctioning; plants, e.g. for safety of navigation, necessary operation outside of normal parameters and methods. performance criteria

3.1 The need for alterations to routine operations is identified, justifiable, and communicated to the correct personnel.

3.2 Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with company safety rules and regulations.

3.3 New demand requirements are identified in a timeframe which maintains safe operations.

Range: operation - manual adjustment of controls to achieve new demand, monitoring of remote operation.

3.4 Preparations of alterations in output comply with engineering practices.

Range: engineering practices - company procedures, industry codes of practice.

3.5 The timing and sequence of adjustments during alteration of output meet the requirements of the operation.

3.6 Revised output matches demand as close as the nature of the fault or condition allows.

3.7 Abnormal operation of plant maintains the safety of the vessel and personnel.

New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020



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Operate marine auxiliary and service plant outside normal parameters

Revised parameters are communicated to correct personnel. 3.8

Comments to:

Maritime Qualifications New Zealand Inc

Unit Standard Revision

PO Box 160

WELLINGTON by January 1998.

Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards.

Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0054].

New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020
