complete an application - International Studies

Inviting Scholars As J-1 Exchange Visitors
The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program
The Exchange Visitor Program is managed by the U.S. Department of State. Its purpose is to increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United States and people of other countries through educational and cultural exchanges. In the
spirit of exchange, it is immigration’s intent that the visiting scholar’s university will also welcome Illinois State faculty or staff
for research or teaching programs when possible.
The University’s Role
Illinois State University is an Immigration sponsor of the Exchange Visitor Program. This means we have received designation
from the U.S. Department of State to host exchange visitors. Immigration advisors in the Office of International Studies can
assist you with immigration processing to invite and host your scholar.
J-1 Scholars: Researchers, Professors and Short-Term (Research) Scholars
Exchange Scholars are invited by ISU to teach or closely collaborate with faculty on research that has been identified as
a mutual area of interest that will benefit both the scholar and Illinois State.
Scholars are engaged full time conducting research, lecturing, observing, consulting or training.
Exchange visitors have J-1 Visa immigration status.
Research Scholars and Professors are eligible to stay in the U.S. from 3 weeks to 5 years depending on the program.
Short-term (Research) Scholars may stay from 1 day to 6 months.
Scholars must be researchers or professors at home, or have similar expertise and qualifications. At minimum, they
must already have a bachelor’s degree.
They must have adequate English proficiency and funding.
Scholars may only engage in employment or receive payments or reimbursements when related to their ISU program and they
have received prior written authorization. Receiving anything in return for services rendered (consulting, presenting) such as
pay, free airfare, free hotel stay or lodging, etc., constitutes an employment relationship in immigration’s estimation. This
must be preapproved in writing by International Studies.
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) requires that Exchange Visitors have sufficient funds to cover all of their expenses while
in the United States. They can be self funded; they do not need to be employed or paid by ISU. Proof of funding is needed
by International Studies to create the scholar’s immigration form (DS-2019) and when the scholar applies for his or her visa.
Cost-of-living estimates by the DOS for Bloomington-Normal are $1,765 per month or $21,180 per year. In reality, these
numbers are low and scholars should expect to need more.
A J-2 spouse will require an additional $882.50 per month or $10,590 per year. Each child will require at least
$441.25 per month or $5,295 per year.
Location/Site of Activity
Exchange Visitors must complete their program at the Illinois State Campus, not in another city or location.
Health Insurance
The Department of State mandates that all J-1 scholars carry specific terms of insurance for themselves and any dependents
for their entire program. Not having the insurance, or failing to maintain it, subjects a visitor to being dismissed. Scholars are
asked to show proof of insurance during their International Studies orientation meeting.
Responsibilities of Host Department
A participant’s background, qualifications, and experience must be appropriate for their objectives and activities at ISU.
S/he must also be proficient in English.
Planning Ahead
It is necessary to carefully plan ahead of time what a scholar will do. Once scholars receive their visas, they will not be
able to change their program objectives, or it could be seen as a misrepresentation of their visa.
Emergency Contact
Sponsors and hosts must provide emergency, 24-hour contact information to their participants.
Hosts must provide regular on-site supervision to ensure that scholars are accomplishing their program objectives.
Offering Cross-Cultural Activities
Host departments must provide a variety of cross-cultural activities to encourage mutual understanding, and to enhance
visitors’ understanding of American life, and our understanding of their country and culture. Activities may include
sports, cultural, and social events, meeting with fellow faculty, having dinner with families, etc. The Department of State
checks to see that universities are including this component in scholars’ experiences.
Conducting an evaluation at the end of a scholar’s program is required. International Studies has a form for your convenience
and it will become part of the scholar’s immigration file.
1. After meeting with International Studies, your department and the scholar candidate will complete the application that
follows. The application is also online at:
2. The ISU department gives the completed, signed application to an International Studies advisor, and it will be reviewed.
You or the scholar may be contacted for clarification.
3. International Studies will prepare a welcome packet with pre-arrival information, as well as the immigration form (DS-2019)
needed to apply for the visa. (A fast turnaround time of about one week is usually provided.) The packet will be mailed
by regular airmail, or the host department may send by express itself if preferred.
4. When the scholar receives the packet, s/he will: pay a $180 SEVIS fee, make an appointment at the nearest U.S. Embassy
or Consulate for a visa interview; complete various visa forms; pay a $160 visa fee; and attend a visa interview.
We recommend allowing about 3 months for the whole process (from the date you and the scholar begin completing the
application, to the date of his or her arrival). This will give everyone involved time to plan and complete the necessary steps.
For Scholars in CAS, contact Stephanie Gonzalez at and 438-5112
For Scholars in Other Schools/Departments, contact Kayla Carroll at or 438-3363
Our scholar website:
For more information about the Exchange Visitor Program:
About J-1 Professors and Research Scholars:
 The Application Begins Here 
Some areas of the application need to be completed by the Exchange Visitor Candidate and
others need to be completed by the ISU Host. Please see the black bars for guidance.
Personal Information:
This page must be completed by the Exchange Visitor Candidate.
Please indicate your full name as it appears in your passport.
Surname/Family Name(s)
First/Given Name(s)
Middle Name(s)
 Male
 Female
Date of Birth ______/____/______
Month / Day / Year
City of Birth
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Country of Permanent Residence
Mailing Address (Where mail from ISU should be sent to you.)
Email Address
Telephone Number (Where you may be reached anytime.)
Type of College Degree Last Completed
Position in Country of Residence:
 Bachelor’s Degree
 Master’s Degree
 Doctoral Degree
 Professor  Researcher  Government Official
 Graduate Student  Undergraduate Student
Please provide the name of the institution where you
received your degree:
 Other (please state)
Please provide the name of your employer, if applicable:
Proposed Duration of ISU Exchange Program
Will you receive any financial support from ISU while here?
Begin: ____/____/____
 Yes  No If yes, what is the total amount of funding that
you will receive? $___________________
End: ____/____/____
Month/ Day /Year
Month/ Day /Year
Previous J-1 Participation
Current J-1 Participation
Have you been an Exchange Visitor in the United States at any
time within the past 12 months at another university or
 NO
Are you transferring as an Exchange Visitor to ISU from another
university within the U.S.?
If Yes, please submit copies of all previous DS-2019 forms with
this application.
If Yes, please submit copies of all previous DS-2019 forms with
this application.
The Scholar Candidate must also provide the following for this application:
1. A copy of his/her Curriculum Vitae or Résumé;
2. A copy of his/her passport’s photo ID page;
3. A copy of each dependent’s passport photo ID page; and
4. An original proof of funding document
 NO
Page 2
This section needs to be answered by the Scholar Candidate.
Dependents who will accompany the scholar also need DS-2019 forms to apply for their visas (J-2). Please check one:
 The Exchange Visitor will NOT bring any dependents.
 The Visitor’s immediate family WILL accompany him/her.
 The Visitor’s family WILL ARRIVE AT A LATER DATE
If the scholar will bring dependents, please complete the following:
Please indicate the dependent’s full name as it appears in his/her passport.
Surname/Family Name(s)
First/Given Name(s)
 Male
 Female
Middle Name(s)
Date of Birth ______/____/______
Relationship to Scholar  Spouse
Month / Day / Year
 Child
City of Birth
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Country of Permanent Residence
Please indicate the dependent’s full name as it appears in his/her passport.
Surname/Family Name(s)
First/Given Name(s)
 Male
 Female
Middle Name(s)
Date of Birth ______/____/______
Relationship to Scholar  Spouse
Month / Day / Year
 Child
City of Birth
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Country of Permanent Residence
Please indicate the dependent’s full name as it appears in his/her passport.
Surname/Family Name(s)
First/Given Name(s)
 Male
 Female
Middle Name(s)
Date of Birth ______/____/______
Relationship to Scholar  Spouse
Month / Day / Year
 Child
City of Birth
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Country of Permanent Residence
Page 3
Program Specifics:
This section must be completed by the ISU Host Department and scholar. Please use additional paper if needed.
The details provided below will assist International Studies in gathering details needed for SEVIS (a web-based system monitored
by U.S. Immigration and Customs and Enforcement). The scholar’s program (goals, objectives, timelines, funding, etc.) must be in
place before Immigration papers can be created. Activities and objectives must also remain the same after the scholar arrives.
Please ensure your plans for the program are as complete as possible now.
Please explain the overall purpose of the candidate’s visit.
b) Now describe the specific objectives and activities of the scholar’s program. (For instance, conduct literature reviews,
interview local students, collect data on mosquitoes, analyze data, conduct lab experiments, write two journal articles, etc.)
Please be as clear as possible.
How will the visitor’s program be structured so that s/he is engaged in her/his program full time? (For ex., scholar will spend
about 3 days a week researching, 2 days writing – whatever the case may be…)
d) How will this collaboration occur? (Ex., you will meet in the lab every day, meet once twice a week, etc.)
e) Does the scholar have the qualifications/abilities needed for the collaboration to be successful? Please explain.
Exchange programs are meant to be of mutual benefit to both visitors and hosts. What benefits to ISU do you anticipate?
Does the EV wish to teach or attend/observe any ISU classes? If yes, please explain.
h) Will you be available to collaborate with the visitor for his or her entire stay?
 NO
If NO, what arrangements will be made so the scholar can work with someone in your department?
What kinds of socio-cultural activities do you have planned so that the Exchange Visitor can experience American life and
meet local people? Please list your plans here. (Examples of such activities could include things like taking the scholar to the Lincoln
Museum in Springfield, visiting Chicago, introducing the scholar to American families, going to a baseball game, etc.)
Do you anticipate that the EV may be invited to give presentations or engage in activities for which s/he would receive some
kind of reimbursement or repayment (monetary, free lodging, airfare, meals, housing, anything, etc.)?
 Yes
 No
If yes, please explain:
Page 4
Proof of Funding:
To be answered by the Visitor AND the ISU Department.
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) requires exchange visitors to have sufficient funds to cover their expenses while here. Proof of
funding is needed by International Studies to create the scholar’s immigration form (DS-2019) and the scholar must show funding
when s/he applies for his or her visa.
Scholars may be self-funded, or funded by their governments or other sponsoring agencies. There is no requirement that
they be funded or employed by Illinois State.
Cost-of-living estimates by the DOS for Bloomington-Normal are $1,765 per month or $21,180 per year. Realistically, these
figures are quite low for this area, and scholars should expect to need more to live comfortably.
A J-2 spouse will require an additional $882.50 per month or $10,590 per year. Each child will require at least $441.25 per
month or $5,295 per year.
Funding from Illinois State University
 The host department will not be providing funding or a salary.
 The host department will be providing funding or a salary.
Has ISU received funding specifically for international
exchange from one or more U.S. Government agencies to
support this scholar?
Please indicate the amount: $____________
 Yes  No
If yes, please indicate:
Amount of Funding/Support
$ Amount
Name of Government Agency
or Agencies Providing Funding
Grant Number
Funding from Outside of ISU
Exchange Visitors must provide original, official documentation from any agency or source who is funding them. Proof can include
letters from banks, sponsoring organizations, or individuals, and bank statements. Documentation may be no more than 6 months
old and must be valid for the scholar’s stay.
Exchange Visitor’s Home Government
$ Amount
Bi-national Commission of the Visitor’s Country
$ Amount
Personal Funds
$ Amount
U. S. Government Agency
$ Amount
International Organization
$ Amount
Other Organizations Providing Support
$ Amount
Page 5
Site(s) of Activity:
This section must be answered by the ISU Department.
While participating in his/her exchange program at Illinois State, the scholar will be physically located on campus at:
Lab or Room Number:
Building Name:
Initial U.S. Address This section should be answered by the Host Department and Candidate.
If you already know the local address where your visitor will be living, please write it below. For now, it is acceptable to give a
temporary address.
Street Address
English Proficiency:
Zip Code
This section must be answered by the ISU Department.
Scholars must be proficient in the English language. The host department is responsible for confirming this. Please indicate how
you have done so:
 Met in person  Phone Conversation
 Skype
 TOEFL Score
 Other _____________________________________________
 English is native language
Friendly Advice: If you have never met the scholar, please verify his/her English fluency by Skype before extending
an invitation. Assessing English proficiency by email alone may not provide an accurate picture of speaking and
listening skills.
Mailing Welcome Packet:
This section should be answered by the ISU Department.
 International Studies will send by regular Air Mail.
 The Hosting ISU Department will express mail.
Page 6
Health Insurance Requirement
To be answered by the ISU Host and Candidate.
The Department of State mandates that all J-1 scholars (and J-2 dependents) have specific terms of health insurance for their entire
stay in the U.S. Not having the insurance, or failing to maintain it, subjects a visitor to being dismissed from an exchange program.
When scholars arrive for orientation at ISU, they will be asked to show proof of insurance.
Insurance Options
Choose a U.S.-based plan that meets the immigration requirements
Before scholars arrive, International Studies will send brochures from U.S.-based insurance companies for consideration.
Use a policy from home country as long as it meets or exceeds required immigration terms
When attending orientation at ISU, scholars must provide detailed policy information IN ENGLISH
If a scholar’s policy does NOT meet the requirements, s/he must make other arrangements.
Friendly Suggestion: To save time and money before buying a plan, scholars may send policy
details to Stephanie Gonzalez ( The information will be reviewed by our Health
Insurance Office, and scholars will be informed if the plan they are considering is acceptable.
Cost and Who Will Pay
Health insurance can be expensive with monthly premiums often around $100/month. It is higher when family members
accompany the scholar.
The EV will order his/her insurance, but the hosting department will reimburse him/her.
The Department will order and pay for the insurance on behalf of the EV.
The EV will be responsible for ordering and buying his/her own health insurance.
Scholars Employed by ISU
Scholars who hired by ISU may be eligible to receive ISU Employee Insurance. For more information, please contact Marquardt
Boyd in Human Resources (438-7487) and Brenda Banwart in Payroll (438-3106).
Note: Illinois State’s employee insurance meets only part of the immigration requirements and does not cover
Repatriation of Remains and Medical Evacuation. Scholars must purchase an additional private policy to cover these
items. Normally, such rider plans are very inexpensive. International Studies Office can offer suggestions.
Summary of the Insurance Terms Required by Immigration:
“Medical Evacuation” up to $10,000 (to cover transportation costs back to home country in the event of serious illness or injury)
“Repatriation of Remains” up to $7,500 (to cover transportation costs back to home country in the event of death)
$50,000 of coverage per accident or illness (insurance should cover both emergency AND non-emergency illnesses and accidents)
Deductible of no more than $500
Covers any pre-existing conditions after a reasonable waiting period
Includes provision for co-payment that does not exceed 25% co-pay by the Exchange Visitor; does not exclude benefits for perils
inherent to the activities of the Exchange Visitor’s program; must be underwritten by an insurance company that meets the
rating requirements of the USIA or is backed by the full faith and credit of the Exchange Visitor’s government.
Page 7
Host Department’s Verification :
This section must be completed by the ISU Department.
As the Department Sponsor of this Exchange Visitor, we confirm that:
The scholar’s program of research/teaching is consistent with his/her professional background and experience;
S/he has sufficient proficiency in the English language to participate in the program;
We will ensure the scholar’s activities are consistent with original program objectives;
We will collaborate closely with the visitor; monitor his/her progress and welfare; and provide any assistance/advice needed to
facilitate the successful completion of the program;
We will notify International Studies of changes in the scholar’s address or program end date;
We will notify International Studies about any employment, payment or reimbursement.
 Signature of ISU Host:
Print Name
Date (Month/Day/Year)
Department’s Name, Address, and Phone Number
 Approval Signature of Department Chairperson/Director/Executive Director:
I have reviewed and understand the information provided here about the proposed activities of the visiting foreign scholar and have
spoken with the faculty member(s) in my department who will host the scholar. I hereby give my approval for the scholar’s program in
my department:
Print Name
Date (Month/Day/Year)
Department’s Name, Address, and Phone Number
 Signature of Visiting Foreign Scholar (electronic of this page okay):
Print Name
Date (Month/Day/Year)
******Congratulations, this is the End of DS-2019 Application. ******