its attachment - Texas Education Agency

Attachment 1
This attachment explains the eligibility criteria for the Local Reading Improvement (LRI) grant and the
Tutorial Assistance (TA) grant resulting from the Reading Excellence and Academic Development
Program for Texas, known as the READ for Texas Program. Agency staff will work with each eligible
district to assist in determining campus level eligibility. Please evaluate the criteria described below and
confirm that your district is indeed eligible. If a discrepancy is found, please notify Agency staff as soon as
LEAs must meet the following criteria using the most recent data available to the TEA, at the time that LRI
and TA Texas state grants are awarded (Spring 2000). Eligibility criteria are dictated by the federal
Reading Excellence Act (REA) legislation and the United States Department of Education (USDE).
For the Local Reading Improvement (LRI) grant, only LEAs meeting at least one of the following criteria
are eligible to apply:
a. School improvement status: A LEA that has at least one campus (elementary or
secondary), which has been identified for school improvement under section
1116(c) of Title I, ESEA. A campus is in school improvement status if it is both
a Title I campus, based on the Texas State Title I plan, and it has been rated as
“Low Performing” by the Texas Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS)
after one academic year.
High poverty numbers: A LEA with the largest or the second largest number of
children in the state counted for the Title I formula under section 1124(c).
High poverty rate: A LEA with the highest or second highest poverty rate of
school-age children in comparison to other LEAs in the state. The LEA’s
poverty rate is the number of children counted under section 1124(c) of Title I
divided by the total number of children aged 5-17 residing in the LEA, expressed
as a percentage.
Within eligible LEAs, which have met one of the criteria listed above, participating campuses must meet at
least one of the following criteria:
a. School improvement status: The campus must be a Title I campus identified for
improvement status as defined above.
High poverty numbers: The campus must serve the highest or second highest
number of poor children in the LEA.
High poverty rate: The campus must have the highest or second highest percent
of poor children in the LEA.
Note on poverty rate: When calculating the poverty rate for possible or proposed participating
campuses, the LEA may use a school’s number of children counted under section 1124(c) of Title I
divided by the total number of children in the school, expressed as a percentage. Alternatively, since
the poverty counts under section 1124(c) are not available at the campus level, the LEA may use the
number of poor children divided by all children in the school’s attendance area or school. Under
section 1113(a)(5) of Title I, LEAs may select a poverty measure from the following options to
identify eligible school attendance areas and determine the ranking of each area:
Children ages 5-17 in poverty counted in the most recent census data approved by the Secretary;
Children eligible for free and reduced-price lunches under the National Free School Lunch Act;
Children in families receiving assistance under the Medicaid program; or
A composite of the above measures.
LEAs must use the same measure of poverty for all campuses when calculating school poverty, whether it
is based on children in the schools or children in the attendance areas.
LEAs should rank order only their elementary campuses and select the two poorest based on the percent of
children in poverty and the two poorest based on the number in poverty, as established by one of the
measurements indicated above.
If there is duplication—for example, if two or more campuses share the distinction of having the highest
percent or rate of children in poverty within a school district—each of the highest ranking campuses are
eligible for participation. However, subsequent campuses with the second highest ranking of that
category are no longer eligible for participation.
If there is overlap—for example, if the two poorest based on percent are also the two poorest based on
numbers—the LEA should not add additional campuses to the list.
LEAs will be required to present documentation supporting the rank and selection of participating
For the Tutorial Assistance grant program (TA), the eligibility is the same as that listed for the LRI grant
program, with the addition of districts having campuses falling within empowerment zones or enterprise
communities. Participating schools must be in an empowerment zone or an enterprise community or must
meet the criteria outlined for schools eligible to participate in an LRI grant.
Attachment 2
This attachment lists the eligible LEAs for the Local Reading Improvement (LRI) grant program by each
eligibility category.
Based on Title I School Improvement Status1. Andrews Independent School District
2. Athens Independent School District
3. Austin Independent School District
4. Beaumont Independent School District
5. Big Spring Independent School District
6. Calvert Independent School District
7. Cleveland Independent School District
8. Coldspring-Oakhurst Consolidated Independent School District
9. Conroe Independent School District
10. Dallas Independent School District
11. Eagle Pass Independent School District
12. Edinburg Independent School District
13. Fabens Independent School District
14. Galveston Independent School District
15. Goodrich Independent School District
16. High Island Independent School District
17. Hitchcock Independent School District
18. Houston Independent School District
19. Manor Independent School District
20. Mathis Independent School District
21. North Forest Independent School District
22. Pampa Independent School District
23. Quitman Independent School District
24. Tornillo Independent School District
25. Waller Independent School District
26. Winona Independent School District
27. Ysleta Independent School District
Based on Highest Number of Children in Poverty1. Houston Independent School District (duplicated from Title I eligibility)
2. Dallas Independent School District (duplicated from Title I eligibility)
Based on Highest Percent of Children in Poverty1. Valley View Independent School District (108-916)
2. Star Independent School District
Attachment 3
This attachment lists the eligible LEAs for the Tutorial Assistance grant (TA) program by each eligibility
Based on Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities:
1. Cotulla Independent School District
2. Dallas Independent School District
3. Edcouch-Elsa Independent School District
4. El Paso Independent School District
5. Houston Independent School District
6. La Villa Independent School District
7. Lyford Independent School District
8. Mercedes Independent School District
9. Monte Alto Independent School District
10. Point Isabel Independent School District
11. Rio Grande City Independent School District
12. San Antonio Independent School District
13. South Texas Independent School District
14. Ysleta Independent School District
Based on Title I School Improvement Status1. Andrews Independent School District
2. Athens Independent School District
3. Austin Independent School District
4. Beaumont Independent School District
5. Big Spring Independent School District
6. Calvert Independent School District
7. Cleveland Independent School District
8. Coldspring-Oakhurst Consolidated Independent School District
9. Conroe Independent School District
10. Dallas Independent School District (duplicated from EZEC eligibility)
11. Eagle Pass Independent School District
12. Edinburg Independent School District
13. Fabens Independent School District
14. Galveston Independent School District
15. Goodrich Independent School District
16. High Island Independent School District
17. Hitchcock Independent School District
18. Houston Independent School District (duplicated from EZEC eligibility)
19. Manor Independent School District
20. Mathis Independent School District
21. North Forest Independent School District
22. Pampa Independent School District
23. Quitman Independent School District
24. Tornillo Independent School District
25. Waller Independent School District
26. Winona Independent School District
27. Ysleta Independent School District (duplicated from EZEC eligibility)
Attachment 3
Based on Highest Number of Children in Poverty1. Houston Independent School District (duplicated from EZEC and Title I eligibility)
2. Dallas Independent School District (duplicated from EZEC and Title I eligibility)
Based on Highest Percent of Children in Poverty1. Valley View Independent School District (108-916)
2. Star Independent School District