Goal: To recruit most diverse, highest-performing in-coming JD class. Benchmark diversity recruiting
goal: 25% diverse student enrollment in first year
Recent Efforts and Initiatives:
o Pipeline Programs
 Legal Education Awareness Program (LEAP). Partnership with local law schools
in which local high school students visit law school to learn about legal
education and opportunities. Law Schools host program on rotating basis.
 MJF Street Law Program. U of MN students participate in outreach to students
in local schools, shelters, and other organizations to teach students about their
legal rights and serve as role models for students interested in pursuing legal
careers. MJF administers the program and law students from all local law
schools participate.
 STEP-UP Legal Pipeline Project. Summer employment program that recruits,
trains, and places talented diverse Minneapolis high school students in legal
summer jobs. Competitive selection and pre-employment training provided by
program. U of MN Law School has hosted STEP-Up student since 2007, and
plans continued participation in the program.
 Student Excellence in Academics and Multiculturalism (SEAM). First year
undergraduates in range of University programs form small learning
communities and take special Fall seminars, including a Law and Public Policy
Seminar. The LPP seminar has been co-taught by Law School staff in the past,
and each Fall Law School staff and students have visited the LPP seminar to talk
about law school with students.
 Just the Beginning Foundation Summer Legal Institute. In July 2009, University
of Minnesota and the Chicago-based JTBF will host 40 diverse Minnesota high
school students for a Summer Legal Institute, which will introduce students to
the study of law and the legal profession through presentations, fieldtrips to
local courts, interactions with judges, practitioners, law faculty and students,
and culminate in a mock trial experience. U of MN law students, faculty, and
staff, as well as others within the University, may have opportunities to
participate and present.
 In future years, anticipate addition of mentor pairings between JTBF
students and law students to begin a multi-year connection designed to
nurture the younger student’s interest in and exposure to the legal
Targeted Recruitment
 Recruiting trips to HBCU’s and cities with diverse populations.
 Partnership with local law schools to create Minnesota Legal Diversity brochure
for use in out-of-state markets.
 Breakfast hosted by Minnesota law schools at the LSAC Atlanta Forum.
 Targeted fee waivers to facilitate applications for diverse candidates.
 Personal response and/or invitation to diverse applicants to connect with
students of color, faculty, staff, etc.
 Coordination with diverse law student organizations to meet with prospective
and admitted students during visits and in connection with Spring Admitted
Student weekends.
 Build on connections with diversity offices at the University and other
Minnesota undergraduate institutions to better recruit/attract from existing
minority communities within Minnesota.
Scholarship Assistance
 Range of scholarships provided to attract minority students and assist with cost
of attendance. Assistance ranges from partial tuition to full tuition + COA
LSAT Preparation Program. The program brings promising local prospective students
from under-represented communities to the Law School for LSAT preparation course
(taught by Kaplan instructors) to improve students’ competitiveness in admission to U of
MN Law School and other programs. 11-week program is hosted at Law School.
Recruitment for participation is through pre-law societies and diverse student
organizations at Minnesota colleges and universities. Admissions office maintains close
contact with participants and assists with application matters.
o Increased Scholarship Support. Dean Wippman is committed to increasing scholarship
support to improve recruitment of highly-qualified and diverse student body.
o University of Minnesota Collaborations. Enhance connections with CLA Pre-Law
program and the SEAM program to increase coordination and connections for students
of color considering Law School. Possible programs include law student to undergrad
mentorship, Spring Law School exploration day, etc.
o Multicultural Welcome Reception. Early in Fall semester, Law School hosts event for
new students from under-represented backgrounds and Minnesota’s Minority Bar
Associations and organizations.
Student Ambassadors. Admissions Office carefully selects student Ambassadors to
reflect diverse student perspectives, as reflected to entire Law School class.
o Diversity/Cultural Competency Orientation Program. Develop program on
diversity/cultural competency to be presented to ALL 1L students as part of initial
Orientation or 1L Professionalism programming.
 Build on connections with area firms to find effective presenter, and create
conversational structure for smaller groups.
o Pre-Orientation Program. Students from under-represented communities would be
invited to pre-Orientation program prior to standard JD program. Students would be
introduced to law school class and receive guidance on study skills, legal vocabulary,
outlining, area resources, etc. Students could also be matched with law student or
attorney mentors at a social gathering/reception with attendees.
 Need additional funding, staff, and alumni and faculty involvement for planning
and launching program.
Retention/Student Life
GOAL: To retain and support 100% of matriculated students of color and GLBT students through
graduation from Law School.
o Communication with students of color via email distribution list, to provide updates on
events, scholarships, awards, etc. Also in development is a comprehensive Diversity
resources website that will launch in August 2009, replacing email as primary
communication forum. Site will link to University and outside resources, host a running
calendar of events within and outside the law school, highlight scholarly work by
students and faculty, and link students to employment information.
o Academic Assistance/Structured Study Group (SSG) Program. Through weekly study
sessions with upper division student instructors, students in first year classes have the
opportunity to test and enhance their understanding of important legal concepts.
Opportunity for students to obtain extra practice and assistance in first year subjects.
One on one assistance is also available through SSG instructors during office hours.
o Student Organizations. Active student organizations host speakers, social events,
community service projects, connect with bar leaders and events, and collaborate on
range of programming. New Student Programs professional staff position provides
more support for high-quality program development and connections with Alumni and
Career offices.
o Conference Support. Law School reimburses conference registration fees for students
who wish to attend national and local conferences.
o Student Diversity Committee. Committee drives development of diversity initiatives and
members assist in admissions and recruitment process.
o Targeted attorney-student mentor program. Initial planning has started for an attorneystudent mentor program for up to 100 first year students. Targeted program would be
easier to implement given current staffing. Possibly connect attorney mentor with
1L/Upper Division mentor pairs.
o Student/Faculty/Staff Diversity Committee. To be tasked with development and
oversight of diversity initiatives at the Law School
o Improve recruitment of SI’s and Legal Writing Instructors. Evaluate current selection
process for Supplemental Instructors (SSG) and Legal Writing Instructors to improve
representation of students of color among those students involved in academic support.
Career Development
GOAL: Successfully guide all diverse students to employment opportunities through programming, oneon-one assistance, and collaborations with local employers and organizations.
Professional Development Collaborations. The Career and Professional Development Center
consults and works with organizations such as the Minnesota Legal Career Professionals, the
National Association for Law Placement, the Minnesota State Bar's Diversity Committee, Twin
Cities Diversity in Practice, and the Twin Cities Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms.
Also, the CPDC works actively to help public and private employers in Minnesota and around the
country address minority recruiting and retention issues in the legal profession.
Job Fairs. Facilitate student participation in minority job fairs in Cleveland, Chicago, Seattle and
Denver, as well as the Twin Cities Minority Recruitment Conference, the Lavender Bar
Conference and others around the country.
Information Exchange. Connect minority students and student groups with employers offering
scholarships, interviewing, and educational programs.
Alumni Connections
To increase engagement of diverse alumni with Law School community and student groups.
o New Alumni Student Life Committee coordinating involvement of alumni with Law
School efforts to recruit and retain students from under-represented communities
o Alumni Office has contact list of diverse alumni.
o Expand alumni contact list and especially invite alums to join Alumni Speakers List
o Invite Alumni to serve as student organization advisors to help retain group memory
over time and improve connections between diverse student organizations and