
Michigan Association of State & Federal Program Specialists
Mountain Grand Lodge, Vienna Room B
Boyne Falls, MI
September 27, 2011
6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Minutes (Revised)
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tom Reeder at 6:24 p.m.
Approval of Agenda
ACTION ITEM: Moved by Marie Miller second by Peggy Coulouris to accept the agenda as
presented. Motion carried.
Attendance: Jennifer Allen, Mike Burde, Peggy Coulouris, Paula Daniels, Sam Ewing, Max
Fulkerson, Judy Handley, Rick Heitmeyer, Denyse Jones, Penny Joy, Margaret Madigan,
Jeanette Magsig, Syndee Malek, Marie Miller, Laura Otten, Sally Perkins, Willye Pigott, Tom
Reeder, Karen Ruple, Sara Shriver, Sharon Spencer, Pam Varga, Glenda Virden
Excused Absences: Jan Callis, Linda Forward, Margarita Frommert, Cheryl Irving, Debbie
Kitson, Michele Lemire, Marianne Ochalek, Mike Radke, Tricia Root, Michele Sandro, Robert
Stead, Kristi Teall, Grace Velchansky, Sue Warren, Karon Yeager
President's Report: Tom Reeder
Things are going well for the next few days.
President Elect's Report: Margarita Frommert (Excused Absence)
Executive Secretary's Report: Sara Shriver
Reminded members to sign in and sign out for SBCEUs
Shared correspondence from Roberta Stanley regarding USED conference call
Approximately 320 people have registered for the Fall Directors’Institute including the
exhibitors and the presenters.
Secretary's Report: Willye Pigott
Correction: Pg 2 (September 8, 2011 minutes) -- Change SBA to MASB (Michigan Association
of School Boards)
ACTION ITEM: Moved by Peggy Coulouris second by Paula Daniels to accept the minutes
with the necessary correction. Motion carried
Treasurer's Report: Sam Ewing
Shared the balance sheet (as of September 27, 2011) that was included in the packet
Currently, the Fall Directors’ Institute registrations are in the arrear; waiting for
registrants/districts to submit checks the registration fee.
ACTION ITEM: Moved by Marie Miller second by Glenda Virden to accept the Treasurer’s
report. Motion carried
Committee Reports: No committee reports at this meeting
Old Business:
Special Projects: Sam Ewing, Marie Miller and Glenda Virden
Parent Involvement Project---Sam Ewing
The sessions are held December and March so that the schools/districts will have time to
receive the information and include it in their school improvement/district improvement
This project has received an award from the National Network of Partnership Schools
Finance---Marie Miller
The first session went very well. There were 52 registrants attending the session.
Many new people from the finance departments attended the session.
Boot Camp---Glenda Virden
The Boot Camp scheduled for October was cancelled due to the lack of an adequate
number of participants.
The revised Planning Calendar has been printed. The calendars will be sold at the Fall
Directors’ Institute and the National Network conference.
New Business:
An awards' committee will convene in January, 2012.
Title I---MDE Reports Karen Ruple and Margaret Madigan
New grant, State System of Support (SsoS) will be in MEGS by October 1, 2011.
Margaret Madigan reported that single auditors have begun auditing at MDE. They will
be there until approximately spring.
Some changes have been made regarding On-Site Reviews (OSR). It's difficult to
schedule the OSRs.
Accountability and transparency are signs of the time.
Administrative responsibilities have increased immensely.
NAFEPA Report: Marie Miller and Sam Ewing
Much work has been completed for next year. Internal controls are an important topic for
There will not be a reauthorization before the election. The earliest we'll see new
information is 2013.
The House and Senate support the expansion of Charter Schools.
Sam shared that during the NAFEPA meeting, the title of the Legislative Committee has
been changed to Policy Impact Committee
Adjournment: 9:00 p.m.
ACTION ITEM: Moved by Marie Miller second by Glenda Virden that the meeting adjourns.
Motion carried.
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 10, 2011, 8:30 A.M. Hampton Inn (Canal Street), Lansing