1 ACADEMIC SENATE 2 Resolution 08/09C01 3 4 Procedures: 5 1. A motion should be typed or hand-printed. 6 2. A motion should first be offered to the Executive Board for review and advice on editing and parliamentary implication. 7 8 3. If changes are necessary, the motion should be recopied in another form. 9 4. Amendments may be indicated in the margin or the reverse of this form. 10 11 12 Records Retention Policy for the Academic Senate, 13 Its Committees and All Joint Senate/Provost Committees 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the University of Southern California currently does not have a formal, uniform records retention policy to ensure that the history of the University is preserved for future generations, and WHEREAS, the retention and proper management of records of the Academic Senate, its committees, and all joint Senate/Provost committees are necessary for the efficient and successful operation of the University, and WHEREAS, records of the Academic Senate, its committees, and all joint Senate/Provost committees represent an essential historical record of governance and policy-making at the University, and WHEREAS, there has been inconsistent retention and preservation of records of the Academic Senate and, in particular, of its committees and joint Senate/Provost committees, and WHEREAS, a formal records retention policy provides guidelines for determining whether a record should be kept or discarded and helps to maintain consistent compliance to the policy despite turnover of Academic Senate officers and support staff, 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The following principles and procedures mandate how records of the Academic Senate, its committees, and all joint Senate/Provost committees are to be retained and managed, including: I. Definitions (a) The term Arecords@ is defined as including all draft and final documents, regardless of form or characteristics, created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by the Academic Senate, its committees, and all joint Senate/Provost committees. (b) The term Acommittees@ refers to all standing and ad hoc committees, task force units, and other working groups elected or appointed by the Academic Senate or jointly appointed by the Academic Senate and the Provost. II. Preservation of Records After retention in the Senate office for a period of ten years, non-current records shall be routinely transferred to the University Archives in the Special Collections Department, Doheny Memorial Library, by the Administrative Coordinator of the Senate, who shall, in arranging any transfer, clearly identify the topical components and the chronological span of the collection, except, a separate file of confidential materials [e.g., faculty grievances, records of the Probationary Deadlines Committee, and other materials of the Senate or its committees that were deposited with a guarantee of confidentiality made or implied to the originators of such materials]] shall be maintained by the Academic Senate and not transferred to the University Archives. III. Organization of Records (a) A D-ring binder and 'electronic copies' shall be maintained for each Presidential term with materials arranged in chronological order and under at least the following tabs: (1) Rosters of the Senate, its Board, all committees, and all joint Senate/Provost committees; (2) the current Senate Constitution, Bylaws, and Faculty Handbook; (3) agendas, meeting minutes, and handouts distributed at each monthly Senate meeting; (4) all white papers and reports produced by and for the Senate; (5) summary of all resolutions and reports with the date, action taken, and administrative response, if any, recorded for each item; (6) all resolutions passed, defeated, or withdrawn; (7) any official correspondence or memoranda disseminated by or directed to the Academic Senate. (b) A D-ring binder and 'electronic copies' shall be maintained for each Presidential term containing the current charges, agendas, meeting minutes (if taken), and reports, and non-confidential materials produced by all Senate committees and all joint Senate/Provost committees arranged in chronological order and under tabs for each committee except that 3 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 materials concerning individual faculty grievances, records of the Probationary DeadlinesCommittee, and other materials of the Senate or its committees that were deposited with a guarantee of confidentiality made or implied to the originators of such materials shall be maintained in a separate confidential binder. (c) The Senate office shall also maintain such other records (e.g., records of the faculty councils of the University’s several schools) in accordance with the terms set when the records were deposited with the Senate. (d) The Administrative Coordinator of the Senate is responsible for maintaining all records of the Senate. IV. Access (a) Any member of the University community may have access to all non-confidential records held in either the Academic Senate offices or the University Archives. (b) The Senate shall maintain a web page containing links to the membership rosters of all committees, agenda and minutes of all meetings, resolutions, reports and white papers, the Faculty Handbook, and other matters relating to Senate and relevant faculty affairs. Separate committee pages may be created and maintained as needed. The records held in the Senate Office or the University Archives shall be designated as the Aoriginal@ copy. (c) The University Archives is the official repository for all non-current, inactive records of the University of Southern California and, therefore, is the official repository for all non-current, non-confidential Academic Senate records that have sufficient value to warrant permanent preservation under the principles and procedures set forth herein and for which no other AOffice of Record@ is designated. RATIONALE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Currently, there is adequate retention and preservation of most Senate records. However, an inventory of materials housed in the University Archives demonstrates that good practice had not always been followed, particularly with regards to committee activities and reports. Due to the fact that the University has no overall records retention policy in place, the retention and archiving of Senate and joint Senate/Provost materials cannot otherwise be assumed. A systematic records retention plan, effectively managed, ensures that records are kept in an organized manner so that individuals can easily retrieve specific documents when needed and helps reduce costs associated with office space. Formal records retention procedures ensure that there is consistent and appropriate transfer of records to the University Archives for permanent preservation, management, and accessibility. 4 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Resolution Number: 08/09-01 Motion by: Executive Board Date: September 4, 2008 No second is required when moved by a committee Tabled at the meeting held: September 17, 2008 To be presented at Senate meeting held: October 15, 2008 Action taken: Approved: with 24 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abastain