Officer Descriptions President Responsibilities: Provides direction, guidance, momentum and vision for the organization and focuses on advancing the mission and goals of the organization. Plans retreats and their agendas for the benefit of the general membership. Oversees all financial, programmatic and community activities of the organization. In addition, spearheads major fund-raising efforts, including funding commitments from the Dean’s Office for the NSHMBA Conference. Facilitates communication among the respective officers of the organization and develops an effective team effort. Facilitates each member’s contributions to the organization and channels each member’s energies and strengths toward areas of interest. Assists the VP, Corporate Relations in spearheading and leveraging key corporate and alumni contacts for the organization. Acts as the official spokesperson for the organization with outside parties. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Fall-Spr Qtrs. Some work also required during the summer prior to the academic year. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Vice President, Outreach Responsibilities: Works with near-term applicants who have expressed an interest in Anderson, as well as long-term candidates who are only beginning to explore the MBA as an option. Develops and coordinates creative outreach programs and activities to raise awareness of the MBA among Latinos. Coordinates on-campus visits and other activities for prospective Latino students who may be interested in pursuing an MBA and/or applying to Anderson. Works actively with the Admissions Office in recruiting and making contact with admitted students, as well as conducting other outreach activities (eg., Diversity Days, Anderson Days LMSA events). Coordinates panels and presentations with undergraduate groups, both at UCLA and at other targeted universities. Manages and provides momentum for the LMSA-LBSA Mentor-Mentee Program. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Fall-Spr Qtrs. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Vice President, Corporate Affairs Responsibilities: Focuses on maximizing LMSA members exposure and access to recruiters, alumni and other key people across various industries and organizations. Develops, maintains and consistently updates the LMSA Corporate Contacts database, which contains key business/corporate contacts and recruiters! (This database is separate from the Alumni Database under Communications Director). Coordinates the annual NSHMBA conference (in September of Fall Qtr). This includes contacting the incoming class early in the school year to collect resumes, commitments on who will attend the conference, arranging airfare through the Deans office. Educates members of the LMSA about various career opportunities by developing a network with individuals in the business community. Coordinates “Days on the Job” and “Fireside Chats” to develop a network of corporate contacts that help members explore different career opportunities. Assists other board members in the coordination of alumni and corporate related events. Develops and implements ways to increase the exposure of LMSA members to the business community. It’s important that the LMSA improve every year, so being proactive and innovative in developing ways to improve these relationships is critical to maintaining and strengthening the network with the business community. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Fall Qtr. Work also required during the summer prior to the academic year. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Vice President, Alumni Affairs Responsibilities: Acts as the chief liaison with the ALMA Alumni Group’s president and other members. In this capacity, develops and guides LMSA’s strategy for increasing alumni’s involvement and contact with LMSA members. Creates opportunities, including mixers, for LMSA students and alumni to meet and interact. Facilitates and enhances professional opportunities for LMSA members through LMSA alumni networking (works closely with the VP of Corporate Relations in this area). Coordinates the Annual LMSA/ALMA Alumni Dinner - hosted by LMSA during Fall Qtr. Coordinates “Martes Social” with alumni and/or other contacts in key industries (works closely VP of Corporate Relations in this area). Encourages the involvement of alumni at LMSA/Anderson events, such as Anderson Days, LMSA Welcome Dinner, Graduation Dinner and other networking/recruiting events. Requirements: Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Title: Social Chair Responsibilities: Plans and manages LMSA’s social calendar for the academic year. Manages the coordination of monthly “Martes Social”-es to promote LMSA’s goal of providing a supportive and fun environment for students. Acts as the chief liaison with the LABA and AASM (African American Students in Management) on social/networking activities. Coordinates and manages the production of “5 de mayo” Tequila Bust, including recruiting volunteers to assist with all aspects of production. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Wtr-Spr Qtrs. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Title: Financial Director Responsibilities: Provides advice and feedback regarding the financial implications of the ongoing programmatic goals of the organization; ie, budgets and controls spending. Plans and develops LMSA’s annual budget. In this capacity, may present budget to the ASA for approval. (Works closely with the President in this area). Keeps the general membership appraised of the financial status and needs of the organization on a quarterly basis, at minimum. Actively collects membership dues, approves payments and reimburses members for clubrelated expenses. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Fall-Spr Qtrs. Work also required during the summer prior to the academic year. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Title: Communications Director Responsibilities: Maintains the communications linkage between the organization and other partners, including Anderson student body and alumni. Creates and maintains the organization's web site, student club announcement board & is moderator of organization's Yahoo! group Manages the creation and delivery of quarterly newsletter on behalf of VP, Alumni Affairs Responds and administers mail sent to Develops, maintains and consistently updates the LMSA Alumni database, which consists of LMSA alumni in the corporate/business community! (This database is separate from the Corporate Contacts Database maintained by the VP, Corporate Relations). Collaborates and supports other LMSA officers with any and all communication requirements, including developing distribution lists, coordinating notification of LMSA sponsored-events, in addition to notifying LMSA members of events sponsored by other organizations. Requirements: Work also required during the summer prior to the academic year. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Title: FEMBA Liaison Responsibilities: Maintains the communications linkage between the organization and the Fully-Employed MBA (FEMBA) community. Acts as the official representative for the organization with the FEMBA community. Ensures that the organization is developing programs and events that meet the needs and requirements of the FEMBA membership. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Fall-Wtr Qtrs. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals. Title: First Year Liaison Responsibilities: Ensures that the organization is developing programs and events that meet the needs and requirements of the first year membership. Requirements: Must be physically on campus Fall-Wtr Qtrs. Genuine commitment to LMSA mission and goals.