Director, Alumni Relations (LoP)

Item 3.G-Sept. 17, 2010
To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR Faculty HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): Lindsey Niedzielski (R1);
Juliane DiMeo (R2); Christy Jerz (10835); Amy Zurek Carothers
Current Title: See below
Position #(s): 17322; 10385;
Current Range: 1-4
(JCC: )
Department: Development & Alumni Relations
College/Division: Development and
Alumni Relations
Account #(s): 1311-103-0120; 1201-103-0004; 1101-103-0001
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
( ) New position: Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
( ) Title Change, Proposed Title:
( ) Proposed Reassignment from Range
to Range
( ) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
JCC (Current
( ) Line of Progression (show titles below)
or new HR
Coordinator, Alumni Relations (17322;3C;CM8503;CC043;E)
Manager, Alumni Relations (10385;3C;CM8504;CC043;E)
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations (10836;3C;CM8504;CC043;E)
Director, Alumni Relations (10833;3C;CA8005;C005;E)
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Bruce Mack
Assoc Vice President, Dev & Alum Rels
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature John Carothers
Vice President, Development & Alumni Relations
Action Approved by the President (Completed by Faculty HR):
Position #:
EEO Code: 3C
CUPA Code:
Exempt: Yes or No Census Code:
Job Class Code:
Effective Date:
Approved Title:
Employee Signature
(Employee signs and sends to HR for personnel file after PDQ has been “final” stamped for approval)
Rev: 12/1/2008
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the
university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division
which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is
used for advertisement of the position.)
The Alumni Relations staff in the division of Development and Alumni Relations (DAR) is responsible
for developing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships between the University of Nevada, Reno
(UNR) and its alumni through the UNR Alumni Association. The Alumni Association is a tax exempt
501(c)3 for which an IRS 990 tax form must be filed annually. The staff’s major role is to create and
implement a comprehensive alumni relations program that engages alumni in a variety of volunteer
and leadership roles and increase alumni participation in local and regional events. The staff are
assigned potential contacts with alumni who have been identified as having a capacity to give, but
haven’t had a recent relationship with the university. The Alumni staff visit alumni, gather information
about possible interest in the university, enter information into the Raiser’s Edge program, and assist
with the gift solicitation process.
Range 1 - Coordinator:
The Coordinator assists the Director with the coordination of alumni relations programs, events,
chapters and contributes to various aspects of the Nevada Silver & Blue magazine. This position
requires personal contact with alumni, donors, potential donors, contracted vendors, university staff
and administration. The Coordinator is responsible for assisting and coordinating events for smaller
groups, acting as a chapter liaison with the UNR Alumni Association, and assisting with small scale
Range 2 – Manager:
The Manager assists the Director in accomplishing the goals of the UNR Alumni Association and the
division. The incumbent manages activities, revenue generating programs and events which are part
of the overall Alumni program in conjunction with the Alumni Association Board. The Manager
designs program invitations, extracts data from the alumni database to establish mailings, coordinates
and assigns work to volunteers and staff, writes scripts, contributes to various aspects of the Nevada
Silver & Blue magazine and completes various other tasks associated with putting on an event or
alumni program.
Range 3 – Assistant Director:
The Assistant Director assists the Director with the supervision and management of Alumni
Relations programs and activities in the division. The individual interacts often with the Alumni
Council, the governing board of the Nevada Alumni Association, and is key to helping manage the
Council. The incumbent contributes to various aspects of the Nevada Silver & Blue magazine, and
manages a variety of large events.
Range 4 - Director:
The Director leads the alumni relations staff in developing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships
between alumni and UNR. The position serves as the principal liaison between UNR and the Alumni
Association. The Director is responsible for the creation and implementation of a comprehensive
alumni relations program that engages alumni in a variety of volunteer and leadership roles,
increasing alumni participation in local and regional events and acts as the alumni editor for the
Nevada Silver & Blue magazine.
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 3
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide
enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage
first with heading and then bulleted information).
Range 1 - Coordinator:
60% - Events Management
 Assist with smaller scale events and programs that would generally be at a single location and
have pre-established goals
 Develop invitations, production schedules and event objectives
 Assist with portions of more complex events such as events during Homecoming Week or
Golden Reunion
 Adhere to the budget approved each fiscal year
 Evaluate each event and program and make programmatic, logistical and budgetary
 As a university representative, know and discuss all aspects of university protocol, including
introduction of administration and alumni
 Work with various alumni chapters as assigned
 Provide information to the groups on campus and Association activities
 Assist with event and program planning (catering, production, promotion, set-up, logistics, etc.)
30% - Outreach
 Work with the Alumni Council to implement the Board’s initiatives
 Establishes initial contacts on alumni visits and documents this is the Raiser’s Edge database
 Works on various assignments for the Nevada Silver & Blue magazine
10% - Budget and Administrative Support
 Assist in meeting the priorities and goals of the department
 Develop and monitor event and program budgets
 Provide support to the division as needed
Range 2 – Manager (in addition to above R1 duties):
35% - Events Management
 Plan, coordinate and produce typically one-day events and programs of various sizes and
importance (i.e., Senior Scholar Program, Graduation Celebration, Pack Picnics on the Quad,
Pre-Game Parties, the Pack Tracks Travel Program, and the alumni membership program)
 Work closely with other Alumni Relations staff with the more complex events and programs
within Alumni Relations such as Homecoming and the membership program; single events or
programs assigned to this position may be a part of a larger activity or event university wide
happening simultaneously.
 Manage a log or case load of daily alumni activities including alumni chapters with various
regional events and programs
15% - Outreach
 Interact with Alumni Association volunteers, university donors, trustees and community leaders
who have volunteered to assist with a program or event
 Determine volunteer’s skills and abilities and appropriately assign job tasks to utilize those
skills Plan, coordinate and follow up of assignments given to volunteers must be handled with
diplomacy and sensitivity
 Coordinate with various units on campus to facilitate their alumni events and outreach, working
with Creative Services, Associated Students of the University or Career Services
 Establishes initial contacts on alumni visits and documents this in the Raiser’s Edge database
 Works on various assignments for the Nevada Silver & Blue magazine
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 4
10% - Budget and Administrative Support
 Generate financial reports which will include profit and loss statements, and budget to actual
 Monitor and assess performance of event and programs produced by Coordinator as well as
provide input on all other department events
Range 3 – Assistant Director (in addition to above R1 and R2 duties):
30% - Events Management
 Manage and execute complex programs and events within Alumni Relations and deliver them
on time, on budget and on message of the Association and University - these events and
programs generally involve activities spread out over a week to several months and are held at
multiple locations and require establishment of protocols and procedures (i.e., Chapter
Development, Northern Nevada Community Development, Homecoming Activities, and
Golden Reunion)
10% - Outreach/Fundraising
 Identify, request, and negotiate various event and program sponsorships for fundraising of
$10,000 or more for DAR
 Establishes initial contacts on alumni visits and documents this in the Raiser’s Edge database
 Assists director with student recruitment initiatives incorporating alumni volunteers
20% - Budget and Administrative Support
 Evaluate and recommend changes to the overall alumni program
 Establish priorities and goals for the department and identify new initiatives in an effort to
satisfy the organization’s constituency as well as the DAR division goals and University’s goals
 Stay up-to-date on industry trends both nationally and internationally
20% - Supervision (added to R3)
 Provide supervision and training to the alumni program coordinators and program managers in
the Office of Alumni Relations as well as students and volunteers
 Keep informed of UNR and Division policies pertinent to staff and the operations of the Office
of Alumni Relations
 Assist Director with fiscal development and management and personnel evaluations.
20% - Alumni Magazine Editor (added to R3)
 Responsible for editing the alumni section of the Nevada Silver and Blue magazine
 Coordinate the collection of all content including items such as class notes, chapter updates,
events calendar, event/program advertisements, photos/photo shoots, as well as other
relevant information
 Participate on Editorial Board and assist in determining the appropriate overall message in
each issue of the magazine and offer advice and ideas for other sections of the publication
Range 4 – Director (in addition to above R1, R2, and R3 duties):
20% - Supervision
 Direct, train and supervise alumni staff and volunteers
20% - Cultivation/Outreach
 Act as a cultivation arm of the development effort
 Establishes initial contacts on alumni visits and documents this in the Raiser’s Edge database
 Acts as liaison between DAR and student services for student recruitment initiatives
incorporating alumni volunteers
 Acts as alumni editor of the Nevada Silver & Blue magazine
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 5
Works with the Vice President of DAR managing the Social Media initiatives for the division as
a whole
20% - Budget and Program Management (added to R4)
 Establish unit objectives and work plans
 Develop and manage annual budget
 Assign and evaluate alumni staff
 Identify, train and recruit key volunteers
 Organize volunteer activities and coordinate the management of constituent alumni groups
 Provide management oversight for all alumni programs and activities to include maintenance
of a comprehensive membership and services program, on-going marketing efforts, and
website maintenance
20% - Program Leadership (added to R4)
 Create the vision and provide leadership for the university wide alumni relations effort
 Advise on development of policy and procedures to build alumni support for the university
 Develop programs, projects, and initiatives through which alumni can assist the university in
achieving stated institutional goals
20% – Alumni Association Strategic Management (added to R4)
 Provide strategic direction for the Alumni Association which includes acting as the chief liaison
officer between the UNR alumni Association’s executive committee, council and chapters
 Manage volunteer and committees in order to develop future leaders for the Association and
strengthen he connection with the strategic direction of the division
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without
supervision and how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or
the university as a whole.
Level of Freedom:
Range 1:
The Coordinator has limited supervision but is responsible for the success of small one-day events
and programs that are visible in the community. Individual must be flexible and work independently
but with direct supervision and with some latitude for initiative and independent judgment.
Range 2:
The Manager has limited supervision and is responsible for the success of larger one-day events and
programs that are visible in the community. Individual must be flexible and work independently under
limited supervision and with some latitude for initiative and independent judgment/
Range 3:
The Assistant Director makes decisions critical to the success of the alumni program with limited
supervision by and with advisement to the Director. Individual must be flexible and work
independently under minimal supervision and with considerable latitude for initiative and
independent judgment.
Range 4:
The Director is expected to provide leadership in the performance of the responsibilities of the position
in order to insure the success and credibility of the division’s work. The individual works closely with
the Associate Vice President, DAR, on decisions associated with the position, but must work
independently with little direct supervision and with considerable latitude in initiative, independent
judgment, and decision-making.
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 6
Range 1:
The work performed by the Coordinator is often high profile with alumni, students, faculty, staff, the
community, potential donors, donors, and therefore has a direct impact on the University’s ability to
raise money and the institutions public perception.
Range 2:
The Manager’s actions have importance to the success of the alumni programs on campus and can
affect the ability of the university to raise donations from the alumni base as well as recruitment of
future students. The decisions and judgments made by this position have an impact on the
perception of donors, alumni and the public regarding the university.
Range 3:
The decisions and judgments made by the Assistant Director have a direct impact upon the Nevada
Alumni Association, Development and Alumni Relations Division and UNR as a whole, in the areas of
public relations, student recruitment, increased alumni and donor involvement, Alumni Association
membership, and fund raising efforts of UNR. Alumni Relations’ efforts are a critical aspect in the
building of relationships and cultivation of major donors and trustees.
Range 4:
The Director is very visible to the public and therefore has a direct impact on the perception of the
university and its reputation. The decisions and judgments made by this individual have a direct
impact on the attitudes, perceptions, and opinions of alumni around the world as well as university
friends, community leaders, donors, parents, students, and prospective students. The results of the
work performed have a direct impact on the ability of the university to successfully attract financial
support (donations) as well as its ability to attract talented students.
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and
innovation) essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Range 1:
Knowledge of:
 Financial management, budgeting, and reporting
 Evaluation processes
 Proficiency in use of a personal computer and current software applications including but not
limited to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and email)
 Interpersonal and public relations skills, including the ability to interact effectively with coworkers, alumni, students, volunteers, administrators, and donors
 Problem solving
 Analytical skills
Ability to:
 Pay attention to detail
 Work with a diverse group of individuals as volunteers
 Prioritize, coordinate, and complete a variety of projects simultaneously
 Travel, work weekends and evenings on scheduled programs, events and projects
Range 2 (in addition to above R1):
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 7
Knowledge of:
 Program/project/event planning, development, coordination, and management
 Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to interact effectively with co-workers,
volunteers, students, alumni and donors
 Proficiency in use of a personal computer and current software applications including but not
limited to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and email) specifically in
database management
 Strong organizational skills, including the ability to set priorities and manage a variety of
projects simultaneously
 Effective verbal and written communication
Ability to:
 Supervise students and volunteers on projects
 Lift up to 50 lbs.(?)
Range 3 (in addition to above R1 and R2):
Knowledge of:
 Role the Office of Alumni Relations and Alumni Association play in the division of
Development and Alumni Relations strategic plan and mission as well as the University as a
 Methods utilized in program development and/or redevelopment
 Management and execution of events
 Higher education organizational structures, operations and policies
 Protocol appropriate to University, state and national officials and celebrities
 Public relations practices, marketing techniques, fund raising, and speechwriting
 Strong organizational skills including the ability to set priorities and manage a variety of
complex assignments simultaneously
 Excellent verbal and written communication to present ideas clearly, effectively and
persuasively and to serve as an articulate and enthusiastic advocate for the University and its
 Interpersonal and human relations skills and relationship building with campus and community
 Strong analytical and problem solving skills on internal and external issues
 Advanced proficiency in use of a personal computer and current software applications
including but not limited to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and
email) with strong understanding of in database utilization
 Supervision of multiple employee projects
Ability to:
 Work effectively with diverse large and small groups of alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and
community leaders
 Utilize the methods of the Alumni Association to effectively help move the institution forward in
accordance with the University’s vision
 Lead, organize and motivate employees and volunteers
 Understand the vision of Development and Alumni Relations priorities and blend them with
Alumni Council’s desires
 Supervise and delegate assignments in an effective and efficient manner
 Work independently or on a team
 Maintain confidentiality of information
 Adapt to changing circumstances in a challenging and high energy environment
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 8
Budget, plan, produce, manage, create, and evaluate programs and events
Understand and relate to the interests of present and former students
Range 4 (in addition to above R1, R2 and R3):
Knowledge of:
 Fund raising
 Concepts of alumni relations and development
 Marketing theories
 Program development and management
Leadership skills
Decision-making and problem-solving skills
Public speaking
Supervisory skills, including an ability to teach and mentor staff and to achieve both results
and client satisfaction
Ability to:
 Maintain professional business and work ethics and standards
 Set and achieve goals
 Manage and develop staff to maintain required level to perform and to achieve unit and
university goals; work as a collaborative team leader
 Establish rapport and interact with diverse populations of community leaders, volunteers,
alumni and donors in a variety of settings
 Travel extensively and working evenings and weekends
5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job.
Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve
problems, to negotiate.
Range 1:
Administrators, academic and
departmental faculty
Range 2:
Reason for Contact
To recruit volunteers, clarify issues, plan events, resolve problems,
negotiate services and contracts, and advise on alumni program
To resolve problems, provide direction, assign tasks
To exchange ideas and information, provide training, impart
knowledge, participate as a team member or team leader
To exchange ideas, inform and advise, consult
Range 3:
Campus and system
administrators and departments
To recommend courses of action
To resolve problems, clarify issues, build mutually beneficial
relationships, partner on events and projects
Range 4:
DAR staff
Administrators, academic and
departmental faculty
To develop programs, collaborate, and strengthen alumni activities
Range 1:
Reason for Contact
To initiate alumni programs, resolve problems, coordinate alumni
activities, and provide direction
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 9
Donors, alumni, volunteers,
community groups
To recruit volunteers, plan events, and advise on alumni program
Vendors and businesses
To resolve problems, provide information, place orders, negotiate
services and contracts
Range 2:
Same as above
Range 3:
Donors, alumni, volunteers,
community groups
Range 4:
Alumni Executive Committee,
Alumni council, and alumni
Alumni and others
Graduating students, parents,
community business leaders
Sponsors and potential sponsors
To negotiate contracts, request sponsorships
To resolve problems, provide training and direction, assign tasks,
manage events, provide services, request funding
To provide information, resolve problems
To provide leadership, develop relationships, solicit support, and
implement the strategic plan
To resolve problems and clarify issues
To resolve problems, provide information and develop
To identify needs, solicit support, and develop programs and
6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it
become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the
qualifications of the incumbent.
Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Range 1:
Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution
Range 2:
Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
Range 3:
Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution in marketing, public
relations, business, communications or related field
Range 4:
Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution in marketing, public
relations, business, communications or related field
Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this position.
Range 1:
Master’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree and one year of professional related
Range 2:
Position Description – Alumni Relations – Line of Progression
Page 10
Bachelor’s Degree and two years or Master’s Degree and one year of professional
experience working in the areas of alumni relations, educational non-profit
management, event management, marketing and membership programs, public
relations or volunteer management
Range 3:
Bachelor’s Degree and four years or a Master’s Degree and two years of professional
experience working in the areas of alumni relations, educational non-profit
management, event management, marketing and membership programs, public
relations, volunteer management, or program management; staff supervision
Range 4:
Bachelors Degree and five years or a Master’s Degree and three years of
progressively responsible managerial experience in the areas of alumni relations and
development; program development and management, fundraising, volunteer
development and management; fiscal management including the generation of a
budget and monthly financial reporting to an external board; staff supervision working
in a development office at a higher education institution
Preferred Licenses or Certifications (R1-4): None
Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.
Range 1–4:
Valid Nevada Driver’s License or ability to obtain one within one month of appointment