The Lake Clifton Alumni Association Inc.
Comprised of Lake Clifton, Lake Clifton/Eastern, Doris Johnson, Heritage
High and Reach Partnership Alumni (Years 1974 to Present)
Greetings Alumni.
September 2013 Laker Alumni News
September1, 2013
We would like to start off by sending out birthday greetings to the following alumni with birthdays in the month of September. They are as follow:
Darren Bennett
Rodney Burwell
September 30
September 20
Latasha Cameron
Shalanda Corbin
Andrew Dukes
Deborah (Jenkins) Finney 1975
Anthony Garnett 1983
Donna Ghee 1976
Vearnol Hazel Jr.
Wanda (Ellis) Hosea
Donnell James
Brenda Jackson
September 10
September 18
September 3
September 9
September 7
September 4
September 10
September 17
September 5
September 10
Vickie (Oliver) Lawson 1974
LaTonya (Anderson) Martin1987
Richard McCoy 1975
Wanda Mitchell 1988
Ovetta (Thompson) Moore 1975
Fred Ramsey 1981
Cynthia Richburg 1984
Katrina (Porter) Robinson 1984
Venetia (Thomas) Russell 1975
Myra Sanders 1977
September 19
September 18
September 4
September 20
September 10
September 30
September 12
September 25
September 22
September 11
Anthony Shrader
Clarence Traynham
Wallace Simms
Eugenia Smith
Wanda Taylor
Vondalee (Brown) Walker 1975
Yvette (Miller) Walker 1983
Tammie McKay-Watson 1978
MaSean Williams
Orie (Butch) Williams
Brenda Womack
Linda Womack
September 2
September 6
September 30
September 7
September 27
September 13
September 9
September 16
September 27
September 12
September 28
September 28
In addition we had one school staff person with a birthday that was omitted in
August. It was
Herman Hareed August 25 Coach of our #1 Basketball Team
Happy Birthday Lake Clifton Campus Building
On September 4, 1971, the doors opened to the largest high school in the country. Lake Clifton officially opened its doors to students. The first students were 9 th and 10 th graders and a small amount of 11 th graders. Baltimore City
School System officially recognizes the first graduating class as the class of
1974. She is now forty two years and still standing. To everyone who ever heard the rumor that the “old girl” was sinking, she is still there. The first two principals were Annette Johnson who opened the school and Boyce Moseley who presided at the first graduation. Congratulations to our building which is still open and is home to now Heritage High and The Reach Partnership School (our future).
Wesley Hunter (1976) will celebrate his 25 th anniversary on September 17 th with his wife Diane.
James Forbes Jr. (1974) will celebrate his 30 th anniversary on September 17 th with his wife Lillian.
We have one alumnus that was omitted from lasts month Anniversary list. Jackie
(DeLeaver) Pitts (1974) celebrated her 36 th wedding anniversary on August 6 th to her husband Curtis Pitts.
We have one alumnus celebrating her 11 th anniversary this month. That is
Wanda (Ellis) Hosea (1975). Wanda was the first “Laker” alumnus to purchase a membership in the Lake Clifton Alumni Association. Congratulations to Wanda and her husband William.
Lakers On The Move
This month the LCAA recognizes alumnus Steve Lee (1980) He just published his first graphic novel. The name of the book is Signal 13, Adventures of Clark published by Summit Publishing, LLC (Baltimore) Please view the book trailer and website at
! Steve currently works for Johns
Hopkins University and is also a 1991 graduate of Morgan State University (B.S.
Chemistry). This book is the first installation of a 12-book series; his plan is to go to film after book 12.
The LCAA Needs You
The LCAA is always looking for all alumni of Lake Clifton, Lake Clifton/Eastern
High School and our most recent alumni additions, Doris Johnson, Heritage High
School and Reach Partnership to help build this organization into one of the strongest in the city. Each person has a talent and a resource that can be utilized. The monthly meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month.
The LCAA offers two types of active memberships. They are:
1. Active membership - $25.00 yearly renewable annual dues. Active members are entitled to voting privileges in any organizational matter and are eligible to run for any elected office. Active members also receive minutes from each monthly meeting.
2. Student membership - $10.00 yearly renewable annual dues. This is for students seeking an undergraduate degree and Lake Clifton Campus School graduates under the age of 22 years of age.
Memberships can be purchased at any alumni meeting or fundraiser or mailed to:
The Lake Clifton Alumni Association Inc.
P.O. Box 29136
Baltimore Maryland 21205
“The LCAA Needs Your Support”
LCAA Scholarship
The LCAA has already awarded over $20,000.00 in scholarships since its inception just twelve years ago. Please consider funding the dream of achieving a college education to our students of today by supporting our fundraisers and purchasing memberships.
Loss In The Laker Alumni Family
The LCAA sends out condolences to Joanna Johnson (1976) for the loss of her brother Sylvester Johnson. Mr. Johnson taught at Lake Clifton from 1971 thru
1977. All services will be held at the Vaughn Green Funeral Home which is located at 4905 York Road Baltimore Maryland
Wednesday September 4, 2013 – Viewing – All Day
Thursday September 5, 2013
– Wake at 10:00 am
Funeral at 10:30 am
School News
School opened on August 26, 2013. Principals Stephanie Farmer (Heritage High) and Michael Frederick (Reach Academy) have their staffs prepared for the new year. The Reach Academy is located on the campus and is a 6 th thru 12 th grade program at the campus. The Reach Academy wing underwent 3.5 million dollars of renovations in 2009 and other work continues to be done to make the campus a more desirable school facility until the new building is built . The “Lake” Campus schools offer a variety of career paths that offer community youth a diverse choice to further their education and make the “Lake” Campus a desirable location for students throughout the city for them to attend. Our citywide schools now compete for the opportunity to provide youth with a quality education and competitive programs. Both Heritage and Reach have distinctive career paths that will give students a chance to obtain an education that will help them to succeed after high school.
Reach Partnership School
Reach Partnership is sponsoring its first annual golf tournament which will be held on Monday September 16, 2013 at Bulle Rock in Havre De Grace Maryland.
The fee for an individual golfer is $300.00 which includes eighteen holes of golf, contests for the longest drive and closest to the pin as well as lunch and awards.
For additional information contact Richard McCoy @
Class of 1980 Reunion Committee Formation
The class of 1980 has begun preliminary planning for an upcoming reunion and is forming a reunion committee. If you are interested in additional information or assisting contact either alumnus Wanda Taylor at 410-802-0998 or Tanya Knight at 410-241-8022.
Class of 1983 30 th Year Reunion
The class of 1983 will be holding its 30 th year reunion on Saturday September
14, 2013. A meet and greet will occur on Friday September 13, 2013 followed by the reunion the next evening. Both events will be held at the Crowne Plaza North
Hotel which is located in Timonium Maryland. The reunion time is from 8:00 pm –
12 midnight. Tickets are just $55.00 each. Please do not wait until the last minutes to purchase tickets because they are limited . If you are interested in booking a room, we have some set aside just for us. You can contact Teresa
Graves at
or 410-318-9896 for tickets or additional information.
“Get your party shoes ready and be prepared to party like its 1983”.
Classes of 1978, 1993, & 2003
If anyone knows of any planned reunions for any of the above graduating classes would you forward that information to the association.
Lake Clifton Class Of 1974 40 th Year Reunion in 2014
To prepare for an early start, planning is beginning for the classes’ 40 th year reunion in 2014. This e-mail is being sent out so that meetings can begin on next year’s reunion as well as fundraisers to defray the costs. The committee is looking for all former members as well as anyone that may be interested in assisting with the next reunion. Plans are currently to host the event in June
2014. If you are interested is assisting or know of any prior committee member please contact either Veda Francis-Tucker or Bernadette Bridges ASAP.
Veda –
Class of 1988 25 Year Reunion
Event details are being worked out, look for additional information soon.
Educational/Employment Opportunities
Ft Meade Job Fair
There will be a community job fair on Wednesday September 11, 2013 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The location is 6600 Mapes Road at Club Meade. You must have valid ID to get on the base. Visit them on the web at
Unchained Talent Is Hiring
Are you a talented artist, a gifted teacher or a great mentor? Do you know someone who is? Unchained Talent is hiring for the following part time positions. Theatre Mentor, Music Studio Mentor and Dance Mentor
Unchained Talent is growing! After 8 years of building an effective and powerful program at the Lake Clifton Campus, Unchained Talent is poised and ready to reach even more young people across Baltimore City.
Thanks to a generous grant by the Family League of Baltimore City, donations from supporters like you and through new and renewed partnerships, Unchained
Talent now serves the young people at Afya Public Charter School and the
National Academy Foundation. We are thrilled to be able to keep more young people engaged in their education and their lives through our youth driven performing arts and mentoring. Now all we need are a few more powerful mentor/teacher/artists to join the team.
Position descriptions and instructions to apply are on their homepage
White House Spring 2013 Internship Program
The Spring 2014 White House Internship Program application is now open. The application deadline is September 8, 2013. Encourage the young leaders you know to apply
Free SAT Workshop
Register today for a FREE SAT Workshop to be held Saturday, September 7,
2013, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Dr. Henry Wise, Jr. High School , 12650 Brooke
Lane, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. The workshop is open to all students in Prince
George’s County as well as the Washington D. C. Metropolitan area. There will also be a Free Financial Aid Informational Forum for parents will include presentations from local college financial aid representatives that will provide information on when to apply for financial aid, available scholarships and how to complete the FAFSA form. Go to our website at
to register. Check out our website for other events at
The Farm Stand offers fresh, healthy, FREE produce to residents of Oliver and neighboring communities thanks to our partner Gather Baltimore . They start
offering produce at 1:00pm every Sunday The location is 1325 N. Bond Street
Baltimore Maryland 21213
Commercial Truck Drivers
If you have High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, if you are Over Weight. If any of these reasons are preventing your from working? TLK Fitness can help you.
Contact us to for a FREE Personal Assessment!
We offer Personal Training Sessions & Group Boot Camps. Contact Tanya
Keene at (443) 216-9058 Take control of your health and your career!!!
State Department Employment Opportunities
The U.S. Department of State is dedicated to protecting and strengthening
America's interests abroad and right here at home. So whether installing security equipment that safeguards diplomatic properties abroad, explaining American foreign policy to citizens of other countries, or helping U.S. farmers open up markets in emerging countries, you can make a difference with the U.S.
Department of State.
With your diverse educational and cultural backgrounds, perspectives and knowledge, and exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills, you can become part of America's leadership, contributing your innovative thinking and global perspective to support and expand our efforts worldwide.
As a U.S. citizen, you are America. And you can represent America to the world.
In return for your service, you'll have access to continued training and career development programs; a student loan repayment program; health and medical coverage; language training; federal retirement benefits; paid education for dependent children K through 12; and generous paid leave. When serving overseas, we will provide paid housing or an appropriate housing allowance.
Take the first step towards your new career by visiting
Opportunities at The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) Visit the website:
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Exciting Opportunity for Aspiring Biomedical Researchers at the
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one of the largest Institutes at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is looking for science students with a passion to improve global health in the 21st century for its
Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO) program, held February 3 –6,
2014, in Bethesda, Maryland.
The Program
Selected INRO students visit NIAID to learn about the breadth of research we do in the areas of allergy, immunology, and infectious diseases from worldrenowned scientists and interview for potential research training positions.
Who Can Apply
We are looking for dedicated science students interested in joining the NIAID
research community. Candidates who are college-level seniors, medical school students, or doctoral candidates nearing their dissertation defense and from a population underrepresented in the biomedical sciences are eligible.
Applications are accepted through October 15, 2013. Students can apply online through the program’s website.
Alumni Prayer List
We ask that you keep the following alumni in your prayers:
Bernadette (Fowlkes) Bridges 1974
Donna Caldwell-Edwards
Joyce Edwards
Ralph Ferguson 1976
Miriam (Franklin) Hardy 1975
Gabriella Neal
Demetria Nixon
Clarence (Peanut) Payne
Brenda (Womack) Simmons
Carmelita Tavers
Greta Veale
Upcoming Meetings
September General Meeting – will be held on Saturday September 21, 2013 from 4:00 to 5:30 at the Reach Partnership School. Refreshments will be served.
Meetings are open to alumni of all graduating years of Lake Clifton, Lake
Clifton/Eastern High School, Doris Johnson, Heritage High School and Reach
Partnership, as well as teachers and staff persons. Spouses and children are also always welcome. As the LCAA continues to grow, we need your help. We have many committees that are in need of help. We need your talent and resources to continue to make a difference in the fight to save our school and help its students of today. As the association grows it also continues to try assisting individual class years as they plan and organize reunions.
Next Month’s Birthday List
If we do not have your birthday or anniversary in the database and you would like it listed in our monthly announcements, please submit it to Richard McCoy @
The same applies if you have someone that you would like placed on our prayer list. If you are changing your e-mail address, please make sure that you notify us. Each month we lose alumni because they do not provide a new address.
Richard McCoy
– President
The Lake Clifton Alumni Association Inc.
The Lake Clifton Alumni Association
Help Us To Help Others
The LCAA – A 501C3 Non-Profit Organization