106 Shortcut validity tests A. Partial truth table method B. Short truth table method 107 Shortcut validity tests A. Partial truth table method -----> REMEMBER example: Premise 1 Bush will be elected only if Gore doesn't carry Wisconsin but Nader does. Premise 2 Gore doesn't carry Wisconsin but Nader does. Conclusion Bush will be elected. 108 Symbolized in sentential logic: P1 B (~G N) P2 ~G N C B - dictionary: B Bush will be elected. G Gore carries Wisconsin. N Nader carries Wisconsin. Detailed argument form for this argument instance: P1 p (~q r) P2 ~q r C p 109 STEP ONE write BASE COLUMNS: (a) Write row listing all variables from detailed argument form (in alphabetical order). (b) Write out all possible combinations of truth values under variables. The value of 2n (where n is the number of variables) gives you the number of possible combinations of truth values. Then alternate T, F under variable furthest to the right; then alternate double the number of Ts and Fs under next variable; then again alternate double the number of Ts and Fs under next variable; and so on until columns under all variables are filled. 110 -----> our example detailed argument form has three variables, p, q, r, so the base columns are: p T T T T F F F F q T T F F T T F F r T F T F T F T F 111 STEP TWO: (a) Write detailed argument form to the right of the list of variables. Our example detailed argument form is: P1 p (~q r) P2 ~q r C p - so we have: p T T T T F F F F q T T F F T T F F r T F T F T F T F p (~q r), ~q r / p 112 SO FAR, this is just the SAME as constructing truth tables using full truth table method. But at this point, things change: (b) For each combination of truth values (that is, for each line of the table) for ONLY THE CONCLUSION, calculate truth values for each operator symbol, going from less complex subformulas to more complex formulas until you calculate truth value for the conclusion's major operator. Then mark the column under the conclusion's major operator. 113 p T T T T F F F F q T T F F T T F F r p (~q r), ~q r / p T________________________________ F________________________________ T________________________________ F________________________________ T________________________________ F________________________________ T________________________________ F________________________________ (c) Now, consider ONLY the lines where the conclusion is FALSE (for only these lines can be counterexamples, that is, instances where all the premises are true and conclusion false). Calculate the truth values for the PREMISES on these lines. Now, check to see if there is a counterexample. If there is a counterexample, then the argument is invalid; otherwise it is valid. The basic idea behind the PARTIAL truth table method: only write out the lines of the truth table where a counterexample is possible. 114 B. Short truth table method The basic idea behind the SHORT truth table method is to systematically search for counterexamples, but without even the help of a base column. Our objective: to see if we can assign truth values to the variables in the argument form which: (a) make the conclusion false, and (b) make all the premises true - if we CAN do this, we've found a counterexample, and the argument form is invalid - if we CANNOT do this, then there is no counterexample, and the argument form is valid 115 -----> example: [(p v q) ~r], [(r s) v t], [t (w s)] / (p s) STEP ONE: Assign truth values to variables in the argument form which make conclusion false. NOTE: there may be MORE THAN ONE WAY to do this (if there is you will have to REPEAT this two step process for each way). - with this example, there is only ONE way to make conclusion false: we must assign p true and s false 116 [(p v q) ~r], [(r s) v t], [t (w s)] / (p s) STEP TWO: Now, using THESE assignments of truth values for variables in the conclusion, and assigning truth values to any ADDITIONAL variables in the premises, see whether it's possible to make all the premises true. (Be sure that your assignment of truth values is SYSTEMATIC.) We've been able to assign truth values to the variables in the argument form which: (a) make the conclusion false, and (b) make all the premises true - so we've found a counterexample, and the argument form is invalid NOW, mark down the truth values of the variables for the counterexample: or p T q T r F s F t T w F T F F F T F 117 -----> another example: (p q), (~q ~p) / (p q) STEP ONE: Assign truth values to variables in the argument form which make conclusion false. - with this example, there are TWO ways of making the conclusion false, so you have to go through the two step process twice. We'll first assign p true and q false. 118 (p q), (~q ~p) / (p q) STEP TWO: Now, using THESE assignments of truth values for variables in the conclusion, and assigning truth values to any ADDITIONAL variables in the premises, see whether it's possible to make all of the premises true. Assigning p true and q false, we CANNOT make all of the premises true. So we have not yet found a counterexample. But there's second way of making the conclusion false: assign p false and q true. 119 SECOND PROCESS (p q), (~q ~p) / (p q) STEP ONE: Assign truth values to variables in the argument form which make conclusion false. - this time assign p false and q true 120 (p q), (~q ~p) / (p q) STEP TWO: Now, using THESE assignments of truth values for variables in the conclusion, and assigning truth values to any ADDITIONAL variables in the premises, see whether it's possible to make all of the premises true. This time we have been able to assign truth values to the variables in the argument form which: (a) make the conclusion false, and (b) make all the premises true - so we've found a counterexample, and the argument form is invalid NOW, mark down the truth values of the variables for the counterexample: p F q T 121 If you CANNOT assign truth values to the variables which make the conclusion false and all of the premises true, then there is no counterexample, and the argument form is valid. BUT REMEMBER: - there may be MORE THAN ONE assignment of truth values that makes the conclusion false - EACH assignment of truth values that makes the conclusion false COULD be a counterexample - so to prove that an argument form is VALID you have to go through the two step process for EACH assignment of truth values that makes the conclusion false 122 YOU MUST KNOW THESE VERY WELL: p ~p T F F T p T T F F q T F T F pq T F F F p T T F F q T F T F pvq T T T F p T T F F q T F T F pq T F T T p T T F F q T F T F pq T F F T 123 Further applications of truth tables A. Tautologies, contradictions, and contingencies B. Logical equivalence and logical implication C. Inconsistency and consistency 124 First, some background (ignoring, for the moment, the difference between statement instances and statement forms): - tautologies, contradictions, and contingencies are SINGLE STATEMENTS - logical equivalence and logical implication are (usually) defined as relations between TWO STATEMENTS - inconsistency and consistency are relations among TWO OR MORE STATEMENTS 125 A. Tautologies, contradictions, and contingencies 1. TAUTOLOGIES are statement forms for single statements which are true for every substitution instance. (Instances of these forms are called tautologous instances.) -----> example: Take the following English statement instance: Either it is raining or it is not raining. Symbolize this statement instance in sentential logic: - dictionary: R It is raining. - we get R v ~R 126 Now write a detailed statement form for this statement instance: p v ~p And now construct a truth table for this statement form: p T F p v ~p AGAIN: Tautologies are statement forms for single statements which are true for every substitution instance. That means that the column under the major operator is ALL T's. Since truth tables list ALL POSSIBLE truth values for the statement, there are NO POSSIBLE instances that are FALSE. 127 2. CONTRADICTIONS are statement forms for single statements which are false for every substitution instance. (Instances of these forms are called contradictory instances.) -----> example: Take the following English statement instance: It is raining and it is not raining. Symbolize this statement in sentential logic: - dictionary: R It is raining. - we get R ~R 128 Now write a detailed statement form for this statement instance: p ~p And now construct a truth table for this statement form p T F p ~p AGAIN: Contradictions are statement forms for single statements which are false for every substitution instance. That means that the column under the major operator is ALL F's. Since truth tables list ALL POSSIBLE truth values for the statement, there are NO POSSIBLE instances that are TRUE. 129 3. CONTINGENCIES are statement forms for single statements which are true for some substitution instances and false for other substitution instances. (Instances of these forms are called contingent instances.) -----> example: Take the following English statement instance: It is raining and IBM's stock went up. Symbolize this statement in sentential logic: - dictionary: R It is raining. I IBM's stock went up. - we get RI 130 Now write a detailed statement form for this statement instance: pq And now construct a truth table for this statement form: p T T F F q T F T F p q AGAIN: Contingencies are statement forms for single statements which are true for some substitution instances and false for other substitution instances. That means that the column under the major operator is a mix of Ts and Fs. 131 B. Logical equivalence and logical implication 1. Two (or more) statement forms are LOGICALLY EQUIVALENT if and only if the truth table columns under their major operators are the same. -----> example: a. Take the following English statement instance: It is not the case that cigarette manufacturers are either honest or socially responsible. Symbolize this statement instance in sentential logic: - dictionary H Cigarette manufacturers are honest. S Cigarette manufacturers are socially responsible. - we get: ~(H v S) 132 Now write a detailed statement form for this statement instance: ~(p v q) b. Take the following English statement instance: Cigarette manufacturers are not honest and they are not socially responsible. Symbolize this statement instance in sentential logic: - same dictionary - we get: ~H ~S Now write a detailed statement form for this statement instance: ~p ~q 133 And now construct joint truth table for these two statement forms: p T T F F q T F T F ~(p v q) ~p ~q Again: two (or more) statement forms are logically equivalent if and only if the truth table columns under their major operators are the same. Two statement forms are logically equivalent if and only if the result of joining them with a triple bar is a tautology. Why? 134 2. Statement form 1 LOGICALLY IMPLIES statement form 2 if and only if there is no row in their joint truth table in which statement form 1 comes out true and statement form 2 comes out false. -----> p T T F F example: q T F T F (1) ~p F F T T (2) ~ (p q) F T T F T F T F Statement form 1 logically implies statement form 2. (But statement form 2 does not logically imply statement form 1.) Two statement forms are logically equivalent if and only if they logically imply EACH OTHER. Why? 135 C. Inconsistency and consistency 1. A set of statement forms is INCONSISTENT if and only if there is NO ROW in their joint truth table in which they all come out true at once. -----> example: Take the following English statement instances: a. Bill likes Al. b. If Bill likes Al, then he likes Tipper. c. Bill doesn't like Tipper. Symbolize these statement instances: - dictionary A Bill likes Al T Bill likes Tipper - so we get: a. A b. A T c. ~T 136 Now write detailed statement forms for these three statement instances: a. p b. p q c. ~q And now construct joint truth table for these three statement forms: p T T F F q T F T F p pq ~q A set of statement forms is inconsistent if and only if the conjunction of all the statement forms is a contradiction. Why? p T T F F q T F T F p [(p q) ~q] 137 2. A set of statement forms is CONSISTENT if and only if there is a row in their joint truth table in which they all come out true at once. So a set of statement forms is consistent if and only if the conjunction of all the statement forms is NOT a contradiction. There is at least one row in the truth table for this conjunction which comes out true under the major operator. 138 Review of applications of truth tables: We've used truth tables with: to determine: arguments validity/invalidity - invalid just in case counterexample - valid just in case no counterexample single statements tautology/contradiction/ contingency - tautology just in case column under major operator is all Ts - contradiction just in case column under major operator is all Fs - contingency just in case column under major operator is mix of Ts and Fs 139 We've used truth tables with: to determine: pairs of statements logical equivalence/ logical implication - statement forms are logically equivalent just in case same truth values under major operator - a statement form 1 logically implies statement form 2 just in case there is no row in the table where 1 is T and 2 is F sets of 2 or more statements inconsistency/consistency - statement forms are inconsistent just in case there is no row in table in which they all come out true - statements are consistent just in case there is a row in table in which they all come out true 140 Consider: If you negate a tautology, you get a _____? If you negate a contradiction, you get a _____? If you join two logically equivalent statement forms with a triple bar you get a _____? If you join a set of inconsistent statement forms with dots, you get a _____? 141 Also consider: For an ARGUMENT FORM: if the conditional formed by taking - the conjunction of the premises as the antecedent, and - the conclusion as the consequent is a tautology, then the argument is valid. Why? p T T F F q T F T F p q, T F T T p T T F F q T F T F [(p q) ~q] ~p ~q F T F T / ~p F F T T