University of Southern Denmark

University of Southern Denmark
Student Exchange Programme
Courses within social sciences are offered at five campuses: Odense, Kolding, Esbjerg,
Sonderborg and Slagelse. Please look at the course offerings at the different campuses
to find out which campus suits you best.
Note that at the campus in Odense and Kolding, courses are only offered at graduate
You can read more about our course offerings in English through the below weblinks.
The course offerings for the academic year 2010-11 is not yet online. We therefore
recommend that you plan according to this year’s course offerings. Most of the courses
will be the same, but some will be different.
Options at Our Campuses:
Odense Campus
- The International Graduate Programme
Courses offered in the academic year 2009-10:
At our Odense campus, you also have the possibility of combining courses from the
International Graduate program with courses from the Scandinavian Area Studies
program. Note that the Scandinavian Area Studies program in principle is a bachelor
level program. For more information visit:
For more information regarding the application procedure, contact Eva Grady,
If you have questions regarding academic matters, please contact the international
student advisor at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Odense: Anders Svendsen:
Kolding Campus
- International Graduate Program
The courses offered in the academic year 2009-10 are not yet online. You can instead
look at courses offered in the past to see if there is a course description for the course.
The descriptions do not change much from year to year.
For more information contact Marianne F. Thomsen:
Esbjerg Campus
- The International Undergraduate Program 2010-11
esb/Uddannelsens_opbygning/Courses%202010-2011.aspx?sc_lang=en alternatively
- International Graduate Programme
For more information contact Anette Møller,
Sønderborg Campus
- International Undergraduate Program
- International Graduate Programme:
For more information contact the International Office in Sonderborg:
Slagelse Campus
Courses from the B.Sc. in Economics and IT
For more information contact Vibeke Toft Müller,
Admissions Requirements
To follow courses at bachelor level you must have completed at least one year of
university studies within business, economics or social sciences in general. At master
level you must have completed what compares to three years of university studies
within social sciences (i.e. 180 ECTS) to be enrolled in the courses offered in the
International Graduate programmes.
Note that at the campus in Odense and Kolding, courses are only offered at graduate
level except for the courses offered in the SAS programme
How to Apply
Go to the homepage:
?sc_lang=en and fill in the forms:
Application form for students to the Faculty of Social Sciences (may be an
online application form, if this has been introduced)
Language Requirement Form (paper form)
Accommodation form for the relevant campus (paper form)
Information on practical matters:
Study Guide 2010-2011:
Language Requirements
A good standard of English is required because teaching at the Universitygenerally
involves student participation, class discussion, project work and student presentations.
This means that you must have a command of the English language equivalent of the
IELTS score of 6.5 or the TOEFL score of 575/230/88.
Academic System
Bachelor level = undergraduate (3 years or 3.5 years) = 180 or 210 ECTS credits
Master level = graduate (2 years) = 120 ECTS credits on top of the 180/210 ECTS
credits from the bachelor level
ECTS Credits
A full semester workload equals 30 ECTS credits. Two semesters equal 60 ECTS credits.
Master courses often count as 10 ECTS credits, i.e. a third of one semester. Master
students typically have 10-15 teaching hours per week. You are expected to take a full
workload during your stay at the University, including exams. ECTS = European Credit
Transfer System.
Language Requirements
A good standard of English is required because teaching at the University generally
involves student participation, class discussion, project work and student presentations.
This means that you must have a command of the English language equivalent of the
IELTS score of 6.5 or the TOEFL score of 575/239/88.
Application Deadlines:
Autumn semester: April 1 for student from a non EU/EEA country
May 1 for EU/EEA and Nordic citizens
Spring semester: October 1 for student from a non EU/EEA country
November 1 for EU/EEA and Nordic citizens
Academic Calendar
The spring semester always starts February 1st unless it is a Saturday or Sunday. The
teaching of the spring semester ends early May or mid-May. Exams are in June. Exams
can be scheduled as late as June 30th.
The autumn semester always starts September 1st unless it is a Saturday or a Sunday.
The teaching of the autumn semester ends in late November or early December. Exams
are in December or January. Exams can be scheduled as late as January 31st. At the
campus in Odense, exams are scheduled in December.
For more information on the academic calendar, visit:
Residence Permit
Any student studying for more than three months in Denmark must apply for residence
permit. If you are a citizen of the EU or the EEA countries, you must apply for residence
permit once you have arrived in Denmark.
If you hold a non EU/EEA citizenship, you must apply for residence permit through the
Danish Embassy or Consulate in your country before you go to Denmark. You must
apply at least three months before the semester starts to get your residence permit in
time. For more information visit:
Accommodation Information
All campuses will do their utmost to find acommodation for students from partner
universities if you send a complete application by our application deadline. For more
information visit:
Living expenses on a monthly basis in DKK
1900-2600 (€253-347)
1300-2100 (€173-280)
Transport (monthly bus card):
200 (€27)
500-600 (€67-80)
Living expenses vary according to personal requirements and standards. Prices to
expect when you go out: a meal costs approx. DKK 120 (€ 16), a beer about DKK 30 (€
4) and a bottle of wine between DKK 100 (€ 13.5) and 200 (€ 27) - again according to
standard. In total a person studying in Denmark should expect to need about DKK 5000
(€675) on a monthly basis. This does not include the deposit for a room. One euro is
approx. DKK 7.5.
You must arrive in time for our orientation day which is a couple of days before the
semester starts, ie. September 1 and February 1.
Danish language course
The municipality offers Danish courses for foreigners. Usually a course especially
tailored to international students is offered. You can sign up for the course as soon as
As an Erasmus student you are also able to sign up for an intensive Danish language
course before your exchange stay starts. Check with your home university as to how
you sign up. You do not sign up through the University of Southern Denmark.
The Process of Becoming an Exchange Student
1) Your home institution nominates you.
2) You send in your application, requirement and accommodation forms and enclose all
required enclosures incl. grade transcripts and a passport photo.
3) Your application is assessed. If the assessment is successful, you receive our
enrolment pack containing your letter of enrolment, our welcome guide and information
on various practical matters in the course of May/June or November/December.
4) You receive information on accommodation in late June/December, or at the
beginning of August/January.
5) End of August/January, each campus has an orientation programme for all new
6) The semester and classes start September/February 1.
Below you will find information about courses at the Faculty of Humanities and the
Scandinavian Area Studies program, where to find application forms and more general
Information on courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities can be found on the below
Alternatively go to the homepage of the university: : choose “English,
Education, Full time programmes, Exchange Programmes, Courses in Humanities
taught in other languages than Danish”.
Courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities are generally offered at either bachelor or
master level. A few courses are offered for both master and bachelor students. As an
exchange student you must be in your fourth year of studies to take the courses offered
at master level. If you are in your second or third year of studies, you can choose the
courses that are offered at bachelor level. Note that English oral proficiency courses are
not open to exchange students.
Exchange students are also welcome to choose courses offered in German, Spanish or
French in so far that they meet the prerequisites of the courses. Be aware that to study
German, Spanish and French at university level, students must already have studied
these languages 3 years or more.
Courses offered in the academic year 2010-2011 are online in May for autumn courses
and in November for spring courses. To get an idea of what type of courses, you may be
able to follow, you can look at the courses offered in previous semesters:
ECTS Credits
A full semester workload equals 30 ECTS credits. Two semesters equal 60 ECTS credits.
Master courses often count as 10 ECTS credits, i.e. a third of one semester. Master
students typically have 10-15 teaching hours per week. You are expected to take a full
workload during your stay at the University, including exams. ECTS = European Credit
Transfer System.
Admission Requirements
You must meet the entry requirements (including the language requirement) for the
courses you wish to take, meet the application deadline and enclose all relevant
documents. To follow courses at master level, you must have completed what compares
to 180 ECTS credits.
Forms to be filled in:
On the page:
x?sc_lang=en fill in the following forms:
Application form for students to the Faculty of Humanities (may be an online
application form, if this has been introduced)
Application form for accommodation, Odense (paper form)
Language Requirement Form (native speakers of English, do not have to fill this
in) (paper form)
Make sure to enclose a passport size photo of yourself. It is needed for your student card
As an exchange student you also have the possibility of following the SAS programme.
You can sign up for the entire programme or you can follow parts of the programme. If
you plan to follow the entire programme, please use the SAS application form. If you
only plan to follow parts of the programme, you just use the application form for the
faculty at which you plan to follow the additional courses, typically the Faculty of
Humanities or the Faculty of Social Sciences. You download application forms at:
x?sc_lang=en. Once the electronic application form is introduced, the form is the same
regardless what you plan to study.
About the Programme
The SAS program is a minor of 45 ECTS credits that Danish students can also follow
offered at bachelor level linking Danish/Scandinavian cultural studies with marketing,
history, literary aspects, and studies in welfare.
The program gives you an overall presentation of the cultural, social and political
characteristics that have made the Scandinavian area a unique and highly competitive
region in a globalized world, and it gives you genuine access to further studies in and
about Denmark. The SAS program recruits students from all over the world, which
enables you to form an international network for life. At the same time it is also a minor
that Danish students can choose.
The programme is offered both in the autumn an d the spring. In the autumn exams are
held before Christmas and in the spring exams are in June. The last day of exam can be
scheduled as late as June 30th.
You can read more about the courses at:
The courses are the same each autumn and spring so even though you may not find the course
descriptions for 2010-11, the descriptions from previous semesters should still be valid.
For a description of the Scandinavian Area Studies in general, visit:
Courses in the Autumn
● Danish/Scandinavian Culture (10 ECTS)
● Danish/Scandinavian Modern History (5 ECTS)
● Literary Aspects of Scandinavia (5 ECTS)
● Intercultural Marketing: Marketing in Scandinavia (5 ECTS)
● Comparative Welfare Studies (5 ECTS)
Courses in the Spring
 Lifestyle and Cultural Determinants in Scandinavia (10 ECTS)
 Media Experience (10 ECTS)
 Globalization Processes (10 ECTS)
Time of Exams
Autumn semester: December
Spring semester: June
For more information on courses contact the academic advisor and associate professor,
Mogens Davidsen,
Admission Requirements
The SAS is considered a bachelor level programme. You must meet the entry
requirements (including the language requirement) for the courses you wish to take,
meet the application deadline and enclose all relevant documents. If you wish to
supplement the SAS programme with courses at master level, you must be a master
level student which means you must have completed what compares to 180 ECTS
Forms to be filled in:
On the page:
x?sc_lang=en fill in the following forms:
Application form for the SAS programme (may be an online application form, if
this has been introduced)
Application form for accommodation, Odense (a paper form)
Language Requirement Form (native speakers of the English do not have to
document their English skills) (a paper form)
Make sure to enclose a passport size photo of yourself. It is needed for your student card
Information on practical matters:
Study Guide 2010-2011:
ECTS Credits
A full semester workload equals 30 ECTS credits. Two semesters equal 60 ECTS credits.
Master courses often count as 10 ECTS credits, i.e. a third of one semester. Master
students typically have 10-15 teaching hours per week. You are expected to take a full
workload during your stay at the University, including exams. ECTS = European Credit
Transfer System.
Admission Requirements
You must meet the entry requirements (including the language requirement) for the
courses you wish to take, meet the application deadline and enclose all relevant
documents. To follow courses at master level, you must have completed what compares
to 180 ECTS credits.
Language Requirements
A good standard of English is required because teaching at the University generally
involves student participation, class discussion, project work and student presentations.
This means that you must have a command of the English language equivalent of the
IELTS score of 6.5 or the TOEFL score of 575/239/88.
Academic System
Bachelor level = undergraduate (3 years or 3.5 years) = 180 or 210 ECTS credits
Master level = graduate (2 years) = 120 ECTS credits on top of the 180/210 ECTS
credits from the bachelor level
Information on Courses: : choose “Education, Full-time programmes,
Exchange Programmes, Courses in Humanities taught in other languages than
Application deadlines:
Autumn semester: April 1 for student from a non EU/EEA country
May 1 for EU/EEA and Nordic citizens
Spring semester: October 1 for student from a non EU/EEA country
November 1 for EU/EEA and Nordic citizens
Accommodation Information:
We guarantee accommodation for students from partner universities if you send a
complete application by our application deadline. For more information visit:
Residence Permit
Any student studying for more than three months in Denmark must apply for residence
permit. If you are a citizen of the EU or the EEA countries, you must apply for residence
permit once you have arrived in Denmark.
If you hold a non EU/EEA citizenship, you must apply for residence permit through the
Danish Embassy or Consulate in your country before you go to Denmark. You must
apply at least three months before the semester starts to get your residence permit in
time. For more information visit:
Living expenses on a monthly basis in DKK
1900-2600 (€253-347)
1300-2100 (€173-280)
Transport (monthly bus card):
200 (€27)
500-600 (€67-80)
Living expenses vary according to personal requirements and standards. Prices to
expect when you go out: a meal costs approx. DKK 120 (€ 16), a beer about DKK 30 (€
4) and a bottle of wine between DKK 100 (€ 13.5) and 200 (€ 27) - again according to
standard. In total a person studying in Denmark should expect to need about DKK 5000
(€675) on a monthly basis. This does not include the deposit for a room. One euro is
approx. DKK 7.5.
You must arrive in time for our orientation day which is held a few days before the
semester starts.
Danish language course
The municipality offers Danish courses for foreigners. Usually a course especially
tailored to international students is offered. You can sign up for the course as soon as
you have your Danish For more information visit:
If you are going to be an Erasmus student, you are also able to sign up for an intensive
Danish language course before your exchange stay starts. Check with your home
university as to how you sign up. You do not sign up through the University of Southern
The process of Becoming an Exchange Student
1) Your home institution nominates you.
2) You send in your application, requirement and accommodation forms and enclose all
required enclosures incl. grade transcripts and a passport photo.
3) Your application is assessed. If the assessment is successful, you receive our
enrolment pack containing your letter of enrolment, our welcome guide and information
on various practical matters in the course of May/June or November/December.
4) You receive information on accommodation in late June/December, or at the
beginning of August/January.
5) End of August/January, each campus has an orientation programme for all new
6) The semester and classes start September/February 1.