Committees and Charges With Strategic Plan Additions

ACRL Distance Learning Section
Committees and Charges
With Strategic Plan Additions
The Strategic Planning Committee has developed a section Plan. It contains implications
for nearly all committee charges because it suggests committee responsibilities for
actions associated with each Strategic Initiative. Listed below are the committees, their
current charges, and the additions (stated briefly) that would result from adoption of the
Charge: The Communications Committee Charge is to coordinate section
communications, marketing, and publishing activities; to develop and issue a section
newsletter and brochure; to coordinate efforts with the Web, Membership, and Liaison
Committees; to provide a formal communication channel with section members,
appropriate ALA divisions, ACRL units and outside agencies; to make regular
submissions to C&RL News and other appropriate publications.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.A. Publicize effective practices for distance learning library services
1.B. Promote visibility through the Distance Learning Section brochure.
1.C. Identify and update outcomes assessment tools
2.D. Review its charge annually
3.A. Provide orientation for new and updates for continuing DLS
6.E. Disseminate information via programs, Newsletter, Website, etc.
Conference Program Planning
Charge: None
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.B. Promote visibility through the Distance Learning Section brochure.
2.D. Review its charge annually
4.D. Identify and participate in activities of ALA and ACRL
6.E. Disseminate information via programs, Newsletter, Website, etc.
Discussion Group
Charge: None
Add from the Strategic Plan
Electronic Resources
Charge: Electronic Resources Investigate new electronic resources and technologies
relevant to distance learning library services and communicate information on them to
members of the Distance Learning Section through the Section Web site; to collaborate
with the LITA Distance Learning Interest Group and other ALA/ACRL units in forums
and activities pertaining to electronic resources and services for distance learners.
Add from the Strategic Plan
2.D. Review its charge annually
4.D. Identify and participate in activities of ALA and ACRL
6.A. Create and make available electronically consultant/advisory database of
resources and contacts that includes free/fee services
6.C. Share best practices
Executive Committee
Charge: None
Add from the Strategic Plan
2.D. The section will review its committees’ charges annually
3.B. Provide orientation for chairs and committee members
3.F. Provide opportunities for virtual committee membership
4.B. Identify collaborative partners
4.C. Network with other ACRL sections
4.E. Network with librarians through regional ACRL chapters
4.F. Provide recommendations to ACRL on promoting DLS activities
5.A. Identify associations for collaboration
5.B. Participate in joint programs
5.C. Work with commercial vendors
Charge: none
Add from the Strategic Plan
2.D. Review all committee charges annually and refer changes to the
Charge: None
Add from the Strategic Plan
4.A. Promote the active involvement of the ACRL Board
Past Chair
Charge: None
Add from the Strategic Plan
3.B. Provide orientation for chairs and committee members
Charge: To promulgate the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services
both within the library profession and to outside agencies; to serve as an information
resource regarding the use of the Guidelines and to participate in the ongoing review of
the Guidelines.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.D. Disseminate and promote the use of the Guidelines
2.D. Review its charge annually
Charge: To assist Section members in developing instructional materials for distance
learners by facilitating access to appropriate websites, tutorials, and information literacyrelated information; to gather and disseminate information on "best practices" in
providing instruction for distance learners; to develop models on collaborating with
faculty to integrate library services into distance-delivered courses; to compile for
Section members a list of resources and issues on computer literacy and the informationseeking behavior or distance learners; to coordinate the Section's library instructionrelated activities within ALA/ACRL; to collaborate with the Instruction Section, LIRT
and other appropriate ALA/ACRL units in activities related to instruction in the distance
learning environment.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.A. Publicize effective practices for distance learning library services
1.C. Identify and update outcomes assessment tools
2.D. Review its charge annually
3.C. Create an intern program to encourage participation in section
6.A. Create and make available electronically consultant/advisory
database of resources and contacts that includes free/fee services
6.B. Create mentoring programs for those new to distance learning
6.C. Share best practices
Charge: To officially represent the section at ALA/ACRL meetings, programs,
discussion groups and other appropriate units; to maintain a list of ALA/ACRL and other
library committees, programs, and discussion groups focusing on distance learning
issues; to advise the DLS Executive Committee on issues and strategies for collaborating
with ALA/ACRL units; to provide input to the Communications Committee on marketing
issues and strategies.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.A. Publicize effective practices for distance library learning services
1.B. Promote visibility through the Distance Learning Section brochure
2.D. Review its charge annually
4.B. Identify collaborative partners
4.C. Network with other ACRL sections
4.D. Identify and participate in activities of ALA and ACRL
4.G. Inform members of relevant programs and discussion groups
5.A. Identify associations outside the profession for collaboration and
participation in their activities
5.B. Facilitate Section participation in joint programs
5.C. Facilitate collaboration with commercial vendors
Charge: To promote membership and encourage active participation in this section; to
welcome and orient new members; to provide social activities; and to serve as a link
between this section and ALA/ACRL membership services.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.B. Promote visibility through the Distance Learning Section brochure
1.C. Identify, make available, and update outcomes assessment tools
based on ACRL guidelines
2.D. Review its charge annually
3.A. Provide orientation for new DLS members and updates for
continuing members
3.D. Promote awareness of DLS
3.E. Increase marketing and public relations efforts
6.A. Create and make available electronically consultant/advisory
database of resources and contacts
Charge: To promote and facilitate research and publication in the area of distance
learning library services by:
 identifying areas where research is needed,
 facilitating communication about research activities
 encouraging research activities through participation in library and distance
education forums, and
 exploring cooperative arrangements and projects within ALA and its divisions.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.C. Identify and make available outcomes assessment tools
2.D. Review its charge annually
3.A. Provide orientation for new and continuing members
3.G. Provide continuing education/professional development
opportunities for members
4.C. Network with other ACRL sections
6.A. Create and make available a consultant/advisory database
6.C. Share best practices
6.D. Conduct and evaluate needs assessment surveys
6.E. Disseminate information via programs, Newsletter, Website, etc.
Charge: To identify statistical elements that can be standardized; suggest the form those
statistics should take; develop means to collect data; collect data regularly; and report
Add from the Strategic Plan
2.D. Review its charge annually
6.A. Create and make available electronically consultant/advisory
database of resources and contacts
6.C. Share best practices
6.D. Conduct and evaluate needs assessment surveys
Strategic Planning
Charge: To develop, review and make recommendations to the Executive Committee
regarding the Section's future direction, goals, objectives, policies, and priorities; to
evaluate the progress of the Section and its units, and ensure consistency of policies with
those of ACRL; to suggest to the Executive Committee strategies for facilitating
communication within DLS and between DLS and ACRL; to serve as a "think tank" for
the Section by suggesting areas for development for further consideration of the DLS
Committees and interest groups; to prepare and maintain a policies and procedures
manual for the Section.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.D. Disseminate and promote the use of the Guidelines
2.A. Revise the Environmental Scan
2.B. Assess section activities in light of its strategic plan and that of
2.C. Participate in regular five-year reviews as mandated by ACRL
2.D. Review all committees’ charges annually
Charge: The Web Committee of the Distance Learning Section is charged with
developing and maintaining the Section web site. This includes adding information and
resources of interest to the Section membership, designing and organizing the various
web pages, monitoring of the site's contents for applicability and timeliness, and planning
for upgrades and updates as required. The Committee will work with other Section
committees and external agencies, as appropriate, to identify relevant resources for
integration into the web site.
Add from the Strategic Plan
1.C. Identify, make available, and update outcomes assessment tools
based on ACRL guidelines
2.D. Review its charge annually
3.A. Provide orientation for new DLS members and updates for
continuing members.
3.D. Promote awareness of DLS
6.A. Create and make available electronically consultant/advisory
6.C. Share best practices
6.E. Disseminate information via programs, Newsletter, Website, etc.
rev. 4/22/03