MINORITY STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS INFORMATION BOOKLET (Brandywine Logo) 1 MINORITY STUDENT SCHLORSHIPS INFORMATIONAL BOOKLET Brandywine School District Claymont, Delaware 2 INTERNET SITES TO INVESTIGATE In addition to the scholarship information included in this booklet, please feel free to access the following web sites: http://www.minority-scholarships-guide.com/ http://www.blackexcel.org http://www.uncf.org http://www.collegescholarships.com http://www.collegeboard.org http://www.fastweb.com http://www.petersons.com http://www.anycollege.net Bell Labs Fellowships for Underrepresented Minorities http://www.bell-labs.com/fellowships.CRFP/info.html Student Inventors Scholarships http://www.invent.org/collegiate/ Student Video Scholarships http://www.christophers.org/vidcon2k.html Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships http://www.coca-colascholars.org/programs.html Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships http://holocaust.hklaw.com/ Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships http://www.aynrand.org/contests/ Brand Essay Competition http://www.instituteforbrandleadership.org/IBLEssayContest2002Rules.html Gates Millennium Scholarships (major) http://www.gmsp.org/nominationmaterials/read.dbm?ID=12 Xerox Scholarships for Students http://www2.xerox.com/go/xrx/about_xerox/about_xerox_detail .jsp Sports Scholarships and Internships http://www.ncaa.org/about/scholarships.html National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ) http://www.nabj.org/html/studentsvcs.html 3 Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary) http://www.aphis.usda.gov/mb/mrphr/jobs/stw.html Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.org/sk_v6.cfm FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid Scholarships) http://www.finaid.org/ Presidential Freedom Scholarships http://www.nationalservice.org/scholarships/ Microsoft Scholarship Program http://www.microsoft.com/college/scholarships/minority.asp WiredScholar Free Scholarship Search http://www.wiredscholar.com/paying/scholarship_search/pay_s cholarship_search.jsp Hope Scholarships & Lifetime Credits http://www.ed.gov/inits/hope/ William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students http://www.apsanet.org/PS/grants/aspen3.cfm Multiple List of Minority Scholarships http://gehon.ir.miami.edu/financialassistance/Scholarship/black.html Guaranteed Scholarships http://www.guananteed-scholarships.com/ BOEING scholarships (some HBCU connects) http://www.boeing.com/companyoffices/educationrelations/sch olarships Easley National Scholarship Program http://www.naas.org/senior.htm Maryland Artists Scholarships http://www.maef.org/ Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for AA students in South Florida) http://www.jackituckfield.org/ Historically Black College & University Scholarships http://www.iesabroad.org/info/hbcu.htm Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students http://www.beanactuary.org/minority/scholarships.htm 4 International Students Scholarships & Aid Help http://www.iefa.org/ College Board Scholarship Search http://cbweb10p.collegeboard.org/fundfinder/html/fundfind01 .html Burger King Scholarship Program http://www.bkscholars.csfa.org/ Siemens Westinghouse Competition http://www.siemens-foundation.org/ GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds http://www.lulac.org/Programs/Scholar.html CollegeNet’s Scholarship Database http://mach25.collegenet.com/cgi-bin/M25/index Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid http://www.aflcio.org/scholarships/scholar.htm Federal Scholarships & Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel http://www.blackexcel.org/25scholarships.htm Scholarship & Financial Aid Help http://www.blackexcel.org/fin-sch.htm Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group) http://www.efg.net/link_scholarship.htm FAFSA On The Web (Your Key Aid Form & Info) http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ Aid & Resources For Re-Entry Students http://www.back2college.com/ Scholarships and Fellowships http://www.osc.cuny.edu/sep/links.html Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies http://www.paralegals.org/Choice/2000west.htm HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world) http://www.sit.edu/studyabroad/packard_nomination.html Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities http://ccmi.uchicago.edu/schll.html 5 INROADS Internships http://www.inroads.org/ ACT-SO “Olympics of the Mind” Scholarships http://www.naacp.org/work/actso/act-so.shtml Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships http://www.baeo.org/options/privatelyfinanced.jsp ScienceNet Scholarship Listing http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/undergrad/scholarships.html Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Student/GRFN/list.phtml?category= MINORITIES Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford http://www.rhodesscholar.org/info.html The Roothbert Scholarship Fund http://www.roothbertfund.org/schol Ron Brown Scholarships http://www.RonBrown.org FastWEB Scholarship Search http://www.fastweb.com/ United Negro College Fund Scholarships http://www.uncf.org/scholarships/uncfscholarship.asp Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships http://www.jackierobinson.org/ Intel Science Talent Search http://www.sciserv.org/sts Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.org/ FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid (scholarships) http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/ Gates Millennium Scholarships (Annual) http://www.gmsp.org/ (hmrfvje1fdxdiOnwbrpmbd45)/default.aspx McDonald’s Scholarships (Annual) http://www.mcdonaldsnymetro.com/ 6 Broke Scholars Scholarships http://scholarships.brokescholar.com/ National Society of Black Engineers Scholarships http://www.nsbe.org/programs/ National Merit Scholarships http://www.nationalmerit.org/ College Board Scholarship Search http://apps.collegeboard.com/cbsearch_ss/welcome.jsp Black Excel Scholarship Gateways http://www.BlackExcel.org FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) http://www.fafsa.ed.gov LULAC – National Scholastic Achievement Awards http://mach25.collegenet.com/cgibin/M25/GetScholar?page=10177 Scholarship & Financial Aid Help http://www.blackexcel.org/fin-sch.htm NAACP Scholarships http://www.naacp.org/departments/education/scholarship _index.html Paralegal Scholarships http://www.paralegals.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=13 ScienceNet Scholarship Listing http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/undergrad/scholarships.html Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships http://www.baeo.org/options/privatelyfinanced.jsp Siemens Foundation Competition http://www.siemens-foundation.org/ College Board Scholarship Search http://cbwed10p.collegeboard.org/fundfinder/html/fundfind01 .html International Students Scholarships & Aid Help http://www.iefa.org/ Historically Black College & University Scholarships http://www.iesabroad.org/info/hbcu.htm Guaranteed Scholarships 7 http://www.guaranteed-scholarships.com/ Hope Scholarships and Lifetime Learning Credits http://www.ed.gov/offices/OPE/PPI/HOPE/index.html Presidential Freedom Scholarships http://www.nationalservice.org/scholarships Sports Scholarships and Internships http://www.ncaa.org/about/scholarships/html Student Video Scholarships http://www.christophers.org/vidcon2k.html Student Inventors Scholarships http://www.invent.org/collegiate/ Decca Scholarships http://www.deca.org/scholarships/ Black Student Fund http://www.blackstudentfund.org/programs/FinAid/financial_a d.htm Scholarships Pathways http://scholarshipssite.blogspot.com/ Private Scholarships for Seniors http://www.phs.d211.org/stsvc/college/scholarships.asp ScienceNet Scholarship Listing http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/undergrad/scholarsihps.html Chela Education Financing “Gateway to Success Scholarship” http://www.loans4students.org Princeton Review Scholarships & Aid http://www.princetonreview.com/college/finance American Legion Scholarships http://www.legion.org Free Scholarship Search http://www.srnexpress.com 2005 Holocaust Remembrance Essay Contest http://www.holocaust.hklaw.com Horace Mann Scholarship Program http://www.horacemann.com/scholarship Ayn Rand Institute http://www.aynrand.org/contests 8 The David and Dovetta Wilson Scholarship Fund http://www.wilsonfund.org Congressional Hispanic Scholarships http://www.chciyouth.org Nursing Scholarships http://www.blackexcel.org/nursing-scholarships.html College-Bound High School Seniors Scholarships http://scholarships.fatomei.com/scholar13.html AFROTC High School Scholarships http://www.afrotc.com/ Minority Scholarships http://www.free-4u.com/minority.htm Scholarships for Minority Accounting Students http://www.aicpa.org/members/div/career/mini/smas.htm The Elks National Foundation Scholarships http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars.ourscholarships.com Art Deadlines and Scholarships http://www.xensei.com/users/adl/ Journalism Grants http://www.mccormicktribune.org/journalism/grantslist.htm African American Scholarships http://www.littleafrica.com/scholarship/ Marine Corps Scholarships http://www.marine-scholars.org/ Research for Women & Minorities Underrepresented in the Sciences http://www.research.att.com/academic/urp.html Tylenol Scholarships http://scholarship.tylenol.com Undergraduate Scholarships (Health) http://ursp.info.nih.cov/InfoUGSP.htm State Farm Insurance Hispanic Scholarships http://www.statefarm.com/foundati/hispanic.htm National Scholarships at All Levels http://scholarships.fatomei.com/ 9 Burger King Scholars (Annual Awards) http://www.bk.com/CompanyInfo/community/Bkscholars/index.as px Ambassadorial Scholarships http://www.rotary.org/foundation/educatoinal/amb)scho/ Baptist Scholarships http://www.free-4u.com/baptist_scholarships.htm Methodist Scholarships http://www.free4u.com/methodist_scholarships.htm Project Excellence Scholarships http://www.project-excellence.com Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarships http:www.aasa.org/Discover.htm United States National Peace Essay Contest http://www.usip.org/ed/npec/index.shtml Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches http://www.college-scholarships.com/free_scholarship_ searches.htm Accounting Scholarships http://www.aicpa.org/members/div/career/edu/jlcs.htm Americorps http://www.cns.gov/ Sports Scholarships and Internships http://www.ncaa.org/about/scholarships.html 100 Minority Scholarship Gateways http://www.blackexcel.org/100minority .htm Awards and Scholarships http://www-hl.syr.edu/cas-pages/ScholarshipsAvailable.htm American Chemical Society Scholarships http://www.cnetweb.org/american_chemical_society_scholarshi ps.htm Sallie Mae Grants and Scholarships http://www.salliemae.com/parent_answer/decide/explore_alternatives/grants Scholarships and List Search http://www.adventuresineducation.org/sbase/ 10 New York State Scholarships for Academic Excellence http://www.hesc.com/bulletin.nsf/0/7E4A6245D908330685256DB0 006B3A30 Hispanic Scholarship Fund http://www.hst.net Scholarship Research Center: US News Pacific Northwest Scholarship Guide Online http://fp2.adhost.com/collegeplan/scholarship/default.asp College Net Scholarship Search http://mach25.collegenet.com/cgi-bin/M25/index Scholarships for Hispanics http://www.scholarshipsforhispanics.org/ National Federation for the Blind Scholarships http://www.nfb.org/services/schlpro02.htm Actuary Scholarships for Minority Students http://www.beanactuary.org/minority/ Astronaut Scholarship Foundation http://www.astronautscholarship.org/ ELA Foundation Scholarships (disabled) http://www.ela.org/scholarships/scholarships.html Indian Health Service Scholarships http://www.his.gov/JobsCareerDevelop/DHPS/SP/spTOC.asp Minority Undergraduate Fellows Program http://www.naspa.org/resources/mufp/ Third Wave Foundation Scholarships http://www.thirdwavefoundation.org/programs/scholarships/ht ml College Connection Scholarships http://www.collegescholarships.com Super College Scholarships http://www.supercollege.com Indian Students http://www.gurgaonscoop.com/story/2005/3/14/195141/137 Comprehensive Recourse List (all cultures) http://www.globalvision.org/educate/connected/sect4e.html 11 Scholarship Database (Alphabetical Listing) http://www.campuscareercenter.com/scholarships/scholarships .asp Music Scholarships http://www.newenglandconservatory.edu/financeYourEducation/ musicscho Navy Scholarship Lists http://www.odu.edu/ao/hrnrotc/scholarships/scholarships.htm National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ) http://www.nabj.org/programs/scholarships/index.html Science and Engineering Student Scholarships http://www.bell-labs.com/fellowships/ The Roothbert Fund Scholarships http://www.foorhbertfund.org/scholarships/php Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches http://www.collegescholarshipscom/free_scholarship_searches.htm Federal Scholarships and Aid http://www.fedmoney.org/ International Students Help and Scholarships http://www.iefa.org/ NACME Scholarship Program http://www.nacme.org/scholarships/ Black Excel Scholarship Gateway http://www.blackexcel.org/link4.htm Peterson’s Aid and Scholarships Help http://www.petersons.com/finaid/ Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarships http://www.akaeaf.org/scholarships.thm Coveted National Scholarships http://scholarships.fatomei.com/ 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel http://www.blackexcel.org/25 scholarships.htm Martin Luther King Scholarships http://www.sanantonio.gov/mlk/?res=1024&ver=true 12 Financial Aid Research Center http://www.theoldschool.org/ Art and Writing Awards http//www.artandwriting.org Wells Fargo Scholarships http://www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps Princeton Review Internships http://www.princetonreview.com/cte/seach/internshipAdvSearc h.asp Chicana/Latina Foundation http://www.chicanalatina.org/scholarship.html NCAA Scholarships and Internships http://www.ncaa.org/about/scholarships.html Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute http://www.chci.org/ Morris K. Udall Foundation Scholarships http://www.udall.cov/p_scholarship.asp A Better Chance Scholarships http://www.abetterchance.org/ReferralOrgs&Resources/rescoll_native_schol1.htm Asian American Journalist Association http://www.aaja.org/ American Assoc. of University Women http://www.aauw.org/fga/fellowships_grants/index.cfm Scholarships by State http://www.schollsintheusa.com/scholarships.cfm State Agencies of Higher Education http://www.collegeapps.about.com/od/stateagencies/ Engineering School Scholarships http://www.engineeringedu.com/scholars.html Scholarship News http://www.free-4u.com Scholarships and Fellowships List (Graduate Level) http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/3gradinf.htm Orphan Foundation of America http://www.orphan.org 13 September 11th Foundation Funds http://www.nasfaa.org/publications/2001/ARScholarshipFundsD etailed1107 Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarships http://www.aasa.org/awards_and_schoalrships/Discover/index. htm American Fire Sprinkler Scholarship Contest http://www.afsascholarship.org/ Mensa Scholarship Essay Scholarship http://merf.us.mensa.org/scholarships/zipfinder.php Chess Scholarships http://www.successchess.com/WeibelChess/Scholarships/html Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund (Activist) http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/alliance/academic/scholarships. html Federal Student Aid Portal http://studentaid.edu.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english /index.jsp Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships http://www.dar.org/natsociety/edout_scholar.cfm#general Fridell Memorial Scholarship (Dale E.) http://www.straightforwardmedia.com/fridell/ Alger Association Scholarships (Horatio) http://www.horatioalger.org/scholarships Collegiate Inventors Competition http://www.invent.org/collegiate/ Alphabetical Index to Scholarships and Aid http://www.window.state.tx.us/scholars/aid/faidalpha.html National Security Scholarships Program http://www.iie.org/programs/nsep/nsephome.htm Institutes of Health Scholarship Programs http://www.iie.org/programs/nsep/nsephome.htm Adventures in Education http://adventuresineducation.org Union Plus Scholarship Database 14 http://www.aflcio.org/familyfunresources/collegecosts/schol ar.cfm Verizon Scholarship Program http://foundation.verizon.com/06011.shtml Michigan Community Scholarships (over 100) http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/privcomm.htm College View’s Scholarship Search http://www.collegeview.com/financial_aid/schol_directory/ College Xpress Scholarship Search http://apps.absolutelyscholarships.com/exec/scholarship Scholarships on the Net (1500 Links) http://whatsonthe.net/scholarmks.htm Scholarships, Prizes, and Honors (Cal based) http://students.berkeley.edu/fao/Scholarships/default.htm Cola-Coca Art & Film Scholarships http://www.youthdevelopment.cocacola.com/art_refreshing.htm l Art School Scholarships http://www.straightforwardmedia.com/art/scholarshipguide.php Bowling Scholarships http://www.bowlingmembership.com/PDF/smart_colleges.pdf Red Cross Presidential Intern Program http://www.redcross.org/images/pdfs/PIP_Fact_Sheet.pdf Congressional Black Caucus Scholarships http://www.cbcfinc.org/Leadership%20Education/Scholarships/ index.html Microsoft Scholarships http://www.microsoft.com/college/ss_overview.mspx Scholarship of the Month http://www.collegescholarships.com/scholarships.html Fellowship Database (Graduate) http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Student/GRFN/ Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf http://www.agbell.org APS Minorities Scholarship Program (Physics) 15 http://www.aps.org/educ/com/index.html The Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarship Program http://www.archfoundation.org Music for the Blind http://www.NFMC-music.org War Memorial Fund http://www.usjaycees.org Engineering Awards and Scholarships http://www.iee.org/EduCareers/Awards/UG/index.cfm Undergraduate Awards for Women http://www.biochem.northwestern.edu/resfunds/undergrad.women.pdf Civil Air Patrol Scholarships http://level2.cap.gov/index.cfm?nodelD=5589 Various College scholarships List http://www.parttudor.pvt.k12.in.us/scholarships2.htm Typical Scholarship Opportunities http://www.esu3.org/districts/bellevue/curriculum/east/js heridan/counseling AXA Achievement Scholarship http://www.axa-achievement.com Federal Employee Education Fund http://www.feea.org/scholarships.shtml Prudential Spirit of Community Award http://www.prudential.com/sprit for ore information Undesignated Scholarships (Engineering) http://students.sae.org/awdscholar/scholarships/undesignated/ Wal*Mart Community Scholarship http://www.walmartfoundation.org Scholarships for Minority accounting students http://www.aicpa.org/members/div/career/mini/smas.htm Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students http://www.beanactuary.org/minority/scholarship.cfm Minority Scholarships (all levels) http://scholarships/.fatomei.com/scholar3.html 16 Findaid: Minority Scholarships http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/minority.phtml Library Scholarships http://www.ala.org/ala/lita/litaresources/litascholarships/ litascholarships.html Study Abroad Scholarships http://www.iesabroad.org/minorityFinancialAid.do Native American & Other Scholarships http://www.abetterchance.org/ReferralOrgs&Resources/rescoll _native_schol1.htm Sports Figures Scholarships http://sportsfigures.espn.com/sportsfigures/stu_sportsfigur echal_1.jsp Scholarship Scams http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/scholarship/ Students of Color Scholarship http://www.financialaid4you.com/index.php/scholarships USA Access Education Scholarships http://www.usafunds.org/planning/access_to_education_schola rship/index Fellowships and Scholarships http://www.sacnas.org/fellow.html Dow Jones Scholarship and Program Listings http://www.djnewspaperfund.dowjones.com/fund/cg_js_min_scho larships.asp Ernest Hemingway Awards Scholarships http://djnewspaperfund.dowjones.com/fund/cg_gen_scholarships.asp Minority Journalism Internships http://djnewspaperfund.dowjones.com/fund/cg_min_internships.asp Hispanic/Latino Scholarships http://www.elmhurst.edu/bio/arriola/Hablamos/scholarships.html General Scholarships http://www.hccfl.edu/scholarship/general.html Jewish Scholarships http://www.free-4u.com/jewish.htm. Scholarship Opportunities (graduate) 17 http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/finaid/external-finaid.shtml Ford Foundation Fellowships for Minorities http://national-academies.org/fellowships Scholarships in Many Areas http://www.meredith.edu/finaid/outsideaid.thm League Foundation: Alternative Lifestyles Scholarships http://www.league-att.org/foundation/ Datatel Scholarships http://www.datatel.com/global/scholarships/applicants.cfm Alpha Kappa Alpha Awards http://www.akaeaf.org/ National Black Police Assoc. Scholarships http://www.blackpolice.org/ Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship http://www.elks.org National Black Nurses’ Assoc. Scholarships http://www.nbna.org Scholarships Based on Ethnicity http://www.college.ucla.edu/UP/SRC/ethnic.htm 18 SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES TO AVOID (according to the Federal Trade Commission) Career Assistance Planning, Inc. (goes by College Assistance Planning, College Assistance Program and C.A.P.) Higher Education Scholarship Program (goes by National Health Scholarship Program, Division of Nursing; National Scholarship Program; National Science Program; Division of Biological Sciences) Student Assistance Services, Inc. College Assistance Services, Inc. Student Aid Incorporated SCHOLARSHIP SCAMS Your child heads off to college this fall and your budget is crying for help. What about using a scholarship organization to help pay for some of those college expenses? I’m Shirley Rooker for the Federal Trade Commission. Before you start off on your search, keep in mind that tens of millions of dollars are lost to scholarship scams every year. But how can you avoid the frauds while helping the budget? There are some warning signs. Beware of any scholarship which requests an application fee, even a low one. Most legitimate scholarship sponsors do not require up-front fees. Instead, they deduct fees, if any, from the disbursement check. If you are guaranteed to be awarded money, watch out! Legitimate scholarship matching services do not guarantee scholarships. And don’t believe the claim that everybody is eligible. When applying for a scholarship, the kids will have to submit their own applications and write their own essays. An organization isn’t going to do it for them, no matter what it claims. I’m Shirley Rooker, director of WTOP radio’s Call For Action for the Federal Trade Commission. 19 AIA/AAF SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM DEADLINE: January 15 ELIGIBILITY: High school seniors and junior college students entering degree programs at school of architecture; students who have already completed first year at standard four-year-college are not eligible. Nominations are reviewed and applications are sent out to eligible applicants. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: The American Architectural Foundation 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 626-7511 AFC ENTERPRISES Xenona Clayton Black Press Scholarship Amount: $10,000 Contact: website http://www.afc-online.com AGI MINORITY GEOSCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP Amount: up to $10,000 Contact: American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 AGNES JONES JACKSON SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: January – applications available April 30 – applications due ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduate and graduate students who have been members of NAACP for at least one year, or who are fully paid life members; applicants must not have reached the age of 25 by the deadline; undergraduate students must have at least 2.5 GPA; graduate students must have 3.0 GPA or “B” average; enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope with application request. AWARD: $1,500 for undergraduates; $2,500 for graduate students; both are renewable. INFORMATION: Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship NAACP Special Contribution Fund Education Department 4805 Mount Hope Drive Baltimore, MD 21215-3297 AIA MINORITY/DISADVANTAGED SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: December 1 – nominations January 15 - applications ELIGIBILITY: Minority and/or needy students pursuing a bachelor’s or masters degree in architecture. U.S. residents only. 20 AWARD: INFORMATION: Up to $3,500 renewable for 2 years. Brenda J. Henderson Scholarship Programs American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 626-7511 ALA SPECTRUM INITIATIVE SCHOLARSHIP Amount: $5,000 Contact: American Library Association 50 Huran Street Chicago, IL 60611 http://www.ala.org APS MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Amount: $2,000-$3,000 (renewable) Contact: The American Physical Society One Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740 http://www.aps.org ASM FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Amount: up to $5,000 ASM Foundation for Education and Research Scholarship Program Materials Park, OH 44073 http://www.asm.intl.org ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY (ZETA OMEGA CHAPTER) DEADLINE: April 15 ELIGIBILITY: Minority senior girls in New Castle County who have exhibited academic achievement, school and community service and financial need. AWARD: $500 - $1,000 INFORMATION: See your Guidance Counselor ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY (GAMMA THETA LAMBDA CHAPTER) DEADLINE: April 8 (1st Friday in April) ELIGIBILITY: Minority seniors exhibiting academic achievement and financial need. AWARD: $50 to $1,000 INFORMATION: See your Guidance Counselor AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY SCHOLARS PROGRAM Amount: $3,000 (renewable) Contact: American Chemical Society Scholars Program Department of Minority Affairs 1155 16th Street NW 21 Washington, DC 20036 http://www.acs.org AMERICAN DENTAL HYGIENISTS ASSOCIATION Amount: up to $1,500 Contact: American Dental Hygienists Association 444 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 3400 Chicago, IL 60611 AMERICAN GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE DEADLINE: February 1 ELIGIBILITY: Ethnic minority planning to pursue a geoscience major. Must be a U.S. citizen. Academic merit and financial need will be considered. AWARD: Varies - $500 to $2,000 INFORMATION: AGI Minority Scholarships American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 (703)379-2480 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Amount: up to $5,000 Contact: Minority Scholarships P.O. Box 2209 Jersey City, NJ 07303 http://www.aicpa.org THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY DEADLINE: February 25 ELIGIBILITY: Any Black, Hispanic, or Native American, U.S. citizen, majoring in or planning to major in physics. Must be a high school senior, college freshman or sophomore. AWARD: $2,000 (renewable one time) INFORMATION: The APS Minorities Scholarship Program American Physical Society 335 East 45th Street New York, N.Y. 10017-3483 (212) 682-7341 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NAVAL ENGINEERS Amount: $2,500-$3,500 Contact: The American Society of Navel Engineers 1452 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 http://www.navalengineers.org 22 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS FOUNDATION DEADLINE: Postmarked by December 1 ELIGIBILITY: Minority senior planning to pursue a career in newspaper journalism. FEE: $750 INFORMATION: ASNE Foundation P.O. Box 17004 Washington, D.C. 20041 (703)648-1146 ARBY’S HANK AARON BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Spring ELIGIBILITY: Must be or have been a Little Brother or Little Sister in a Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Also based on academic skills and involvement in social and civic programs. AWARD: 2 awards per year $5,000 yearly; maximum $20,000 for 4 years. INFORMATION: Local Big Brothers/Big Sisters Agency or write: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America 230 N. 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 567-7000 THE ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS (AWC) http://www.awic-dc.org/text/scholar_app.shtml DEADLINE: January 15 ELIGIBILITY: Minority and women seniors who have been admitted to full-time computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering or systems engineering studies at a four-year institution. AWARD: Full tuition, room, board, food, etc. INFORMATION: ESP Administrator AT&T Bell Laboratories Crawford’s Corner Road Room IE-213 Holmdel, NJ 08833 AT&T FOUNDATION ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Amount: Varies Contact: Meharry Medical College @ 1-800-MEHARRY AT&T UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAM http:www.research.att.com/academic/urp.html AWC-DC STUDENT AFFAIRS Amount: $1,000 Contact: The Washington, DC area chapter of The Association for Women in Communications http://www.awic-dc.org/text/scholar_app.shtml 23 BPW FOUNDATION Scholarships since 1970, more than 7,000 scholarships totaling over $4.5 million have been awarded. These scholarships are awarded to female students 25 and over with critical financial need who are seeking the education necessary for entry or re-entry into, or advancement within the work force. This year, the Foundation will award approximately 200 grants through the various scholarship programs. Carefully read the eligibility requirements for the scholarship programs. We regret that due to limited funds, the BPW Foundation is not able to fund all eligible applicants. http://www.bpwusa.org/foundation/scholarships.html BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S FOUNDATION Educational Programs-Scholarships http://www.bywusa.org/foundation/scholarships.html CAROLE SIMPSON SCHOLARSHIP Amount: $2,000 Contact: Radio and Television News Directors Foundation 1000 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 615 Washington, DC 20036 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SCHOLAR PROGRAM DEADLINE: December 1 ELIGIBILITY: Minorities and students with a disability, planning to enroll in a four-year college and thinking of becoming a computer scientist, cartographer, engineer, mathematician, economist, physicist, linguist, accountant, imagery scientist, or political analyst. Must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age by May 1, have a 2.75/4.0 GPA, achieve a 900 SAT score or 21 ACT score, and have financial need. AWARD: Salary of $14,000/yr plus tuition of $15,000/yr. INFORMATION: James T. Fitzgerald, Personnel Representative P.O. Box 2303 South Hackensack, NJ 07606 (201) 342-7297 CIGNA SCHOLARS PROGRAM FOR BLACK AMERICAN STUDENTS DEADLINE: January 15 ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must have combined SAT score above 1000; an A/B grade average; and rank in the top 10% of his/her graduating class. Must take three subject achievement tests (English, mathematics, and one other) and must demonstrate above average leadership qualities. AWARD: One-half tuition INFORMATION: Dr. Tinia Cade Director of Multicultural Affairs University of Richmond 24 Richmond, VA 23173 (804) 289-8032 CIVITAN SHROPSHIRE SCHOLARSHIP Amount: Varies Contact: Civitan International Foundation P.O. Box 130744 Birmingham, AL 35213 COCA COLA SCHOLARS FOUNDATION, INC. Amount $4,000-$20,000 Contact: The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 442 Atlanta, GA 30301 http://www.thecocacola-company.com COLEMAN MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DEADLINE: March 31 ELIGIBILITY: Minority student enrolling as a freshman in a two or four year college program. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: Coleman Memorial United Methodist Church 465 1/2 Anderson Drive Dunleith Estates Wilmington, DE 19801 COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Amount: $250-$10,000 Contact: National Dental Association Foundation/Colgate-Palmolive Scholarship Program 3517 l6th Street NW Washington, DC 20010 http://www.natdent.org CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS SPOUSES EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND http://www.cbcfonline.org/cbcspouses/scholarship.html THE CONSORTIUM FOR GRADUATE STUDY IN MANAGEMENT The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management is a twelve University alliance working to facilitate the entry of minorities into managerial positions in business. The Universities recruit college-trained African American, Hispanic American and Native American United States citizens and invite them to compete for merit-based fellowships for graduate study leading to a Master’s Degree in Business. http://www.wuolin.wustl.edu.8010/ THE DAVID AND DOVETTA WILSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: March 24 25 ELIGIBILITY: AWARD: INFORMATION: College-bound high school seniors with at least a “B” average; must be actively involved in community or religious service; must demonstrate financial need, provide proof of acceptance to accredited college/university and references; send a self addressed stamped envelope. Up to $1,000 The David & Dovetta Wilson Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 038-321 Alden Manor Elmont, N.Y. 11003 http://www.wilsonfund.org/mission.htm DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Minority young women planning to enter a four year college or university. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: See your Guidance Counselor THE DOW JONES NEWSPAPER FUND Amount $1,000 Contact: The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund P.O. Box 300 Princeton, NJ 08543-0300 http://www.dowjones.com DUPONT CO. MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: American Indian, Black or Hispanic high school seniors pursuing a college degree in engineering, science, computer science or business. Candidates may be nominated by a DuPont site and need not be part of a pre-college enrichment program. AWARD: $14,000 for four years ($4,000-lst; $3,000-2nd and 3rd; and $4,000- 4th). Summer employment will be provided to recipients. INFORMATION: See your Guidance Counselor. EARL WARREN LEGAL TRAINING PROGRAM, INC. Amount $3,000 (renewable) Contact: The Earl Warren Legal Training Program, Inc. 99 Hudson Street Suite 1600 New York, NY 10013 ED BRADLEY SCHOLARSHIP Amount $10,000 Contact: Radio and Television News Directors Foundation 1000 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 615 26 Washington, DC 20036 EDS (ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEM) A SUBSIDIARY OF GENERAL MOTORS DEADLINE: January 31 ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must be a U.S. citizen of African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Asian-American descent. Must have competitive ACT/SAT scores and exemplary high school achievement, and must maintain a GPA between 2.7-4.0 during undergraduate program. AWARD: $3,500 (EDS Scholarships are four-year renewable) INFORMATION: Robert L. Hart Director, Minority Professional Leadership Program Miami University 123 Kreger Hall Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-2296 E. J. JOSEY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD DEADLINE: December 13 ELIGIBILITY: African-American graduate students enrolled in these specified programs at an ALA-accredited program in the U.S. or Canada; all applicants will be closely judged on themed essay. AWARD: $1,500 INFORMATION: Black Caucus of the American Library Association Clark Atlanta University School of Library and Information Studies James P. Brawley Dr. at Fair Street, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30314 ETHYL/GRASP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Amount: full tuition and allowance Contact: http://www.ethyl.com GATES MILLENNIUM FOUNDATION Contact. Gates Millennium Scholars Program 1-800-690-GMSP http://www.gmsp.org GEORGE M. BROOKER COLLEGIATE SCHOLARSHIP FOR MINORITIES Amount $1,000-$2,500 Contact: Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation Attention: Brooker Scholarship 430 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 27 THE GEORGE A. STRAIT MINORITY STIPEND Amount: $3,500 Contact: American Association of Law Libraries 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 940 Chicago, IL 60604 http://www.aallnet.org GILLETTE/NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE SCHOLARSHIP & INTERN PROGRAM Amount: $10,000 (and summer internship) Contact: The Gillette/National Urban League Scholarship 121 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 GRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR WOMEN Amount: full tuition + $17,000 stipend Contact: Lucent Technologies Foundation Scholarship Management Services 1505 Riverview Road P.O. Box 294 St. Peter, MN 56082 http://www.bell-labs.com GRAPHIC ART MAJOR SCHOLARSHIPS NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND OF THE GRAPHIC ARTS ACADEMIC/CAREER AREAS Graphic Art Requirements: Award for freshman and undergraduate study. Student must be majoring in Graphic Design. Must have a 3.0 GPA. Amount Awarded: $500-$1500. Number of awards: 250-300. To request an application for this scholarship write to: Kristin Winkowski, Program Coordinator National Scholarship Trust Fund of the Graphic Arts, 200 Deer Run Rd., Sewickley, PA 15143. GUIDEPOSTS YOUNG WRITER’S CONTEST Award Amount: $1,000-$6,000 High school juniors or seniors. Entrants must write a true first-person story about a moving or memorable experience they have had. Double-spaced, not to exceed1200 words. Contact: Guideposts 16 East 34th Street New York, NY 10016 THE HERBERT LEHMAN FUND Amount: $2,000 (renewable) Contact: The Herbert Lehman Fund Scholarships for African-American Students 99 Hudson Street Suite 1600 New York, N.Y. 10013 28 INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC POLICY (IIPP) Sophomore Summer Policy Institute (SSPI) http://www.uncf.org/jjpp Program Description: The Institute for International Public Policy (IIPP) was established at the United Negro College Fund in 1994 with a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (USED). The grant was authorized under Title VI, Part C, section 621 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. In the spring of 1999, UNCF competed successfully for a second grant from USED that supports IIPP program activity through 2004. The program was transferred to the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (UNCFSP) in spring of 2000. Twenty sophomores are selected each year on a competitive basis. JACKIE ROBINSON FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND Amount: up to $6,000 Contact: Jackie Robinson Foundation 3 West 35th Street 11TH Floor New York, N.Y. 10001 http://www.jackierobinson.org JANET JACKSON RHYTHM NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Students must be enrolled in UNCF college/university; awards based on need; students must have at least a 2.5 GPA; inquiries must be made to financial aid office at each school. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: United Negro Scholarship Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-4511 JESSE AND DOROTHY RUTHERFORD SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: February 1 ELIGIBILITY: Students attending Wilberforce University; must have a 2.5 GPA or above. AWARD: Up to $1,000. Renewable INFORMATION: Jesse & Dorothy Rutherford Scholarship Wilberforce University Wilberforce, OH 45384 KNIGHT-RIDDER, INC. DEADLINE: ELIGIBILITY: AWARD: INFORMATION: January 23 Minority senior interested in pursuing a career in print journalism. $500 to $1,000 Acel Moore KRI Scholarship The Philadelphia Inquirer P.O. Box 8263 29 400 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 KODAK: PROFESSIONAL MOTION IMAGING: NEWS, EVENTS, AND PROGRAMS: Kodak Scholarships are available through The Kodak Scholarship Program for junior, senior and graduate-level students of cinematography at U.S. colleges and Universities offering 4-year degree programs in motion picture filmmaking http://www.kodak.com/US/en/motion/programs/student/scholarship.shtml LEOPOLD SCHEPP FOUNDATION DEADLINE: Forms available between June and November ELIGIBILITY: Full-time student must be accepted into freshman class of an accredited, general study college/university; send self-addressed, stamped envelope with application request. AWARD: $6,000 for undergraduates and doctoral candidates. Renewable. INFORMATION: Leopold Schepp Foundation Scholarship Program 551 5th Avenue Suite 3000 New York, N.Y. 10176 LITA/LSSI MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP Amount: $2,500 Contact: LITA/LSSI American Library Association 50 E. Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 http://www.ala.org LITA/OCLC MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP IN LIBRARY AND INFO TECHNOLOGY DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Minorities interested in pursuing a master’s degree in these disciplines in an ALA-accredited program. AWARD: $2,500 (estimate) INFORMATION: American Library Association 50 E. Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 LONZIE L. JONES, JR. SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31 ELIGIBILITY: High school seniors entering accredited four-year college/university as full-time students; must apply through local SCDAA chapter, prepare essay on annual contest theme and have at least a 3.0 GPA. Send a selfaddressed stamped envelope to the given address for more information. AWARD: $1,000 - $2,500. One-time awards INFORMATION: Sickle Cell Disease Assn. of America 30 200 Corporate Pointe, Suite 495 Culver City, CA 90230 LOUISE GILES MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Minorities interested in pursuing a master’s degree in these disciplines in an ALA-accredited program. AWARD: $3,000 (estimate) renewable INFORMATION: American Library Association 50 E. Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES FOUNDATION CRFP Amount: full tuition + $17,000 stipend Contact: Lucent Technologies Foundation Scholarship Management Services 1505 Riverview Road P.O. Box 297 St. Peter, MN 56080 http://www.bell-labs.com DR. LUNA D. MISHOE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April ELIGIBILITY: Must be admitted to Delaware State University with a 3.25 grade point average. Preference will be given to students majoring in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering and the PreProfession Fields of Study. AWARD: Up to $10,000 over four years. INFORMATION See your Guidance Counselor McDONALD’S “HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS” FUND DEADLINE: November 9 ELIGIBILITY: Senior with Hispanic-American background AWARD: $500 INFORMATION: McDonald’s “Hold on to your Dreams” Scholarship Selection Committee Aspira 526 Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19123 MICHAEL JACKSON SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Students must be enrolled in UNCF college/university; awards based on need; students must have at least a 2.5 GPA; inquiries must be made to financial aid office at each school. 31 AWARD: INFORMATION: Varies Michael Jackson United Negro Scholarship Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-4511 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: 1st quarter of each calendar year ELIGIBILITY: Minorities who are college juniors; must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA and participate in school activities; only extended to students at colleges where Armstrong recruits; check your college’s financial aid office for more information. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: Armstrong World Industries P. O. Box 3001 Lancaster, PA 17604 MUSIC ASSISTANCE FUND DEADLINE: December 1 ELIGIBILITY: African American students/musicians of U.S. citizenship pursuing degree at conservatories, university schools of music or recognized summer programs. Consideration given to high school students who demonstrate accomplishment and promise. Awards given based on completed application, personal audition, teacher’s recommendation and financial needs. AWARD: Up to $3,000 INFORMATION: Music Assistance Fund N.Y. Philharmonic Avery Fisher Hall 10 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, N.Y. 10023 (212) 580-8700 Ext. 211 NAACP – WILLEMS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: January – applications available April 30 – applications due ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or “B” average and be members of the NAACP. DISCIPLINE: Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Computer and Mathematical Sciences AWARD: $2,000 for undergraduate students; $3,000 for graduate students; both are renewable. INFORMATION: NAACP Special Contribution Fund Education Division 4828 Mount Hope Drive Baltimore, MD 21215-3297 32 NABA – NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Amount $500 - $6000. Deadline December 31 Contact: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. 7249 A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, MD 20770 http://nabainc.org NABJ NATIONALL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALISTS DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Black undergraduate or graduate students planning to major in journalism; must have 2.5 GPA; must supply nominating letter, themed article, sample work, resume and autobiography. AWARD: $2,500 INFORMATION: National Association of Black Journalists Schorarships 8701 Adelphi Road Adelphi, MD 20783 http://www.nabj.org 33 NACME – INCENTIVE GRANTS PROGRAM DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: American Indians, Blacks, & Hispanics, enrolled full time in an undergraduate engineering program at one of the participating schools, and maintaining good academic standing. Scholarships given through school. AWARD: $250 - $2,500 INFORMATION: NACME 3 West 35th St. New York, NY 1001 (212) 279-2626 THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES http://www.nationalacademies.org/ THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PUBLICATIONS CAREERS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A Student Planning Guide to Graduate School and Beyond. Offers guidance to students on planning careers—particularly careers in nonacademic settings—and acquiring the education necessary to attain career goals. Research-Doctorate Programs in United States: Continuity and Change (provides selected information on nearly 4,000 doctoral programs in 41 sub disciplines at 274 doctorate-granting institutions.) National Academy Press (more than 1,000 books free for reading online and available for sale. http://www.nationalacademies.org/ NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS (PUBLISHER FOR THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES) http://www.nap.edu/ NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR OUTSTANDING NEGRO STUDENTS DEADLINE: October of junior year ELIGIBILITY: Black students who plan to go on to college. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/NMS Qualifying Test must be taken no later than 11th grade and designated for the program. AWARD: $2,000 INFORMATION: National Merit Scholarship Corporation One Rodney Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NEGRO MUSICIANS, INC. DEADLINE: July 1 ELIGIBILITY: Minority students, ages 18 to 30; must be sponsored by local branch of organization; must compete and win local, regional and national competitions to claim awards. AWARD: $250 - $1,500. One-time award INFORMATION: National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. 34 P.O. Box S-011 Chicago, IL 60628 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING, HEATING AND COOLING CONTRACTORS Amount: $3,000 Contact: National Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Educational Foundation Scholarship P.O. Box 6806 Falls Church, VA 22040 http://www.naphcc.org NATIONAL BLACK MBA ASSOCIATION, INC. Amount: $2,500 - $10,000 Contact: National Black MBA Scholarship Programs 180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60601 http://www.nbmbaa.org NATIONAL BLACK NURSES ASSOCIATION Amount: up to $2,000 Contact: National Black Nurses Association, Inc. 8630 Fenton Street Suite 330 Silver Spring, MD 20910 http://www.nbna.org NATIONAL CAUCUS OF BLACK SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS ELIGIBILITY: 2.5 grade point average, need base AWARD: $500 INFORMATION: George E. Evans, Esquire Vice President & Chairman Caucus Scholarship Committee First Federal Plaza Wilmington, DE 19801 NATIONAL FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MORTICIANS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION DEADLINE: March ELIGIBILITY: High School graduate who has one-year experience as a funeral home apprentice and one who has taken basic chemistry and biology classes; leadership, grades and financial need are factors; recipient must attend accredited college/university offering curriculum in funeral service education; must complete application and send resume, official transcript, letters of recommendation and photo. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: National Funeral Directors & Morticians Scholarship Foundation, Inc. President 1935 West Broadway Street 35 Louisville, KY 40203 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF BLACK LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICE AND FUND FOR NEGRO STUDENTS INFORMATION: Supplementary scholarship and other forms of aid. Contact: National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students 6 East 82nd Street New York, N.Y. 10028 NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND OF THE GRAPHIC ARTS DEADLINE: January 10 ELIGIBILITY: Candidates are judged on the basis of high school academic records, class rank, recommendations and biographical material that indicates academic honors and extracurricular interests; students are required to maintain a “B” average. AWARD: $500 - $1,500 up to four years. INFORMATION: The National Scholarship Trust Fund of the Graphic Arts 4615 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3796 NATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION DEADLINE: May ELIGIBILITY: Minority students pursuing degrees in the sciences, engineering, finance and/or mathematics. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: National Technical Association P.O. Box 7045 Washington, DC 20032 (202) 829-6100 NCO SCHOLARSHIP (NOT LIMITED TO MINORITIES) DEADLINE: March 31 ELIGIBILITY: Children and spouses of veterans, also members of the association enrolled in a vocational or college program. AWARD: $750 - $1,000 INFORMATION: NCO Scholarship Fund, Inc. P.O. Box 33610 San Antonio, TX 78265 (512) 653-6161 NEED-BASED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Amount: $500 - $7,857 Open to minority students enrolled in 1st or 2nd year of medical school Contact: National Medical Fellowships, Inc. 36 110 W. 32nd Street 8th Floor New York, NY 10001 NEW ENGLAND BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION “Opportunities for Minority Students” http://www.nebhe.org/diversity/minority_intro.html#anchor564448 NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY CLUSTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: January 15 ELIGIBILITY: Entering freshman with a high school GPA of 3.0 or better, combined college board SAT scores of 900, and rank in the top ten percent of class. AWARD: $1,000 INFORMATION: Mr. Marty Miller Director, Student Financial Aid Room 130, Wilson Hall Norfolk State University Norfolk, VA 23504 NSPE MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: December 1 ELIGIBILITY: American Indian, Alaskan Native, Black and Hispanic students wishing to attend an ABET certified program. Based on scholarship and achievement. AWARD: $1,000 for freshman year (2 awards) INFORMATION: National Technical Association P.O. Box 7045 Washington, DC 20032 (202) 829-6100 OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY DEADLINE: April ELIGIBILITY: Students with academic excellence intending to attend college. AWARD: Up to $1,000 INFORMATION: See your Guidance Counselor OPRAH WINFREY SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Selections are made by school’s financial aid and student affairs offices. ELIGIBILITY: Morehouse students; entering freshmen must have 3.5 GPA and score 1,000 on SAT; upperclassmen must maintain 3.0 GPA; scholarship winners must also work as peers tutors AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: Oprah Winfrey Scholarship Morehouse College 830 Westview Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30314 37 LEONARD M. PERRYMAN COMMUNICATION SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: December 1 ELIGIBILITY: Minority students pursuing a career in religious communications. AWARD: $2,500 INFORMATION: Scholarship Committee United Methodist Suite 1901 475 Riverside Drive New York, N.Y. 10115 PHI DELTA KAPPA DEADLINE: ELIGIBILITY: AWARD: INFORMATION: PHI DELTA KAPPA DEADLINE: ELIGIBILITY: AWARD: INFORMATION: January 31 High School seniors who are planning a career in teaching. Minorities are encouraged to apply. Number varies $1,000 scholarships to minority students Howard D. Hill Director of Chapter Programs Phi Delta Kappa P.O. Box 789 Bloomington, IN 47402-0789 (812) 339-1156 May 1 Afro-American senior girls planning to attend a four year college and major in education. Varies Mrs. Betty Hudson 808 West 28th Street Wilmington, DE 19802 P.L.A.T.O. SCHOLARSHIP 2001 Website: http://www.plato.org $50,000 in scholarships will be awarded to help offset education-related expenses for the Fall semester. All applicants must have a grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale, and must be attending a regionally or nationally accredited 2- or 4-year college or university. There are no restrictions in regard to number of credit hours or status; even part-time students are eligible to apply. The application process will be completely online, with no paper applications available. PRICES RUN PARK SPORTSMEN ASSOCIATION ELIGIBILITY: Senior who lives in Northeast Wilmington and plans to attend college. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: Prices Run Park Sportsmen Association P.O. Box 188 38 Wilmington, DE 19899-0188 (302) 451-2175 PRINT AND GRAPHICS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Amount: $1,000 - $3,000 Contact: Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation 200 Dear Run Road Sewickley, PA 48221 http://www.gatf.org PUSH FOR EXCELLENCE, INC. DEADLINE: June 1 ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduate and graduate students who will pursue a degree from a college, university or trade school; applicants must have a 2.0 GPA and must submit completed application, letters of recommendation, essay and official academic transcript; financial aid information and confirmation of acceptance from desired college are also requested; community activity is a consideration. AWARD: $1,000 INFORMATION: PUSH-Excel Scholarship Committee Operation PUSH Headquarters 930 East 50th Street Chicago, IL 60615 ROBERT B. BAILY, III SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Summer/Fall programs: April 1; Winter/Spring programs: November 1 ELIGIBILITY: Minority students demonstrating financial need and who have applied to a CIEE-administered study-abroad, work-abroad or international volunteer work-camp program; study-abroad applicants must submit CIEE program application, personal statement, recommendations and an official transcript. AWARD: $500 - $1,000 INFORMATION: Scholarship Council on International Educational Exchange 205 East 42nd St New York, N.Y. 10017-57806 39 THE RON BROWN SCHOLAR PROGRAM Award Amount: Up to $40,000 Deadline January 9 or student’s senior year. Contact: The Ron Brown Scholar Program CAP Charitable Foundation (USA) 1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 110-B Chicago, IL 60604 http://www.ronbrown.org ROY WILKINS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: May 1. Applications become available after January 1. ELIGIBILITY: High School seniors or college freshmen who have been active in the NAACP and who exhibit leadership qualities. Good academic background and letter of recommendation are required. AWARD: $500 - $1,000 INFORMATION: NAACP Youth and College Division 4805 Mt. Hope Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 THE SAUL T. WILSON, JR. SCHOLARSHIP Award Amount: Up to $10,000 Discipline: Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Contact: USDA/Animal, Plant, Health Inspection Service 4700 River Road, Unit 21 Riverdale, MD 20737-1230 SCRIPPS HOWARD FOUNDATION DEADLINE: December 20 – Request applications February 25 – Applications due ELIGIBILITY: Full-time undergraduate students at four-year universities; good scholastic standing required; official transcript requested. AWARD: $1,000 to $3,000 INFORMATION: Scripps Howard Foundation P.O. Box 5380 Cincinnati, OH 45201 SELENA BROWN BOOK SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: January ELIGIBILITY: African-American college students who have a 2.5 GPA; must demonstrate community service, express interest in researching the Black community, be an active NABSW member and be enrolled for 12 credit hours before the semester award in granted; applicants must submit a two-page, type written purpose letter, two letters of recommendation and both a financial and an official academic transcript. AWARD: Amounts of one-time awards vary from year to year. INFORMATION: National Association of Black Social Workers 40 c/o Scholarship Committee 8436 W. McNichols Detroit, MI 48221 STANLEY E. JACKSON SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION DEADLINE: February 1 AWARD: $1,000 one time award ELIGIBILITY: Disabled, minority students with financial need enderting full-time, postsecondary education. Contact: The Stanley E. Jackson Scholarship Foundation 1920 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191 THE SAM WALTON COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP http://compedge.wal-mart.com/sw_shcholar.html THE CAROL SIMPSON SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: February 28 ELIGIBILITY: Full-time minority undergrads majoring in electronic journalism; applicants must have at lease one full year of school remaining and be in good standing; they must submit completed application, goal statement reference letter and three audio/video VHS tapes show casting reporting or producing skills; winners attend foundation conference; previous RTNDF winners are not eligible. AWARD: $2,000 INFORMATION: Radio and Television News Directors Foundation 1000 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 615 Washington, DC 20036 SPECIAL INTEREST – HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS For a listing of college scholarships available for high school seniors, visit Black Excel’s Scholarship Gateway at: http://www.BlackExcel.org/link4.htm STEPPINGSTONE SCHOLARS PROGRAM http://www.tsf.org/scholars-ss.html STUDENT GRANTS Scholarship and Job Links http://www.microsoft.com/Education/students/grant.asp 41 THE SUTTON EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 30 ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be full-time students and NAACP members; undergrads must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or a “C-plus” average; graduate students must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or “B” average. AWARD: $1,000 for undergrads; $2,000 for graduate students; both are renewable. INFORMATION: NAACP Special Contribution Fund Education Department 4805 Mount Hope Drive Baltimore, MD 21215-3297 THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD DEADLINE: March 31 ELIGIBILITY: Students who have at least a “B” average and have been accepted to a four-year bachelor’s-degree program in criminal justice the fall after the receipt of the scholarship; applicants must submit themed essay and detailed financial statements. AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice North Carolina Central University P.O. Box 19788, Room 106 Criminal Justice Building Durham, N.C. 27707 THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: Varies ELIGIBILITY: Entering full-time freshmen who have been accepted to a historically Black public college-university; 3.0 GPA, ACT score of at least 24 or SAT combined verbal/math score of at least 1,000 required. AWARD: $16,000 – over a four-year period INFORMATION: The Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 100 Park Avenue, 10th Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 TUSKEGEE AIRMEN, INC. DEADLINE: January 16 ELIGIBILITY: Graduating high school seniors who have at least a 3.0 GPA, show financial need and plan to pursue a degree in specified fields. DISCIPLINE: Careers in Aviation, Aeronautics or Aerospace Science AWARD: $1,500 INFORMATION: Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 78967 Los Angeles, CA 90016 42 TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY’S SUMMER PROGRAM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE The Department of Computer Science is offering two summer programs for high school students – FPICS and PREFICS. FPICS invites high school students, 9th through 11th graders, to Tuskegee University for a period ranging from 2 to 4 weeks. With tuition, boarding, lodging, and meals free, it provides state-of-the-art training in high tech areas such as Internet, multimedia, visual programming as well as critical thinking and problem solving. The purpose is to build a pool of high ability minority students interested in Computer Science. For more information, contact: Dr. N. Narang, Computer Science Department, Tuskegee AL 36088, phone/fax: 334-727-8593, email: narang@acd.tuck.edu”narang@acd.tusk.edu/A. UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND ELIGIBILITY: All qualified applicants of race or nationality, color, or country of origin. Student must be enrolled in a UNCF college or university, have a 2.5 grade point average, and have verifiable financial need. AWARD: $500 - $4,000 INFORMATION: United Negro College Fund Delaware Campaign Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 2164 Wilmington, DE 19899 or Educational Services 500 East 62nd St. New York, N.Y. 10021 (212) 326-1239 THE UNIVERITY OF KENTUCKY MBA SCHOLARSHIP The African American Scholars Program offers scholarship winners full tuition, a $10,000 stipend and a guaranteed summer internship with a Kentucky-based company. There are no set minimum requirements; all scholarship applicants are evaluated on an individual basis. Degree concentrations are offered in banking, real estate and finance; accounting and corporate finance; marketing and distribution and information systems management. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN DEADLINE: April ELIGIBILITY: African-American planning to attend an accredited college or university. Write five paragraph biographical essay. AWARD: Two for $1,000; and one for $500 INFORMATION: See your Guidance Counselor THE USA GROUP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The scholarship is open to high school seniors or currently enrolled college students. For complete information write or call: USA Group, 30 South Meridian Indianapolis, IN 462043503 43 317-849-6510 800-428-9250 WALTON FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP http://compedge.wal-mart.com/wf_scholar.html WAYNE RESA FUTURE TEACHERS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Only two percent of teachers in Michigan are African-American men. In Detroit alone, only 9.6 percent of teachers are African-American men. The Wayne RESA Future Teachers Scholarship Program was formed to respond to the critical need of educators who reflect their community. If you’re interested in teaching in Michigan, visit www.resa.net for information on the scholarship. WILLIAM F. DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY: “C” average, low income youth INFORMATION: Mt. Joy United Methodist Church 451 Townsend Street Wilmington, DE 19801 WSFS MINORITY LOAN/SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM DEADLINE: February 28 ELIGIBILITY: Must be minority high school senior and Delaware resident who exhibits academic talent, financial need, and plans to attend a Delaware four-year college full-time. There may be repayment requirements. AWARD: Up to $5,000 annually INFORMATION: Loan/Scholarship Committee WSFS 838 Market Street Wilmington, DE 19800 302 573-3215 XEROX TECHNICAL SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: August 1 ELIGIBILITY: Minority students enrolled full-time in science or engineering college programs. DISCIPLINE: Engineering, Computer Science, Imaging AWARD: Varies INFORMATION: Xerox Technical Scholarships College Relations Xerox Corp., Building 205LL 800 Philips Road Webster, N.Y. 14580 44