Summary of Significance Tests Ann Porteus z-tests Means: One Sample How far is our sample mean from the hypothesized population mean? Difference in Means: Two samples - How large is the difference of our two sample means from a null hypothesis of no difference in the population Correlation Coefficients: How far is our sample r from a hypothesized population coefficient () of 0 Difference in Correlation Coefficients: How large is the difference between two r's from a null hpothesis of no difference in the population Population is known Ho: m = specific value (known pop mean)Ho: m > (or <) specific value ("known" pop mean) Population for both samples is known Ho: m1- m2= 0 Use Z transformation of r and (use Table I for making transformations) Ho: r = 0 or some specified value Use Z transformation of r of both samples (Use Table I for making transformations) Ho: r1-r2 = 0 Assumptions:: Scores are normally distributed in the population Yardstick: Standard error of mean (semean): Assumptions:: Normal distribution of scores in each sample being Assumptions: comparedEqual variances IndependenceBivariate (equal s.d.s) Normality (at least normal distribution of Yardstick:: Standard each variable)N>=30 error of differences of Yardstick:: Standard means (sediffmean): error of Zr(seZr): Assumptions: IndependenceBivariate Normality (at least normal distribution of each variable)N>=30 Yardstick:: Standard error of Zdiffr (sediffZr): t-test Means: One Sample How far is our sample mean from the hypothesized population mean? Difference in Means: Two samples - How large is the difference of our two sample means from a null hypothesis of no difference in the population Correlation Coefficients: How far is our sample r from a hypothesized population coefficient () of 0 Difference in Correlation Coefficients: How large is the difference between two r's from a null hpothesis of no difference in the population Population is not known (use sample s.d. to calculate standard error) Population for each sample not known (use sample s.d.s to calculate standard error) Can use when testing Ho: = 0 Ser): Might see t-test, but best to use z-test (with Z transformations) (sediffrr): Ho: same as above Assumptions: same as above Ho: same as above Assumptions: same as above Yardstick: Standard error of mean (semean): Yardstick: Standard error of differences of means (sediffmean): Ho: same as above Assumptions: same as above Yardstick: Standard error of r (serr): (Can use Table G when testing a single r, or use Table H when testing more than one r)