Director Career and Placement Services Position Description Title: Dir. Career & Placement Serv. Name John Smith Position Number: 456 Department: Career & Placement Serv. Present Classification: XYZ Date Completed: April, 2000 Purpose: Accountable for providing the University of Alberta leadership and coordination on student career and employment activities. This includes the provision of comprehensive services in career planning and work search to assist University Departments, facilities, students and alumni. Also responsible for building and maintaining quality relationships with employers through the provision of comprehensive services to market their organizations in order to attract and retain quality employees from the University of Alberta student population. Ensures that Career and Placement Services (CaPS) are a responsive, centralized resource on employment issues, labour market trends and student employment data to meet the needs of the University of Alberta and broader communities. Responsibilities and Activities: 1. Acts as an advisor and resource person on student employment and labour market issues, employment programs and legislation for individuals or groups throughout the University of Alberta, government, industry or the media to ensure all are well informed. Activities Develops, implements and analyzes university-wide graduate employment survey. Keeps up-to-date with labour market issues and legislation. Liases formally with external agencies on student employment labour issues. Represents the University of Alberta on student employment issues to variety of individuals, organizations, government agencies and the media. 2. Recommends policy and procedural changes relating to student career and employment issues to appropriate individuals and bodies for the delivery of comprehensive services to a large and varied audience and to be able to respond to changing demands. Activities Remains in close contact with recruitment and career services activities. Tracks legislative requirements and operational changes within the University of Alberta Interacts with the University of Alberta’s processes for developing policies in ways that will ensure that policy suggestions are duly and properly considered. Director Career and Placement Services Position Description Continued 3. Leads the development and implementation of a broad range of comprehensive, customized career planning and work search services and resources to ensure effective career planning and employment of the University’s students. Activities Develops services for individuals and groups advising on self-assessment, career decision making, work search techniques, application preparation and interview skills. Provides a Resources Centre containing work search tools. Plans various special events such as career fairs and forums bringing University, students, alumni and representatives from the employer community together. Creates discipline specific publications to support activities. Ensures the availability of all programs and services outside of regular operating hours to accommodate varying schedules as well as accommodating French speaking individuals and individuals with disabilities. 4. Provides comprehensive recruitment programs, services and resources based on feefor-service to employers to ensure their recruitment of the University of Alberta’s students. Activities Ensures that a proactive program be in place to garner employer participation in hiring students and alumni (including a position posting service; promotion of provincial and federal government employment programs; facilities for employers to interview students; assistance in the organization of employer information sessions; making information about the employer available and accessible to applicants) Represents the University of Alberta to employers and communicates the needs of employers to appropriate university personnel. Advises employers on successful recruitment strategies. Responsible for ensuring that employers are knowledgeable of the quality of students and alumni of the university and that they recruit these individuals. Promotes the University of Alberta’s program offerings 5. Provides overall direction to the staff of CaPS to ensure the efficient and effective use of the department’s resources. Activities Handles all personnel issues for CaPS Director Career and Placement Services Position Description Continued Scope: CaPS includes 10 FTEs; 30 PT; 2 summer; 10 volunteer employees Operating budget of approximately $700,000 of which most is raised annually. The CaPS centre conducts approximately 150 workshops and presentations and 1,200 one-on-one consultations. This position is 1 of 12 reporting to the Dean of Students. Reporting directly to this position are five full-time positions: Manager Recruitment Services; Manager Career Services; Finance Records Clerk; Employment Advisor; and Secretary/Receptionist. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: Ability to provide information and advice to all levels across the University of Alberta and external agencies. Project and resource management skills Excellent written and oral presentation skills Expertise in labour markets, employee legislation and the policies and student population of the University of Alberta Organization Chart attached Signatures The signatures below indicate that all signers have read and discussed the information in this Position Description. Incumbent Name Signature Date Name Signature Date Name Signature Date Supervisor Dean/Vice-President Career & Placement Services Director Financial Records Clerk Secretary/ Receptionist Manager Recruitment Services Recruitment Assistants (2) Manager Career Services Coordinator Resource Centre Coordinator Events & Fundraising Summer Staff (2) Volunteers (10) Employment Advisor