Pediatric Tuina

Pediatric Tuina
Treating Fever
Open the Heavenly Gate
Use the pads of both thumbs alternately to rub the skin of the
forehead from the glabella to the anterior hairline about 50
times (rather briskly).
 Course wind
 Resolve the Exterior
 Open the orifices
 Arouse the brain
 Calm/Quiet the spirit
Rub the Kan Gong
Use the pads of the thumbs alternately to rub laterally the skin
from the glabella to the ends of the eyebrows about 50 times.
 Course wind
 Release the exterior
 Arouse the brain
 Brighten the eyes
 Relieve headache
Press Taiyang
Use the tip of the thumb or the middle finger to apply gentle
pressure to Taiyang in a circular motion about 50 times.
 Course wind
 Resolve the exterior
 Clear heat
 Brighten the eyes
 Relieve headache
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Clear the Lung Channel
Rub the ring finger from tip to knuckle with the pad of your thumb
about 100 times. Hold the ring finger so it is accessible as shown
in the larger photo. Rub from tip to knuckle as shown in the
smaller photo.
 Diffuse the lung
 Clear heat
 Transform phlegm
 Stop cough
Clean the Heavenly River
Using the pads of the index and middle fingers, rub the child’s
midline of the forearm from wrist to elbow (along the
Pericardium channel) about 300 times.
 Clear heat
 Drain fire
 Eliminate vexation
Push the Three Passes
Add this treatment for fever due to Wind Cold.
Use your thumb or the pads of the index and middle fingers to
push the radial aspect of the forearm from the wrist to the elbow
for about 300 times.
 Supplement and move qi
 Warm yang
 Dissipate Cold
 Promote sweating
 Resolve the exterior to treat deficiency cold patterns
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Pinch and Knead the Two Doors
Add this treatment for fever due to Wind Cold.
First, use the thumbnail to pinch the webbing between the
index and middle as well as the middle and ring fingers
five times each. Next, knead the webs with your index and
middle fingers for about 50 times
 Promote sweating
 Outthrust the exterior
 Abate heat
 Calm panting
Grasp GB 20
Add this treatment for fever due to Wind Cold.
Use your thumb, index, and middle fingers to press, grasp, and rub
GB 20 for 10-15 times.
 Promote sweating
 Resolve the exterior
 Dispel wind
 Dissipate cold
 Brighten the eyes
 Relieve headache
Abate the Six Bowels
Add for fever due to wind heat (treats all excess heat patterns).
Use the pad of the thumb or the pads of the index and middle
fingers to push the ulnar aspect of the forearm (Heart channel)
from the elbow to the wrist for about 300 times.
 Clear heat
 Cool blood
 Clear toxins
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Clear the Lung Channel
Rub the ring finger from tip to knuckle with the pad of your thumb about 100 times. See “Clear the
Lung Channel” in Treating Fever above for graphics.
 Diffuse the lung
 Clear heat
 Transform phlegm
 Stop cough
Press Ren 22
Press Ren 22 in the center of suprasternal fossa with your middle finger 10 times
 Rectify Qi
 Transform phlegm
 Downbear counterflow of qi
 Calm panting
 Stop vomiting
Press and Knead Ren 17
Ren 17 is located in the center of the sternum in the 4th
intercostal space between the nipples. First, push and knead
Ren 17 with the middle finger about 150 times. Next, push
from the sternal notch to the xyphoid process with the pad of
the thumb or middle finger.
 Loosen the chest
 Rectify Qi
 Suppress cough
 Transform phlegm
Knead Ru Pang and Ru Gen
Use the tips of your index and middle fingers to knead Ru
Pang and Ru Gen 20 times. Ru Pang is located 2 cun lateral
to the breast and Ru Gen is located 2
cun below the breast.
 Loosen the chest
 Rectify Qi
 Stop cough
 Transform phlegm
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Rub Ren 17
Rub Ren 17 using the pads of your index, middle, and ring fingers to brush down from Ren 17 to the
bottom of the sternum until the baby’s skin is warm to the touch.
 Warm the lung
 Transform phlegm
 Alleviate thirst
Rub Bladder 13
Rub BL 13 with the pads of your index, middle, and ring fingers or your medial palm until it is warm to
the touch.
 Warm the Lung
 Allay thirst
Open the Heavenly Gate
Add for externally contracted cold with cough.
Use the pads of both thumbs alternately to rub the skin of the forehead from the glabella to the anterior
hairline about 50 times (rather briskly). See pics above if needed. This is a repeat from the first treatment
for fever.
 Course wind
 Resolve the Exterior
 Open the orifices
 Arouse the brain
 Calm/Quiet the spirit
Rub the Kan Gong
Add for external cold with cough.
Use the pads of the thumbs alternately to rub laterally the
skin from the glabella to the ends of the eyebrows about 50
 Course wind
 Release the exterior
 Arouse the brain
 Brighten the eyes
 Relieve headache.
Rub Taiyang
Use the tips or pads of the thumbs or index/middle fingers to rub Taiyang outward about 50 times for
external cold with cough.
 Course wind
 Resolve exterior
 Relieve headache
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Hornet entering the cave
Knead the inferior borders of the nostrils with the tips of
your index and middle fingers about 100 times.
 Promote sweating
 Resolve exterior
 Free nasal orifices
Grasp GB 20
(see #15 under Fever section)
Push the 3 passes
(see #13 under Fever section)
Supplement the Lung Channel
For internal injury cough. (In this case you would
supplement the channel, not clear it)
Rub the pad of the ring finger in a circular motion with
your thumb about 300 times to supplement the Lung qi.
Supplement the Spleen Channel
Additionally, you can also rub the pad of the thumb with
the pad of your own thumb about 300 times. This fortifies
the Spleen and supplements Qi and Blood.
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Supplement the Kidney channel
Rub the pad of the little finger in a circular motion with the pad of your thumb about 300 times to
supplement the Kidney, benefit the brain, and warm/nourish the Lower Origin.
Knead Ren 12
Use the pad of your index, middle, and ring fingers (or just the middle finger) to knead Ren 12 for 3
 Fortify Spleen
 Boost qi
 Regulate the Center
 Rectify Qi
Press and Knead Bladder 13
Use the pads of your index and middle fingers to press and knead BL 13 about 50 times
Press and Knead Bladder 23
Press and Knead Bladder 23 with the pads of your index and middle fingers about 50 times to enrich
Yin, invigorate Yang and supplement the Kidney origin.
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Supplement the Spleen Channel
Rub the pad of the thumb with the pad of your own thumb about
300 times. This fortifies the Spleen and supplements Qi and
Supplement the Large Intestine
Push the radial margin of the index finger from tip to the Tiger’s
Mouth (level with LI 4) with the pad of your thumb about 100
 Astringe the intestines
 Stem dissertion
 Warm middle burner
 Check diarrhea
Clear the Small Intestine
Use the pad of your thumb to push the ulnar margin of the little finger (along the SI channel) from the
base to the tip about 100 times.
 Clear lower burner damp heat
 Separate the clear and turbid
Rub the abdomen
Use your palm or the index/middle/ring fingers to rub the abdomen in a counterclockwise circular and
rhythmic motion for 5 minutes.
 Fortify Spleen
 Harmonize the Stomach
 Rectify Qi
 Disperse food
 Check diarrhea
Knead the umbilicus
Knead the umbilicus (Ren 8) with the palm or tip of the middle finger for 3 minutes
 Warm yang
 Dissipate cold
 Supplement Qi and Blood
 Regulate bowels and viscera
 Disperse food
 Clear stagnation
Knead Gui Wei with your thumb or tip of your middle finger about 100
times. Gui wei is at the end of the coccyx.
 Regulate Du channel
 Boost qi
 Regulate the Intestines
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Push up the Seven Segments of Bones
Use the pad of your thumb or index and middle fingers to push from the
end of the coccyx to Du 4 about 100 times.
 Warm yang
 Check diarrhea
Rub Wai Lao Gong
Rub Wai Lao Gong between the 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones on the
dorsum of the hand with your thumb about 50 times
 Warm yang
 Dissipate cold
 Ascend yang
 Check diarrhea
Knead Stomach 25
Knead both ST 25 points (2 cun lateral to the umbilicus) with your index and middle fingers for 5
 Disinhibit intestines
 Check diarrhea
Knead BL 20
Knead BL 20 (1.5 cun lateral to T11’s lower spinous processes) with the pads of your index and middle
fingers about 50 times
 Fortify Spleen
 Assist transformation/transportation
 Dispel water damp
Knead BL 21
Knead BL 21 with the pads of your index and middle fingers about 50 times
 Fortify Spleen and Stomach
 Assist transformation/transportation
Clear the Large Intestine
Treats damp heat diarrhea. Use the pad of your thumb to push the radial margin of the index finger
(along the LI channel) from the Tiger’s mouth to the fingertip about 100 times
 Clear/disinhibit the intestines
 Clear damp heat
 Clear accumulation and stagnation
Push the Three Passes
Use your thumb or the pads of the index and middle fingers to push the radial aspect of the forearm
(along the Lung Channel) from the wrist to the elbow for about 300 times.
 Supplement and move qi
 Warm yang
 Dissipate Cold
 Promote sweating
 Resolve the exterior to treat deficiency cold patterns
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Abate Six Bowels
Treats all excess heat patterns, including those causing diarrhea. (See previous
Use the pad of the thumb or the pads of the index and middle fingers to push the ulnar aspect of the
forearm (Heart channel) from the elbow to the wrist for about 300 times.
 Clear heat
 Cool blood
 Clear toxins
Clear the Spleen and Stomach
For food accumulation diarrhea. Use the pad of your thumb to push the radial margin of the thumb from
tip to base about 100 times.
 Clear middle burner damp heat
Knead Ren 12
Use the pad of your index, middle, and ring fingers (or just the middle finger) to knead Ren 12 for 3
 Fortify Spleen
 Boost qi
 Regulate the Center
 Rectify Qi
Push Ban Men
For Spleen xu diarrhea. Use the radial margin of the thumb to push the thenar eminence from the base of
the thumb to the base of the palm about 100 times.
 Fortify Spleen
 Check diarrhea
Move Inner Bagua
Use your thumb to rub around the palm in a circular motion about 100 times.
 Loosen the chest
 Rectify qi
 Move stagnation
 Transform phlegm
 Fortify Spleen
 Check diarrhea
Pinch the spine
Use thumb, index and middle fingers to pinch, grasp and lift
the skin from Du 1 to Du 14. use both hands alternately to
push forward during the motion. Repeat five times from base
to Du 14.
 Regulate yin/yang
 Rectify Qi and blood
 Harmonize viscera and bowels
 Free channels and collaterals
 Bank upright qi
 Regulate Stomach and intestines
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Knead ST 36
Knead ST 36with the tip of your thumb about 50 times
Fortify spleen
Harmonize stomach
Regulate the center and intestines
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1. Knead Ren 12 – see previous
2. Rub the abdomen in a clockwise motion. See previous. Can help free stool.
3. Knead Gui Wei. See previous
4. Push down the Seven Segments of Bones. Push from Du 4 to end of Coccyx about 100 times.
Drains fire, frees stool
5. Knead Bo Yang Chi point (SJ 6)
3 cun above middle of dorsal wrist crease along San Jiao Channel. Knead with the tip of the
thumb about 50 times.
a. Disinhibit intestines
b. Free stool
6. Clear the Spleen and Stomach
Add this for excess type constipation. See previous
7. Abate Six Bowels. See previous
Also good for excess type constipation
8. Press, knead and rub both sides of the ribs
For excess type constipation
Use both palms to rub rib sides up and down for about 100
a. Course liver
b. Rectify qi
c. Normalize qi
d. Remove stagnation
9. Supplement Spleen and Stomach
Use for deficiency type constipation.
Rub the child’s thumb with the pad of your own thumb in a circular motion about 300 times.
a. Fortify Spleen
b. Harmonize the Stomach
10. Supplement the Large Intestine – see previous
Use for deficiency type constipation.
11. Push the 3 passes – see previous
For deficiency type constipation
12. Knead Stomach 25. See previous. Use your index and middle fingers simultaneously on both ST
25’s to knead.
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For deficiency type constipation
13. Pinch the Spine
For deficiency type constipation
I note the practitioner lifts/tugs when she gets to a major shu point.
Gan Accumulation
1. Pinch the Four Transverse
Pinch the transverse creases at the proximal interphalangeal
joint of each finger with your thumbnail five times each.
a. Disperse stasis
b. Dissipate phlegm
c. Eliminate distention and fullness
2. Press and knead Ban Men – see previous
Press and knead with the pad of your thumb for 100 times. Ban Men is located at the flat surface
of the thenar eminence
a. Fortify Spleen
b. Harmonize the Stomach
c. Disperse food and stagnation
3. Rub the abdomen – see previous
4. Pinch the spine – see previous
5. Knead ST 36 – see previous.
6. Clear the Spleen and Stomach – see previous
For milk and food damages to the Spleen
7. Clear the Large Intestine– see previous
For milk and food damages to the Spleen
8. Push and Separate Abdominal Yin and Yang 
For milk and food damages to the Spleen
Push from the sternal costal angle outward along the ribs
with both pads of the thumbs for 200 times.
a. Fortify Spleen
b. Harmonize Stomach
c. Rectify Qi
d. Disperse food.
9. Knead Ren 12 – see previous
For milk and food damages to the Spleen
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10. Supplement Spleen and Stomach
For dual depletion of Qi and Blood
11. Push the 3 passes
For dual depletion of Qi and Blood
12. Knead Ren 12
For dual depletion of Qi and Blood
13. Knead BL 20
For dual depletion of Qi and Blood
14. Knead BL 21
For dual depletion of Qi and Blood
1. Knead Ren 5 (2 cun below umbilicus) with the base of the palm or index, middle and ring finger.
a. Support the Kidney
b. Secure the Root
c. Warm and supplement the lower origin
2. Knead Bladder 23
3. Knead Gui Wei
4. Press and knead Spleen 6 with the tip of the thumb 100 times.
a. Regulate the water way
b. Clear and drain lower burner damp heat
5. Supplement the Kidney Channel
For deficient cold in the lower origin
Rub the pad of the little finger in a circular motion with the pad of your thumb about 300 times
a. Supplement the Kidney
b. Benefit the brain
c. Warm/nourish the Lower Origin.
6. Push the 3 passes
For deficient cold in the lower origin
7. Rub Ba Liao points on the sacrum with the palm or hypo-thenar eminence (the one below the
ring and little fingers opposite the thenar eminence) until the skin feels warm.
For deficient cold in the lower origin
a. Warm and supplement the lower origin
8. Supplement the Spleen channel
Add for lung and spleen qi deficiency
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9. Supplement the Lung channel
Add for lung and spleen qi deficiency
I note she uses some salve or ointment here too.
10. Knead Ren 12
Add for lung and spleen qi deficiency
11. Press and knead Du 20 30 times
Add for lung and spleen qi deficiency
Quiet spirit, dispel fright, raise the sunken
12. Pinch the spine
Add for lung and spleen qi deficiency
Night Crying
1. Press and knead Du 20
2. Clear the Liver channel
Push along the child’s index finger from tip to knuckle in a proximal direction with the pad of
the thumb for 100 times
a. Soothe liver
b. Extinguish wind
c. Quiet palpitations
d. Quiet the spirit
3. Clear the heart channel
Push along the child’s middle finger from tip to knuckle in a proximal direction with the pad of
your thumb for 100 times
a. Quiet the heart
b. Drain fire
c. Calm the spirit
d. Stabilize the mind
4. Knead Small Celestial Heart with the tip of the middle finger. This is located in the depression
between the thenar eminence and the hypothenar eminence 50 times
a. Settle fright
b. Quiet spirit
5. Supplement the Spleen channel
Add for Spleen xu with cold
6. Knead Wai Lou Gong
Add for Spleen xu with cold
7. Push the 3 passes
Add for Spleen xu with cold
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8. Rub the abdomen
Add for Spleen xu with cold
9. Knead BL 20
Add for Spleen xu with cold
10. Press and knead ST 36
Add for Spleen xu with cold
11. Clear the Spleen and Stomach
Add for food accumulation
12. Clear the Large Intestine
Add for food accumulation
13. Knead Ban Men
Add for food accumulation
14. Move Inner Ba Gua
Add for food accumulation
15. Push down Ren 12
Add for food accumulation
Use pads of index and middle fingers to push from xyphoid process to Ren 12 for 300 times.
a. Reverse/downbear counterflow
b. Harmonize the Stomach
16. Push down the lower seven segments of bones
Add for food accumulation
17. Clear the Small Intestine
Add for Heart heat
18. Clean the Heavenly River
Add for Heart heat
19. Abate Six Bowels
Add for Heart heat
20. Pinch the Liver Channel
Add for Heart heat
Use your thumbnail to pinch the pad of the child’s index fingers 5 times.
a. Soothes liver
b. Extinguishes wind
c. Settle fright
d. Quiet spirit
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21. Pinch the Heart channel
Add for Heart heat
Use your thumbnail to pinch the pad of the child’s middle finger 5 times
a. Quiet the heart
b. Calm the spirit
22. Pinch Xiao Tian Xin (Small celestial heart between the thenar eminence and hypothenar
eminence)with the thumbnail 5 times. Pinch for about 1 second, release, repeat
Add for Heart heat
a. Settle fright
b. Extinguish wind
23. Pinch Jing Ning with the thumbnail 5 times
Located in the depression on the dorsum of the hand where the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones meet
(base of the bones)
Add for Heart heat
a. Settles fright
b. Opens the orifices
Myogenic Torticollis
Myogenic torticollis, a disease often seen in infants, is a disease in which the baby’s head is deviated to
one side. Myogenic torticollis occurs as a result of malposition of the fetus in the uterus, which causes
pressure against the sternocleidomastoid muscle on one side and obstruction of blood circulation leading
to ischemic fibrosis of the muscle. It may also be due to malposition of the fetus during delivery, which
presses the sternocleidomastoid muscle against the birth canal. It can also be caused by obstetric forceps.
A hematoma forms as a result.With further development of this phenomenon, the head will deviate to
the side. In TCM this is a stagnation of qi and blood and an obstruction of the meridians.
A fusiform mass may be seen on the side of the neck, though some will spontaneously disappear within
6 months. The muscles will gradually contract on the affected side and will eventually protrude like a
cord. The head will deviate to the affected side, bend forward, and the face will turn to the healthy side.
Often the healthy side will develop normally, but the affected side will atrophy and be smaller. If
untreated the cervical vertebrae will likely protrude to the healthy side and the thoracic vertebrae may
compensate by curving laterally.
1. Knead the Qiao Gong.
Use the index, middle and ring fingers to knead the
affected nodes on the affected SCM for 5 minutes. I note
the practitioner is using a thick white cream massage
medium. Movement is very brisk
a. Move qi
b. Quicken the blood
c. Soften hardness.
d. Disperse swelling
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2. Grasp and pinch the Qiao Gong
Grasp/pinch the SCM on the affected side with the thumb, index and middle fingers 5 to 10 times
a. Breaks stasis
b. Dissipates nodules
3. Passive Rotation of the Neck
Hold the vertex on the affected side with one hand and the jaw on the healthy side with the other
hand. Rotate the head toward the affected side 10-20 times.
a. Relieves spasms
b. Stretches tendons and sinews
4. Lateral Flexion of the Neck
Hold the top of the head on the affected side with one hand and press down on the shoulder with
the other hand. Push the head into lateral flexion towards the healthy side. Repeat 3 – 5 times.
a. Relieves spasms
b. Stretches tendons and sinews
Cerebral Palsy
1. Rub the abdomen with the palm 100 times
a. Fortify Spleen
b. Harmonize the Stomach
c. Supplement the Middle Jiao
d. Boost Qi
2. Press and rub upper limbs.
Press and rub the lateral sides of the upper arms with the thumb 3 – 5 times in a circular motion .
Move from the upper arm at the shoulder down to the wrist.
a. Frees channels/collaterals
b. Move qi and blood
3. Rock the Upper Limb Joints
Hold the elbow joint with one hand and the wrist with the other.
Apply equal pressure and rock/vibrate the joints. Rotate the arm
from elbow to wrist in a circular motion. Repeat this for the
wrist, holding the forearm, circling the wrist. Add
pressing/rubbing after the rocking motion (see above)
a. Benefit joints, strengthen their function
4. Press and Rub Lower Limbs
Same as for the upper limbs, outlined in #2 above. Press/rub the anterior-lateral aspect of the
5. Rock the Lower Limbs Joints
Same as #3 above. Stabilize the knee, rotate the hip. Lubricates/benefits the joints and
strengthens their functions. Do the same for the knee and ankle. Add pressing/rubbing from #4.
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6. Press the Spine
Use both thumbs to press/rub the Du channel and inner Bladder lines for 3 – 5 times from top to
a. Frees channels and collaterals
b. Regulates bowels and viscera
c. Supplements original qi
7. Pinch the Spine. See above descriptions
Add pressing/rubbing after pinching (see #6 above)
8. Press and knead Du 20
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