Academic Personnel Staffing

(Drafted with the assumption of departmental structure. Where no departments exist, appropriate
modifications in implementation should be made so as to retain the spirit of participation and the
substance of process not dependent on departmental structure.)
1. Position Authorization
For an additional position or replacement:
1) Recommendation progresses from the Department Chair to the Dean to the Office of the
Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Dean should present to the Office of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs a written analysis indicating: a) how leaving a position
vacant would reduce the quality of the academic program, or b) how filling a new position
would improve the academic program. The purpose of the analysis is to provide justification
for hiring a replacement or additional person.
2) The Vice President for Academic Affairs will consider this material, general staffing
plans, competitive use of resources, and means of furthering the total University program. If
the hiring is compatible with the personnel guidelines established for the year, the Vice
President for Academic Affairs can approve. Such approvals will be in writing after
coordination with the President and must be completed before a recruitment plan is initiated.
3) Authorizations are valid for one year only. Unfilled authorized positions require renewal
of authorization in the subsequent year.
2. Recruitment Plan
Responsibility for carrying out the plan for recruitment of faculty members lies with the dean
and usually is implemented by the department chair. In case a department chair position is to be
filled, the dean will carry out the recruitment plan in accordance with Appendix 14.
1) Position announcement and advertisement text are drawn up and approved by the Dean
and the Vice President for Academic Affairs before distribution.
a) Text of position announcement and advertisement and a detailed description of the
steps to be taken to expand the number of minority and women applicants will be
approved by the Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs before the
recruitment plan is initiated. Steps to expand the number of minority and women
candidates will clearly constitute an addition to the basic procedures.
b) Position announcement with a covering letter is circulated so as to accomplish
extensive notification of the availability of the position. Usually the dean or department
chair and Placement Services of at least 40 other institutions should be notified. Five
copies of position announcement should be provided for use on bulletin boards or for
recipients to send to prospective candidates. List of addresses of recipients should be
retained in recruitment file.
c) Position is advertised in a generally accepted placement publication or other recruiting
vehicle in the discipline and in the Affirmative Action Register. Clippings or copies of
advertisements as they appeared retained in file.
2) Every application or inquiry is acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt and any
necessary materials (University faculty appointment application form, transcripts) requested
of the applicant. Equal Opportunity mail-back forms are sent to each applicant with
acknowledgment letter. Transcripts for screening and selection purposes may be copies
provided by applicant.
3) Applications are in separate folders with checklist showing dates of receipt of
applications, acknowledgment of the application, and receipt of appointment application
form and transcripts.
3. Screening Plan
1) Immediately following closing date for applications, departmental evaluations are
completed to produce a rating for each candidate, evaluating the candidates by the criteria
established in the position announcement.
2) For top candidates, telephone calls are made to at least two listed references and to others
not shown as references, particularly to supervisors. Telephone calls to present supervisor
must be included. All telephone conversations are summarized in writing showing when and
to whom a call was made, the position and telephone number of the person called, the
substance of the conversation, and the person making the call. Summaries are retained with
file. An objective of these calls is to attempt to assess suitability of the candidate for a
position at Ohio Northern University.
4. Selection Plan
1) Folders of the top candidates selected by the department (ten, if there are that many
acceptable candidates) are brought to the dean's office and are accessible to the Vice
President/Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Folders should contain a complete
credential file. In particular, a transcript must be included for all degrees or substantial
academic work claimed by the applicant. A chronology of education and employment
experience should be developed and any gap in record of education and employment
satisfactorily accounted for.
2) The department will select the top candidate through a process agreed to by the faculty of
the department. The dean of the college will discuss the department selections with the
department chair, and they will jointly agree to the top three candidates to be brought to
campus. No candidate is to be invited to campus until a complete credential file is assembled
(appointment application, transcripts, reference letters, department evaluation report, notes of
telephone calls). (See suggested check sheet.)
3) In any case in which the continuing faculty in a department have a smaller percentage of
women and minority members than the percentage of women and minority members
completing Ph.D.s, or terminal professional degrees, in the field or academic area covered by
the department, the following will apply:
a) If a minority or woman candidate is identified whose credentials do not correspond
precisely with the position description but do indicate potential for service appropriate to
the general mission and objectives of the department or college, an analysis will be
completed and reported on possible program adjustments, internal adjustments of duties
or current personnel, or other actions which would enable serious consideration of the
b) If no woman or minority candidate is among the top three candidates, but a woman or
minority member is among the top ten candidates, the top-ranking woman or minority
candidate will be invited to campus in addition to the top three candidates.
c) If no woman or minority candidate is among the top ten candidates in a field where
women or minority members are receiving 10% of the Ph.D.s in the field, the search will
be reopened and continued until a satisfactory woman or minority candidate is found.
Exception to this procedure will be approved in writing by the Office of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs.
4) Candidates will be invited for a 24-30 hour visit on campus. The schedule for visit and
arrangements for it are made by the host who will be the department chair or designate.
5) Schedule, resume or appointment application, position description and evaluation report
forms are sent by the host to all persons who have planned meetings with the candidate.
Campus visit should include each of the following:
Meetings with President and Vice President/Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs (30-45 minutes each)
Interview with dean and members of college staff
Interview with members of department
Meeting with faculty from related departments
Interview with majors in department, preferably without faculty or staff
Presentation to a group of students and faculty, unless custom or
circumstances render inappropriate
6) The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs provides candidates with
information about the University to include summary of expectations of faculty, summarized
annual report, and fringe benefit material. The Office of the Vice President for Academic
Affairs will make available a faculty handbook.
7) Interviews will be of 30-60 minute duration, preferably with a small group of
interviewers. Interviews are not planned during meals unless scheduling makes this
8) A requisition for reimbursement of travel costs may be prepared and completed before
the candidate's departure from campus or subsequently if total travel expenses are uncertain.
Standard documentation should be provided.
9) Individual evaluation sheets are completed by faculty members, students, and other oncampus persons and returned to the department chair's or other appropriate academic office
and placed in the candidate's file, preferably within 24 hours of visit. Only written
evaluations will be considered in decision to make or not to make an offer. Access to folder
with evaluation sheets is restricted to the department members, dean, Vice
President/Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, and President.
10) After the candidates are interviewed, the department will evaluate the candidates'
acceptability and arrive at an order of preference, where feasible, through a process agreed to
by the faculty of the department. The dean will discuss with the department chair the
department's evaluations, the candidate's credentials, and written evaluations from offcampus and on-campus persons. After an overall assessment of the candidate's suitability
and promise as an ONU faculty member, the dean will formulate a recommendation to the
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs on acceptability of candidates and an order
of preference where feasible.
11) If constructive credit toward either promotion or tenure is considered, the dean or
director shall consult with the department chair. If no department chair exists, the dean or
director shall consult with the chair of the promotion, retention and tenure committee.
12) Final decision on making an offer is made by the Vice President/Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs in consultation with the Dean and President.
5. Hiring Procedure
1) A person designated by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs contacts
the approved candidate by phone, with outline of the offer approved by the Office of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs read from notes which will be dated and placed in folder.
2) If accepted verbally, a contract shall be drawn up and sent indicating:
salary and academic rank
constructive credit, if any, toward tenure or promotion
whether contract is continuing, one-year only, or other
any special arrangements (e.g., nonrequirement of terminal degree
for tenure, extended service contract, moving expenses, etc.)
All official transcripts will be in hand when a contract is offered.
3) Contract is to be returned to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs within
two weeks or sooner following receipt of contract by candidate. Dean and department chair
are notified promptly upon receipt of signed contract.
4) If constructive credit toward either promotion or tenure has been granted, the dean shall
promptly notify the department chair where applicable. The department chair shall inform
the departmental faculty of such constructive credit. In the absence of a department chair,
the college dean/director shall promptly inform the faculty of their college/library of such
constructive credit.
6. Records
After a signed contract has been received, folders for all candidates and other records of the
search will be retained on site or forwarded to an appropriate site where they will be stored for
seven years in keeping with current personnel records and equal employment opportunity
procedures. Departments/colleges will need to ensure that folders for candidates not selected
will be destroyed after a specified period of time, currently seven years.
The folder assembled during the recruiting process for the individual employed will become
incorporated into the individual's personnel file at Ohio Northern University.
Two files which include position descriptions, sample copies of correspondence and other
helpful material will be prepared to aid in future recruiting. Copies of the materials will be held
in one file kept in the department or college office and copies will be furnished to the Office of
the Vice President for Academic Affairs for file.
The above procedures are to be followed for all appropriate staffing matters and for recruiting.
These procedures will be periodically reviewed. (11/88) (9/91) (9/97) (09/02)