Dr. Claudine CHADEYRAS 428 Martin Avenue | Auburn, AL 36830 Home (334) 466-8027 | czc0069@auburn.edu Objective: Seeking employment teaching French or providing administrative support in higher education ED UC A T I ON University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Ph.D. in French Dissertation: Etude du cadre dans les recueils narratifs au XVIe siècle en France. Dec. 1991 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA M.A. in French May 1983 Université de Picardie, Amiens, France Licence d’anglais May 1979 T E ACH IN G E XP ER I EN C E French instructor at Auburn University, Auburn, AL Spring 2014, Fall 2014 Taught two courses of French per semester in the department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Assistant Professor of French at Millsaps College, Jackson, MS Sept. 1988-Aug. 2013 Taught French and, occasionally, Spanish courses and Core courses in English Created and taught French courses (language, grammar, literature, civilization, film, francophone literatures) at all undergraduate levels and in the Adult Degree Program Advised French majors and freshmen Teaching Assistant of French at University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Sept. 1980-May 1988 Teaching Assistant of French at Brentwood High School, Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom Sept. 1978-May 1979 RE L AT E D E XP E RI EN CE Chair of the Department of Modern Languages at Millsaps College 1998-2012 Recruited, supervised and evaluated five faculty members and student workers Set up course schedules, comprehensive exams, program reviews, databases and placement tests Assessed language program, language majors and language placement tests Managed departmental budget, purchases, multimedia collections, archives, and web pages Represented the department at meetings and school functions Organized departmental meetings and generated reports for the administration Creator and Director of the Millsaps French Summer Program in France (Nice and Paris) May-June 2000, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 Honors Program Faculty Advisor for Kate Smith’s Honor thesis on Chrétien de Troyes’s Erec and Enid and Le Chevalier au lion. Honors Program Faculty Advisor for Sarah Crisler’s Honor thesis on Margery Kempe and Christine de Pizan: A Comparative Analysis. 2012 1991 Revised and put online the Millsaps French Placement test; evaluated students' language proficiency for placement into our courses 2011-2013 With my colleague Dr. Fermon, developed the Millsaps French Placement test and evaluated student language proficiency for placement into our courses 1992-2010 Spanish instructor and Assistant to the Program Director in the Millsaps Summer Spanish Program in Costa Rica 1997, 1999, 2005, 2006 Translated into French the Manship House tour guide for the MS Department of Archives and History; Jackson, MS. Mentor in the Teaching Ford Fellowship program at Millsaps 2000 1990-1991; Fall 1992; 1998-1999 Judge at the Mississippi Foreign Language Fairs 1993-1996 Judged middle and high school students competing at the French beginner or intermediate levels in skits, recitation, extemporaneous speech, and cultural presentations. Proofreader for Gail Buzhardt’s book manuscript Rencontres sur le Mississippi, 1682-1763; A French Language Reader of Historical Texts published by the University Press of Mississippi, 1993. 1991-1992 S KI L LS Computer skills: Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook), Word Perfect, Basic HTML, Canvas Learning Management System. Foreign Languages: French (native language), Spanish (fluent), Italian (advanced level reading skill), and German (intermediate reading skill). RE F E REN CES Dr. Lourdes Betanzos, Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Auburn University 6030 Haley Center betanlo@auburn.edu Auburn, AL 36849 (334) 844-6355 Dr. Adrienne Angelo, Associate Professor of French Auburn university 6058 Haley Center Auburn, AL 36849 ama0002@auburn.edu (334) 844-6372 Dr. Priscilla Fermon, Associate Professor of French Millsaps College 1701 N. State Street Campus Box 150258 Jackson, MS 39210 fermopm@millsaps.edu (601) 974-1316 Dr. Robert Kahn, Associate Professor of Romance Languages Millsaps College 1701 N. State Street Campus Box 150264 Jackson, MS 39210 kahnrj@millsaps.edu (601) 974-1318 Dr. Elise Smith, Former Associate Dean of the Division of Arts & Letters Millsaps College smithel@millsaps.edu 1701 N. State Street (601) 974 -1432 Campus Box 150390 Jackson, MS 39210 Dr. David Davis, Associate Dean of the Division of Arts & Letters Millsaps College 1701 N. State Street Campus Box 150132 Jackson, MS 39210 davisdc@millsaps.edu (601) 974-1292 Dr. S. Keith Dunn, Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College Millsaps College keith.dunn@millsaps.edu Office of the Dean (601) 974-1010 1701 N. State Street Jackson, MS 39210