Suspensions of Placement - School of Education

Introduction to Trainee Progress File Documentation for School Based
Training (SBT)
page 2
page 3
University Contact Details for School Based
page 4
University Tutor for each School Based Placement
pages 5 - 6
Responsibilities of Mentor, Teacher Tutor,
University Tutor, Personal Tutor, Programme
Lead and Partnership Team
pages 7 - 8
Process for Supporting Trainees during School
Based Training
pages 9 - 11
Lesson Observation forms
page 12
Record of Graded Observations
Documentation for SBT 1
page 14
Teachers’ Standards PART TWO – Personal and
Professional Conduct
page 15
Schedule of School Based Training
page 16
Tutor Visit Record
page 17
Assessment of School Based Training
page 18
Attendance Record Sheet for SBT
pages 19 - 24
Weekly Evaluation Forms (x6)
page 25
Summative Reflection of SBT
pages 27 - 32
School Based Training Report
page 33
Action Plan for SBT 2
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
This documentation will record your progress through the schoolbased part of the course.
This introduction outlines:
the responsibilities of those who will support you during the school
based placements
provision and procedures for progress during a School Based
lesson observation forms
The section which follows the introduction relates to School Based Training
and includes:
Attendance records
Overview of assessment
The Teachers’ Standards Grid
Weekly evaluation forms
Record of Tutor Visit
Action plan
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
University Contacts for School Based Training
Primary Partnerships Team
Jean Clark
01865 488540
Carol Ducker
01865 488343
Glenda Bramley
01865 488252
Suzanne Turnbull
01865 488745
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
University/ Associate Tutors
The PEMS Database and Moodle will be used to inform you of your University
Tutor/Associate Tutor for each School Based placement. Associate Tutors
are not based on campus; their contact details are on Moodle. Once you
know who your tutor is, please email them to introduce yourself along with the
key points on your Action Plan so they know what you are working on from the
beginning of your placement.
Please keep in touch with your tutor about any concerns regarding your
progress. It is important that you check your Brookes email throughout
your placement.
Many tutors visit a lot of students to visit so please organise the visit to reflect
your needs and make yourself available for discussion. Many thanks.
Name of University Tutor for
Email address and phone
Date of visit (1 hour)
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Responsibilities of School Mentor
The School Mentor should:
 support Teacher Tutor in work with trainees in monitoring and evaluating each
trainee’s progress regularly
 observe trainees teach, record on graded Lesson Observation Form and give
written and verbal feedback (one per week)
 give copy of Lesson Observation Form to trainees
 share the Trainee’s Progress File with specific reference to the Action Plan and
expectations for SBT
 discuss and sign off trainee’s weekly self evaluations
 discuss and evaluate trainee’s progress with University Tutor
 use the Teachers’ Standards Grid, together with the Teacher Tutor and trainees,
to record progress and set targets
 Alert university tutor if there is any concern over progress or provision.
Responsibilities of Teacher Tutor
The Teacher Tutor should:
 induct the trainees into the classroom
 check teaching file, using the guidance for lesson planning; discuss contents of
the file as part of the on-going training process
 manage and organise trainee’s classroom work giving trainees weekly plans by
Week 2
 provide opportunities for discussing trainee’s focussed observations and
 advise and support trainee in planning, teaching and assessment
 support trainee in undertaking any activities indicated in the Expectations Grid
 demonstrate teaching and class management strategies
 observe the trainee teach, record on Lesson Observation Form and give written
and verbal feedback
 give copy of Lesson Observation Form to trainees and a copy to the School
 discuss trainee’s weekly evaluations and acknowledge where appropriate
 promote effective communication between trainees and all relevant school staff
 monitor trainee’s progress and evaluate with the School Mentor
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Responsibilities of University Tutor, Personal Tutor,
Programme Lead and Partnership Team
The University Tutor should:
 telephone at beginning of the School Based placement to check progress and
arrange visit
 make visits to discuss trainee’s progress and content of SBT Report with
School Mentor, Teacher Tutor and trainees
 observe part or entirety of a lesson depending on SBT and progress made
 monitor provision
 highlight causes for concern over provision with the Partnerships Team
 highlight causes for concern over trainee’s progress with the Partnerships
Team and create Focused Support Plan as required following set
procedures (see pages 7 & 8 )
The Partnerships Team should:
 monitor progress of trainees by way of reports
 establish additional support for trainees who are a cause for concern
 monitor provision in schools
 ensure appropriate provision is being made for each trainee and arrange
appropriate support when necessary
 liaise with Programme Lead on issues of provision and progress
The Programme Lead should:
 liaise with the Partnerships Team on issues of provision and progress
 oversee official communication with schools, trainees and tutors relating to
issues of provision and progress.
At the end of School Experience placement:
The School Mentor, the Teacher Tutor should:
 discuss progress and complete School Based Training Report with trainees
 discuss and complete Review of School Based Placement
After the SBT:
The Trainee should:
 discuss their Action Plan with their Personal Tutor and
complete the online evaluation of the SBT
The Personal Tutor should:
 evaluate the SBT with the trainee, based on the evidence in the SBT Report,
and discuss Action Plan for next SBT.
The Programme Lead and Partnerships Team should report to the Department
Head on:
 consistency and quality of provision of SBT
 consistency and accuracy of assessment of trainees in meeting Teachers’
Standards for QTS.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Step 2
Cause for
Step 1
Focused Support
Process for supporting Trainees and Schools during SBT when difficulties or a lack of progress are identified
Mentor and University
Tutor identify concerns
about trainee’s
progress based on
evidence from
observations and
Both a Cause For
Concern report
and a Cause For
Concern Action
Plan will be
completed and
submitted to the
Partnership Office
A Focused
Support Plan is
agreed and
target dates for
achievement set
between Trainee,
Mentor and
University Tutor
This will also result in
some/all of the following:
An additional visit by the
University Tutor to
support the Mentor
working with the Trainee
Additional support from
Subject Tutors for
Mentor, Trainee and
University Tutor
University Tutor discusses
action plan with the
Programme Lead and
submits copy of Focused
Support Plan to the
Partnership Office.
University Tutor monitors
Trainee’s progress (eg by
telephone calls, email)
until target date/s.
University Tutor:
Monitors progress and
keeps the Programme
Lead and Partnership
Team informed, Collects
the records of additional
visits and support
Completes the Report with
the Trainee and Mentor
If targets are met by set date,
the trainee comes off the
Focused Support Plan.
University Tutor informs the
Partnership Team of successful
If any targets on the action plan
are not met by the agreed
target date, the trainee will
become a Cause For Concern.
See Step 2
If the Trainee has
progressed sufficiently to
achieve a satisfactory pass
for the Report, in line with all
QTS Standards, s/he will
continue the course.
If the Trainee has not
progressed sufficiently
against the QTS Standards,
further action will be taken as
outlined below
N.B. Please see overleaf for additional information regarding trainees who have not progressed sufficiently against the Teachers’ Standards.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
If the Trainee has not progressed sufficiently against the Teachers ‘Standards, the following action will be taken:
The Trainee will meet with the Programme Lead to discuss the School Based Placement and the reasons for the lack of progress made.
Counselling will be offered to the Trainee to help him/her decide if teaching is an appropriate career
If it is agreed that the Trainee should continue the programme, the following procedures will take place, where appropriate:
After SBT 1:
The trainee will be placed on a three week probationary period in the next School Based Training (SBT2) and will be required to
make satisfactory progress within that time in order for the placement to continue. This will be agreed in partnership with the placement school. If
there is insufficient evidence of suitable progress the placement will be terminated. The trainee will be offered a re-sit of the experience which will be
at a later date. Before that resit is begun, the trainee will be required to meet with the Programme Lead to discuss their Action Plan and appropriate
After SBT 2:
The trainee will be offered a re-sit of the placement in which they were not successful and this will occur at a later date There will be
an initial three week probationary period and continuation of the placement is conditional upon the trainee making the necessary progress related to
any previous actions or concerns.
After SBT 3/4:
The trainee will be offered a re-sit of the placement in which they were not successful and this will occur at a later date normally
after an Examination Board. There will be an initial three week probationary period and continuation of the placement is conditional upon the trainee
making the necessary progress related to any previous actions or concerns.
Any student failing a resit will not achieve QTS unless there are mitigating circumstances. The University has appointed a Mitigating Circumstances
Panel which formally considers the documented evidence for such requests.
Suspensions of Placement
If a trainee’s school placement is suspended or terminated by the head teacher or University for any reason, this will automatically trigger a formal
Standards Assessment which will take place at the university. This is a documented meeting between the trainee and Programme Lead to ascertain
the progress that has been made at the point at which the placement was suspended or terminated. In light of all the evidence the Programme Lead
will use his/her discretion as to the final outcome.
This process is there to safeguard both trainee and placement school.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
School Experience Lesson Observation Form
Observed by:
Year Group/No. of children:
Any support:
Agreed focus in relation to Trainees’ points for development in teaching:
Overall lesson performance indicators to be used during lesson observation are: Working Towards (WT) Working At (WA), Good LEVEL
(GL), High Level (HL)
Focus area of observation
(Do highlight specific questions you wish to refer to
during the lesson )
Ethos and Management
(Teaching Standards 1 and 7)
Is the trainee modelling, expecting high expectations for
behaviour and learning?
Are these expectations established clearly and maintained
throughout the lesson, using appropriate age/ability strategies?
Does the trainee establish a positive environment conducive to
Are the children motivated and inspired to learn?
Is the atmosphere reflective of an inclusive classroom?
Does the student establish a safe and stimulating environment
for pupils, rooted in mutual respect?
Does the trainee make effective use of additional adults to
enhance children’s learning?
Is behaviour being managed effectively?
Additional foci for EYFS
Is there a balance of adult initiated / child initiated activities?
Is the outdoor environment appropriately planned and utilised?
Curriculum Knowledge, Planning and Teaching
(Teaching Standards 3, 4 and 5 )
Does the trainee demonstrate secure curriculum and subject
knowledge and understanding?
Does the trainee promote high standards for learning?
Is the planning detailed and logically thought out, providing
personalised provision for all children, including any children
Teaching Standard
Notes/comments by observer
(continue overleaf if necessary)
Please record just one
overall grade here (a
best fit)
One overall grade
Knowledge and
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
with SEN, EAL or G&T?
Are strategies for differentiation being implemented e.g.
questioning, resources, support?
Does the planning and teaching take into account any factors
affecting the children’s learning?
Does the trainee use a range of age/ability appropriate and
engaging teaching strategies?
Additional focus for EYFS
Does the trainee demonstrate secure knowledge of EYFS and
its guidance?
Focus area of observation
Pupil learning and outcomes and Assessment
(Teaching Standards 2 and 6)
One overall grade
Teaching Standard
One overall grade
Notes/comments by observer
(continue below if necessary)
Does the planning and teaching build on children’s prior
knowledge and understanding?
Does the trainee use a range of age/ability appropriate AfL
strategies to identify pupil progress?
Does the trainee incorporate strategies to enable children to
reflect on their own progress?
Does the trainee engage in constructive feedback,
encouraging pupils to respond to this?
Does the trainee use other adults in the classroom effectively?
Is there clear evidence of Pupils’ learning & attainment in this
Overall lesson performance indicator: (please circle the overall lesson observation grade – best fit)
Working Towards (WT)
Working At (WA)
Good Level (GL)
High Level (HL)
Further /Additional comments if required:
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Areas of Strength/Significant Progress:
Areas requiring development:
(using assessment grid to support statements)
(using assessment grid to support statements)
Notes to accompany a focussed support plan (if required):
Signed as appropriate
Teacher Tutor:
School Mentor:
University Tutor:
The Lesson Observation Form should be filed in the trainee’s Progress File.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Record of Graded Lesson Observations
Comments/ reflection
(if appropriate)
A formal graded lesson observation should take place once a week (this can
be done by the school mentor, teacher tutor, head teacher or subject
Please complete the table above, commenting on progress where appropriate
Signature of Trainee:
Signature of Mentor/Teacher Tutor:
School of Education:
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
School of Education
20th October – 12th December 2014
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Teachers’ Standards PART TWO: Personal and professional conduct
Self-Assessment of Understanding
A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional
conduct. As a Brookes’ trainee you are representing not only the University but your chosen
profession within our partnership schools. You are required to uphold the Code of Conduct you
signed at the start of your programme. This must be demonstrated through your personal and
professional conduct at all times. Please talk to your Teacher Tutor, Mentor or Head if you
are unclear about the expectations whilst working in your Placement School.
Department of Education guidance - Updated 18th March 2013
The link below takes you to statutory guidance from the Department which sets out the
responsibilities of all local authorities, schools and Further Education (FE) colleges in England
to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. It sets out recruitment best
practice, some underpinned by legislation, for the school, local authority, and FE education
Self assessment – we ask you to respond to the questions below and to seek further guidance
if you answer ‘NO’ to any of them. The completed form should then be retained here in the your
Trainee Progress File.
To be completed by the trainee during the first week of the School Based Placement
1. Name of trainee: ......................................................................................
2. Please ring as appropriate where indicated:
i) I attended the Safeguarding lecture as part of my course
ii) I understand that it is my responsibility to adhere to the policies and
practice of my Placement School regarding procedures for safeguarding
iii) I know who the Child Protection Officer is in my Placement School.
3. Signature of trainee:
4. Print name:
5. Date:
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
School Experience (paired) 7 week block
20th October – 12th December 2014
School Mentor/ Teacher Tutor
Week 1
20 October
Induction and work under Teacher Tutor’s
guidance. Discussion of Action Plan and
Expectations. Contact Partnership Team if
there are any concerns.
Discuss expectations of paired placement.
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor.
University/Associate Tutor
Partnership Team Available if needed.
Oxfordshire Schools Break
Week 2
3 November
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor.
Update Teachers’ Standards grid in Trainee
Progress File
Initial phone call to monitor progress.
Update Teachers’ Standards grid in Trainee
Progress File
Week 3
10 November
Week 4
17 November
Week 5
24 November
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor.
Update Teachers’ Standards grid in Trainee
Progress File
Phone call to arrange visit for Week 4 ,
Week 5 or week 6
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor.
Progress update with trainee. Update
Teachers’ Standards grid in Trainee
Progress File
Visit & discuss trainee’s progress with
School Mentor and Trainee
( including short observation)
OR Visit in Week 5 or 6
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor.
Progress update with trainee. Update
Teachers’ Standards grid in Trainee
Progress File
Visit & discuss trainee’s progress with School
Mentor and Trainee
( including short observation)
OR Visit in Week 5 or 6
Please Note That this a 3 day week in
school( Mon, Tues & Wed) and 2 days
back at University (Thurs & Friday).
Week 6
1 December
Week 7
8 Dec
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor:
Update Teachers’ Standards grid in Trainee
Progress File
Observation and written feedback by
School Mentor/Teacher Tutor.
School Mentor and/or Teacher Tutor
discuss Report with Trainee.
Update Standards Progress Grid in TPF
Partnership team available if needed
Phone call follow up to support and discuss
grades if needed.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
University/Associate Tutor visit record for visit 1
To be completed during the first visit by University Tutor/Associate Tutor and a copy to be
given to Teacher Tutor/Mentor. If necessary the document can be revisited and annotated
on subsequent visits (where relevant)
*Students could signpost relevant pages with post-its before the meeting.
University Tutor:
Date of Visit:
Summary of dialogue with trainee/teacher/mentor
Checklist for
meeting *
1. Incoming Action
Comments including points for development
Follow up
Trainee Progress File
2. Weekly
with Teachers’
Standards Grid
3. Weekly
4. Expectations
Grid(focus on subject
Teaching file
5. Planning (focused
learning objectives)
6. Lesson evaluations
Discussion with teacher/mentor
7. Provision and
Professional working
8. Report
Signature of Trainee:
Signature of University Tutor:
Date of next visit (where relevant):
Any additional comments:
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Assessment of School Based Training 1
A summary of the trainee’s progress will be written in the form of a report at the end of SBT 1.The
meeting with the University Tutor in Week 4,5 or 6 will include a short observation of the trainee, a
discussion about the trainee’s progress as well as areas for further development. The Report will
be written by the School Mentor or Teacher Tutor and discussed with the trainee.
The Assessment will be made through careful consideration of a range of evidence using the
criteria for assessment based on the trainee working towards achieving the Teachers’ Standards.
Evidence will be drawn from:
the Trainee Progress File
the Teaching File
observation and written feedback by School Mentor
observation by Teacher Tutor
informal observation and feedback by University Tutor
evidence of pupils’ progress
discussions with the trainee
The Teacher Standards Grid
Concerns about Trainee’s progress may reflect little evidence of one or more of the
Professional responsibilities including professional relationships with staff and/or pupils;
Ability to respond to professional advice or feedback;
Curriculum and/or subject knowledge;
Effective planning;
Understanding the purpose and use of assessment;
Effective classroom and behaviour management.
For further information regarding unsatisfactory progress, please refer to the document in the
Trainee Progress File: ‘Process for supporting Trainees and School during SBT when difficulties
or a lack of progress are identified.’
The original copy of the report should be returned to the Partnership Office by Monday 16th
December 2013.The trainees and School Mentor should each retain a copy.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Attendance Record for SBT 1
(20th October – 12th December 2014)
In addition to notifying the school you are working in, all absences from school experience must be
reported to the Partnership Office:
01865 488252
Please see the procedures in the Appendix section of SBT documentation for Teaching File.
Reason for Absence
Week 1
Oxfordshire Schools Break
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Note: 2 days back in University this week (Thursday &Friday)
Week 6
Week 7
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Trainee Weekly Evaluation
To be completed by the Trainee and shared with the Mentor each week
Week 1
Particular strengths and achievements demonstrated this week
Refer to the Teachers’ Standards Grid
Areas for development
Strategies to ensure development
Trainee’s generic reflections on progress:
Agreed by
Trainee …………………………………….
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Trainee Weekly Evaluation
To be completed by the Trainee and shared with the Mentor each week
Week 2
Particular strengths and achievements demonstrated this week
Refer to the Teachers’ Standards Grid
Areas for development
Strategies to ensure development
Trainee’s generic reflections on progress:
Agreed by
Mentor…………………………...………… Date………………………………
Trainee …………………………………….
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Trainee Weekly Evaluation
To be completed by the Trainee and shared with the Mentor each week
Week 3
Particular strengths and achievements demonstrated this week
Refer to the Teachers’ Standards Grid
Areas for development
Strategies to ensure development
Trainee’s generic reflections on progress:
Agreed by
Mentor…………………………...………… Date………………………………
Trainee …………………………………….
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Trainee Weekly Evaluation
To be completed by the Trainee and shared with the Mentor each week
Week 4
Particular strengths and achievements demonstrated this week
Refer to the Teachers’ Standards Grid
Areas for development
Strategies to ensure development
Trainee’s generic reflections on progress:
Agreed by
Mentor…………………………...………… Date………………………………
Trainee …………………………………….
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Trainee Weekly Evaluation
To be completed by the Trainee and shared with the Mentor each week
Week 5
Particular strengths and achievements demonstrated this week
Refer to the Teachers’ Standards Grid
Areas for development
Strategies to ensure development
Trainee’s generic reflections on progress:
Agreed by
Mentor…………………………...………… Date………………………………
Trainee …………………………………….
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Trainee Weekly Evaluation
To be completed by the Trainee and shared with the Mentor each week
Week 6
Particular strengths and achievements demonstrated this week
Refer to the Teachers’ Standards Grid
Areas for development
Strategies to ensure development
Trainee’s generic reflections on progress:
Agreed by
Mentor…………………………...………… Date………………………………
Trainee …………………………………….
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Summative Reflection of School Experience
To be completed by the Trainee at the end of the placement
Comments on progress against targets from previous week
Reflections on your development during the placement
Areas of
Trainee ___________________________________
Date ______________________
Once complete, please put this reflection in Section 3 of your Trainee Progress File.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
PGCE SBT 1 Summative Report (1/6)
Student Number:
This report should be returned to the Partnership Office by Monday 15th December 2014 ( via posting
School Mentor:
Teacher Tutor:
Year Group:
University Tutor:
Number of days missed from SBT to-date (if any) __________________
Signed Teacher Tutor/ Mentor___________________________________
The Teachers’ Standards should be referred to when writing this report. The standards referred to throughout are
from Teachers’ Standards (TS1-8), DfE, May 2012
The expectations for SBT 1:
All trainees are expected to be achieving an overall grade of ‘working at’ in terms of the Teaching
Standards by the end of SBT 1.
An overall grade in the ‘working towards’ column would indicate that the trainee would be on a
probationary period of three weeks at the beginning of SBT 2.
Assessment Summary
Tick in appropriate box for each standard
TS1 : Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS2 : Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
TS3 : Demonstrate good subject and curriculum
TS4 : Plan and teach well-structured lessons
TS5 : Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and
needs of all pupils
TS6 : Make accurate and productive use of assessment
TS7 : Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and
safe learning environment
TS8 : Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Overall grade:
Considering all evidence to date from this placement, circle
a best fit overall grade for the trainee.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
PGCE SBT1 Summative Report (2/6)
Before completing the Assessment Summary below, please refer back to the Teachers’ Standards grid and supporting
Assessment Grid Overview
Tick in appropriate box in each cell
good subject
Systematic synthetic phonics
Teaching reading including language comprehension
Writing ( final SBT only)
Physical Education
Planning for
Systematic synthetic phonics
Teaching reading including language comprehension
Teaching writing ( final SBT only)
Physical Education
Teaching wellstructured
Systematic synthetic phonics
Writing ( final SBT only)
Teaching reading including language comprehension
Physical Education
The planning and delivery of lessons include the following:
Accurate and productive use of assessment
Accurate recording and reporting of pupil progress
Effective behaviour management
Appropriate provision for pupils with SEN
Appropriate provision for pupils with EAL
ICT used as a tool for learning
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
PGCE SBT 1 Summative Report (3/6)
Personal and Professional Conduct:
Please sign below to indicate that the trainee has consistently maintained high standards of personal and
professional conduct. If a school feels unable to sign the box below, this indicates a cause for concern and the
appropriate procedures should be followed.
Mentor/ Teacher
The comments in the following section of this report are intended to reflect the particular characteristics and
achievements of the individual trainee. In the ‘Examples of effective practice’ section, provide 3 or 4 statements to
show how the trainee is achieving the Standards and making progress. They should highlight and exemplify the
statements already identified on the Assessment Grid.
Areas of
Examples of effective practice
Plan and teach well-structured lessons; Adapt teaching to respond to the
strengths and needs of all pupils; Make accurate and productive use of
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
PGCE SBT 1 Summative Report (4/6)
Areas of
Examples of effective practice
Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils; Manage
behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
PGCE SBT 1 Summative Report (5/6)
Areas of
Examples of effective practice
Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge; Promote good progress
and outcomes by pupils
Causes for Concern
Please comment further on any areas identified in the summary assessment grid as a cause for concern or refer
to an attached Cause for Concern Action Plan.
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
PGCE SBT 1 Summative Report (6/6)
Areas for development
Please identify standards for specific focus
Suggested next steps to inform SBT 2 Action Plan
Further comments relating to trainee’s progress in addition to above including their impact on
The children’s’ learning and attainment and their contribution to ‘fulfil wider professional
Signed: _____________
School Mentor / Teacher Tutor
University Tutor
A copy of this report should be given to the trainee, a copy retained by the School
Mentor and returned to the Partnership Office by Monday 15th December 2014
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Draw on evidence, experience and progress from SBT 1 in the Autumn Term to identify areas for further development during the Spring Term
Trainee: ______________________
Objective for Further Development
Course:_________ SBT School:__________________________________
Action Needed
Criteria for Success
Target Date
Prior to the start of SBT2 Spring Term: any changes, additions to the above, e.g. as a result of improvements between SBT’s or through completion of
End of SBT1 Autumn Term:
Signed: ……………………..…
Personal Tutor
Beginning of SBT 2
Signed: ……………………..…
Teacher Tutor/Mentor
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1
Primary PGCE Trainee Progress File Documentation for SBT1