Fremont County School District RE-3

Fremont County School District RE-3
Cotopaxi, Colorado
Regular School Board Meeting
Cotopaxi School Common Room
0345 County Road 12
Cotopaxi, Colorado 81223
July 16, 2014
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Fremont RE-3, was called to order by President
Nicholas-Griesel at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Jeremy Garcia, Mickey Kulick, Glen
Leatherbery, Donna Nicholas-Griesel, and Tony Reid. The following administration members were
present: Jackie Crabtree and Randy Bohlander. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by President
Nicholas-Griesel. Guests at the meeting were: Tom Lang, Paula and Tex Bertolino, Ben Konnonen, Mary
Jane Konnonen, and Valorie Konnonen.
Approval of Minutes: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the June 18, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
Minutes. Jeremy Garcia seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery –
aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Glen Leatherbery made a motion to approve the July treasurers report. Tony Reid
seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna NicholasGriesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Payment of Bills: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the payment of the July monthly payroll and all
current bills. Jeremy Garcia seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery
– aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Approval of Additional Items to the Agenda: None.
Approval of Agenda: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the agenda for July 16, 2014. Jeremy Garcia
seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna NicholasGriesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Open Forum – Public Input: None.
Notice of Assignment for Paraprofessionals: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the notice of
assignment for Suzanne Tonnesen as a paraprofessional. Donna Nicholas-Griesel seconded the motion.
Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony
Reid - aye. Motion carried
Contracts for Title One Teacher and Fourth Grade Teacher: Mr. Bohlander discussed the hiring of these
two positions. Tony Reid made a motion to approve Kristine Reed as Title One teacher. Glen Leatherbery
seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna NicholasGriesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried
Tony Reid made a motion to approve Jenna Pryor as fourth grade teacher. Jeremy Garcia seconded the
motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and
Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried
Notice of Assignment for Assistant Volleyball and Assistant Football Coaches: Mr. Bohlander discussed
the two individuals. Glen Leatherbery made a motion to approve Devin Gulliford as assistant volleyball
coach and Steve Fieth and Craig Mitchell as assistant football coaches. Donna Nicholas-Griesel
seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna NicholasGriesel – aye, and Tony Reid - abstain on Devin Gulliford and aye on Steve Fieth and Craig Mitchell.
Motion carried
Regular School Board Meeting July 16, 2014
Possible Placement of Mill Levy Increase on November Ballot: Mr. Bohlander discussed the process the
district is going through now. Tony Reid made a motion to approve the possible placement of the Mill
Levy increase on the November ballot. Jeremy Garcia seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy
Garcia – aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion
Possible Placement of Board Seat on November Ballot: Mr. Bohlander discussed the seat of Director A
coming open. Donna Nicholas-Griesel made a motion to approve placing one School Board position on
the November ballot. Tony Reid seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye; Glen
Leatherbery – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Approve Policies IJOC (School Volunteers), BEC (Executive Sessions), BEDG (Board Minutes), KDB
(Public Right to Know), IG (Curriculum Development), IHAM (Health and Family Education), IHAM-R
(Heath and Family Education Exemption Procedure), IHBK (Requiring Schools to assist Students and
Families with Career and Academic Plans), IHBK-R (Implementation of above), IHBIB-R (Primary and
Preprimary Education), IHCDA (Concurrent Credit Classes),IHCDA-R (Implementation of above Policy),
IJ (Textbook Selection), IJOA (Field Trips), IKA (Grading Systems), IKE (Promotion and Retention of
Students), and IKFB (Graduation Exercises/Baccalaureate) on First Reading: Mr. Bohlander discussed
the policies and what changes the district needs to make. Tony Reid made a motion to approve the above
mentioned polices on first reading. Glen Leatherbery seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia
– aye; Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Approve Handbooks for 2014-15 School Year: Mr. Bohlander discussed the changes to the student
handbook with current policy updates. Glen Leatherbery made a motion to approve the Student, Teacher,
and Staff Handbooks for 2014-15. Tony Reid seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Jeremy Garcia – aye;
Glen Leatherbery – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel – aye, and Tony Reid - aye. Motion carried.
Board Members Report: None.
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Bohlander discussed future policies, IKF- student credits, the district went
from a 7 hour day to 8 hour day. The district needs to update the total required credit hours, this will be
discussed at a work session. Policy IMB - teaching about controversial issues and materials, to be
discussed at a work session. Policy IMBB- exemptions from required instruction, to be discussed in a
work session. Mr. Bohlander discussed the bids received for fuel and propane, still waiting on a few more
bids. Mr. Bohlander discussed extra duty salary schedules, this is also something that needs to be
discussed in a work session. The kindergarten class currently has 4 enrolled. Bus driver issues - still
searching for a driver. Mr. Bohlander talked to G.K. Baum and they would like for the district to schedule
several community meetings at end of July and 1st or 2nd week of August, looking at the 30th of July and
then the 7th of August, and maybe at the PTC Ice Cream Social.
Principals Report: None.
Accountability Committee Report: None.
Athletic Directors Report: None.
Discussion Items: The Board would like to set Tuesday July 29, 2014 @ 5:00 as a Board Work Session.
Executive Session: None.
Tony Reid made a motion to adjourn at 6:05 p.m. Jeremy Garcia seconded the motion.
The next meeting will be on Monday, August 11, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
Donna Nicholas-Griesel
Glen Leatherbery