Supervision of Pupils

of Pupils
January 2014
18 months
Next review due
June 2015
Ashville Junior School
Supervision of Pupils
Supervision of Pupils:
The ‘duty of care’ places a specific responsibility on the Head of Junior School, as
overall manager of the school, to ensure that full and appropriate supervision of all
pupils occurs throughout the school day.
1. Supervision before School:
Pupils arriving from 7.45am onwards are supervised in the hall. Pupils arriving after
8.15am go directly to their classrooms and are supervised by their class teacher.
Registration takes place at 8.30am.
The school will communicate to all parents stating the time of the start of the school day.
2. Responsibility during the School Day:
Unexplained Absence: The responsibility to ensure that a pupil attends school regularly
lies with parents and guardians. The school will seek to contact parents when children
are absent from school without notification. Messages are left by the JS secretary with
parents if they are unable to be contacted directly.
Illness: In the Junior School, if a child is taken ill during the course of the school day
he/she is sent to the office. The Junior School secretary assesses the child and
determines whether the child is to be sent to SAN. San is then informed by the JS
secretary if a child is being sent to them. The SAN Sister assesses the child and may
administer medicine (according to College policy) and after the child has been treated
sends the child back to Junior School, or contacts the parents directly. The child will
then be collected from SAN. The San Sister will notify the Junior School office of the
outcome. Records are kept by San of all pupils attending the Medical Centre with the
outcome of treatment. Children are given a slip by San which indicates that they been
seen by a nurse and any medication given. If there has been a head injury, the children
are given a head injury slip by San.
Injuries: Injuries received by pupils during the school day are recorded and these details
are kept in the Junior School Office.
Emergency: No class of pupils should be left unsupervised for any reason. The Deputy
Head should be contacted in the case of an emergency, or a child sent to the school
Lesson time: Children must be supervised at all times. Children should not be left in
classrooms without supervision. Children attending clubs and extra curricular activities
should not be left in school unattended.
Music lessons: these take place in the Music block in Senior School. The children
follow a prescribed path on the western side of the Junior School up to the sixth form
centre and into the Senior school main building at the Elmfield Entrance. The children
pass through the Soothill Foyer to a doorway opposite the music block. This route
ensures that they are within sight of Junior School and Senior School Staff and pupils as
much as possible and are well away from the parking areas in both Junior and Senior
School. The music staff have been notified to contact the JS secretary if a pupil does
not arrive at the designated place.
Visitors to the school: All visitors to the school are required to sign in and out. Visitors
are required to wear a visitor’s badge. All staff should check strangers on the premises
and report to the school office if there is a concern.
3. Children Moving around the Building:
At the beginning of each new term it is the responsibility of the Head of Junior School to
inform the children in Assembly about the School Rules. All staff are responsible for
ensuring that the children move around school safely.
4. Supervision at playtime:
A duty rota for break time supervision will be displayed in the staff room. Part of the
induction of new staff will include explanation of supervisory responsibilities. Duty
teachers should begin supervision promptly.
Wet Play: The playground supervisor and member of staff on duty will supervise the
children in the Junior School hall.
Supervision of Playground (see Risk Assessment): Any child not using the playground
equipment appropriately is spoken to immediately and reminded of its safe use.
Sanctions are used for inappropriate play. All inappropriate behaviour is reported to the
deputy head at the end of play. If a child needs to leave the playground they must ask
permission. All injuries are entered in the Accident Book. The children are assessed by
the Junior School Secretary initially and given first aid in the office or sent to the Medical
If the weather is fine, children may use the fields.
Supervision at playtime
The member of staff on duty must be in the playground from the start of morning break
and remain there until all the children are sent inside. Staff need to be observant and
must monitor play at all times.
Lunchtime Supervision: Pupils are escorted to the dining room in Senior School by the
teacher who has taught them in the previous lesson. Staff eat with the children and
there is a designated member of staff on duty.
5. Supervision after School:
The school day finishes at 4.00pm. The children are dismissed from the classrooms. All
children are collected from the playground by parents/carers. There are two teachers
on duty and the allocated member of staff in these areas ensures that the children are
collected and leave the building/playground safely. A member of staff is on duty to
supervise the bus pupils. There is a list held in the office and pupils wait in the library
until being escorted to the buses. The Junior School boarders are collected by a
member of the Greenholme boarding staff and are walked down to the boarding house.
Parents are given notice by either the JS secretary or a member of staff if a child will be
late home through participation in after school activities. They should be given adequate
notice of any changes to arrangements such as cancellations of school clubs and
fixtures. Every effort should be made to contact the parents during the day. If for any
reason a parent cannot be contacted the child must remain at school until the agreed
time of collection.
Any child left on the premises after the end of the school day is the responsibility of the
member of staff on duty or member of staff running the activity. (Please refer to the
Uncollected Child Procedure Policy.)
An after school care service is available until 6.00pm for all pupils held in Pre Prep (see
Plus 2 Care).