QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE POL S 504 FALL 2013 REGRESSION TABLE TEMPLATES Copy and paste the tables below into your MSWord document, add or delete the number of rows as needed, then fill in the appropriate cells, and then add the appropriate table number and title. To add rows, right click on an entire row and then select “insert row”. To delete rows, right click on an empty row and then select “delete row” You can also add a row to the bottom by going to the bottom, right-hand cell and then hit the “Tab” key. Table X: Descriptive Statistics Title Title Title Title Title (n = XXX) Variable mean s.d. Number of Children 4.8 2.9 Years of Schooling 12.5 3.5 Annual Income 16.1 8.5 113.3 26.2 6.4 1.1 Another Variable And Another Variable Table X: Correlations Title Title Title Title Title (n = XXX) Number of Children Number of Children Years of Schooling Annual Income Another Variable And Another Variable Years of Schooling Annual Income Another Variable -.64*** -.68*** .54*** .42* .10 -.03 .28 -.17 .33 *p < .05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 .49** And Another Variable Table X: Ordinary Least Squares Regression Model Estimating Effects of Whatever on Dependent Variable (n = XXX) Variable β B SE B Constant 11.39 1.17 Schooling -0.32 0.11 -.39* Income -0.16 0.04 -.47** Another Variable 1.31 0.23 .21 Yet Another Variable 0.35 0.10 .58*** R2 = .55 F = 23.95*** *p < .05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Table X: Logistic Regression Model Estimating Effects of Whatever on Value 1 of the Dependent Variable (n = XXX) Variable B SE p Value OR 95% C.I. Schooling 0.39 0.48 .423 1.47 0.57 – 3.80 Income 0.16 0.37 .662 1.18 0.57 – 2.43 Another Variable 0.40 0.42 .341 1.49 0.66 – 3.35 Yet Another Variable 1.17 0.50 .019 3.21 1.21 – 8.51 (Constant) -2.06 0.74 .005 Model χ2 = 38.734, df = 4, p < .001 Table X: Hierarchical Ordinary Least Squares Regression Models Estimating Effects of Whatever on Dependent Variable (n = XXX) Model 1 Variables Schooling B 0.60 SE 0.14 Income Another Variable Model 2 β .290*** B SE 159.70 B SE .142*** 0.23 0.10 .112*** 41.20 3.90 .606*** 35.00 3.30 .515*** -28.90 22.60 -.072*** 25.60 19.60 .064*** 12.80 13.70 .048*** -2213.10 234.70 -.491*** 2876.40 891.90 2989.30 417.20 F 17.22*** 51.65*** 66.53*** Adjusted R2 .079*** .447*** .635*** .368*** .188*** Change in Adjusted R2 *p < .05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 β 0.12 One More Variable 4316.80 β 0.29 Yet Another Variable (Constant) Model 3 Table X: Hierarchical Logistic Regression Models Estimating Effects of Whatever on Value 1 of the Dependent Variable (n = XXX) Model 1 Variables B SE OR Schooling 0.10 0.05 1.10*** Income 2.17 0.72 Model 2 95% C.I. B (0.99 - 1.22) 0.26 0.11 1.30*** (1.05 - 1.60) 8.75*** (2.12 - 36.09) 1.9 0.78 6.66*** (1.44 - 30.66) Another Variable 0.18 0.11 1.19*** (0.97 - 1.47) Yet Another Variable 0.38 0.19 1.46*** (1.02 - 2.10) -0.33 0.18 0.72*** (0.51 - 1.02) -30.74 13.68 One More Variable (Constant) Model χ 2 -2 Log Likelihood Likelihood Ratio Test *p < .05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 -5.75 2.46 SE OR 16.750*** 22.921*** 47.351 41.183 χ² (df = 3) = 6.168, p = 0.104 95% C.I.