Table 1: Variable Construction Variable Measuring Items Names Bureaucratic Formalization Organizations Do each of the following documents exist at org? Written job description Written record of job performance Employment contracts Documents about doing personnel evaluation Documents outlining hiring/firing procedure Levels How many levels are there between a first-line supervisor and the top official in your organizations? Departmentalization Is there a separate department for the followings? Personnel and labor relations Health and safety Equal opportunity or affirmative action Coding Methods High Teamwork Performance Does your organization have established committees made Organizations up of workers and managers who meet regularly to deal with New technology? Quality improvement? Production or service delivery? Health and safety? Do workers meet by themselves without management to discuss issues related to production or service delivery? Skill Are core workers cross-trained, that is, trained in skills for more than one job? Are core workers involved in job rotation? Are core workers involved in statistical process Control? How often core workers transfer to another job family? Autonomy How much choice do core workers have concerning the best way to accomplish their assignments (no choice =1; small amount= 2; a moderate amount = 3; a large amount = 4; complete choice = 5)? Which best describes how closely core workers are supervised as they do their work (no supervision = 1; small supervision = 2; moderate supervision = 3; large supervision = 4; complete supervision = 5)? Compensation Are core workers paid using group incentives such as gainsharing? Do core workers participate in a profit-sharing or bonus program? Agreement to each item in Teamwork is coded as 1, results summed up and divided by 5 to produce a Teamwork scale. Agreement to each question in formalization is coded as 1, results summed up to produce a formalization scale from 0 to 5 Levels are actual number reported by respondents Agreement to each item in Departmentalization is coded as 1, results summed up to produce a departmentalization scale from 0 to 3. In skill construction, agreement to the first two items is coded as 1, very often response to the third item is coded as 1. Results summed up and divided by 3 to produce a Skill scale. In job autonomy construction, I reverse-code supervision scale, add it with choice scale, and divide the results by 2. Thus the large the number, the greater the job autonomy. Agreement to each item in compensation is coded as 1, results summed up and divided by 2 to produce a compensation scale Table 1 continues NON profit organization Is this a Non profit, or for profit organization? If it is a non-profit organization, is it a public or private organization? Non-profit = 1 if it is a nonprofit organization AND a private organization For profit or public organization = 0 Public organization Is this a Non profit, or for profit organization? If it is a non-profit organization, is it a public or private organization? Public = 1 if it is a nonprofit organization AND a public organization For profit or private organization = 0 Profit organization Is this a Non profit, or for profit organization? For profit = 1 Non-profit = 0 Union Do a union or unions represent any of your employees? Yes = 1 No = 0 Industry What is the main product/service in this establishment? 1980 US Census Industry Code Agriculture: 10-60 Manufacture: 100-392 Transportation: 400-472 Whole Sales: 500-571 Retail: 580-691 Finance/insurance: 700-760 Others: 761-932 Organization Age Years from start of establishment operations until 1997. I take the natural logarithm of the years to indicate organization age. Organization size Total employment is number of full time and part time employees in the establishment on June 1, 1996. Full time means 35 or more hours per week. I take the natural logarithm of the total employees to indicate organization size. Parent Is org in any way part of a larger organization or is it completely independent? 1 = yes 0 = no Table 1 continues Market competition How much competition would you say there is in your main market or service area . . . none, very little, a moderate amount, or a great deal? None = 1 Very little = 2 A moderate amount = 3 A great deal = 4 Foreign market competition How much competition would you say there is in your main market or service area from foreign organizations . . . none, very little, a moderate amount, or a great deal? None = 1 Very little = 2 A moderate amount = 3 A great deal = 4 Core occupation What are the job titles for the employees who are most directly involved with core product or service? 1980 US Census Occupation Code Managers: 001-037 Professional/technician: 043-235 Low white collar: 243-389 Manual labor: 403-889 Market area What would you consider to be org’s main geographic market or service area? 0=Neighborhood/City/State 1=Region/U.S./International Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of Variables Variable Names Mean Median St.d. Data Type Valid Cases Market competition 3.28 4.00 .93 Continuous 932 Foreign market competition 1.77 1.00 .99 Continuous 917 Organization size 4.51 4.38 2.41 Continuous 981 Organization age 3.25 3.29 1.02 Continuous 1002 Market area at region/national/international .44 -- -- Dichotomous 940 Market area at neighborhood/city/state .56 -- -- Dichotomous 940 Core managerial occupation .15 -- -- Dichotomous 992 Core PT occupation .29 -- -- Dichotomous 992 Core low white collar occupation .20 -- -- Dichotomous 992 Core manual labor occupation .36 -- -- Dichotomous 992 Non-profit public organization .20 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Non-profit private organization .09 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 For-profit organization .71 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Independent organization .32 -- -- Dichotomous 1001 Organization with union .26 -- -- Dichotomous 996 Table 2 continues Industry-agriculture .05 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Industry-manufacturing .18 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Industry-transportation .06 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Industry-whole sale .03 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Industry-retail .15 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Industry-finance/insurance .13 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Industry-others .40 -- -- Dichotomous 1002 Table 3: Unstandardize Coefficients From OLS Regression of Organization Adoption of Bureaucratic and High Performance Structures Independent Variables Bureaucracy HPO Constant -1.441*** (.156) Market competition .011 (.035) Foreign market .058 competition (.031) Market area at .017 region/national/internation (.065) al Market area at -neighborhood/city/state (reference) Core managerial .193* occupation (.086) Core PT occupation .186 (.096) Core low white collar -.019 occupation (.082) Core manual labor -occupation (reference) Organization size .255*** (.015) Organization age .003 (.030) Non-profit public .219* organization (.103) Non-profit private .297** organization (.111) For-profit organization -- .108 (.204) .081* (.033) -.038 (.041) .012 (.085) Independent organization -.128 (.079) -.001 (.101) Organization with union .217*** (.061) .018 (.078) -- .469*** (.112) .653*** (.103) .083 (.108) --.091 (.020) -.033 (.040) .007 (.135) .179 (.146) -- Table 3 continues Organizational industry-agriculture Organizational industry-others -.253 (.141) -.121 (.099) .240* (.121) -.333* (.160) -.108 (.097) -.118 (.097) --- -.354 (.185) .089 (.129) -.092 (.159) .265 (.209) -.176 (.127) -.061 (.127) -- Model R2 (df) Number of Establishments 51.9%(18) 702 15.8%(18) 702 Organizational industry-manufacture Organizational industry-transportation Organizational industry-whole sales Organizational industry-retail Organizational industry-finance/insurance Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. *p .05 ** p .01 *** p .001