Maxim Physician Resources Urology Skills Checklist Enter the appropriate provider code in the blank next to the procedure. Failure to fill this out correctly can delay the screening process. Provider Codes 1 Fully competent to perform 2 Competent with supervision 3 Not requested due to lack of expertise Please check all that apply to your scope of practice. I. GENERAL PROCEDURES General clinical procedures customary to the practice of urology: ___ Outpatient ___ Inpatient II. SPECIFIC PROCEDURES KIDNEY Incision ___ Drainage of kidney abscess ___ Drainage of perirenal abscess ___ Removal of calculus or foreign body in perirenal tissues ___ Nephrostomy with drainage ___ Nephrolithotomy ___ Division or transection of aberrant renal vessel ___ Pyelolithotomy ___ Pyeloplasty Excision ___ Renal Biopsy ___ Nephrectomy ___ Heminephrectomy ___ Renal capsulectomy (capsulation of kidney) ___ Excision cyst of kidney ___ Renal Artery Repair By -pass graft- vein, artery or synthetic ___ Diagnostic Procedure Perirenal insufflation Subsection Repair ___ Renal arteriography ___ Pyeloplasty (plastic operation of renal pelvis) ___ Nephropexy ___ Suture of kidney wound ___ Suspension of kidney ___ Other _____________________________________________________________ URETER Incision ___ Ureterotomy ___ Meatotomy of the ureter ___ Ureterolithotomy Excision ___ Ureterectomy ___ Ureterocele Fulguration ___ Ureterocele suprapubic excision ___ Ureteroplasty (plastic repair on ureter) ___ Ureteropyelostomy (anastomosis of the reter of renal pelvis) ___ Ureter-enterostomy ___ Uretercystostomy (anastomosis of the ureter to bladder, unilateral) ___ Ureter-enterostomy (anastomosis of ureter to intestine including creation of ileal conduit) ___ Ureterostomy (transplantation of ureter to skin) ___ Suture ___ Closure of ureterovaginal fistula with ureterovesical anastomosis ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ BLADDER Incision ___ Puncture aspiration of bladder by trocar ___ Aspiration with insertion of suprapubic catheter ___ Cystotomy with exploration ___ Cystotomy with insertion radioactive substance ___ Cystolithotomy ___ Drainage of perivesical space Excision ___ Cystectomy ___ Suprapubic resection of bladder neck ___ Transurethral ___ Eleco resection of bladder neck ___ Excision of bladder diverticulum ___ Excision of bladder tumor with segmental resection of bladder ___ Transuretheral resection of bladder tumors Endoscopy ___ Cystoscopy ___ Cystoscopy with ureteral catheterization ___ Cystoscopy with stone removal ___ Cystoscopy with manipulation of ureteral calculus ___ Cystoscopy with fulguration of bladder tumor ___ Cystoscopy with insertion of radioactive substance or with biopsy Reconstruction ___ Litholapaxy Suture ___ Cystorrhaphy, suture of bladder wall ___ Closure of vesical-vaginal fistula ___ Closure of extrophy of bladder ___ Other _____________________________________________________________ URETHERA Incision ___ Urethrotomy, internal ___ Urethrotomy, external ___ Meatotomy, cutting of meatus Excision ___ Excis ion of urethral caruncle or fulgruation ___ Excision of bulbourethral, planned ___ Excision of Carcinoma of urethra ___ Excision of diverticulum urethra ___ Excision of urethral polyps Endoscopy ___ Urethroscopy ___ Urethroscopy with removal calculus or foreign body Repair ___ Urethroplasty (plastic operation on urethra) Suture ___ Closure of urethral wound Manipulation ___ Dialation of urethral structure by passage of sound ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ PENIS Excision ___ Biopsy of penis ___ Amputation of penis ___ Amputation of penis radical with bilateral, no dissecton ___ Circumcision Repair ___ Plastic repair of penis for hypospadias ___ Injection of Peyronies Plague ___ Insert penile prosthesis ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ TESTES Excision ___ Biopsy of testes ___ Orchidectomy ___ Orchidectomy, radical or bilateral with retrooperitoneal lymph node dissection Repair ___ Reduction of Torsion the testes by surgical means ___ Orchidopexy ___ Other __________________________________ EPIDIDYMIS Incision ___ Drainage of abscess of epididymis Excision ___ Biopsy of epididymis ___ Excision of supermatocele ___ Epididymectomy Repair ___ Epididymovasostomy, anastomosis of epididymis to vas ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ TUNICA VAGINALIS Incision ___ Puncture aspiration of hydrocele ___ Excision of hydrocele ___ Excision of hydrocele with hernia repair ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ SCROTUM Incision ___ Drainage of scrotal abscess ___ Local excision of lesion of scrotum ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ VAS DEFERENS ___ Vasotomy division or transection of vas ___ Vasectomy ___ Vaso-vasostomy ___ Ligation of vas ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ SPERMATIC CORD ___ Excision of hydrocele of spermatic cord ___ Excision of varicocele ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ SEMINAL VESICLES ___ Vesiculotomy ___ Vesiculectomy ___ Other _______________________________________________________________ PROSTATE ___ Prostatotomy, external drainage of prostatic abscess ___ Biopsy of prostate ___ Prostatectomy, perineal ___ Prostatectomy, perineal ___ Prostatectomy, suprapubic ___ Prostatectomy, retropubic ___ Transurethral resection of prostate ___ Bilateral iliac lymph adenectomy to stage prostatic carcinoma Printed Name: ________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________