SCERT DATA DICTIONARY July 9, 2013 Engineering Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Revision History Date or Version Number Author Change Description 5/1/2012 Cary Frizzell Initial Draft 5/8/2012 Cary Frizzell Edited by PCWG 5/10/2012 Cary Frizzell Edited based on comments from TWG 8/7/2012 (Version 1.0) Cary Frizzell Approved by PCWG 1.1 Cary Frizzell Added field NonTransmission Cost Amount ($) and Project/Upgrade definitions 1.2 Cary Frizzell Added definitions for Expenditures Info and Status of Construction Phases 1.3 Cary Frizzell Removed Internal Escalation Rate field and language describing escalation for multi-year Projects; added field Project Status and language describing process of escalation for baseline estimates SCERT Instruction Manual Comments 1 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Table of Contents Revision History ...........................................................................................................................................1 SCERT Data Dictionary ..............................................................................................................................3 Overview ..........................................................................................................................................3 Identification Fields .........................................................................................................................3 Cost Estimate Fields ........................................................................................................................6 Line Assumptions ............................................................................................................................8 Station Assumptions ......................................................................................................................12 SCERT Instruction Manual 2 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. SCERT Data Dictionary Overview This document provides guidelines to Designated Transmission Owners (DTOs) for completing a Standardized Cost Estimate Reporting Template (SCERT). The SCERT was developed by the Project Cost Task Force (PCTF) and later adopted by the Project Cost Working Group (PCWG) as a Project tracking communication vehicle that will provide a consistent format among all cost estimates and facilitate SPP’s Project tracking process. Its utilization is described in SPP OATT Business Practice, 7060 Notification to Construct and Project Cost Estimating Processes Effective January 1, 2012 (NTC BP). Portions of the SCERT’s content were added by suggestion from the Design Best Practices and Performance Criteria Task Force who developed the Study Estimate Design Guide (SEDG). In the SEDG, scoping requirements are listed for the DTO to use when developing a Study Estimate for a Project. These requirements were incorporated into the SCERT. A Project is defined as a modification or addition to transmission-related facilities that (i) has one or more constituent Upgrades, (ii) functions as a unified whole, and (iii) is designed to satisfy a specific need identified through one of SPP’s planning processes. Every Project is assigned a unique identification number called a PID. An Upgrade is a discrete component of a Project. Multiple Upgrades are useful where it is desirable to separate portions of a Project by ownership, cost-allocation treatment, function, or another purpose. Every Upgrade is assigned a unique identification number called a UID. Each Project must include at least one UID. An individual SCERT must be completed for each Upgrade of a Project. Each estimate should include information that is known or assumed for that respective Upgrade only. The SCERT contains four sections of information to be populated: 1) Identification fields that define what is being done 2) Cost estimate amounts and financial data fields 3) Assumptions for transmission line work 4) Assumptions for station work Identification Fields Data fields that identify and categorize the Upgrade are populated by both SPP and the DTO. The following identification fields will be populated by SPP staff: Field Title SCERT Instruction Manual Description Example(s) 3 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Network Upgrade Name Title given to uniquely identify Upgrade; typically consists of bus name(s), voltage(s), and circuit number associated with Upgrade Project ID Identification number assigned to each Project (PID) Upgrade ID Identification number assigned to each Upgrade (UID) High Voltage Resulting nominal operating voltage of facility after the work associated with the Upgrade has been completed; for Upgrades involving substations with transformers, resulting nominal operating voltage of high voltage side of facility Low Voltage Resulting nominal operating voltage of low voltage side of facility (populated only for Upgrades involving substations with transformers) Project Estimate Stage The estimation stage that the Project is currently in, as defined in NTC BP (will be blank for Projects with a date of NTC issuance prior to January 1, 2012) Baseline Estimate (Y/N) Flag to indicate whether current estimate will be used as baseline to measure subsequent estimates Network Upgrade Description Brief description of the work being done as a part of the Upgrade provided by SPP Estimate Request Date Date SPP made request for estimate RTO Determined Need Date Date determined by SPP staff while evaluating the transmission needs in accordance with study processes under SPP OATT Estimate Provider (Company) The name (or abbreviation) of TO designated to construct Upgrade and providing estimate Project Status The current status of the Upgrade related to the expected in-service date and RTO Determined Need Date SCERT Instruction Manual Emerson - Taylor 345 kV Ckt 1 Study, NPE, CPE Construct 15 miles of new 345 kV line from Taylor to Emerson. Complete, Delay - Mitigation 4 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. The following identification fields will be populated by the DTO when completing an initial SCERT for an Upgrade, then updated when completing subsequent SCERTs: Field Title Description Estimate Creation Date Date the estimate is created by DTO (this field will be auto-populated with the current date once the estimate is submitted to SPP) Point of Contact Individual from DTO to be contacted if questions regarding the estimate arise Network Upgrade Scope Detailed description of work being done as a part of the Upgrade provided by DTO Estimate Provider Comments Additional comments provided by DTO to communicate miscellaneous information not listed elsewhere regarding Upgrade's status, cost assumptions, special considerations, etc. In-Service Date Date Upgrade is projected to be in service Mitigation Plan Required when In-Service Date is beyond RTO Determined Need Date; description of action plan to mitigate reliability need until Upgrade is in-service Network Upgrade Start Date Date work begins on Upgrade Network Upgrade Lead Time (Months) Number of months required to complete the Upgrade including Right-of-Way, engineering design, procurement and construction lead times Status of Construction Phases Indicates the status of the Upgrade related to each of the following construction phases: - Engineering/Design - Siting and Routing - Environmental Studies - Permits - Material Procurement - Construction Only one of the three status designations shall be selected for each phase: - Not Started SCERT Instruction Manual Example(s) Construct 15 miles of new 345 kV line from Taylor to Emerson. Replace 2 breakers at Taylor substation. 5 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. - In Progress Complete Not Applicable Network Upgrade In Service checkbox indicates whether or not the Network Upgrade has been energized and is in service Cost Estimate Fields All cost estimates should be provided to SPP in current year dollars based on the date in which they are submitted. SPP will escalate any cost estimate for an Upgrade that is considered a baseline estimate annually at the rate assumed in the source study that originated the need for the Upgrade. The new escalated baseline cost estimate will be used for comparison with any updated cost estimate submitted in the same calendar year to measure cost estimate variance. The following cost estimate fields will be populated by the DTO for each SCERT entry: Category Title Field Title Description Line Costs Engineering Labor Estimated cost of engineering and design labor for any portion of the Upgrade related to transmission line build, rebuild, or modification Line Costs Construction Labor Estimated construction labor cost for any portion of the Upgrade related to transmission line build, rebuild, or modification Line Costs Right-of-Way Estimated cost to obtain Right(s)-of-Way for any transmission line build, rebuild, or modification Line Costs Reactive Compensation (Labor & Materials) Estimated cost of labor and materials related to the transmission line to provide reactive compensation in accordance with the SEDG Material Estimated cost of materials for any portion of the Upgrade related to transmission line build, rebuild, or modification Line Costs SCERT Instruction Manual 6 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Station Costs Engineering Labor Estimated cost of engineering and design labor for any portion of the Upgrade related to substation build, expansion, or modification Station Costs Construction Labor Estimated construction labor cost for any portion of the Upgrade related to substation build, expansion, or modification Station Costs Right-of-Way Estimated cost to obtain Right(s)-of-Way for any substation build, expansion, or modification Station Costs Reactive Compensation (Labor & Materials) Estimated cost of labor and materials related to the substation to provide reactive compensation in accordance with the SEDG Station Costs Material Estimated cost of materials for any portion of the Upgrade related to substation build, expansion, or modification Line Sub-Total Total of all costs for any portion of the Upgrade related to transmission line build, rebuild, or modification (this field is auto-populated within SCERT to sum all costs from Line Costs section) Summary Info Station Sub-Total Total of all costs for any portion of the Upgrade related to substation build, expansion, or modification (this field is auto-populated within SCERT to sum all costs from Station Costs section) Summary Info AFUDC Estimated cost of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction Contingency Total of amount added to cost estimate to allow for items, conditions, or events for which the state, occurrence, or effect is uncertain and that experience shows will likely result, in aggregate, in additional costs Summary Info Total Network Upgrade Cost Estimate Total cost estimate of the work required to complete the Upgrade (this field is auto-populated within SCERT to sum Line Sub-Total, Station Sub-Total, AFUDC, and Contingency) Miscellaneous Cost Info CWIP (Y/N) Flag to indicate whether Construction Work in Progress accounting principle is being applied Summary Info Summary Info SCERT Instruction Manual 7 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Miscellaneous Cost Info Non-Transmission Cost Amount ($) Any costs associated with the project that do not flow through the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) Expenditures Info Expenditures To Date ($) Total amount spent on the Upgrade at the time of update Expenditures Info Contractually-binding Financial Commitments ($) Total amount of committed dollars; this includes materials ordered and services contracted, but NOT included in the above Expenditures To Date ($) amount Line Assumptions The Line Assumptions section should be populated if the Upgrade or a portion of the Upgrade involves a transmission line build, rebuild, or modification. All Line Assumption fields should be populated with what is known or assumed at the time the estimate is created. There may instances where work to more than one segment of transmission line is included in the scope of work for the Upgrade. The SCERT includes data fields for line assumptions for an additional segment, if needed. If only one segment is involved, the “Segment 2” fields should be left blank. If the scope of work for the Upgrade involves more than two segments of transmission line, SPP staff should be notified so that the Upgrades can be properly defined. The following Line Assumptions fields will be populated by the DTO for each SCERT entry: Category Title Field Title Description Number of Circuits Number of circuits in transmission line Line Length New Line (Miles) Number of miles of new transmission line to the system Line Length Reconductor/Rebuild (Miles) Number of miles of reconductored or rebuilt transmission line Line Length Voltage Conversion (Miles) Number of miles of transmission line undergoing a voltage conversion SCERT Instruction Manual Example(s) 15 8 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Termination Points To Bus Name Name of bus at “To” terminal point of transmission line Termination Points To Bus Number Number of bus at “To” terminal point of transmission line Termination Points From Bus Name Name of bus at “From” terminal point of transmission line Termination Points From Bus Number Number of bus at “From” terminal point of transmission line Conductor Type Type of conductor being used in Upgrade 1 Conductor ACSR Bittern Conductor Size (kcmil) Size of conductor being used in Upgrade in kcmil 1272 Conductor Voltage (kV) Voltage of conductor being used in Upgrade in kV 345 Conductor Ampacity Ampacity of conductor being used in Upgrade Conductor Emergency Rating (MVA) Emergency rating of conductor being used in Upgrade in MVA Conductor Number of Conductors per Phase Number of conductors per phase in transmission line of Upgrade Structure Configuration Configuration of the structures being built in Upgrade H-Frame Structure Foundation Type Foundation type of the structures being built in Upgrade Direct Embed Structure Material Material of the structures being built in Upgrade Steel SCERT Instruction Manual Emerson Taylor 9 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Structure NESC Assumptions Description of NESC Assumptions Structure Dead Ends (Qty) Expected number of dead ends needed for Upgrade Structure Tangents (Qty) Expected number of tangents needed for Upgrade Structure Storm Structures (Qty) Expected number of storm structures needed for Upgrade Structure Running Corners (Qty) Expected number of running corners needed for Upgrade Structure Underbuild (Y/N) Flag to indicate whether the transmission line construction includes underbuild Shield Wire Number Number of shield wires used in the transmission line Shield Wire Type Type(s) of shield wire used in the transmission line EHS and OPGW Shield Wire Size Size(s) of shield wire used in the transmission line 7/16" and 0.614 Width (ft) Width of Right-of-Way in feet required for transmission line corridor Right-of-Way Acquisition Description of what acquisitions are required for Right-of-Way for transmission line corridor Fifteen miles of new Rightof-Way to be purchased between Taylor and Emerson Right-of-Way Clearing Requirements Description of required vegetation management in transmission line Right-of-Way Percentage of Right-of-Way requiring tree clearance is 10% Weather Loading Description of weather loading design assumed in estimate; weather loading considerations discussed on page 5 of SEDG Extreme Wind (20.9 psf, 60 F); Extreme Ice (1.25" radial, 15 F, 6 psf) Right-of-Way Design Criteria SCERT Instruction Manual Heavy 10 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Design Criteria Live Line Maintenance Flag to indicate whether line design will be capable of live line maintenance Design Criteria Unbalanced Structural Loads Description of unbalanced structural loads considered in estimate; unbalanced load considerations discussed on page 5 of SEDG Broken conductors on storm structures Permitting Traffic Control Requirements Description of traffic control requirements for transmission line corridor KDOT Traffic Control Regulations Permitting FAA Requirements Description of FAA requirements for transmission line corridor Environmental Study Requirements Description of environmental studies being conducted for Upgrade Environmental Wetland Requirements/Mitigation Description of wetland requirements and mitigation plans Environmental Threatened and Endangered Species Mitigation Description of threatened and endangered species evaluation and mitigation plans Environmental Cultural/Historical Resource Requirements Description of cultural and/or historical resource requirements and mitigation plans Type of Terrain Description of general terrain type of transmission line corridor Switch Requirements Description of switch requirements for transmission line Legal Requirements Description of legal requirements for Upgrade CCN, state siting permit Geotechnical Assumptions Description of geotechnical assumptions for Upgrade Clay, limestone at 5-15 ft Special Material Requirements Description of special material requirements for Upgrade Preliminary Line Route (Rough location when practical) Known or assumed route of transmission line SCERT Instruction Manual Environmental Assessment (EA) for BIA lands Rural, rolling hills Taylor due east 15 miles to Emerson 11 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Access Road Requirements Description of access road requirements for transmission line corridor Generally travel down the Right-of-Way Distribution/Joint Use Requirements Description of distribution/joint use requirements for Upgrade Maintain clearance over distribution crossings Station Assumptions The Station Assumptions section should be populated if the Upgrade or a portion of the Upgrade involves a substation build, expansion, or modification. All Station Assumption fields should be populated with what is known or assumed at the time the estimate is created. The SCERT contains data entry points for two substations in an Upgrade. In addition, the substations involved in the Upgrade may contain transformers, in which case the work could occur in any or all of potentially three sides of each substation based on voltage. As such, the SCERT contains data entry points for the high, low, and tertiary sides of each substation for each data field. For substations that do not contain transformers, all “High Side” data fields should be used to populate. The following Station Assumptions fields will be populated by the DTO for each SCERT entry: Category Title Field Title Description Voltage (kV) Voltage level in kV of applicable side of substation Location Bus Name Name of bus at applicable side of substation Location Bus Number Number of bus at applicable side of substation Transformers Quantity Number of new or replacement transformers at substation Transformers Voltage (High kV/Low kV/Tertiary kV) Voltage levels in kV of new or replacement transformers at substation Transformers Rating (MVA) Maximum rating of transformers at substation in MVA Breaker Scheme Quantity Expected number of new or replacement breakers or circuit interrupting devices Breaker Scheme Configuration Breaker configuration of new or replacement breakers SCERT Instruction Manual Example(s) Ring bus 12 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Breaker Scheme Ampacity Ampacity of new or replacement breakers or circuit interrupting devices (minimum level if multiple ampacities exist) Breaker Scheme Interrupting Capacity Rating (kA) Interrupting capacity rating in kA of new or replacement breakers (minimum level if multiple ratings exist) Wave Traps Quantity Expected number of new or replacement wave traps Wave Traps Ampacity Ampacity of new or replacement wave traps Switches Quantity Expected number of new or replacement switches Switches Ampacity Ampacity of new or replacement switches Stand Alone CTs Quantity Expected number of new or replacement stand alone CTs Stand Alone CTs Ampacity Ampacity of new or replacement stand alone CTs PTs Quantity Expected number of new or replacement PTs PTs Voltage (kV) Voltage level in kV of new or replacement PTs CCVTs Quantity Expected number of new or replacement CCVTs CCVTs Voltage (kV) Voltage level in kV of new or replacement CCVTs Capacitors Quantity Expected number of new or replacement capacitors Capacitors Size (MVAR) Size in MVARs of new or replacement capacitors Reactors Quantity Expected number of new or replacement reactors Reactors Size (MVAR) Size in MVARs of new or replacement reactors Control Panels Quantity Expected number of new or replacement control panels Control Panels Voltage (kV) Voltage in kV of new or replacement control panels SCERT Instruction Manual 13 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Environmental Study Requirements Description of environmental studies being conducted for Upgrade Environmental Wetland Requirements/Mitigation Description of wetland requirements and mitigation plans Environmental Threatened and Endangered Species Mitigation Description of threatened and endangered species evaluation and mitigation plans Environmental Cultural/Historical Resource Requirements Description of cultural and/or historical resource requirements and mitigation plans BIL Rating (kV Crest) BIL rating measured by kV Crest of substation insulators, power transformer bushings, potential transformer bushings, current transformer bushings, and power PTs Required Substation Property/Fence Expansions Description of any required substation property and/or fence expansion activities to complete Upgrade The Waldo substation site will require land purchase for site expansion to accommodate the 345kV bus upgrade work. SCADA Requirements Description of any SCADA requirements to complete Upgrade New RTU required in 345 kV control center at Waldo substation. Mobile Substation Requirements Description of any mobile substation requirements to complete Upgrade During the cutover of the distribution station Control Enclosure Expansions Description of any control enclosure expansions required to complete Upgrade New equipment enclosure required. Fiber Optic Requirements Description of any fiber optic requirements to complete Upgrade OPGW along with ADSS will be required at all installations Remote End Requirements Description of any remote end requirements to complete Upgrade Relay upgrades may be required at the remote line end terminals. Metering Requirements Description of any metering requirements to complete Upgrade New extended range metering CT's are required to meet the 3000A minimum requirement. SCERT Instruction Manual Environmental Assessment (EA) for BIA lands 14 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Contamination Requirements Description of any contamination requirements to complete Upgrade Oil containment Unusual Site Prep Requirements Description of any unusual site prep requirements to complete Upgrade Extensive site prep/landscaping will likely be required as a condition of the Conditional Use Permit. SCERT Instruction Manual 15