2015 Worksheet for Calculating Closure and Post-closure Cost Estimates All site data necessary to calculate estimates of closure and post-closure costs can be gathered by completing table H.1. Data from Table H.1 should be inserted into Tables H.2 and I.1 to complete calculations. Table H.1 Site Data Facility Name: Permit Number: Description Quantity Total Permitted Area acres Active Portion Composite Lined acres Soil Lined acres Area of Largest Cell/Phase Requiring Final Cap Composite Lined acres Soil Lined acres Perimeter Fencing linear feet Groundwater Monitoring VLF Wells Methane Gas Probes VLF Terraces linear feet Letdown channels linear feet Perimeter drainage ditches linear feet Average Daily Flow tons/day Landfill Disposal Cost $/ton VLF = Vertical linear feet. The sum of the depths of all monitoring wells. Units Table H.2 Closure Cost Estimate Facility Name: Permit Number: Task/Service 1 Preliminary Site Work a Conduct Site Evaluation b Dispose Final Wastes Average Daily Flow Disposal Cost Quantity Units Multipliera 1 Lump sum 1 c tons/day tons/day 5 d Unit Costb $3,481.71 e Subtotal $3,481.71 c Remove Temporary Building(s) d Remove Equipment e Repair/Replace Perimeter Fencing f Clean Leachate Line(s) 2 Monitoring Equipment a Rework/Replace Monitoring Well(s) b Plug Abandoned Monitoring Well(s) c Rework/Replace Methane Probe(s) d Plug Abandoned Methane Probe(s) e Rework/Replace Remediation and/or Gas Control Equipment 3 Construction a Complete Site Grading to include on- and off-site borrow areas b Construct Final Cap Compacted On-site Clay Cap or Compacted Off-site Clay Cap or Install Geosynthetic Clay Liner Cap c Construct Landfill Gas Venting Layer Place Sand or Install Net and Geotextile d Install Passive Landfill Gas Vents e Install Flexible Membrane Liner f Drainage Layer Place Sand or Install Net and Geonet 1 lump sum 1 $3,192.74 $3,192.74 1 lump sum linear feet 1 0.25 $2,606.22 $3.42 $2,606.22 1 lump sum 1 $1,576.97 $1,576.97 VLF 0.25 $73.22 VLF 0.25 $29.31 VLF 0.25 $63.23 VLF 0.25 $23.10 lump sum 0.05 acres 1 $1,380.41 cubic yards 1 $4.96 cubic yards 1 $8.05 square feet 1 $0.51 acres square feet 1 1 $36,910.77 $0.37 acres 1 $884.23 square feet 1 $0.40 acres square feet 1 1 $36,910.77 $0.37 1 f g Place On-site Topsoil Place Off-site Topsoil h Establish vegetative cover, including onand off-site borrow areas 4 Drainage/erosion control a Construct Terraces b Construct Letdown Channels c Clean Perimeter Drainage Ditches 5 Tasks Not Identified 6 Subtotal 7 Administrative Services 8 Technical and Professional Services 9 Closure Contingency 10 Total Final Closure a cubic yards 1 $2.13 cubic yards 1 $17.04 acres 1 $523.86 linear feet linear feet 1 1 $8.93 $8.38 linear feet 0.50 $6.80 1 lump sum 0.10 g 1 lump sum 0.12 g 1 lump sum 0.10 g h Multipliers are determined from the Solid Waste Financial Assurance Program Report, December 22, 2000. Unit costs include a 1.44% inflationary adjustment for 2015. c New facilities: Insert the value for “W” in OAC 252:515-27-8(a)(2). Existing facilities: Insert reported annual tonnage for the previous year, divided by 312 operating days per year (52 weeks per year x 6 operating days per week). d Insert number of tons/day from above. e Insert landfill disposal cost per ton of waste ($/ton). f Input capital cost for gas control/remediation equipment, if installed at the site. g Input subtotal from line 6. h Add rows 6 through 9. b Table I.1 Post-closure Cost Estimate Facility Name: Permit Number: Task/Service 1 Site maintenance a Site Inspections b General Maintenance Quantity Units 4 per year Multipliera Unit Costb 30 $76,003.31 $633.36 8 30 1 per year $20,267.55 $56,965.66 $1,898.56 8 c Remediation and/or Gas Control Equipment 2 Monitoring equipment a Rework/Replace Monitoring Well(s) b Plug Abandoned Monitoring Well(s) c Final Plugging of Monitoring Wells d Rework/Replace Methane Probe(s) e Plug Abandoned Methane Probe(s) f Final Plugging of Methane Probes g Final Plugging of Piezometer(s) 3 Sampling and analysis a Groundwater Monitoring Wells 1 $15,190.84 lump sum 0.3c d VLF 0.25 $73.70 VLF 0.25 $29.31 VLF 1 $29.31 VLF 0.25 $63.23 VLF 0.25 $23.10 VLF 1 $23.10 VLF 1 $23.10 60 $682.94 e wells 16 b Methane Gas Probes c Surface Water Monitoring Points d Leachate 4 Final cover maintenance a Mow and Fertilize Vegetative Cover $168.56 probes points 60 60 $44.31 $82.31 sample 60 $132.62 30 acres Subtotal $209.52 b Repair Erosion, Settlement, and Subsidence for Onsite Soils Repair Erosion, Settlement, and Subsidence for Offsite Soils c Reseed Vegetative Cover 5 Leachate management a Clean Leachate Line(s) b Maintain Leachate Collection System and Equipment c Collect, Treat, Transport, and Dispose of Leachate 6 Tasks not identified 7 Subtotal 7 Administrative Services 8 Technical and Professional Services 9 Post-closure Contingency 10 Total Post-closure a 8 30 acres $3.03 8 30 acres $18.17 8 acres 0.20 $523.85 1 per year 30 (30 yrs) $1,624.12 $48,723.46 1 per year 30 (30 yrs) $2,523.13 $75,693.82 gal/yr 30 1 lump sum 0.06 f 1 lump sum 0.07 f 1 lump sum 0.10 f $0.32 g Multipliers are determined from the Solid Waste Financial Assurance Program Report, December 22, 2000. Unit costs include a 1.44% inflationary adjustment for 2015. c 5% of equipment capital cost, maintenance performed once per 5 yrs for 30 years. d Input capital cost for gas control/remediation equipment, if installed at the site. e If the approved groundwater monitoring plan requires monitoring for alternative constituents, unit costs shall be calculated in accordance with OAC 252:515-27-52(b) or (c). f Input subtotal from line 7. g Add lines 7 through 10. b