Maplewood Elementary

Maplewood Elementary
Title 1 School
School Advisory Council
September 8, 2015
Welcome: Mrs. Bretz called the meeting to order at 2:25 p.m. in the Media Center at
Maplewood Elementary School. Members introduced themselves:
Sherry Bees – Prinicpal, Erika Bretz – Teacher/SAC Co-Chair, Alan Jablonowitz –
Teacher/SAC Co-Chair, Anthony Johnson – Non-Instructional, Krista Marin – Teacher,
Dina Materdomini – Parent/ESOL Representative, Camille Orr – Title One
Representative, Lou Rodriguez – Parent/Innovation Zone, Beckie Schwartz – ESE
Parent Representative, Sarah Shanley – Parent, and Brandt Shuler – Community
Representative (not present).
Approval of Minutes: The 6/1/15 meeting notes were distributed and reviewed. There
were no questions or changes. Mr. Jablonowitz motioned to accept them as presented.
Mrs. Materdomini seconded the motion. All in favor indicated with “Yea.” There were no
objections or abstentions.
SAC Secretary Election for 2015/2016 Year: – In response to Ms. Marin’s request to
resign her position as SAC Secretary, Ms. Bretz nominated Mrs. Shanley to serve as SAC
Secretary for the 2015/2016 school year. Mr. Jablonowitz seconded the motion. Mrs.
Shanley accepted the nomination. All in favor indicated with “Yea.” There were no
objections or abstentions.
SAC 2015/2016 Meeting Calendar: – Ms. Bretz presented a list of proposed Monday
meeting dates. After some discussion, Mrs. Shanley motioned that the following SAC
meeting schedule be approved for the 2015/2016 year. Mr. Jablonowitz seconded the
motion. Mr. Jablonowitz seconded the motion. All in favor indicated with “Yea.” There
were no objections or abstentions.
Monday, October 12th, 2015 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, November 9th, 2015 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, December 14th, 2015 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, January 11th, 2016 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, February 8th, 2016 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, March 7th, 2016 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, April 11th, 2016 at 2:15 p.m.
Monday, May 9th, 2016 at 2:15 p.m.
SAC Funds Request: The Team Leaders for the 1st-4th Grades requested $1,065.91 for
Scholastic News materials for the 2015/2016 year. Mrs. Shanley reported that, according
to Mrs. Zaslow, SAC received $3,673 for this year. There was a remaining amount of
$284.92 in uncommitted SAC funds from last year, which makes total current available
funds of $3,957.92. After a brief discussion, Ms. Marin motioned to approve the funds
request for $1,065.91 and Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All in favor indicated with
“Yea.” (Bees, Bretz, Jablonowitz, Johnson, Marin, Materdomini, Rodriguez, Schwartz,
Shanley). There were no objections or abstentions. This would leave SAC a funds
available balance of $2,892.01.
Principal’s Report: Mrs. Bees reported that Maplewood met and exceeded target
enrollment by 50 students, and they had to close reassignment applications over the
summer. She was able to add two teacher “growth” positions because of the enrollment
numbers. Pre-k to 3rd Grade will have their Open House Wednesday, September 9th and
the 4th/5th Grade Open House went well. Channel 7 showcased Maplewood as one of the
schools switching from STEM to STEAM, to integrate Art into STEM. A benefit of
being a Title One school is that the District funded I-Ready for this year and this
diagnostic tool helps pinpoint specific data on each child’s reading and math skills.
Maplewood has welcomed special guests including the Chief Academic Officer, a state
education representative and the Principal Cadre. Update on the $100,000 SMART
Bond Initiative: the main area that stakeholders felt needed improvement was the
Primary playground. In addition, the stage area needs to be updated with a new sound
system and tile. SAC endorsed that these be included in the proposal for the use of
Maplewood’s Bond funds. FPL has installed a solar-power array to provide energy for one
of our outside classrooms. Maplewood also welcomes two new specials teachers: Ashley
Vassal for Art and Naraj Suri for STEM/STEAM. Both will also be offering afterschool
clubs. Mrs. Bees responded to a question about the lack of Spanish as a special and
explained that we would gladly offer that if we were to receive funding.
Title One Report: Ms. Orr shared the importance of our annual Parental Involvement
Plan for Maplewood. The SAC Committee discussed all the various opportunities to
invite and include parents, including: PTO, SAC, room parents, field trips, field day
Olympics, Peace-Love-Pride Day, STEM Fair, Meet The Masters, Bingo Night, academic
nights, Fall Parade, Book Fairs, Holiday Shop, 5th Grade Parents, Muffins With Mom,
Donuts With Dad, grandparents breakfast, and IEP Parent Training.
Innovation Zone Report: Tabled. The first meeting with principals will be this Friday.
SAF Report: Tabled.
Old Business: ESE Parent Representative, Beckie Schwartz, has volunteered to hold an
“Understanding How To Read An IEP” workshop. She is willing to conduct one in the
morning and one in the evening, early in the year, possibly with one in conjunction with
the Title One Parent Night.
New Business: Available SAC Funds remaining for 2015/2016 are $2,892.01. We are in need
of a Gifted, Pre-k and General Parent Representatives for SAC. Mrs. Bretz will lead the
nomination and election process within the Parent peer groups.
Adjournment: Ms. Bretz motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Jablonowitz seconded
the motion. All in favor indicated with “Yea.” There were no objections. Meeting
adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
In Attendance:
Sherry Bees
Erika Bretz
Alan Jablonowitz
Anthony Johnson
Krista Marin
Dina Materdomini
Lou Rodriguez
Beckie Schwartz
Sarah Shanley
Brandt Shuler
Camille Orr
Anita Catalano