Total Body Photography Every year more than 10,500 people in Australia develop melanoma. When detected and diagnosed early, melanoma is readily cured surgically. Total Body Photography (TBP) is an important tool for the early detection of melanoma and skin cancer in high risk patients. Leading medical centres and dermatologists worldwide employ TBP to aid in the early detection of melanoma. TBP is recommended for the optimum skin surveillance of high risk patient groups: • personal history melanoma • family history melanoma • personal history multiple dysplastic (abnormal) moles • family history multiple dysplastic (abnormal) moles • multiple ( > 50 ) moles • those developing new moles • history of multiple non melanotic skin cancers • taking immunosuppressant therapy for various conditions TBP is one of the best ways to document the clinical appearance of your moles as a baseline resource for future self reference and review by your physician. We perform TBP using the Canfield Inc IntelliStudio™ system. A portfolio of X 25 standardised pose high resolution digital SLR camera images is recorded which help you and your physician monitor changes in existing moles and detect new moles to aid in the screening for melanoma into the future. TBP is conducted with patients wearing neutral coloured plain underwear. A modesty gown and sheet are provided for patient’s comfort. Our female clinical photographer is happy for patients to be accompanied by their own chaperone / companion. Your supplied interactive BODY MAP VIEWER CD provides a high resolution zoom enabled self reference atlas against which to perform future comparison skin self examinations. TBP does not require to be performed annually. One TBP session provides a baseline portfolio atlas of standardised photos. The appearance of your moles can be compared at any time into the future with your baseline photos during your monthly self-examination and during regular follow-up visits with your physician. This form of screening can reveal subtle changes in moles that may be indicative of melanoma in its earliest and most curable phase. TBP may also prevent unnecessary biopsies of moles that have not changed when compared to the baseline photos. TBP Packages: Package No. 1 - $132.00 TBP session with interactive Body Map Viewer CD atlas Contains your digital TBP images in a password-protected stand alone Body Map Viewer application providing easy navigation and magnification for detailed review of your total body photos. At no extra cost a second Body Map Viewer CD is supplied for use by your regular physician. Package No. 2 - $110.00 Patient of practice supplement to full skin examination TBD session with interactive Body Map Viewer CD atlas At no extra cost a second Body Map Viewer CD is supplied for use by your regular physician. We will provide you with instructions for the most effective use of your print album and CD. Prices shown above include any postage charges which may be incurred. We request payment at the time services are rendered and accept VISA, MasterCard and cash. We regret that personal cheques are not accepted. MEDICARE does NOT reimburse Total Body Photography fees. TBP is usually a ONCE IN A LIFETIME investment in your health. TBP need only be repeated should if your body undergoes significant changes: such as growing to adulthood, pregnancy, extreme weight change, or the development many new moles. Please phone 07 5438 8889 to schedule a Total Body Photography (40 mins) session. SKIN SURVEILLANCE Patient CONSENT for total body photography Total Body Photography is conducted with patients wearing neutral coloured plain underwear. A modesty gown and sheet are provided for patient’s comfort. Our female clinical photographer is happy for patients to be accompanied by their own chaperone / companion. Patients may have skin lesions in areas covered by their underwear which are not readily evident to the clinical photographer. Patients should make the clinical photographer aware of such lesions which may then be photographed. Should patients NOT wish these lesions to be photographed Skin Surveillance shall accept no clinical responsibility for their management. Please indicate below your intention on these particular concealed lesions. Consent: I have been informed fully to my satisfaction about the process of digital clinical photography including areas concealed by my underwear and consent to Skin Surveillance staff performing such clinical photography as considered appropriate. Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Date of birth:………………………………………………….. Witness:............................................................................................................................................. Proviso on concealed lesions: I am aware / unaware of skin lesions situated in body areas concealed by my underwear and do not consent to clinical photography of these particular lesions. I accept that in this circumstance I hold full responsibility for any clinical outcome which these concealed lesions may proceed to. I declare that I do not and shall not hold Skin Surveillance and its staff responsible in any manner whatsoever for the clinical outcome which these concealed lesions may proceed to. Acknowledgement diagnosis accuracy limitations : It has been satisfactorily explained to me and I accept that total body photography is an aid to the diagnosis of skin cancer with the production of a management tool atlas and not a diagnostic procedure. Witness:.............................................................................................................................................