How to make a complaint

Who can help?
Making a complaint can be daunting, but help is available.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Officers from the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) are
available in all hospitals. They offer confidential advice, support and
information on health-related matters to patients, their families and their
carers. The contact number for this service is 0113 2067168 or 0113
Independent Complaints Advocacy
The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) is a national
service that supports people who wish to make a complaint about their
NHS care or treatment. Contact your local ICAS office through the
hospital manager or PALS.
Arthington Medical Centre
5 Moor Road
LS10 2JJ
Tel: 0113 3852180
Fax 0113 2700927
Citizens Advice Bureau
Your local Citizens Advice Bureau is also a source of advice and support
if you want to complain about the NHS, social services or local
authorities. You can find your local Citizens Advice Bureau on its
Reviewed May 2015 by ES no changes made
What are my rights?
If you're not happy with the care or treatment you've received or you've
been refused treatment for a condition, you have the right to complain,
have your complaint investigated, and be given a full and prompt reply.
The NHS Constitution explains your rights when it comes to making a
complaint. You have the right to:
have your complaint dealt with efficiently, and properly
know the outcome of any investigation into your complaint,
take your complaint to the independent Parliamentary and Health
Service Ombudsman if you're not satisfied with the way the NHS
has dealt with your complaint,
make a claim for judicial review if you think you've been directly
affected by an unlawful act or decision of an NHS body, and
receive compensation if you've been harmed.
Who should I complain to?
Liz Scott Practice Manager Job Share or Julie Wilson Practice Manager
Job Share or you can complain to NHS England that commissioned the
service (contact details in practice leaflet)
Where do I start?
Since April 2009, the NHS has run a simple complaints process, which
has two stages.
1. Your first step is normally to raise the matter (in writing or by
speaking) with the practitioner, e.g. the nurse or doctor concerned,
or with the Practice Manager. This is called local resolution, and
most cases are resolved at this stage.
2. If you're still unhappy, you can refer the matter to the
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, who is
independent of the NHS and government. Call 0345 015 4033
What happens next?
When should I complain?
As soon as possible. Complaints should normally be made within 12
months of the date of the event that you're complaining about, or as soon
as the matter first came to your attention.
The time limit can sometimes be extended (so long as it's still possible to
investigate the complaint). An extension might be possible, such as in
situations where it would have been difficult for you to complain earlier,
for example, when you were grieving or undergoing trauma.
1. When a complaint is made directly to the practice the practice will
deal with the complaint swiftly and effectively.
2. The practice will acknowledge receipt of the complaint either in
writing or by telephone within 3 days of receiving it.
3. The complaint will be investigated
4. At the end of the investigation a meeting will be arranged for the
patient to discuss the complaint with the investigator in order to
establish what the complainant expects the outcome of the
complaint to be, and to let them know whether this is realistic