FAIR CT96-1778 The Management of High seas Fisheries Partner: Fisheries Research Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland Estimation of Growth Functions for the Norwegian Spring-Spawning Herring* by Sveinn Agnarsson M-3.99 This document does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission of the European Communities and in no case anticipates the Commission’s position in this domain. * Acknowledgements: This document has been produced as a part of the European Commission research project: FAIR-CT-1778. Participants in this project are: The Foundation for Research in Economics and Business Administration and Centre for Fisheries Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway; Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland; Fisheries Research Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. The financial support of the European Commission FAIR programme is hereby gratefully acknowledged. 1. Growth functions The exploitation of biological resources can be described by a differential equation of the form (1) dx x F ( x) h(t ) dt where x = x(t) denotes the size of the resource population at time t, F(x) represents the natural growth rate of the population and h(t) is the harvesting rate. From (1) it is obvious that the population level will decline whenever the harvesting rate exceeds the growth rate and visa verse. It is often assumed that both the birth rate, b, and mortality rate, m, are proportional to the population size. The differential equation in (1) can then be rewritten as (2) dx bx mx rx dt where r = (b - m) stands for the net proportional growth rate of the population. Environmental limitations may, however, force the growth rate to decline as the population becomes larger. Thus, r may be a function of the population size, r = r(x). The proportional growth rate of x can then be written as (3) r ( x) F ( x) . x This model describes a process of feedback, or compensation, when r(x) is a decreasing function of x. A useful and much used definition of r(x) is the logistic equation (4) dx 1 rx (1 x) F ( x) dt K 2 where r, assumed positive, is called the intrinsic growth rate, since the proportional growth rate for small x approximately equals r, and the positive constant K is referred to as the environmental carrying capacity or saturation level. Rewriting (4) and assuming a linear harvesting function, i.e. h(t) = y, we have (5) x y rx (1 1 x) K A more general version of (5) can be written in discrete form as (6) ( x t x t 1 ) y t rx t 1 (1 1 x t 1 ) K which collapses to the logistic curve in (4) when =1. 2. Data The data used here is for the Norwegian spring-spawning herring from 1950 to 1995. During this period the size of the stock varied greatly. It peaked at 11.5 million tons in 1951 but in the 16 years following 1956 the stock showed an almost uninterrupted decline, finally shrinking to 4.2 thousand tons in 1972, at which time the Norwegian spring-spawning herring was at the brink of extinction. The spawning stock remained very low until the mid 1980’s when the herring stock began to increase again and measured 5 million tons in 1995, almost half of it’s size in 1951. The bulk of the spring-spawning herring was traditionally caught by Norwegian boats, but the 1950’s witnessed a drastic increase in the landings by Russian boats. Iceland and the Faroe Islands have also been engaged in the fishing, as well as EU-countries. 3 Figure 1. Development of the spawning stock and total landings of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring 1950-1995 (thousand tons). spawning stock landings 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 3. Results The growth function described in (6) was estimated using both linear and non-linear techniques. The estimated equation was (7) ( xt xt 1 ) y t 1 xt 1 2 xt1 where 1 equals r in (6) and 2 equals r . Consequently, K can be expressed as 1 . K 2 Equation (7) was first estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS) but as tests indicated the presence of hetereoskedasticity - the White test statistic was 18.18 - equation (7) was reestimated using the White heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimator (OLS in Table 1). This estimator provides correct estimates of the coefficient covariances in the presence of heteroskedasticity of unknown form. The estimated intrinsic value was -0.00005 and estimated carrying capacity was 9.2 million tons. Using OLS may lead to simultaneity bias, since we have lagged values of the herring stock on both sides of equation (7). Further, the estimates of herring stock may be subject to measurement error. Thus, (7) was also estimated using the method of instrumental variables (IV) with two different sets of instruments, lagged values of the annual catch (IV-1 in Table 4 1) and second lags of the herring stock (IV-2). The carrying capacity in the former case is estimated at 12.9 million tons and 8.1 million tons in the latter. Note, however, that the IV-2 estimate appears to be plagued by autocorrelation since the Q statistic for serial correlation is highly significant. Finally, equation (7) was also estimated as a first-order autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity process (ARCH). The length of the process was determined by ARCH tests on the OLS version of (7). The intrinsic value is now -0.00005 and the carrying capacity 7.3 million tons. However, the ARCH model appears to still suffer from serial correlation. All the methods used to estimate (7) reveal that the residuals from each estimate are nonnormal; the Jarque-Bera test consistently yields a high statistic. This is quite serious, since all the tests undertaken on the residuals are based on the normality assumption. However, the assumption of normal residuals can not be rejected at the 1% level when the ARCH process is used, leading us to prefer that model to the others. Table 1. Estimates of logistic curves (equation (7)) for the Norwegian spring spawning herring. Standard errors in parenthesis. __________________________________________________________ 1 2 K OLS 0.4709 ** (0.1674) -0.00005 * (0.00003) 2 9216 IV-1 0.2991 ** (0.237) -0.0000 * (0.0000) 2 12892 IV-2 ARCH(0,1) 0.4855 ** 0.4630 ** (0.1556) (0.0714) -0.0001 ** -0.0001 ** (0.0000) (0.0000) 2 2 8118 5571 logL -376.879 -358.881 2 0.163 0.073 0.296 -0.095 R Jarque-Beraa 19.109 ** 31.341 ** 20.736 ** 4.736 Q 1.147 0.150 12.783 ** 9.230 ** White 34.211 ** 7.885 ARCH1 5.376 ** 2.256 0.729 0.282 __________________________________________________________ logL denotes the value of the log likelihood function, R2 the adjusted R2, Jarque-Bera the Jarqua-Bera test for normally distributed residuals (2-distributed with 2 degrees of freedom), Q is the Ljung-Box test for first order serial correlation (2-distributed with 1 degree of freedom), White the White test for heteroskedasticity (2-distributed with 4 degrees of freedom) and ARCH1 is the Lagrange multiplier test for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity ( 2-distributed with 1 degree of freedom). 5 ** and * denote significance at the 1% and 5% levels respectively. The growth equation in (7) can also be expressed in a slightly different manner by dividing through both sides by xt-1. This variant therefore takes the form ( xt xt 1 ) yt 1 2 xt1 xt 1 (8) where is expected to take on a value of unity or greater. Results from estimating this equation are rather different from that obtained earlier (see Table 2). Although all three models appear to be free from autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity, the residuals are still not normally distributed, in fact the JarqueBera test statistics are much higher than in the previous cases. The estimated carrying capacity is between 6,275 and 7,425 million tons, which is somewhat higher than was obtained from the ARCH model above. Table 2. Estimates of logistic curves (equation (8)) for the Norwegian spring spawning herring. Standard errors in parenthesis. _______________________________________________ 1 2 K OLS IV-1 0.9801 ** 1.1357 (0.3562) (0.4887) -0.0001 -0.0002 (0.0001) (0.0001) 1 1 7425 6275 * IV-2 1.0400 (0.3746) -0.0002 (0.0001) 1 ** 6667 logL -86.250 0.038 0.029 0.040 R2 Jarque-Beraa1911.457 ** 1616.251 ** 1717.047 ** Q 0.009 0.002 0.001 White 1.981 2.062 1.945 ARCH1 0.024 0.019 0.023 ______________________________________________ logL denotes the value of the log likelihood function, R2 the adjusted R2, Jarque-Bera the Jarqua-Bera test for normally distributed residuals (2-distributed with 2 degrees of freedom), Q is the Ljung-Box test for first order serial correlation (2-distributed with 1 degree of freedom), White the White test for heteroskedasticity (2-distributed with 4 degrees of freedom) and ARCH is the Lagrange multiplier test for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity ( 2-distributed with 1 degree of freedom). 6 ** and * denote significance at the 1% and 5% levels respectively. Neither the estimates of equation (7) nor (8), presented in Tables 1 and 2, are valid statistical descriptions of the data generating process. However, they may be acceptable for forecasting purposes. Since we would prefer to base our forecasts on a model with a simple error structure, we have chosen the OLS model without correction for heteroskedasticity. Heteroskedasticity only affects the standard errors but not the parameter estimates themselves so that the parameter estimates of the model are the same as those reported for OLS in Table 1. Figure 2. Recursive residuals from an OLS estimate of equation 7. 8000 4000 0 -4000 -8000 55 60 65 70 75 Recursive Residuals 80 85 90 95 ± 2 S.E. As is evident from Figure 2, the parameter estimates have been reasonably stable throughout our period of study, although the results show that the estimates were wide of the mark in 1988 when the herring spawning stock increased from 1.2 to 4.0 7 million tons. The parameter estimates appear also to have been quite shaky in the following years. 4. Conclusion In this paper we have estimated logistic growth functions for the Norwegian springspawning herring, assuming both that the growth function was liner and non-linear. Neither model yielded satisfactory results, with statistical tests always showing that the error term was not normally distributed. In only one case, the ARCH model of the non-linear equation, could the theory of normal residuals not be rejected, and then only at the 1% level. Bearing in mind the poor statistical properties of these models estimated here, it may appear heroic to use these models for any meaningful purposes. However, we believe that a simple model, such as the OLS estimates of equation (7), can be used for forecasting. 8 References Clark, C.W. (1990): Mathematical Bioeconomics: The Optimal Management of Renewable Sources. John Wiley & Sons, New York. White, K. J. (1993): Shazam User’s Reference Manual. McGraw-Hill, New York. 9