Course/Rotation Title: PULMONARY MEDICINE Date of Last Review/Update: 3/07 Course/Rotation Director: Daniel Doyle, MD Location of clinical encounters Inpatient % time = 25% (Check all that apply) [X] Wards [ ] ICU [X] ED [ ] Other (please specify) Outpatient% time = 75% (Check all that apply) [X] Clinic [ ] Home [X] Other (please specify): Sleep lab, PFT lab Course/Rotation description with educational purpose/value The goal of this rotation is to prepare future general internists with the skills and knowledge to appropriately evaluate, treat, and refer in a timely fashion patients with pulmonary illnesses. Residents should review all appropriate policies within the curriculum which may apply to this rotation. Types of Clinical Encounters: (PLEASE SPECIFY) Assessment of office patients in TB clinic Outpatient consults & follow up Inpatient consults & follow up Sleep evaluations & follow up Types of Patients: (PLEASE SPECIFY) [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] Adults of all ages Male Female Children < 18 years old Other (please specify) Mix of Diseases: (PLEASE SPECIFY ANY ADDITIONAL DISEASES Approach to evaluation and management of acute and chronic respiratory disorders including: o asthma, o smoking related pulmonary illness, 1 o o o o o o respiratory tract infections, deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolus, sleep apnea and hypoventilation syndromes, interstitial lung disorders, lung cancers and pulmonary nodules, lung disease in the immunosuppressed patient tuberculosis. Types of Procedures: (PLEASE SPECIFY): Diagnositic thoracentesis Bronchoscopy Sleep Studies PFTs Induced Sputum Describe the level of supervision by faculty: [X] [X] [X] Attending staff will supervise and precept all patient care activity directly or indirectly. Attending staff will provide mid rotation feedback Attending staff will provide end-of-rotation feedback Competency Based Objectives/Expectations. Please see Roman Numeral II with additional items specific to this rotation as below: Patient Care: Learn how to perform an effective subspecialty pulmonary consultation. Apply essentials of respiratory function testing, including spirometry, arterial blood gas analysis, pleural fluid analysis, and sleep study analysis to the care of patients with acute and chronic pulmonary illness. Be able to explain to patients the indications, contraindications, and interpretation of results of diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy. See Roman Numeral II Medical Knowledge: Techniques and interpretation of pulmonary function testing. Nasal CPAP indications and use. Appropriate pulmonary therapy including oxygen supplementation, chest physical therapy, bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy. Understand the indications, contraindications, and interpret the results of diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy. See Roman Numeral II Practice-Based Learning Find and review literature appropriate to the patients being seen in consultation. Integrate the knowledge gained into improving quality of write ups and patient care. 2 See Roman Numeral II Interpersonal and Communication Skills: See Roman Numeral II Professionalism: See Roman Numeral II System-Based Practice: PLEASE SPECIFY Understand the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation and a multidisciplinary approach to the care of patients with chronic lung disease. Check Any Methods Used For Teaching and Assessment: [X] Ambulatory Clinic (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Annual In-service Exam (feedback written) [X] Attending Rounds (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Board Review (feedback written examination) [ ] Cancer Conference [X] Case Management Evaluation (360 degree written evaluation) [X] Chart Stimulated Recall & Feedback (feedback verbal) [X] Direct Observation and Feedback (feedback written & verbal) [ ] GME Core Curriculum [ ] Interns Report (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Journal Club (feedback written & verbal) [X] Medical Record Review (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Mentor Feedback (feedback written & verbal) [X] Monthly End of Elective Exam (feedback written) [X] Monthly Mini CEX (feedback written & verbal) [X] Monthly Competency Based Written Evaluation [ ] Morning Report (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Multidisciplinary Rounds Feedback (feedback verbal) [ ] Nursing Evaluation (360 degree written evaluation) [ ] Patient Evaluation (360 degree written evaluation) [ ] Patient Management Discussions (feedback written & verbal) [X] Procedure Logs [ ] Performance improvement Multidisciplinary Morbidity and Mortality (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Semi Annual Program Director Feedback (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Student Evaluation (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Supervised Sign-In Rounds (feedback written & verbal) [ ] Supervised Sign-Out Rounds (feedback verbal) [ ] Other _______________________________ Other Policies: 3 The Course Director recognizes that the trainee is accountable to all BMC Residency and GME Personnel Policies and Procedures. The Course Director recognizes that the residents are expected to attend all continuity clinics and mandatory educational conferences unless excused by the Program Director or Chief Medical Resident with advanced notice. Check The Educational Materials Used (beyond direct patient care): [X] Reading List: Marini et al, Respiratory Medicine for the House Officer, 2nd edition, Williams and Wilkins, 1987. Bordow et al (eds), Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine, 3rd edition, 1991. Felson, et al, Principles of Chest Roentgenology: A Programmed Text. W.B. Saunders, 1965. Marini et al. Critical Care Medicine: The Essentials. Williams and Wilkins, 1989. Sheffer et al (eds), Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. National Institute of Health, 1991. Murray et al, Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd edition, W.B. Saunders, 1993. Fraser et al. Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest, 3rd edition, W.B. Saunders, 1991. [X] Review of Appropriate Radiology Images: Chest XRAY, CT imaging and other images as they apply to patient care. [X] Review of Appropriate Pathology: As applies to patients being seen [X] Review of Appropriate Laboratory Data: As applies to patients being seen [ ] Articles from the Literature: As applies to patients being seen 4